The last of us 2: Male reader...

By TheDaleyFlames

20.8K 234 118

In a world full of infected, you have to so what you have to do to survive. but even there are people that yo... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
A/n and request
Chapter 7* Bonus lemon*

Prologue/Chapter 1

4K 44 21
By TheDaleyFlames

Y/n was in his bed. He was wearing his under clothes by the because of the night that he had with Ellie. Alcohol is something that he like to take a lot when he is in journeys like these but he can't say that he had no regret for doing stuff like this. He looked over and the bin to see some sort of rubber right in there. Well that was one hell of a night that he had back there. He will never drink this much again. It was really cold out there so he have to put on the best jacket that he have with him if he is gonna want to survive this cold. While he was getting ready he heard a sudden knock in his door.

Y/n: Come in!

It was Lilith. Lilith was a woman who looked like she was in her middle age. She wore a brown winter jacket and a blue jean.

Lilith: Hey kiddo, how are you doing?

Y/n: I'm doing good.

Lilith: I heard that you and Ellie had one hell of a night.

Y/n: Will you please stop talking about that please. I guess that drank a lot and Ellie went along with this. You know I gets that the ladies here do like what they see.

Lilith: Alright kiddo. I take that you did have a good old time. I will leave you right to it then. Make sure that you have all the stuff that you need.

Lilith: Okay kiddo, I will be seeing you once you are done. Make sure that you have all the things that you need.


Currently, Ellie is in her bed sleeping and she's woken up by someone knocking at her door and she looked over at the time.

Ellie: Oh, shit...Fuck.

Ellie then walked over to the door and opened it and saw it was just Jesse.

Ellie: Hey.

Jesse: Morning!

Ellie: Sorry, I totally overslept. Just give me a minute and I'll get dressed.

Jesse: I heard you had quite a night after I left.

Ellie: I...She kissed me. It was just Dina being Dina. She didn't mean anything by it. 5

Jesse just looked at Ellie confused.

Jesse: I was taking about your fight with Seth. Wait...You kissed Dina?

Ellie looked at Jesse surprised.

Ellie: Oh...I thought that's-

Jesse: We're broken up one week and you make a move on my girl? 1

Ellie: No...She was probably just trying to make you jealous. I didn't...I would never...Oh fuck this is awkward...

Jesse then just smirked at Ellie.

Jesse: I'm messing with you, man. I don't care. Get dressed.

Ellie then just looked at Jesse annoyed.

Ellie: You're the worst.

Ellie then went to slam the door in Jesse's face, but Jesse stopped it.

Jesse: It's kinda fucked up you did that.

Ellie rolled her eyes and closed the door and she walked over desk to grab her jacket, bag and gun.

Back to Y/n.

Y/n took up all the guns in the room that he will be needing. He suppose that he cluid slack off for sometime nje but that would make him be a little late for his trip now.  Well that is enough slacking off for him, it is time for him to go. He walked off into the cold with his backpack right on his back. It wasn't all that bad being outside in the cold once he had his jacket on. A barking caught his attention. It was from his pet dog, Sparks. He was holding a ball in his mouth.

Y/n: Not now boy, I have somewhere to go now.

He looked at sparks to see that he had a sad little look on his face and he was also whimpering.

Y/n: Fine, just this one time boy.

He took the ball right from his mouth and threw it as far as he could. Sparks cane back with the ball right in his mouth.

Y/n: Good boy.

He left Sparks alone and went to meet up although his best buddy Cole. Cole was seen catch g up a deer.

Cole: Y/n how you doing man?

Y/n: Good.

Cole: So, if you get back, could you give me a hand with this?

Y/n: Sure, I don't see the problem why not?

Cole: Sweet, that would be really cool I hate that I am the only one that have to do surf like this. I may not be a vegan but this is really gross if you ask me.

Y/n: I thought that you wouldn't mind it since you done this a lot like all the time.

Cole: Come on man, you really think that I would enjoy doing stuff like this all the time?

Y/n: Yeah. I mean looking at you doing this right now tells me that you are enjoying your job right now.

Cole: You may have a point on that right now but come on. Can't you tell that someone doing this from a really long time is gonna get tired of doing this?

Y/n: You know you're the only guy that I know in the group that is complaining about doing shuts like this.

Cole: Yeah. You should get going right since I do t wanna keep you from doing your work.

Y/n: Really you don't have to be all that.... you know.... constant of me leaving.

Cole: I know. I just like to be all that supportive. Have a safe trip. Bring me back a clicker's head.

Y/n laughed a little bit because of how he joked like that. Y/n felt someone tapped him on his back.

Jesse: Hey, you know that is kind of fucked that I saw your girl kissing my girl. I think that they both are trying to make us quite jealous.

Y/n: Yeah, I can totally see that. But you gotta admit, it was kinda hot though. See ya real soon Jesse.

Jesse: Yeah peace out.

Back with Ellie.

Ellie: Hey, is Y/n and Joel up?

Jesse: Got reports of infected out north. Maria sent Joel and Tommy out to scout. Y/n was thinking about joining them.

Ellie: That sucks.

Jesse: Yep. Can't imagine they got much sleep. Definitely not as much as you.

Ellie: Shut up. I was just about to get up.

Jesse: Mmm-hmm.

Ellie: I was.

Ellie and Jesse then started walking together and Jesse spoke up.

Jesse: You're the talk of the town this morning.

Ellie just sighed.

Ellie: Ugh..what?

Jesse: Let me see if I got this right. You kissed Dina.

Ellie: She kissed me...

Jesse: Which triggered Seth and Eric to say some very not nice things.

Ellie: Yep.

Jesse: Then Joel decked Seth and Ad got into a fight with Eric and broke his nose. 1

Ellie: More of a push for Joel.

Jesse: And then you got mad at the both of them. At Ad and Joel. That part confused me.

Ellie: It was a strange night, man..

The two of them then continued to walk and Jesse told Ellie that Maria told him to bring her to the bar, so Seth and Eric could apologize to her, which they did , but Ellie didn't really care and after they left, Maria told Jesse to go switch with Adrain, Joel and Tommy and for Ellie to go with Dina to the creek trails and Maria looked at Ellie.

Maria: Ellie, can I talk to you for a sec?

Ellie: Sup?

Maria: Look, I don't know what's going on with you, Joel and Adrain...

Ellie just rolled her eyes.

Ellie: Maria.

Maria: Those two really care about you. And I'm sure they didn't mean1-

Ellie: We're fine.

Maria: Yeah?

Ellie: Yeah.

Maria: Okay. Sorry to pry.

Ellie and Jesse then walked over to the kids playground and saw Dina playing with snow balls with kids.

Jesse: Yo, Dina, assignments!

Dina: Just give me a minute!

Jesse then looked at Ellie.

Jesse: Will you get your girlfriend to the stables please?

Ellie just rolled her eyes.

Ellie: Oh my God..

Ellie then walked over to the gate.

Ellie: Hey, Dina. Can I talk to you?

Dina then looked back and saw Ellie and called a time out with the kids and walked over to her.

Dina: Hey.

Ellie: Hey. Um, I just wanted to say sorry for running off last night.

Dina: Oh, that''s okay. I totally get it. I just felt bad.

Ellie: Why?

Dina: Cause I started the whole thing, and the whole you and Ad thing.

Ellie: What about me and Adrain?

Dina: I just figured you two would get back together and-

Ellie: No, me and Adrain have been broken up for two years . I...I honestly don't see us getting back together. 13

Dina: Oh? But..Still, I just shouldn't have kissed you in front of all those people and I-

Ellie: No, you were drunk, it's fine.

Dina: Still, I don't want you to think-

Ellie: No. I'm not reading into or anything.

Dina: You know what I love about you? How you let me finish my sentences.

Ellie: Alright...Well, we should get probably get going.

Dina: Yeah.

Suddenly, Ellie is hit with a snowball and it was from one of the kids.

Ellie: Owww!

Dina: What the fuck?

Ellie: I'm not even playing!

Kid: Cause you're a chicken? Ha! Ha!

Ellie: I hate this kid so much...

Dina: You wanna fuck him up?

Ellie looked back and then back to Dina.

Ellie: Yeah, I do.


After beating the kids in a snowball fight, Ellie and Dina made it to the gate with the others and both started making their way through the creek trails and Ellie spoke about Dina's relationship with Jesse.

Ellie: Do you miss being with him?

Dina: With Jesse? No.

Ellie: You've been together for so long.

Dina: Look, Jesse's great. I love his parents. They will always be family, but we were just on autopilot.

Ellie: Oh.

Going on a mission while hungry is probably gonna make him end up dead. Maybe he can get something. He met with Maria.

Maria: Hey, Seth said that he will be packing up some sandwiches for you two.

Y/n: Really? That is wonderful.

He waited at the table for Seth to give him some sandwiches.

Seth: Hey, I just wanna tell you that didn't meant what I said last night. I was drinking too much. Please tell Ellie that I'm sorry.

Y/n: Alright.

Y/n took the two sandwiches from him. What could Ellie be doing now? He guess that he will be meeting her really soon outside then. When he was outside, he saw some kids playing snowball fights. He saw Ellie and Dina in the snowball fights with the kids. He pulled away Ellie and said to her that they have to keep moving.

Ellie: Come on do we really have to go right now?

Y/n: Yes. Cause we have to be getting busy right now. And by the way, Seth said that he is sorry. Here's some sandwiches. They smell good. I hope that they are steak.

Ellie: Did you really have to go ahead and talk to that bigot and now you're giving some bigot sandwiches?

Y/n: Bigot sandwiches? Oh really. That sounds corny and I am so surprised that you know what Bigot even means.

Ellie: And I'm also surprised that you know what corny means. You can have both of the sandwiches.

Y/n: Yeah right. I'm not doing this shit with you right now Ellie. Take the goddam fucking sandwiches.

Ellie: Okay, you don't have to be such an asshole about it.

Y/n: And you don't have to be such a bitch.

Lilith: Alright kiddos. You should be going on your mission right now. And Ellie, you know that Joel really cares about you.

The sound of his name just made her go really angry. Y/n and Lilith aren't having this. He shoved her for a little bit.

Y/n: You know, I can see that you are petty right now. I have seen some corny one liners but you by face takes the cake.

Lilith: Okay the is enough. You kids stay safe out there. Me, Joel and Tommy will be heading out. Always stay on your guard.

And with that, Lilith left them alone. A barking could be heard from a mile. That barking is come right from Sparks.

Y/n: Hey there boy. I jut can't leave you alone like this. It is best that you come with us.

Ellie: Oh hell no.

Y/n: What's the matter Ellie? You scared of dogs? Are you scared that he's gonna bite you and infect you.

Ellie: No. it's not that asshole.

Dina: What if he makes too much noise otr there and then we will all be in trouble.

Y/n: No need to be underestimating my buddy here. He can fuck everyone right up. You should be thinking about how you will survive  from him. I heard that he is full of diseases and he could turn you into stalkers. Now I suggest that you behave and he won't have to do that to you.

Ellie rolled her eyes as he made that dumb joke at her. Enough with all f the talking, the cold is waiting to be explored and they will venture off right into the snow. Once they were walking, they looked all around to see infected covered in snow. They were on their horses by the way as they were venturing. Do as you will to survive. It won't be of any good if they all ended up dead by the way. And to make the gore even more intense, there was a dead deer right on the ground. Y/n had never seen something like that in his life. Maybe he will see something even more gross than what he is seeing right now. Having had enough of roaming around, he got off of the horse. He patted the horse and tell it to be safe.

Y/n: Okay, I will be just fine on my own. You two go on up ahead.

Y/n was inside of an abandon building all by himself. What could r find in the building? He hopes that he can find some extra food right in there. He searched all around to see if e could find anything good in there like bullets. He found none. What could be in there that cluid have some use anyhow? He turns to leave but the ground beneath him broke, causing him to break through. He heard Ellie called for him.

Ellie: Y/n, are you okay?

Y/n: Yeah, I hurt fell that is all.

He stood up on his two feet. The impact that he made was enough attract some clickers right to him. He pulled his revolver and shot them a few times in the head. You looked all around the area to find that there are a few where that came from. The gun shots attracted all of three of trot attentions. When a clicker came charging at him, he rolled out f the way and pulled out his shotgun and blow its head right off and takes out his axe to decapitate the other clicker. He shot the last clicker in the leg two time to let Sparks mail it to death. He really loves Sparks because he is cute and cuddly unless he is mauling something. T/n still have to stand his ground however because he heard some really loud footsteps. When it came out, he was like "WTF is that? Is that a fucking bloater?" If it is, that is one of the most the disgusting bloater that he have ever seen in his whole life. Not even Lilith and he have taken on something far disgusting that he have ever seen.

The disgusting thing ame charging right at him. Y/n responded to this by moving out of the and shooting it two times with his shotgun.  His bullets weren't all that effective. He took out his Molotov and chucked it right at the beast. The flame was able to hurt the beast just a little bit but it was still charging right at him. He rolled underneath the swipe and hacked into he back with his axe. He reloaded his revolver and shot it a few more times to make sure that he is hurting it. Sparks was barking at it to get its attention. Once he gets its attention away from him, Y/n too his chance into taking another motolov right at the beast to make sure that it was cooking really good. The beast turn his sight right back around to him. He ducked underneath another huge swipe and shot it right in the face with his shotgun. After shooting it in the face for a really long time, he was finally able to take down the disgusting monster. He searched around the room for some materials that could help him. He found some canned beans which looks like they could be good. Well looks like more food for him. Sparks barks excitedly as he had som taken up some for them. Now it is time for him to get out of that building. What could hell on his way out right now. He walked into a room really quietly to make sure that he didn't get some clicker attention. That would have been a real shame for him take get caught up in a another fight and then he run out of bullets. He rather that he would leave and see what the girls are up to but he just let curiosity get the better of him like that. He kicked open a door and searched the area. There were some bongs and some green grass for smoking but he isn't a smoker making all that stuff really useless to him. There could be some Clickers right in the area, so he could stay and make sure that he is in the clear. He did find a clicker in there at one point and there was also a stalker but they were already taken out. Footsteps were increasing behind. He held his revolver in his hand and got ready to take out some enemies. When he kicked down the door, it wasn't any infected, kid was just a person just like him.

Y/n: Who the hell are you and what the fuck are you doing here?

Girl: Please don't shoot. I'm just here looking for some food. I mean you some harm.

Y/n: Okay, what makes me know that when I turn my back, you won't pull your gun or stab me in the back.

Girl: I heard some noises. I could have done that by now. So please, will you just give me something to eat please? I'm starving.

He did shed a little sympathy for the poor girl so he suppose that he could share a little bit of the beans that he had found in the abandon building with her. He tosses one of the and to her.

Y/n: Here. Please don't let me see you again.

Girl:Thank you very much.

She ran off into the cold. Man, is it getting really chilly in here but he doesn't mind nine if this at all. All he have to stay there for a little while and he might get used to all of the cold. His eyes circle around the place hoping that there is nothing that could come out of nowhere and kill him.he will have to sleep in all of this cause he sure knows that TVs his tiring. He closed his eyes in this deep little warm bed and imagine all the time that he could had if this shitty apocalypse is over with. Soon after, all of this turn into a dream.

To Ellie and Dina.

After continuing on Ellie and Dina then cleared out an old abandoned supermarket and then got caught in a snowstorm, so they took shelter in an old library and found Eugene, an old member of Jackson who died''hidden weed garden and broke one of the jars, with made joints and sat on the catch and started to smoke them and Dina looked at Ellie and spoke up.

Dina: Can I ask you a question?

Ellie: I don't know, can you?

Dina: Scale of one to ten. One being absolute trash, and ten being like would you rate our kiss from last night?

Ellie just looked at Dina.

Ellie: Why are we still taking about this? You said it was a mistake.

Dina: Did I say that?

Ellie: What are you doing?

Dina: I asked you to rate our kiss.

Ellie just looked at Dina for a second and thought about it.

Ellie: I don't know.

Dina: I'd give a six.

Ellie: A six? Wow.

Dina: Like a solid six.

Ellie: Okay.

Dina: There were a lot of people around.

Ellie: Yeah, but, six?

Dina: Oh, what? I mean now I really want to know how'd you rate it.

Ellie: I don't think you do.

Dina: Why? Am I lower then Y/n? Is it because he has a dick and can make you come?

Ellie: Please don't bring that up...

Dina: So, which is it then?

Ellie: Who knows.

Ellie and Dinn then looked at each other started smiling at each other

Dina: You're infuriating.

Ellie: Have you met you?

Dina: You make me want to go back outside into that blizzard.

Ellie: No one is stoping you.

Dina and Ellie then leaned into the each other.

Dina: This better be better then Y/n.


Y/n was celebrating his birthday from when he was a boy. Lilith would act like  a mother to him during his childhood. he even get to beat on a piñata. He even had some lemon pitied all over himself and Lilith would yell at him a little for that but what the hell? It is his birthday, it doesn't mean that they can't have a little fun.  Joel bough himself some present. One of which includes a basket ball. He sees Joel as the father that he never had. He loved the life that he was having until one day the apocalypse came and took all of that away from him and in top of it all Joel lost his sweet little girl Sarah. Things weren't the same after that.

Dream end.

Back with Ellie and Dina.

Back at the hidden Weed garden, Ellie and Dina were laying on the couch together, half naked, telling stories about each other's scars.

Ellie: What about this one?

Dina: When I was 12, I found a skateboard.

Ellie: Uh oh!

Dina: And I tried to get on it, and it shot right out from underneath me.

Ellie: Wait, then how did you get the scar?

Dina: I feel on my knife.

The two of them started laughing and Dina looked at Ellie waiting for her to tell her one and he then looked at her bite mark on her arm, that she covered up with her tattoo.

Ellie: Okay. Um...The chemical burn. I did it myself.

Dina: Why?

Ellie: Uhh...To cover a bite mark. Right here. Me and Adrain got jumped by an infected when I was 13. And it turns out I'm ...immune. So it healed with a ring of fucked up teeth marks and cysts and-

Dina just rolled her eyes and hit Ellie.

Ellie: Ow!

Dina: Fuck you.

Dina then got on top of Ellie.

Ellie: Hey!

Dina: I told you a real fucking story!

Ellie: I did tell you a really fucking story!

Dina: Oh, you want a bite mark?

Back with Y/n.

Y/n had a good little nap but it so time that he woke up. He stretches his bones and went somewhere else out of the building. Where could Ellie and Dina be right now. He ventured all right into the building that Ellie and Dina went into. He searched all around for them. The next thing that he found was another room full of weed.  These people must enjoying smoking a lot. His eyes then bolt to a door which looks like it could lead to somewhere. He kicked through the door and the next thing that he found that was Dina and Ellie weren't not quite dress and were in a bed.

Y/n: Are you fucking kidding me?

Dina: Oh shit. Please turn around.

Y/n: No, it is your idea to be doing shit like this. By the way, I didn't hear that you say sorry to Joel for be so edgy and cool shit like that.

Ellie: Are you seriously doing this to me right now?

Y/n: Yes Ellie, I am doing this. In fact, you need to realize to forgive. You know you're not the person with most open minded brain cell. And by the way I could give zero fucks that you are in this with Dina. We're in a crisis. Who the hell gives a shit that you like Dina? Huh?

Ellie: And who really hell gives a shit what you think?

Y/n: Oh no one. You dumb-ass Dyke.

Ellie: What the fuck?

Y/n: Oh I'm sorry. I forgot that you're really sensitive to that word. Maybe I apologize and say that you are a quite useless lazy and petty dyke.

Ellie: Fuck you man!

Just as it looks like she was gonna attach him or something, Dina stepppes right in between them and pushed them away.

Dina: Will you guys chill the fuck out already?

Y/n: Kay. You know what? I'm leaving and I'm gonna look for Joel. While you girls do your thing that no one cares about.

Y/n left the two alone and left for Joel. Sparks followed behind him as he was walking in the deep snow. He could barely even see a thing in the cold but once he walking further in the cold with his horse, he was just about good to go. Turning his head to face the right and the left, he notice that there are some clickers and runners coming right at him: he was able to air out just a few a them with his revolvers but there are more where they came from. He tosses his Molotov and burn them alive. Some more were heading right into his direction. He have to make out if the snow or else he will be good for the infected. He was able to get away from them all but it doesn't mean that he had anytime to rest right now. The horse could be safe in an area like this if he makes sure that it isn't seen by clickers. He was sure that it would be safe for him to go inside. He went inside of the house and he figured that Joel would be here. He started to call his name only for him to get no answer. The only thing that he her was some noises. It is probably by some clickers which means that he shouldn't even be up in this house right now. He gave to leave the house or it will be crawling with infected. He went back onto the horse and went further into the snow. Where the hell could he be right now? The snow here is just getting right in his face right now and he couldn't even bare it even more. He have to find sheet ore she is gunna freeze his balls off right now. Man, is it getting cold up in here. He didn't even expect it to be all that cold in here. He went up against a gate. He was able to make his way out and locate Joel and Tommy.

Y/n: ....

As the snow continued to get worse and as he's siting, he heard running coming towards him and heard his name being called.

???: Y/n!

Adrain looked and saw it was Tommy and Joel running towards him.

Y/n: What the hell is going?

Tommy: There's a massive horde coming our way!

Joel; We need to get back to the horses, now!

Adrain then looked and heard the horde coming.

Y/n: Shit!

Y/n, Joel and Tommy all started to run away from the horde and they then made it into abandoned building and as they were running, Joel then saw someone being pinned down by a Runner.

Joel: There's someone over there.

Y/n: Joel, wait!

Joel: Then ran over and shot the Runner off them and it was a woman with blonde hair and he helped her up.

Joel: We're gonna have to run!

Y/n and Tommy then ran up and started shooting the infected, but they started to break the fence blocking them.

Tommy: There's to many of em!

Y/n: We need to go, now!

Tommy: Come on, this way!

Y/n, Tommy, Joel and the blonde woman then started to make their way through the oncoming infected and made it back to their horses and blocked the door, but they continued to try and break through.

Y/n: That isn't going to hold them for long.

Tommy then walked over to the blonde woman.

Tommy: Hey. I'm Tommy. That's Joel. And his son, Y/n. What's your name?

???: Abby.

When Tommy said Joel's name, Y/n noticed Abby instantly glued her eyes on Joel.

Y/n: We need to go back!

Tommy: Adrain, we're not gonna out run them all the way to Jackson.

Y/n: We have to try!

Joel: Tommy, we can not stay here!

Abby: My friends! My friends are at a mansion just north from here. It's fenced in. We have the whole perimeter secure.

Joel: It's the Baldwin place.

Tommy: That could work.

Y/n: We should risk it and get to Jackson!

Tommy: Y/n, we don't have time to argue, we need to move! I'll get the door!

The four of them then then got on their horses and started to run from the horde and then they managed to make it to the mansion where Abby's friends were at and they saw them approaching and opened the gate and took out the infected chasing them and lead, Joel, Y/n and Tommy inside and Y/n, noticed that they all had the same patch on their jackets, saying "WLF". He have no idea what it could be mean or anything. A few moment later, he heard Joel scream. That means he's in trouble. He kicked down the door and the next thing he found was a gun to his face.

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