Shining Star

By Livinandlovin

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Ariella Hino and Izuku Midoriya have been childhood friends since forever. Both go to UA High, are heroes and... More

Visible Scars
The Golden Shimmer
Broken Promises
Wicked Storm
Tag, You're It
Fear Factor
Jealousy Bites
Shattered Glass
And So it Begins
After the Storm


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By Livinandlovin

I stepped out of her room and shut the door behind me. Again, I quietly tiptoed my way back to my room, went in, and shut the door. I went over to my bed, sat down, and opened her journal.

Is this what she meant is for me? This journal or the gift box?

I started to read it then, it was basically her life up until that fateful day of her death. I came across that page and read it, tears spilling over my eyelids.

'June 25th,

Today has been a very hard and emotional day for me...

Deku still refuses to look at me, even after our breakup. I know I really hurt him by doing that, but I had too. Something just didn't feel right when he said he loved me... It felt like he half meant it, but then I thought back to that day on the beach with him, me, and Ariella.

I've always known she's been secretly jealous, she loves him. I can tell, she has ever since they've been kids, and that day proved I was right. She'd always look over at Deku and me, a sadness lingered in her eyes. But that day when she looked at us, Deku looked back he usually didn't. He too had a sadness lingering in his eyes.

It was like a, 'did I make the right choice?' sadden look and that's when I knew he loved her more than me. I just don't think he really realizes it quite yet, he's always talked about her and how close they've been.

When he said he gave her that butterfly necklace, he was so happy talking about it. Happier than he was with me... I do love him too, of course.

But, I don't want to give him real love that would not be given back to me. I love Ariella to death, she's my best friend and I would do anything for her. But right now, she's hurt me.

She's always had a very special place in Deku's heart, as do I. She and I are going out for a walk today, hopefully, we can talk about this all and still be friends...

P.S. Ariella, if you're reading this, then something happened to me. I love you so much, girl. Please take care of Deku for me, I know he'll take care of you too.

P.P.S. I have your birthday gift, even though it's not till September 10th. But I had to, it was perfect for you, plus it was selling out quickly. I hope you like it.'

I couldn't stop reading those last few lines over and over, my eyes wouldn't let me. Tears blurred my vision and they turned red again, not normal.


I closed the journal and picked up the rectangular gift box she left for me. I know I should wait for my birthday in three weeks, but I can't and opened it.

My eyes went wide through my tears, it was a crimson butterfly bracelet. It was so pretty, it was a dark red bracelet with a butterfly charm right in the middle of it.

I pulled it out of the box and put it on, only to cried harder. Red tears streamed down my cheeks and I couldn't stop them, I was so hurt and heartbroken.

"I'm so sorry for everything, Uraraka!" and dropped my face into my hands.


Seven o'clock rolled around and I woke myself up. I sat up and looked to the window, it was another rainy Saturday, I sighed.

I pulled my legs over the side of my bed and streached out. I got up from my bed went to my dresser, pulled out some clothes and got dressed. I headed for my door and made my way for the kitchen.

I swear I heard something moving around the dorms last night...

During the night I kept hearing something, it scared me and even woke me up for awhile. I almost went out of my room to look, but then it was gone.

I have a feeling it was Ariella...

Ariella was acting strange when we talked as she ate yesterday. Something was bothering her and I knew she was lying about it. She never wears nothing under a hoodie, even if it was mine.

I was about to reach the kitchen, when I heard something drop. The sound came from Ariella's room, I turned around and went for it.


I ran down the hallway to her room and stopped in my tracks, her door was slightly ajar. I hesitated for a second, waiting for her to come out but she didn't. I put my hand on the door and pushed it open.

Her room was dark, no light on, no window open. I looked over to her bed, she was sleeping but holding something. It looked like a book or some sort of a journal.

What the hell?

I made my way into her room and shut the door halfway, leaving the hall way light shinning in. I tiptoed over, being careful not to wake her. She was laying on top of her sheets in my hoodie.

One of her arms dangled over the edge of it while her other hand held a journal, not a book. Her cheeks were stained red, she had been crying.

I sighed, knelt down next to her and put my hand on her face. I took my thumb and caressed her cheek, she started to stir.

"Deku..." she mumbled and fell  back to sleep.

I blushed hard, is she dreaming of me?! Or did she just know by my touch...

I brought my hand down, "So, it was you I heard last night, but why..?"

I took my eyes from her as my blush faded. I looked around the room to see what it was that dropped, but didn't find it. I looked down to the floor then and my eyes went wide.

It was a crimson red butterfly bracelet, I picked it up and stared at it.

How in the hell did she get this?!

"She's not suppose to have this yet! How did she get this? It's been in my room this whole time for her birthday..."

That's when I saw a black regtangular box next to it, it had a red bow on it.

"Wait a minute... this isn't the gift box I picked. Mine's all red with a white bow on it..."

My eyes drifted back to the journal Ariella was still holding and I reached for it. Her grip was loose and I was able to pull it out with no disturbance. I took it and flipped through it. Tears stung my eyes, this journal belonged to Uraraka.

"How did you get this, Ariella..?" I said shakily.

I scimmed through all Uraraka's entries then came to sudden stop, my hand froze. It was the last entry before the time of her death.

'June 25th,

Today has been a very hard and emotional day for me...

Deku still refuses to look at me, even after our breakup. I know I really hurt him by doing that, but I had too. Something just didn't feel right when he said he loved me... It felt like he half meant it, but then I thought back to that day on the beach with him, me, and Ariella.

I've always known she's been secretly jealous, she loves him. I can tell, she has ever since they've been kids, and that day proved I was right. She'd always look over at Deku and I, a sadness lingered in her eyes. But that day when she looked at us, Deku looked back he usually didn't. He too had a sadness linger in his eyes.

It was like a, 'did I make the right choice?' sadden look and that's when I knew he loved her more than me. I just don't think he really realizes it quite yet, he's always talked about her and how close they've been.

When he said he gave her that butterfly necklace that day, he was so happy. Happier than he was with me... I do love him too, of course.

But, I don't want to give him real love that would not be given back to me. I love Ariella to death, she's my best friend and I would do anything for her. But right now, she's hurt me.

She's always had a very special place in Deku's heart, as do I. She and I are going out for a walk today, hopefully, we can talk about this all and still be friends...

P.S. Ariella, if you're reading this, then something happend to me. I love you so much, girl. Please take care of Deku for me, I know he'll take care of you too.

P.P.S. I have your birthday gift, even though it's not till September 10th. But I had to, it was perfect for you, plus it was selling out quickly. I hope you like it.'

My hands were shaking, I couldn't stop them. Tears spilled over my eyelids and the journal hit the ground with a loud thud, Ariella started to stir again.



I started to stir, I kept hearing one single voice that sounded a lot like Deku. I slowly opened my eyes and was blinded by light. I coverd them instantly, but dropped my hand and let them adjust.

I looked over to my door, it was half open. What the hell?I know I closed that...

I looked from it to my floor then, and my eyes went wide.


He was sitting on the floor shaking. Tears were spilling down his cheeks and he didn't even look my way,  I started to worry. I quickly got down from my bed, knelt in front of him and grabbed his shoulders.

I  shook him, "What's going on, Deku!"

Again nothing, then I followed his eyes. There on the ground next to him was Uraraka's journal and my bracelet. But his eyes were staring at the last entry before her death, mine went wider.

He read everything that she said!

"Look at me, Deku!"

Still nothing, I started to cry. I kept shaking him, even poked him but nothing worked and I couldn't take it anymore. I dug my nails into his shoulders as hard as I could, and he finally looked at me.

Tears were still streaming down his cheeks and his eyes were lost in a haze. I pulled my nails out and brought my hands to his face, he just stared.

"Please, don't be mad for what I'm about to do..." I said softly.

I hope this works...

I hestitated for a split second, then closed my eyes and kissed him. My heart rate skyrocketed as my lips met his and my body filled with sensation. I pulled away quickly, opened my eyes and was met with green ones.

Blush flooded his cheeks, "A-ariella..?!"

My cheeks burned as I brought  my hands down and turned from him.

"Sorry, Deku! I had to do something! You looked so lost..."

Silence filled the space between us, it was so awkward you could hear a pin drop. A rush of warmth hit my hands and I turned back. Deku was holding them, I looked up at him.

"I'm sorry, Ariella... I was just in shock, I didn't know Uraraka kept a journal."

"I didn't either, until she told me."

He gave me a look, "Til' she told you? When? She's not here..."

I sighed and squeezed his hands, "She told me in a dream... I've had a few of her, it's my way of keeping her close to me."

He squeezed mine back, "You're really brokenhearted, aren't you?"

"Of course! She was my best friend, Deku! I can't even see her or do things with her unless its in a dream! How are you not?"

He let go of my hands, "Who says I'm not? I still am she was my girlfriend, Ariella!"

"Why not me!? I've been there for you since we were kids! Do you have any idea how I felt when you started dating her?"

Tears were threating to return, I held them back the best I could. I moved myself into a sitting position and brought my hands to my arms. I squeezed them tight and  turned from him again.

"No... but I had a feeling something was wrong, Ariella. Will you please look at me?"

"Why? You read her last journal entry, Deku. You know why I can't..."

"Because you love me?"

My heart pained, "I have since we were kids. I just didn't have the courage to tell you, especially after what happened..."

"Why not? Did you think  I would of thought that you killed her over me?"

I turned back, tears tirckling down, "You already blamed me when it happened anyway! So, yes I did think that!"

He clenched his fists, "I would never! You were best friends, I told you already why I did! I was mad at myself..."

I stared at him as tears filled his eyes, my heart sank. You're hurting him, Ariella!

I brought my hands down from my arms. I placed one of them over his fists and brought the other back to his face. He stared back into my amber eyes, searching for relief.

"I know you wouldn't, I'm sorry it came out that way. You're not still thinking about that are you?"

"I can't help it, Ariella..."

"Don't do that to yourself, Deku. I learned that the hard way... After I visited my Mom and talked about blaming myself for it, she told me to stop. Do you know why?"


I gave a small smile as my crying stopped. "She told me I was only going to hurt myself, and that's exactly what you're doing."

He unclenched his fists, "I am, aren't I?"

I dropped my hand from his face and placed it on top of my other one. He pulled his hands out from under mine.

"Yes. All of us are still struggling with her not being here, but we're better. I noticed that last night."

He wiped his eyes, "I did too."

"I'm sorry you had to find out about my love for you in Uraraka's journal..."

He put his hand on my face, "You were going to tell me eventually, weren't you?"

"I was, but at the right time. She thinks you love me too, just don't know it yet."

He dropped his hand, "Well, she was right."

My eyes went wide, "Wait, what?"

He sighed, "After reading that entry, I was in shock sure. Then I thought about what she meant and it all came together."

"How did it come together?"

"When I told her I loved her, it felt like I meant it. But, my heart felt something else. She basically explained it right in that entry to me..."

I thought back to the entry then and my eyes went wider. Does he..?

"Wait, Deku are you saying...?"

He smiled, "That I love you and didn't realize it till now? Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying."

"Y-you do?"

He nodded, "After everything that went down with us and your Dad, and with what just happened now. It's pretty clear that I've been missing out on something."

"What do you mean with my Dad? Are you talking about our double attack?"

"I am. Remember All Might telling us that we have deep connection, Ariella?"

"Of course I remember."

"I think it's a love connection. Think about it for a second and you'll know."

I did. I thought back to everything that has happened, even all the way back to our childhood. The more I thought about it the more clearer it became.

Deku was right, we do have that type of a connection.

I smiled, "A love connection? Well, guess that would explain the emense power."

"Yeah, I did come to check on you earlier and found this." he held my bracelet up.

I took it, "Thanks, it must of fallen off my wrist. It's a birthday gift from Uraraka."

"Yeah, I know, she mentioned it. Don't you find it weird that she said something happened to her?"

I started to stand up, causing my legs to stummble. I caught the edge of my bed and help myself up, Deku followed and picked up the journal.

I put the bracelet on, "Yes, it was strange. It's like she knew Toga was after her."

"Probably, that girl is nuts. She's always after me..."

I giggled, "She is, but Toga's gone now. So, we don't need to worry."

"I hope so, Ariella."

"Relax Deku. If she even tries to come near you or any of us, I'll stop her ass."

"As long as you don't kill her... I can't-" I cut him off.

"Lose me too? I know, I heard you the first time and read what Uraraka said to me."

"What did she say to you that night?"

"It was her last words, she told me to take care of you and so, I will. Nothing's going to stop me from that."

He smiled again, "And I don't doubt you for a second. Do you want breakfast?"

I smiled back, "Of course, I'll help you out."

He put the journal on my bed, "Sounds good."

We headed for the door then. Just as we were about to walk out, he grabbed my wrist and spun me around to face him.

My cheeks flushed, "Uh, Deku?"

"Just one more thing..."

"Wh--!" and he kissed me.

His lips met mine and my body filled with sensation once again. It was a quick, sweet kiss with a hint of passion, I never felt anything like it before. It left me craving for more and he pulled away.

Damn it...

My heart was racing, "Deku!"

He winked, "That was for kissing me earlier."

I blushed,"That's not fair! I had to, nothing else was working..."

He laughed, "Im not mad at you at all for that, Ariella. Just wanted to tease you."

"Of course you did..." and with that, we headed out and went to the kitchen.


I was sitting in my room at my desk working on my story and my mind started to wander. I put my pen down and turned to the window. I looked out it, watching the colored leaves flow in the soft autumn breeze.

Three weeks have passed and it is now September, the weekend of my birthday. A lot has happened these past three weeks. Deku and I have started dating, but we've been keeping it on the down low.

We don't want the others to know yet so, we've just been keeping up the friends routine. I don't know how much longer it's going to last though...

We were training outside the dorms yesterday, working on our double attack. We knew we shouldn't be, but we had to try it again and got caught. And by none other than, Bakugou. He was angry, I saw it in his eyes but there was also jealousy.

I haven't told Deku about mine and Bakugou's double attack...

A soft knock was at my door, "Yes?"

"It's me, Ariella. May I come in?" it was Syu.

"Of course, Syu." and she came in.

I turned from the window to her, she was walking over to my desk. She hopped up on it and sat down, I closed my notebook.

"Happy Birthday, by the way." Syu said.

I smiled, "Thanks, it's weird being eightteen..."

She laughed, "Just means your starting to become an adult, Ariella."

"Ugh, I know. What brings you here, Syu?"

Her laughing stopped as a wave of seriousness came over, she stared at me. My cheeks started to burned with embarassement, I turned away.

I don't like that look...

"What is going on with you and Deku?"

My eyes went wide, "W-what are you talking about?"

"Ribbit! There is something going on, I knew it!"

I turned back, my cheeks burning, "Fine. There is...but how did you know?"

"Bakugou wasn't the only one who caught you and Deku yesterday, when you two were training."

My eyes went wider, "You saw that?!"

"Yes, what the hell was it? I saw fire and Midoriya's lightining mixed."

I sighed, damn. Guess I'm gonna have to tell her...

"It's a double attack we've been working on... It started after he and I ran into my Dad."

"Ribbit?! What? When did you two run into him?"

"You remember when All Might stopped by to talk to you guys, right?"

She nodded, "Yeah, he said you two got into a fight."

"That was when it happened. He just didn't tell you guys it was my Dad, I'm glad he didn't. There's no way I'd be able to tell you all about what happened with him."

"You mean about the assault?" Syu asked softly.

"Yeah... It'd be too much for me."

She put her hand on my shoulder, "You don't have to, only if you want too. Now, tell me about this double attack you and Midoriya have, I'm curious."

"I honestly still can't wrap my head around it, but it has to do with a love connection he and I have..."

She dropped her hand, "Wait a sec, a love connection, ribbit?"

I nodded, "It's what it seems like. When we did it the first time, I felt such immnese power between us. It even caused my necklace to change and my tears."

"Are you serious? What did they change too?"

"Well, my tears were red, but had a green tint to it. And my necklace spread itself over my chest."

"You realize how crazy that sounds, right?"

"I'm just saying what happened, Syu! I'm not lying, I even did it with Bakugou."

Her eyes went wide, "With Bakugou?! Ariella!"

"It's not my fault! It happened with him too, my tears and my necklace."

She shook her head, "This is all so confusing... Was it just your tears and necklace that changed? Or did something else happen?"

I sighed, "Something else happened. When I did it with both of them, I saw flashbacks of our childhood together."

"How is that possible, ribbit?"

"I saw them in my eyes. It was like I was watching my life flash before them and I wasn't even dying..."

I got up from my desk and push my chair back into it. I headed over to my bed as Syu got off from the desk. I leaned against my bed as she came over and stood in front of me crossing her arms.

"Hmmm, that is weird. Is that what made you cry?"

"Yeah, both times."

"Let me ask you this, Ariella. You said you think its a love connection, right?"

"Actually, Deku was the one that said it, but I thought about and it makes sense in some ways."

"When did he say that?"

I sat down on my bed, "When he said that he loved me."

Shock filled her face as she uncrossed her arms and she came over and jumped on my bed excitedly.

"Ribbit?! Did you finally tell him how you felt?"

"Not exactly... Uraraka kinda told him..."

She froze, "Uraraka told him?"

"Yes, in a journal she kept. I found it in her room one night, she written in it up until her death. I'd show you but..."

She unfroze and sat down next to me sighing. I wrapped my arms around myself and brought my legs up onto the bed.

"It's okay, you don't have too."

"I fell asleep with it. Deku saw it and took it way from me and read it."

"Damn... I'm sorry it happened like that, Ariella."

I gave a small smile, "Honestly, I'm okay. Granted I do wish I would of told him, but it all worked out."

"That's good..."

She trailed off as her expression went from happy to serious, she was thinking about something. Her eyes suddenly went wide I actually scooted back a bit,  it was kinda creepy.


I dropped my arms, "Uh, Syu?"

She grabbed my shouldes, "I've figured it out!"

My eyes went wide, "Figured what out?"

"Your love connection thing! You said that when you tried a double attack with Bakugou and Deku, you saw flashbacks, right?"

"Yes, why?"

"Think about, Ariella." and I did.

I thought back to everything, form our childhood together up until we started to go here and my eyes went wider.

My heart rate quickened, "No way! You can't mean..."

"You love both of them! That is the only way you could have such immense power with them."

"Are you out of your mind, Syu?! I don't love Bakugou, only Deku..."

"Ariella, there are different types of love. Did you feel anything with either of them?"

"I did... Deku's was way stronger than Bakugou's though."

"And there's your awnser, ribbit. You love both of them, one more than the other."

"I guess so... They've both been there for me since we were kids."

"Exactly. Now, I think it's time we head out to everyone. Are you going to be okay?"

I sighed and got up from the bed, Syu followed and we went for the door.

"Yes, I'll be fine. Hey, Syu," I started.

"What's up?"

"You are right about something going on with Deku and I besides the double move."

"Really? And that is?"

"We've started dating too, just been keping it on the down low. So don't tell anyone, okay?"

She smiled, "Don't worry, Ariella. Your secrets safe with me, but I'd be careful training with that attack around the dorms."

I gave one back, "Don't worry, we will." and we headed out into the living room.

Once we got out there, everyone started wishing me a 'Happy Birthday,' I couldn't help but smile. I am so glad my birthday's on a weekend this time, it wasn't last year.

I went over to the kitchen table as Syu went by the others. There on the table was a birthday cake for me, I smiled wider and turned to face them.

Happy tears filled my eyes, "You guys!"

"Happy Birthday, Ariella!" they all said and we ate the cake.

About an hour passed and we were all gathered in the living room. Everyone was doing their own thing while I sat on the couch just watching them, still smiling.

I would have never gotten through anything without them.

A sudden tap was on my shoulder, I turned looking over my shoulder.

"Hey, Ariella. Can you come into the kitchen for a second?" Deku asked, he was blushing.

"Of course, you're blushing again." and got up.

I followed him over to the table and leaned against it, he was holding something behind his back.

"Whatcha got there?" I asked.

He blushed harder as he brought it around, my eyes went wide. He had a small regtangular gift box, it looked a lot like the one Uraraka got me. But it was wrapped in red with a white bow, instead of black and red.

He handed it to me, "I-it's a birthday gift I got for you."

I smiled, "Thanks, Deku." and opened it.

My eyes went wider, it was another crimson butterfly bracelet. The exact one Uraraka gave to me, tears stung my eyes, Deku noticed.

"H-hey! Don't cry! I didn't take the one Uraraka gave you, I just got you the same one..."

I smiled through my tears, "It's beautiful. You two didn't go at the same time did you?"

"No, not at all. But I did think you stole it when I saw it in your bedroom, then I saw the box it was in."

I wiped my eyes, "You know I would never do that, Deku."

He smiled, "I know. You like it right?"

"I love it. Do you wanna put it on for me?"

His blush was back as I pulled it out and handed it to him to put it on my wrist.

"S-sure." and he did.

My body tingled as his fingers brushed against my wrist when he put it on next to Uraraka's. I didn't want him to stop but he did, soon as it clasped together.

He lifted his head and stared into my eyes as he dropped his hand from my wrist. His eyes were filled with passion as he stepped closer, my cheeks burned.

"I want to kiss you, Ariella. But, everyone is in here..."

My cheeks burned hotter as I dug my nails into my palms.

I want him to touch me more.

"I want you to kiss me too..."

"What the hell is going on over here?!" Bakugou snapped.

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