
By shrimpilex

16 0 1

A group of teenagers get captured by the government for experimental practice later reaveled to fight for the... More


Chapter 1: The capture

4 0 0
By shrimpilex

S: Sir we are prepared for them. Y:Carry on then.

    S: Sir Kaito and Miss Mizumi I wish to take you somewhere. K: Did our father send you to get us. S: No I have decided to show something worthy for you both. K: Is this some kind of trick what, are you planning to do with us. M: Remember be more open to people we can trust the agent after all they are close to father. K: fine whatever, take us with you Agent Adams. A: Right away young master.

    A: We will be leaving in this car. K:ok. *they leave in the car and later arrive at the military camp.* K: We are at the military camp father sent you didn't he. A: indeed he did he didn't want to say goodbye though it made him sad. K: Ok I get he wanted me here but why is my sister here? A: That is something you two shall figure out all I was told was that this is an experiment that is harmless. K: is that really all you have to tell me why don't we go back I already said I didn't want to come here. A: I'm afraid that you are no longer able to go back home. Also have a good sleep. K: Wai- what do you mean a good sleep..WHERE"S MY SISTE-. A: *covers Kaito's mouth with a cloth.* have a good sleep young master.

    K: *opens eyes* where am I...oh yeah the military camp wait..why am I sitting...WHY am I sitting..? Why is it so dark and why am I strapped down? ?: Rise and shine sleepy head! K: what? ?: I said morning. K: look kill me or whatever just let my sister go. ?: calm down buddy I don't mean any harm, I never said I was going to hurt you also call me by Tate then we won't be strangers anymore. All I'm going to do is inject animals dna into you with other minerals. K: Seems a bit suspicious but, not much I can do. Tate: I'm impressed by how co operated you are. K: i never said I was cooperative I'm tied down and struggling would be no help. Sooo.....You're putting animal blood in me.... Tate: exactly seems kinda weird huh? K:yeah..just a bit. Tate: soo.. You're going to experience immense pain since your body will begin growing features from the animal DNA being injected into you. Your overall appearance will also change including your eye and hair colors. K: Just get it over with. Tate: We shall begin then.

K: H-HOW DOES IT HURTS SO BAD.. It hurts so much and I can't even scream. I can't even say anything. What the hell is happening. My body feels like it's being stretched. It feels so weird and gross but very painful. *cough* what the crap that's blood. Father said I wouldn't be hurt. It's starting to fade black......som...somebody....save me.......please..

Tate:Did he die that soon? I though he would be the most successful. His sister lived so what's wrong with him? K: *cough*cough* Tate: oh welcome back you lived after all why don't you take a look at your new self in the mirror. K: This is the new me? Why the hell do you look so happy? Tate: well you lived and I have high hopes for you. K: what's that supposed to mean? actually don't answer you'll probably say "I'll figure it out soon." Tate: Well you're actually correct on that. K: So now that I look like this what do you plan on doing now. Tate: I'm not sure all I have to do is take you to your cell the ones higher above have the information on what's next. *they walk towards a cell container.*

    K: There sure are a lot of cells containment areas. Tate: Well you aren't the only teenager we've captured. We had 20 kids just like you but it seems that only 8 including you have survived. K: You mean they couldn't handle the DNA? I only coughed up a little bit of blood. Tate: Well from what i'm told they couldn't handle the magic power surging in them. Each of you were injected some of you may have the same animal but, each creature has a special ability with them. K: So what the hell am I supposed to be. I would think like a weird wolf or fox but, the ears are too long while my tail is long and only has long fur at the end. Tate: I'm told that they have managed to catch a kitsune and obtain it's blood. K:Aren't those things powerful creatures able to fight dragons. Tate: With dragons being gone for centuries the kitsunes had no enemies to rivle with and have become rather lazy in evolution. K:ok I guess that makes a little more sense. All of this still seems confusing. Ok, so let me get this strait you captured us and gave us animals DNA that contained magical properties that some people couldn't handle it so they died. Tate: yeah that's pretty much it except I'm not the one who capture you it's the government. K: What would the government wan't to do with us like this? Tate: I'm not really sure like I said putting the DNA into you guys was my only job. K: fine you can leave me alone in my cell now. Tate: goodbye then call me if you need anything.

    K:hm there sure are quite a few kids. there are only seven though wheres the eighth. I wonder who it is. Tate: Welcome this will be your new roommate enjoy the company and try to get to know each other. K:so... how'd you get here. Roommate: They picked me up from my house. K: You sound really familiar. R: You seem like someone I know too....WAI- KAITO. K: WAIIIIIII- YOU'RE HARUTO. H: I think I'm going to puke. K: I think I'm going to die. Tate: You two sure are getting along. K: Do I really have to be with him? ?: I'm afraid so. H: Just kill me already I don't want to put up with him.Tate: What's with you guys and dying are you guys ok? K: I'd be better if he wasn't here. H: Why are you so mean (T^T). K: you're that one who started it. H: Not really but I guess I'll be quite now. Tate: Well the government want's to arrange a thing for all 8 of you to get to know each other since you'll be working together. K: alright.

Tate: Ok everyone these are all 8 of you now talk and learn about each other since you guys will be working together. K: I wonder if sis made it I hope she did. The smart thing would be to check if any look like her. Hm one girl has dark blue hair like me but she doesn't look like her. Oh, that girl has light blue hair but looks exactly like my sister besides the weird animal features. Hey do you happen to know my sister? M: Kaito I'm so happy you made it. There are so many weird people here and it hurts so much when they gave me the shot. I look so weird and disgusting. K: hey, hey you aren't disgusting you're still as beautiful and amazing as you were before. M: Thanks Kaito but, when are we going to get out of here? K:we'll get out eventually but, I'm not sure if we'll ever return normal. Though I would like to stay a little longer to see what they wan't to do with us and, the weird person from before said that we have special powers and I want to figure out what they are. M: I already found out mine I think. K:Wait what, how? M: I can create a plasma like substance from my hands and shoot it. K: That's pretty cool but, dangerous. How did you learn to do it. M: It just happened on accident and it burned the chair. K:Like I said dangerous. Well we should get to know the others now huh. M: yeah.

    K: Hello there you must be haruto's sister right. If I remeber correctly your name is Musashi right? Musashi: yeah and you're Kaito right. K: Yup that's correct. You look so beautiful. Musashi: aww thank you. Meanwhile with Mizumi. Hi there what's your name? H: aww you don't know me I'm from you school and I "hang out" with your brother. Mizumi: oh are you Haruto I didn't recognize you everyone looks different now. H: Yeah no kidding heh. You still look amazing though so that's good. Mizumi: Thanks my brother said the same thing. H: Well for once I have to agree with him on that. Oh also I wan't to introduce you to my brother since he doesn't go to our school. Kai come here. Kai: hm. H: he's goes to a different high-school and is a 3rd year. Mizumi: Hi it's nice meeting you. Kai: Hey Haruto is this the girl you won't stop talki-. H: anndd you can go back to do what you were doing before. Back with Kaito. Hey musashi. Musashi: yeah? K: Who's that guy sitting by himself. Musashi: Actually I'm not to sure they said he was just sitting on the street so they picked him up. K: I'm going to try to talk to him. *He walks over to the person.*

    K:soo.. what's your name. Haru: I'm Haru. K: Well your name sounds like someone I know. Haru: Yeah the name is pretty common I guess. K: Why are you hiding your face though, you don't have to be scared we went threw the same thing. Haru:Fine I'll show it. K:your eyes are pretty cool was it from the DNA or was it like that before. Haru:My eyes were already like this. K:Well that's pretty awesome. Haru: people call me a freak for having two different colored eyes. K:Well I think it's cool. Haru: Just because you're being nice doesn't mean your going to be my friend or something. K: hey, I wasn't forcing it..I was just trying to be more friendly. Haru: tch, leave me alone before you get hurt. K: alright I can take a hint I'll leave you.

    Hey haru-San shouldn't you be kinder. Haru: Shut up Yako nobody asked your opinion. Yako: aww why are you so mean to me? Haru: How else am I supposed to react when an "angel" possesses me. Yako: oh haru, once I have become part of your spirit you cant live without me even if you wanted me to disappear. You need me don't you? I can be useful. Haru: Shut up to me you're only a tool and I'll never see you as an equal....not after what you did to my family. Yako: Haru you really are so mean calling me a tool...oh and your family I did nothing. That was only your fault...you were consumed by your anger. Haru: Just shut up already. Yako: Just remember if you try to forcefully take me out it will kill your soul which will eventually kill you. Haru: I told you to shut up.

    Tate: Tomorrow we will practice on finding out your special powers since it will be very important for training your powers.

    ?: Well this will be interesting.........

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