Hadrian Potter (wbwl story)

By boredhumanalert

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Lily and James Potter had two boys "born as the seventh month dies". The oldest was Evan James Charlus Potter... More

Chapter 1 - Twins are born!
Chapter 2 - the high before the fall
Chapter 3 - Halloween
The main characters
Chapter 4 - Hogwarts
Chapter 5 - Reunited
Chapter 6 - Potions
Chapter 7 - Triwizard Tournament
Chapter 9 - The Yule Ball
Chapter 10 - the second task
Chapter 11 - Third task
Chapter 12 - Final Chapter

Chapter 8 - The first task

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By boredhumanalert

Hadrians POV:

Ok so it is the first task today. Oh I also found out who put Evans name in the cup. You see the Weasley Twins gifted me a piece of parchment which was actually a map, called the marauders map which my ex-father and his friends made. Aka Padfoot, Moony and Wormtail.

Wormtail is kinda cool, I mean yeah he's a death eater and yeah he sold us out to Voldy but I wouldn't be Marvolos best bud if he hadn't!! Marvolo wouldn't be sane and I wouldn't be free from James and Lily!!

He managed to escape before the aurors arrested him on Halloween. I've met him a few times. He's a right coward but also a pretty good wizard no matter how much everyone denies it. I mean come on! The kid became an animagus at 15! He can throw killing curses like it's NOTHING that takes power!! And intent obvs...

Anyway back to who put Evans name in...Barty CrouchJr one of my favourite DE's. He's rather like me, finds entertainment in Evan practically shitting himself having to face DRAGONS.

Oh this is going to be GOOD!

I wrote a letter to Bellatrix and the Lestrange twins about how he'd have to face dragons and let's just say they were delighted. In fact they all said they were going to sneak in, under glamours obviously and they can because the real moody isn't here to see them with his eye as Barty has it.

So back to the task. It was Evans turn and you'll never guess what! He got the Hungarian Horntail!

He came out into the stadium, the dragon wasn't in sight as it was 'hiding' but it was actually waiting for him to try and reach her eggs so she could fry him. I talked to her in the forest using parseltongue seeing as she is a reptile as it works for snakes, lizards and dragons. I told her that the egg was a fake but to still go nutty on him for amusement purposes. Let's just say she gave me a dragons version of a grin and said we'd be great friends. Her name was Ruby.

As I watched the biggest twat alive, I felt excitement bubble up in my chest, in anticipation for him to get himself killed. Yes I sound like a psycho but who cares. I'm Hadrian Sirius Orion Peverell. Best friend of the dark lord. No matter how much the Slytherin Lord denies.

Evan being Evan decided to merrily walk over there as if he'd seen an ice cream truck waiting for him. And just as everybody thought, the dragon cane roaring out, attacking him from all sides. He was screaming like a little girl, it was so loud many people were covering their ears to stop their eardrums from bursting.

Evan ended up summoning his broom and flying wobbly around it. He ended up badly burnt and with a broken left arm. Yet he still somehow had a pompous smirk on his ugly face.

He came last much to my endless amusement I mean he barely managed to get the egg. I wouldn't be surprised if the old coot had used his magic to push the egg towards Evan.

Remember in the real book moody helped Harry so he didn't die. Without him Harry would have probably died in the first task. In this Evan hadn't got Moody helping him. Well I say moody I actually mean Barty but whatever. Riddle only ordered barty to enter Evan for pure enjoyment.

Anyway after the first task we found out there was a Yule ball. I already knew this from reading the rule book on the tournament with Fleur and Victor.

Victor I knew was going to ask Hermione Granger. A mudblood that USED to follow Evan everywhere. Key word used. She finally realised he was a pillock. And then she apologised to us for her rudeness and got a resort into Ravenclaw which she seemed way happier in.

Fleur was attending with a boy named Roger Davis. He seemed all right to me. Little bit of a cocky prick but who isn't.

Evan on the other hand was going with a girl named Parvati Patil. I knew the only reason she was going with him was because he was a champion.

Draco was going with Pansy obviously. Theo was going with Tracey Davis a pretty halfblooded slytherin. Blaise was going with Millicent Bulstrode.

And finally me, I asked Daphne and she said yes.

Next Chapter: Yule Ball


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