American Royalty at Hogwarts

By shark_fanatic

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a/n I was really inspired by @bluefood3 story 'A Royal Family At Hogwarts'. Part 1 of 'You should see me in... More

Chapter 2: We journey to the land of tea drinkers
Chapter 3: Staring at hot teens is unhealthy (and creepy)
Chapter 4: It's time to boil the kettle (cause the tea is getting hot)
Chapter 5: We try some roasted phoenix
Chaper 6: All aboard the Piggypimples Express!
Chapter 7: An invasion of thoughts
Chapter 8: The snakes shed their skin
Chapter 9: Beware of the spades (in the deck of cards silly)
Chapter 10: Chinese Whispers just got intense
Chapter 11: Don't let the bed bugs bite
Chapter 12: Charmtastic!
Chapter 13: Do you promise?
Chapter 14: It's time for a history lesson
Chapter 15: To be or not to be
Chapter 16: I am woman, hear me roar
Chapter 17: Down to Business
Chapter 18: It's all coming together now
Chapter 19: The Slytherin Angst Sesh
Chapter 20: What you gonna do? Repress it!
chapter 21: Don't be suspicious
Chapter 22: Scream till you're raw
Chapter 23: Forgive and forget? No thanks
Chapter 24: Winter's coming

Chapter 1: I become a fairytale princess

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By shark_fanatic

Percy's POV: 

As a demigod, Percy was used to bizarre circumstances being sprung onto him out of the blue. It had happened enough times that he just wasn't surprised when someone told him something that was clearly out of a fantasy book, but who was he to judge? His father was Poseidon, God of the seas, according to mortals the Gods were just a myth and shouldn't exist. But this was definitely something that he will have to cross off his '50-things-to do-before-20' bucket list for demigods.

The day had started out fairly average for Percy, he had woken up, had a quick shower, and rummaged through his messy drawer to find something to wear. He went with his classic orange camp half-blood shirt, dark blue Bermuda shorts, and flip flops.

He quickly attempted to tidy his bed before exiting his cabin and making his way to the dining pavilion. It was fairly full, Percy was never an early riser but he supposed it was an improvement, they usually had to send Annabeth to wake him up before breakfast was over.

He made his way over to the Poseidon table and sat down filling his plate with an assortment of cheese, bread, and fruits before making his way to the bonfire and threw in a large piece of bread and a small handful of blueberries. "To Poseidon." Smoke rose from where he sacrificed his food and the aroma of freshly baked bread and blueberry pancakes filled his nostrils. He made his way back to his table and began to tuck in.

"Good morning seaweed brain." Annabeth slid in next to him, kissing him on the cheek and setting her plate down. Percy smiled at his fiancée and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Hey wise girl, how did you sleep?" He grinned through the mouthful of blueberries that he just shoved into his mouth and made a start on his cheese and bread combo. Annabeth shrugged at his question, her lips were pinched between her teeth as she spread cream cheese onto a slice of bread and plopped a few berries on top.

"I slept fine, just a usual nightmare but it didn't wake me up this time." Percy hummed in understanding, it had been a week since Gaea's defeat and while most things had gone back to normal there were still a lot of things that hadn't quite. Percy could easily present a 10 slide PowerPoint as to why all of the demigods were not ok (mostly mentally) but he would need a laptop and a projector to do that, which he, unfortunately, didn't have.

"How are your siblings doing?" Percy summoned some blue hot chocolate into his mug and began taking cautious sips. Annabeth set down her mug of coffee.

"They're doing better, I think the whole camp is. I know that it will take some time, especially with two wars in the space of two years but as long as we're all together." She glanced up at him, a mellow smile on her face. Percy tightened his grip on her waist and pulled her closer, his smile matching hers.

"As long as we're together."

"I think I'll stop the two of you right there before the PDA commences." Percy stuck his tongue out at Leo as he plopped himself down from across them, Calypso settling herself beside him smiling at them in greeting.

"Real mature seaweed brain." Annabeth drawled, rolling her eyes at him. Percy opened his mouth, most likely about to make a sassy comeback.

"I'm assuming you both had a good rest last night?" Calypso intervened before a battle of the words could occur between the two.

"I slept well, I had a strange dream that Mr. D tuned me into a dolphin, it actually wasn't that bad." Percy shrugged as he shoved a few more blueberries into his mouth.

Leo snorted through a hastily put together sandwich, "Like that would be any different, you're already part fish." Percy frowned at Leo's response, why does everyone assume that anything that swims in the ocean is a fish.

"Dolphins aren't fish, they're mammals actually." He corrected.

"No way, if it lives in the ocean it has to be a fish!"

"Not everything is, whales are actually mammals. Dolphins and whales have to regularly come up for air because of it."

"What next? Sharks are actually mammals too."

"No, they're fish."

"But how-"

"How about you both shut up, Chiron's about to make an announcement." Annabeth scowled at them, tilting her head towards the centaur who had begun to rise out of his wheelchair, catching the attention of the other campers who began to subside their conversations.

"Good morning campers! I hope that most of you slept well." Murmurs flew around the camp as the demigods all at once attempted to provide the centaur with a satisfactory answer, Chiron lifted a hand up to silence them once more, once their voices had completely faded in the space of the dining pavilion he continued speaking. "Good, it's nice to see that we're all improving. Well, let's move on to today's announcement." Shockingly it caught the immediate attention of all the half-bloods, I know, imagine having that privilege to catch the attention of over 100 ADHD demigods, that centaur deserves a medal.

"All activities have been cancelled for today as there'll be a Head Counsellor meeting after breakfast and it may take all day." A few groans and cheers were thrown around the area at the news, Annabeth frowned at the information pondering over what could be so important that Chiron had to cancel all activities and have a meeting possibly lasting all today. Her grey eyes caught the concerned look that Percy threw her way. They stared at each other for a few seconds communicating through raised eyebrows, widened eyes, and the occasional quirk of the lip. His hand on her waist gave a quick squeeze before he planted a gentle kiss to the crown of her head. As long as we're together.

Chiron settled down as he allowed himself to be drowned in the rising noise of the children and teens, he bit into a stick of celery and let out a weary sigh, he wished that he didn't have to burden the heroes with a plausible quest so soon after the war, on the bright side at least there was the possibility that there might be no prophecy and it may be relatively undemanding for them. He stroked the hairs of his beard as his mind wandered off, perhaps they could use this as a chance to take a break besides what's the worst that could happen to them?

At 12 Grimmauld Place...

Third-person PoV:

Harry frowned down at the piece of parchment paper as he scribbled away. Even though he still had two weeks of the holiday left to complete his summer homework he still felt like it'd be near impossible to even complete it at all, he still had to try though at least with his potion homework, it would just provide Snape with even more of a reason to give him detention.

He could feel Hermione and Ron's eyes burning into his back as he faced away from them in an effort to do some work. He was still angry at them for not owling him while he was left ignorant of the going on's in the wizarding world. But they didn't matter right now he had to concentrate on his work. Harry was interrupted from his train of thoughts by a knock on the door, the door swung open before any of them could respond.

"Hey." Ginny gave Harry a shy smile before turning to look at Ron. "We're all being called down for an Order meeting." Ah, right, the Order of the Phoenix, the group that Dumbledore created with the sole purpose of defeating Voldemort, but clearly Harry wasn't good enough to join despite fighting Voldemort and surviving last year.

"Why would they want us to join them when they've done everything they can to stop us from eavesdropping?" Ron scowled, his nose wrinkled and the freckles on his cheeks and nose moved with it. Just yesterday they had used some of George and Fred's test products: Extendable Ears to try and catch anything, but a Muffliato charm had been cast on the door and thus their eavesdropping had ended.

"I suppose it must be something important then," Hermione concluded as she shut the cover of the book she was reading and set it down on the bed. "Let's go before they change their mind." They all nodded and followed Ginny down to the dining room where the rest of the Order were already seated along with the other residents of the house, there were also two other occupants that surprised him, one that Harry recognized the other he didn't.

Sitting next to Tonks was Cedella Wyvern, she was a pureblooded Gryffindor with dark skin, her hair was braided into a bob and her artic eyes stared blandly at the young woman as she made polite conversation with her. Cedella had joined Hogwarts in their fourth year after being homeschooled for the first three, she was nearly sorted into Ravenclaw but was put in Gryffindor, possibly because she would always say what's on her mind regardless of how it made the person feel.

The Golden Trio didn't quite get along with Cedella, she hung around the Purebloods mostly and any Half-Bloods that were from a respectable family, surprisingly she also hung around any Muggle-Borns that were high up in their society, Hermione commented that she most likely did this as her family was well-known in the Muggle world and that she was definitely forging future connections with her peers. Since see hung around Purebloods that meant her main friendship group consisted of Slytherin's, which Harry was shocked that they would still associate with her because of the house difference, she was particularly close with Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini, no one in Hogwarts knew exactly what her relationship with them was as she frequently flirted with the both of them.

As much as Harry hated Malfoy and his gang he won't deny that towards the end of the fourth year a lot of the Slytherin's began to leave the other houses alone and adopted a rather nonchalant manner, while most people of the other House's enjoyed this change he thought it was suspicious especially since Voldemort came back to life at the end of that school year.

Next to Cedella sat a rather stoic woman, she was dressed elegantly in silk robes and her hair was smoothed back. She shared the same artic eyes that Cedella bore. She would give the barest hints of a smile as she conversed with Professor McGonagall.

Dumbledore called for their attention as Harry and co. found themselves a place to stand. "Thank you all for coming, I have some news to share with you all, Kingsley if you'd please." The headmaster stepped back to allow the Auror to take the lead.

"Again, thank you all for coming, while the news I'm about to share doesn't quite connect with you-know-who it may pike his interest at some point due to the power that they possess, this year at Hogwarts the Ministry decided to invite some special guests from overseas to stay with us and to broaden connection with other magical governments and communities. This is also why we are joined by Lady Kyndall Wyvern and her heir Cedella Wyvern." Kingsley motioned towards the two who gave stiff smiles to the Order.

"As you're aware the magical community in America has a different hierarchy to ours, to strengthen relationships and to also distract the rest of the British Magical community from the events at the Quidditch World Cup from last year and the end results of the Triwizard Tournament the Ministry of Magic have invited the youngest Princes and Princesses along with some of their Marquesses, Marchionesses, Earl's and Countesses of the Olympia family to experience British Wizarding life and British Wizarding school for a year." Everyone immediately started talking at once, I mean who wouldn't if Wizarding Royalty would be coming to visit your school?

"Blimey! Imagine that, Royalty coming to Hogwarts? It's like something new has to happen every year eh?" Ron commented as he stared off into space at the ceiling.

"I wonder what they'll be like, I hope they're not stuck up like Malfoy, that'll be a bloody nightmare." Harry grumbled, imagining a bunch of people who looked like Malfoy simultaneously yelling that they'll 'tell my father about this'.

"I hope not, it would dampen the whole feel of the year. If that was the news then why is Cedella and her mum even here?" Hermione thought.

"I'm glad that you asked that Granger." Hermione blushed as Cedella turned to look at the brown-haired girl with a toothy grin, the chatter in the room died down as Kyndall Wyvern stood up and all attention was drawn to her.

"As Kingsley said earlier, my heir and I are here for that reason."

"What more is there to tell." A random member of the order shouted out.

Kyndall's eyes narrowed at him, the wizard shrunk back. "I could've just simply not told Kingsley at all and none of you, not even Dumbledore, would've known till the day before and by then there would be nothing extra that you could do apart from ensuring that there is the appropriate accommodation to house them at Hogwarts for the school year." Her voice was sharp and swirled up tension quicker than a blender.

"Is there anything that the Ministry has said to you that may prove to be useful?" Snape's voice drawled.

"Actually there are a few things that the MInistry has let slip Professor." Cedella rose to stand beside her mother, she straightened her back and rolled her shoulders before opening her mouth to speak again. "They've already assigned a new DADA professor I'm afraid Professor Dumbledore, and I bring with a heavy heart to announce it to be Umbridge, the Ministry is perhaps trying to interfere with Hogwarts or maybe they assigned her that position to ensure that nothing...peculiar happens this year while we have our guests.

"The entire exchange is being managed by High Duchess Hecate of MAUSCA, the Ministry of Magic has assigned my family to be their host when they arrive in Britain on August 28th. The Ministry has even provided us with a detailed plan for a tour of Magical Britain that only covers the glory that has been accomplished completely ignoring any facts about dark wizards like Voldemort." A lot of people in the Order flinched at the sound of his name.

"What are we going to be doing about Voldemort anyway?" Sirius questioned as some of the people in the room flinched their eyes darted around the room momentarily as if they expected him to pop out the door and blast them to death, directing it at Dumbledore, the attention was transferred to the powerful wizard, who simply stroked his beard and pursed his lips.

"It won't be long till Voldemort finds out about this..." The old wizard murmured in the quiet room.

"You have a spy at least don't you?" Kyndall spoke.

"How did you know that we had a spy?" Moody rose to his feet, wand pointed at the witch's face, she sniffed down at his wand and waved her hand, the wand flew to the other side of the room as she rolled her eyes.

"You just told me, and it would be stupid to not have one." She met his glare with a snarl of her own as she elegantly lowered herself onto her seat.

"I suppose you are right my dear, now if that is all why don't we all fill our bellies before we discuss anything further?" Murmurs of agreement went around the kitchen as the Weasley matriarch began to busy herself with serving up food for the large group of people present.

"From the way that they were talking about the Royals I almost thought that they were going to say that they were to stay here, thank goodness mum would have had us cleaning from top to bottom till they would arrive," Ginny muttered to the trio.

"No offense to Sirius but it's a good thing that they aren't either, this place isn't exactly welcoming." Cedella walked over to them.

"This place is plenty welcoming and quite frankly you aren't welcome here," Harry growled at her, Cedella simply looked at him with an unamused sniff and carried on talking.

"As I said, no offense, but for starters, they wouldn't be able to stay here at all period. Sirius is a wanted convict and any transfers between magical communities are managed through the governments and they often provide a host or guide family when you arrive to either let you temporarily stay with them or show you around the community. Going back to my point this house would be the last place the Ministry would send them to stay regardless as it doesn't really provide a good reflection of British Wizarding society." She explained.

"You mentioned a host family to guide foreigners around the community. Do you perhaps need some help in doing that with the Royals? I'm sure I'd be happy to help, along with Ron and Harry." Hermione piped up. Ron choked as he let out a muffled protest.

Cedella let out a small chuckle and shook her head. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to reject your offer, Hermione. Hmm, how do I put this? Quite frankly the Ministry of Magic didn't think either of you is appropriate enough to give them a tour, especially since Skeeter wrote that lovely article on how deranged you've gone, Potter." Cedella snickered behind her hand. "Besides I already have help with the tours, they said that Draco and Blaise are more than adequate to aid me." She droned as she inspected the condition of her nails.

"Leave Harry alone Wyvern, I don't understand why you even bother to hang out with those soon-to-be Death Eaters." Ron sneered at her.

Cedella gave Ron a pitying look, "Poor child, he's not able to look past the house that someone was assigned to see that they're not evil, if anything you saying that all Slytherin's are evil just reinforces the fact." She took a step closer and grabbed Ron by the front of his robes and gave a spine-shivering glower in his face. "If I hear you insult either of them again I won't hesitate to shove your wand up your arse, capiche?" Ron quickly nodded as she let go of his robes and gave them a bright smile. "Ta ta, see you all at Hogwarts."

"Don't worry mate, there's no way in hell we're letting her shove anything up your arse, c'mon let's go get something to eat." Harry slung an arm around his friend's shoulders and steered him towards where Molly was handing out bowls of stew.

Back at Camp Half-Blood, In the Big House...

Third-Person PoV:

The Head Counselors sat around the ping-pong table as they waited for Chiron to brief them on why he had called a meeting, surprisingly for 21 ADHD demigods squeezed around a game table they were relatively quiet and still. While their hands did twitch and their legs bounced they all sat voicelessly with the tension being thick enough to be scooped out of the air and eaten. Even Clovis was awake (barely).

"Ahhh good, you're all here." Chiron trotted in, a tight smile worn upon his face, the counselors exchanged a few looks as they determined that whatever they were about to be told they most likely were not going to like. Behind the centaur a pale-skinned woman entered after him, her black hair barely reached her shoulders and green eyes came to rest on each half-blood as she studied them individually. Her image seemed to shift as if there were three of her, she wore a dark sleeveless gown that rippled in an invisible wind complete with a pair of black sandals. In one hand she carried an old-fashioned reed torch that burnt with green flames. Accompanying her was a polecat that wriggled around her legs and a she-dog that trotted beside her.

The demigods rose from their seats and kneeled down to the goddess.

"Lady Hecate."

"Mother." Lou Elen spoke.

"Rise demigods, daughter, you may all wish to get comfortable as we may be here for a while, especially considering ADHD." They silently nodded as they waited for either Hecate or Chiron to continue. Dread filled their veins as they prayed in their minds to whatever god or goddess would listen to them right now that this wouldn't be a quest.

"As you all know the wizarding world exists." They all gave reluctant nods to their trainer. At some point in their time at CHB, every demigod had at least come across one wizard or witch who has questioned whether they be muggle or wizard, the only instruction that they had all been told when landed in such a situation was to say that they were from the 'Olympia family'. "Well, we believe it's about time that we at least brief you seeing as we've received an invitation from the wizards of Britain to attend their wizarding school for the year, it's mostly just for politics but it might be a nice break for you all."

"Wait, they want us to attend their school? What kinda politics are we talking about?" Chiara, a demigod daughter of Tyche, questioned.

Hecate stepped forward and the attention was drawn to her once more. "A couple of years before the pantheon moved to America I convinced the gods to get more involved in the comings and goings of wizarding society, in order to avoid too much suspicion from the wizards the gods decided to name themselves as the Olympia family, an extensive family that's filled with wizards and witches of incredible power with a rich culture in Greece and Italy.

"Not only is the 'Olympia family' big but are also royalty, in fact, I run the wizarding government MAUSCA here in the USA. With the political side, magical Britain recently had a bad year and the government believes that being visited by royalty may lift their spirits but also strengthen alliances."

"Ok, but where do we come in exactly?" Nico queried.

A sinister grin spread across Hecate's face as the polecat that was scrambling around her feet passed wind. "Why you'll be going to represent the 'family'."

"So you want us to go to this school to represent ourselves as royals to the Brits?" Clarisse grunted. Hecate nodded with glee as they all let out an audible groan.

"Why?" Piper groaned.

Percy banged his head onto the ping-pong table startling those around him. "Please don't let it be another quest. Please don't give us a prophecy." He muttered to himself like a mantra, banging his head repetitively again and again.

"You keep doing that seaweed brain and you'll have no brain cells left," Annabeth uttered.

"I think that's his plan, if you have no brain cells then the gods can't send you on quests." Travis pointed out.

"So are we all princesses or something?" Connor unhelpfully asked.

"Where are our tiaras then?" Travis demanded with a maniacal grin on his face.

"No, you're both Marquesses though, the only Prince's and Princesses are the* children of the eldest gods and goddesses. Those who are children of those in the Olympian Council are Marquesses and Marchionesses. The demigods of other gods and goddesses are Earl's and Countesses." Hecate explained further.

"So I'm officially a princess?" Katie hummed "If I can use that power to get the Stolls to stop pranking my cabin then I don't mind." She glowered at the two brothers who innocently looked away from Katie while the rest of the demigods let out a little chuckle.

"I'm guessing that we're gonna have to learn how to fit into these roles right?" Damien presumed.

Hecate nodded at the son of Nemesis while the other occupants of the room muttered complaints. "You'll have just under two weeks to get better suited into your roles and briefed on any other information that may be necessary to your mission. As for who's officially going..." The goddess trailed off as the apprehension in the room rose once again.

"There will be no prophecy and this isn't a quest so more than three shall be going." Sighs of relief left their mouths, Percy lifted his head from the table, a large bruise was centered on his forehead but was quickly covered by the length of his hair. Clovis has awoken once again and sneezed out the pencils that Pollux and Lou Ellen had been stuffing up his nose. "You all shall be accepting this invitation and attending Hogwarts-" A round of muffled laughter was sent around the table as the demigods attempted to silence their laughter, Hecate looked at them with a raised eyebrow before continuing. "As I was saying, you all shall be attending Hogwarts along with a few other demigods that I have chosen."

"Woah, and there's already 21 of us going, that's a lot of people." Percy murmured.

Chiron cleared his throat as they redirected their eyes to him. "You'll all also be accompanied by Thalia, Jason Grace, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, and Reyna Ramírez-Arellano. While the praetors of Camp Jupiter are away they have been replaced by temporary praetors, the other demigods will be arriving tomorrow to start what you'll be learning until you all leave."

"I have a question," Annabeth stated. Hecate nodded her head at her to continue. "You said that we'll be attending a wizarding school, are we expected to catch up along with fitting into our roles in just two weeks, cause no offense but I don't think all of us can concentrate that long. And what about those of us that had plans for this year?"

"Well it's a good thing that I shall be giving you all my blessing then, it'd be best that I do this while you're all asleep so there's a possibility that you will all have a headache tomorrow morning. As for your plans, I will do whatever I can to help, need some grades for finishing High School? Done." The goddess clapped her heads together and a wicked grin was spread across her lips.

"Let's get down to all the little details of this trip shall we?"

*(a/n I headcanon that they're either engaged or gave each other a promise ring after BoO or before they go to attend New Rome like if I went through what they did I would defo slap a ring on it)                                                                                                                                                                            (a/n I acc can't believe that Pottermore said I'm a Gryffindor, although on the new one it did say I could be a Ravenclaw I don't really see myself as one I honestly though I'd be Slytherin cause I'm really ambitious when it comes to my education and upping dat CV)           (a/n I think I should make the children of Demeter princes and princesses too since Demeter is one of the eldest goddesses and we all forget how much power they as demigods actually possessed, and also recognition)                                                                                      (a/n I'm thinking of mentioning how both camps probably became more incorporated with each other, like rn they might be starting with smaller changes like how they train their troops and lets be honest Annabeth might want to build something like New Athens once she finishes college)                                                                                

Annnnnndddd there's chapter one! Whew, that was a lot of writing in one chapter fam, so what do you guys think. Cause truth be told I had such trouble writing this, I've never had to write with so many character before and also making sure that they're all included and keep them in character too.

So would you guys prefer me to write these in long chapter like this or shorter chapter? If you guys want them longer they might not all be as long as this one, I needed to build up the beginning of this story. I'm thinking of trying to add these up onto or A03, not sure if I should do both, either or neither yet.

Please leave comments, I wanna make sure that my readers are happy and criticism is damn well welcome.

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