A New Society

By Rosemusic18

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When Courtney Whitmore moves to Blue Valley, Nebraska she has to get use to a new life. A new father and a ne... More

Coming Soon
Alternate/Original Ending


849 23 35
By Rosemusic18

Chapter 3


BREEZE of the morning storm that was lightly during the early hours of the morning. I ran as fast as I could around the forest and everywhere through Blue Valley until a storm rolled in and everything went black as I could see a flash of light and then I was somewhere else. I was in a house that was filled with pain as I walked around seeing some of the capes, and costumes of some heroes.

The first one I saw was Sandman who was on the stairs dead from either he was hurt or bleeding out, but deep down my soul didn't want to know. When I saw Hawkman upstairs get dropped from the banister I gasped running over to him trying to help him up seeing his wings were damaged badly and had been torn in some places more than others.

"McKenna." I heard a voice behind me say as I looked back seeing a logo I thought I would never see again, "Dad?" I asked to see him in his costume as he looked at me with his helmet still on until Green Lantern ran into him. "Get out of here." He said as I shook my head as the roof started to crumble when Brainwave collapsed the ceiling, "Watch out." I screamed as it was too late and he was crushed under the impact of the ceiling and his helmet was the only thing remaining of him.

"McKenna.." I heard as I started feeling something else watching Brainwave come after me until my eyes shot open and I saw the ginger hair and my eyes looked into his light green eyes. "Are you alright?" He asked me as I was heavily breathing seeing that the time said, 5:45am. It was all just a dream, but it felt...so...so...real.

"Yes, I just had a bad dream that is all." I told him as he looked at me with his concerned eyes, "It felt so real, I saw my dad...I saw all of them fighting but I couldn't save them." I told him as he hugged me. "And it wasn't your fault you were five at the time McKenna." He said as I knew he was right but on my inside everything within me even my speed made me feel like I could have done something. If I was only able to go back in time to save him, but deep down he would even tell me no when I can hear and see the shadows of him everyday some days more than others.

I got up out of the warmth I had in my bed, and I felt the coldness of the house, and I walked past Wally grabbing my sweatshirt and throwing it on, "What are you doing up so early?" I asked him as he looked at me, "I heard you, and besides I haven't been able to sleep that well after a bad mission back in Central City so sometimes I wake up multiple times at night." He said as I looked at him feeling guilty that I could have been there if I would have learned how to use my powers, I could see how bad he felt for letting people die when it wasn't his fault.

"It wasn't your fault." I said speaking softly as he looked up to me while sitting on my bed as I was standing at my makeup vanity. "I guess we both have our nightmares about something we blame ourselves for and know deep down we didn't do it and couldn't stop us." I told him as he looked at me, and then I walked out with him behind me.

"Want coffee?" I asked him as I knew his answer either way as I started a brew of coffee as I headed downstairs to make a quick brew so when my mother woke up she would have some as I would drink a few cups to keep me up all day. You know the saying "A few cups of coffee a day can make the tiredness go away."

The sunrise was currently peaking through the windows as I watched it start to seep through the curtain in the kitchen when the coffee brewer finished making the coffee, as I quickly grabbed two mugs as I grabbed the coffee and put them in two cups. When I poured the first one I watched as Wally came and grabbed it out of my hands as I took the next one and sat at one of the barstools putting it only the cold countertop.

I looked at the Blue Valley news as I checked any updates as Wally looked over at my phone screen, "You read the news?" He asks kinda being his sarcastic self, "Yes, and So Wally. You have done more embarrassing things then me reading the town's news to make sure I'm not on it yet." I told him knowing if I was ever to be on it my mother would know it's me and then the end of mission, end of the secrets.

When I took a sip I could feel all the heat on my tongue as it burned a bit due to it just going out, when I saw the article my mind was at first thinking it wasn't that bad of damage until I saw the sign of the school. Well at least in this town it could have been a football player for all anyone knows, but deep down I'm screwed if my mother was to think too hard about it as I heard her come downstairs and I exited out of the page.

"What are you two doing down here so early? And drinking coffee?" My mother asked as her ginger hair was all over her face, along with her yawing emotion, as she was tired from her late night shift. I quickly used my speed to get up and pour her a cup of coffee and put a spoonful of sugar in it as I quickly handed it to her as she sat next to the barstool I sped back to sit on. "So I'm guessing either you two fought and stayed up all night. Or I'm just up early." She continued as I laughed.

"You wish mom, if we were to fight Wally would be in meta-cuffs and taped to the ceiling and not being able to break free until I felt like it." I told her as I felt pain shoot across my arm seeing Wally just punched my shoulder. "I would beat you McKenna." He said as my mother snorted. "You both are just teenagers, I could see me beating both of you without speed." She said as we both had wide eyes looking back at her.

I then watched as Wally stood up to grab a bag of chips, I looked away with a pit in my stomach with disgust, "Why would you be eating chips with coffee at six in the morning?" I asked as my voice raised a bit at him and I heard my groan as she shakes her head at us both for being us. "You love us anyways." I said looking at back at her, "Somedays McKenna even you being my own daughter and all still there are times were in question how much I can take of you." She said as I gasped in shock.

"My own mother is betraying me." I said out loud as she looked at me, and I stared at her not even looking at Wally anymore. "Betraying is a strong word. It's more like I'm siding with my own opinion." She started as I grabbed my cup and poured the remaining cold coffee now down the sink as I headed upstairs. "I'll be back to eat something after I change if I don't pass out." I state glaring back at her. "Because I have to side with my own opinion on what I want to wear today." I sassed back not daring to look at my mother's eyes or even listen to what she is saying to me.

Once I got back to my room I headed to my closet like everyday with my routine. Just this time the sun has just raised, and my mother isn't using an air horn to wake me or Wally up. I quickly look around and grab a pair of blue jeans, black converse, and my light blue, and periwinkle striped top. As I walk out after changing from my night clothes I go back to sit on my chair at my white makeup vanity staring at my reflection seeing my hair that is messy and is everywhere in my face. I quickly grab my hairbrush and lightly brush it looking at my face and my eyes that are red...red since I woke up earlier than usual along with staying up so late last night talking to Pat and Courtney.

I quickly put some of my hair in a bun, and let some of the remaining hair stay down on my shoulders as I then look at my reflection to see how at least my hair won't be as crazy as it was just a few minutes before, once I finish everything I had to do to get ready I headed back downstairs to see my mother continue to drink her cup of coffee while reading some reports she took home with her.

"How is work reports treating you?" I asked her as she jumped and looked back at me as I sat back next to her, "How fun would it sound if I said that I'm looking at Dr.Henry King and seeing how his stats are along with his overall health and how everything is going." She told me as I shook my head and tried not to break right then and tell her everything from last night. "I heard about that off of the news that he ended up at the hospital." I told her as she looked up at me after looking down for a moment. " It was weird having to put a fellow doctor into a hospital room on life support." She said as the guilt inside me was eating at me again as she looked back at the papers.

"I have to stay late the rest of the week. So will you two be fine making dinner." She said as she looked at me and rephrased "we", "I mean will you. Since I don't want Wally anywhere near the kitchen, got it?" She asked me as I nodded. "So me cooking dinner all week, alright. So you have more late nights this week until you can start taking a break from work?" I asked her as she nodded.

"The only break I get this week is heading out to work out. Lawrence would be impressed at how great I am doing at this new diet, other than him not knowing that I still drink coffee, and please don't tell him or Pat." She said as I laughed. "Your secret is safe with me." I told her as she nodded and I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and walked over to the fridge to grab some cold oatmeal as I poured myself and her a bowl as I then warmed them up and sat back down.


SADNESS is the only emotion that is drawn on Yolanda's face today as she looked at her locker, after Courtney approached us and the word 'slut' was once again bold on the locker and in white spray paint. I dodged being bumped into some of the people standing in the hallways waiting for the talent show to be judged today. Unlike them I stay away from all involvement.

I continue to walk past the crowd and catch up to Yolanda who now still has tears in her eyes as I know that deep down she is still just the same soft Yolanda I had met all those years ago. As the bell rang we both headed to class in silence as I knew she would have a bad day after that. 'GOSH DANG YOU HENRY FOR ALL THAT SHIT.' I thought as I continued to walk behind her as I dodged glances everyone was giving both of us.


LIGHT the light of the screen of Joan Williams popped up as she finally logged into her work computer accessing more files on some of the patients she had to check today, which was going to make her day even longer until she had a two hour break until her night shift. She watched as her work friend Bridget Chapel; fellow doctor who also works night shifts. But just recently Joan signed up for them to catch up for the hours not being filled from Henry King.

She quickly did walk out to go check on the vitals from Dr.King's room as she checked to make sure his breathing patterns to see if they increased at all, along with checking his heart monitor, and damage to his head from the seizure he seemed to have for some odd reason for a man of such great health is what Joan always thought since Henry seemed in his medical history she could access had nothing of any bad health other than having a filling or two but nothing too shocking.

Once she walked out she noticed Pat who was looking through the window of the room as a nurse just walked away, "It's great to see you Pat. I didn't know that you were an old friend of Henry King." She said to him as he jumped, glancing at her in her work uniform. "Oh..We have ran into another a few times. We're not as close as you think." He told her as she knew he was lying, but it was nice she thought that people do care in a way for Henry King even though of his reputation of somewhat being hard to work with or be around, and she could even relate sometimes it was hard working with him, but he wasn't a bad person.

"Nobody knows Pat if you're thinking that he'll wake up soon. His vitals are stable, but truly I don't believe he will wake up anytime soon." She told him continuing to fill his thoughts with answers before he was able to ask questions. She knew deep down they all were hiding something for her in her head, but in her heart she knows what is right then wrong.

She watches as they both have to go separate ways for the time being until she gets a call to go help someone who has a broken arm. Joan was going to have a long day ahead of her while she worried about her daughter and Wally.


HOURS after this morning and the situation that happened, Yolanda and I were walking through the hallways heading towards our lockers until we saw Cindy and her little barbie girl, second in hand next to her Jenny Williams. Meanwhile when the announcements came on and I heard about that stupid talent show I just wanted to hit Cindy more as she needed to get something through her mind that she can't just get away with being a bitch to everyone.

"Yolanda...I'm talking to you." She said as I stepped up, "Just leave her alone for once Cindy and just go find something more appealing than torturing her or even me." I told her as she glared at me and I scoffed. "You can't do anything McKenna." She said as I truly wanted to punch the smirk off of her as Yolanda held on to her books and I knew I should shut up and stay back knowing it was better that way then continuing.

"Who painted that?" She asked as there were flowers on her locker spreading to mine, that earlier had the word slut on it now was colorful. "Was it you? Or was it you McKenna?" She asked as she then turned to look at me. "No." Yolanda said as I shook my head, as she then pushed the locker closed as Yolanda packed her bag as I already grabbed my books.

"You should have never dated Henry once you knew that I liked him." She said as that was true in ways then we both wouldn't have been like this. But it wasn't Yolanda's fault that she thought he "cared" for her and her human emotions. "And you should have never started being a bitch. But here we are." I said getting a bit in front of Yolanda knowing that this would end up bad if I wasn't careful.

"Yolanda you better tell this bitch to stop being something she isn't." Cindy said as she knew it pissed me off in ways as she grabbed my arm and I knew it was again better to shut up and just listen until it's over. "You are a nobody. And the same goes to you." She said as she looked at me with daggers in her eyes going through me which was nicer that way then having to put my head down and act like this doesn't bug me in any way.

"I am somebody. And I'm never going to let you forget that. Even your own family knows what you really are." She said that is what made me snap but my heart just wouldn't let the words out as I truly wanted to get on her about how much she is a bitch and how her father doesn't even spend much time with her and even I know that. "Slut." She said as Yolanda looked back at her locker and I just tried to let the anger go so I wouldn't start anything that I would pay for later.

That's when I turned around to see a familiar blonde, "I have to say slut-shaming is really damaging." Courtney said as I nodded it truly was and I can see it affects Yolanda but she is stronger than I would ever have been if that happened to me. I stopped listening after that since I didn't want to hear Cindy's bullshit anymore. Until I saw Yolanda grab Courtney, "Stop it. You're going to make things worse for all three of us." She said as I nodded and Yolanda walked away. "It's complete," Courtney started to say as I interrupted her, "Yes I agree, but you learn that it's not worth your words with Cindy." I told her as she looked at me.

I walked to class next to Courtney as we were in the same subject. I was sitting besides Courtney as this class was one of my good skills which was math, and today was just boring proper improper fractions which was going to make that class longer than it could be. And I glanced to see everyone was feeling the same way about the class, as I went down and just circled some of the answers while writing the equations in my notebooks as I knew if not I would lose it all later.

"Mathematicians used three ways of using fractions....proper...improper...and mixed." Mr.Levine continued as I just sat and looked at the textbook then my notebook as I so wished that I could use my speed to get this all over with, but unlike Wally I would just sit here and continue to be bored with math classes work for today. "Fractions that are greater to zero...but less than one.." He continued as he walked up to the board and then I looked up until I glanced over quickly to see Courtney talking to Cameron. I believe his name is about how he painted Yolanda's locker earlier.

A few minutes after she continued talking to him and I paid attention I snapped out of focus when Mr.Levine caught the two having their short conversation sadly as my body felt happy about this.


WALKING home today was different as Yolanda was boxing for the rest of the day, and I needed to figure out my next move with Courtney. I excused myself from sitting today, as I knew Yolanda questioned my reasoning. But I did catch up to Courtney as she was waiting for me by the second bus the school has since one was being used for the stupid talent show today.

We continued to walk as I told her some more information about the Justice Society of America, and just other things about our lives. "So what you are saying is you hate raisins because of a person named Dick." She said as I laughed and nodded, "Richard, but yes "Dick" for short. He once told me when I was younger that one was poisoned and let me say it wasn't a fun night. Things almost got out of hand." I told her as she looked at me. "Because of a stupid raisin." She stated as I nodded.

"Well out of that weird...whatever that topic was. What is with you not standing up for yourself? I have seen the look in your eyes McKenna when you want to say something. But why don't you?" She asked as she didn't know the whole truth even though I have my own dirty secrets. "Sometimes it's better including Cindy to let her win. Because after what happened to Yolanda she found dirt on me too. But sometimes I just have to let my anger stay within instead of letting it out on her not only for my sake but Yolanda's. I always have wanted to say something that doesn't get me wrong. But with everything it's just in the end easier to shut up and listen to her ramble for her two or five minutes then live with the rest of your day." I told her as she looked at me, "Dirty secret?" She asked as I shook my head.

"Only me, Aunt Ruby, and Iris know about my secret. If not it's only between the three of us. I never even told Yolanda, or let alone Wally or my mother. My secret is something sometimes I feel they would be ashamed of me for." I told her as she looked at me with sad eyes, "They wouldn't be ashamed at you most likely they will just take time to understand." Courtney continued as I looked at her. "Somedays I feel it could be that easy." I said as we continued walking and we crossed a street as my head kept thinking about what Courtney had said to me.

We did walk as I saw I believe his name is Rick, I need to get out more my mind thought as I saw Courtney smile at him as I turned my head knowing he would leave if we tried anything as he did with a bottle in his hand as we crossed the street once again. As we both entered the forest as the air started to whistle a bit and the air started to feel cold around us. "Ok this isn't sketchy at all." I told her whispering not too loud so if anyone was behind us or infront in the general way of being around us.

When I heard the ice on the ground and felt it with my foot, Icicle my mind started to think as he would be the only one smart enough to do this. Along with him being the only ISA member to produce ice, and change the temperatures around areas at a time. He knows, and now he will try to kill us, "Great" my mind thought as we continued to walk forward into the cold air that was around us and we got to the middle of something much bigger than us as Courtney started jogging as I followed her.

I walked back with her to her house as we walked normally not to draw attention, "Icicle is warning us." I whispered to her knowing he could be anywhere or everywhere with ears. "Did you pack your suit by any chance?" She asked as I nodded, "I did because I thought we would get into trouble one of these days and I would need it without running home." I told her as she looked over to me.

As we arrived at her house, she opened the door and said, "Pat?" She said as I heard him in another room. "In the kitchen." He said as I looked at Courtney and she ran in the kitchen as I slowly followed behind her. "And you'll never guess what we found today." Courtney says as Pat looks at us both. "You want to hear this Pat." I told him as he glanced at us questioning what we did. "What?" He quickly asked as I leaned against the countertop.

"I found..We found a frozen field." She said as I interrupted, "We found a frozen field warning us about how we need to stop this." I said as he looked at me, understanding what this was about or about near what this was. "A what?" He asked. "An iced-over field." She stated as he then knew and understood what we were dealing with. "I swear Pat, Courtney, this is Icicle warning us to back off now or face the consequences." I stated knowing the danger that we were about to get into since Courtney would want to go out, and I promised her I would help her, and I needed justice for my dad, and besides I'm the new Flash and I can't back down from this.

"It was in the shape of a star." She continued glancing at me then at Pat. "It's a message, like McKenna said maybe even a warning. I know it." Courtney continued again as I looked between the two. "She is right, it's Icicle it has to be." I heard her continue as she was ranting about the problem. And then all I heard next was, "He killed Starman." Pat said as I knew the two were bickering like children or like a father and daughter would when disagreeing.

"We have to go and find him." She says as I put a hand in my face knowing partially this was a bad idea and plan, but for the sake of justice it could be smart in ways. If not Icicle might try to find us, even if he's warning us it's too late to back off now. "And do what? Arrest him?" Pat stated as I knew he was right as I pulled my face from my hand, "Yeah that's a start." Courtney came back with as I nodded, "I have metahuman cuffs I could always just cuff him." I told him as he looked at me questioning me with his eyes like anyone would be. "No metahuman cuffs, we don't need him putting them on you." He said as I nodded, the last thing I needed was to be weak and useless, and embarrassed because of my own idea.

"The only thing I've ever seen hurt Icicle is the staff." Pat said as I looked at him, "No man is indestructible Pat. Every man has a breaking point." I told him as Courtney put her hand and pointed in my direction to prove a point to Pat. I almost continued to listen in before someone interrupted and I looked back to see Mike was the voice that traveled with the steps.

"What are you doing down here?" Pat asked about his son as I watched him head to the pantry to grab food, "He reminds me in ways of Wally." My mind thought. "I told you to wait in your room until dinner." Pat continued as that would be something Wally would have done too. "Yeah well my stomach says it's dinner." Mike said grabbing a bag of cheetos as we all looked at him. "Okay, well I'm working on a vegan vegetable casserole." Pat continued as I did look at the ingredients and see that he was indeed making a casserole.

"Vegan casserole?" Mike questioned as I agreed, but in the end it's still food. Even Wally would eat it if he was hungry, which reminds me I need to go home sooner than later to make us food. "Oh Well I will order it tonight." I told myself as I knew we could survive. "Did I interrupt something important?" Mike asked looking at Pat and Courtney then glancing back at me. "No I'm just giving Courtney, and McKenna cooking tips." Pat said to cover up what we were doing, as I truly do know how to cook, due to Ruby taking time and teaching me how to cook, along with Iris sometimes stepping in when she didn't have to go to work. Ruby would be so mad to hear Pat say that since she is the only one other than Iris and my mother that is "allowed" to teach me proper cooking. "Yep we need them." We said at the same time looking at each other.

Until Pat gave Mike twenty bucks to go to the store and purchase whatever he wanted, this was just so we all could talk more about this idea and plan of ours that really wasn't a plan in the end. "We can't go after Icicle alright?" Pat said as I knew he was going to go against his words in a matter of time as we will go find Icicle and encounter him today. "And if it is him and we clearly found him. This is a trap, Courtney...McKenna." He said as I looked up at him knowing he was right even I knew it but I couldn't just let Courtney go alone to fight this "Iceman" from what I heard about Icicle.

And later on in the conversation the staff appeared next to me bumping into my shoulder as it seemed happy that Courtney wanted to go after Icicle. Until it flew into her hand, "We're going with or without you." Courtney said even pointing to me as I nodded knowing Pat would give in because if not and anything happened he would blame himself and also have to explain to my mother why I got hurt or killed.

So about twenty minutes later we arrived at the pit shop and quickly changed into our suits as I pulled on my mask once again, and then straighten my hair as I put it down on my shoulders loose once again seeing the red color of my suit as I sat on the back of S.T.R.I.P.E next to Courtney as I held on because I feared falling off and dying from this instead of someone like Icicle. She on the other hand seemed like she was doing better with it than last night or even a few days before.

Appearing in front of us was now the open part of the forest from earlier that Courtney and I were standing in when we saw what Icicle was putting up for us telling us to back off basically. The open land was nice as it was good for doing anything like sports related, or even if you just wanted to get out of the forest, but still be in nature. And if we weren't dealing with finding or going after Icicle I would walk around the nice surroundings. We did land as I got off while Courtney stayed on the back.

Upon arriving Courtney saw no ice that was previously there and she was right it was there earlier, and even Pat believed he wasn't here as I knew he was. But was I going to do a perimeter check; "no" because I wouldn't want to go too far from Stargirl and S.T.R.I.P.E so if they needed my help or if I needed theirs I would be fine. Everything was good and dandy until the wind started picking up and had a breeze to it once again.

Before anything happened Courtney backflipped off of Pat with the staff as I could see an ice blast slowly starting to hurdle it's way to the robot as I dodged it from hitting me and went next to Stargirl. "Pat are you Ok?" Courtney asked as I thought the same thing but she beat me to it. "Yeah. But I can't move." He said as that truly was a problem for us. "I'm icing up. The controls are all locked." Pat continued as his robot did continue to freeze up.

Commotion started coming from the trees in bushes that were behind us as I turned around and faced Courtney as we looked over at the bushes and saw nothing "yet". As Pat wanted us to wait and I stayed with him watching Courtney run off. "I'm still here Pat, let me try and help you with your big ice problem." I said as I started to move my hands on the leg of his armor starting to phase a bit while using my speed attempting to thaw him out with some of the heat I can generate.

I knew Courtney could be in trouble, but I knew deep down I had to help Pat before doing anything, I looked up as some of the ice was starting to melt off his suit. "I'm starting to get some control back." He stated as I nodded and continued to heat up his suit.

"Courtney." I asked through the comms and didn't hear anything from her as I feared that Icicle must have gotten to her as I continued to heat the metal of Pat's robot suit. "We need to hurry." Pat said as I nodded as the ice finished melting. "I will meet you there." I said running the way Courtney was and everything was frozen as I saw her sitting on the ground and a man out of ice as I went next her and stood there before time came back to normal trying to act normal as Ice almost was blasted at both of us until Pat's robotic hand was charging it's way and Icicle and even Stargirl and I looked that way until it moved Icicle far away from us.

"You know that was worse than my dream last night." I said helping Courtney up as she looked at me. "I thought Brainwave was bad. Icicle just made me think he is worse than Brainwave himself." I said as she nodded and Pat came up behind us. And his hand came back.

"He's on the bridge Pat." Courtney said as Pat was frozen again for fifteen seconds, and I ran with Courtney knowing I could get there but I would need backup in ways if anything went wrong. And then before we knew it we heard screaming, and Courtney and I looked back to see the bus on the side of the bridge starting to fall off a bit.

"I can't even do anything more than run and attempt to help. But I wasn't given the type of superstrength to pull it up all the way." I told Courtney as she looked at me knowing I was right. But I did start running that way slowly as I saw ice and I looked over to see Icicle still far away enough he couldn't see me yet as time was still slower for me.

When time came back to normal I tried helping pull it up from the side as I could feel it budge a bit but I even started slipping on the ice as I heard Pat through the comms as he got unstuck finally once again. I almost did fall off the bridge since I was holding on with what strength I had until I felt it starting to move with Pat and I saw time go slow once again looking over to Icicle studying his features fastly knowing I couldn't stay too long until I ran back almost slipping on the ice the same way I came in and back over the water as I headed back to Stargirl to grab her if I could or to stay with her.

Instantly I just a bright light that was now shining in my eyes and I almost tripped but managed to stay up as I made it to land tripping on a rock in front of Stargirl as I knew one of my rips was cracked; I'll manage. I then saw it stop shining as the staff stopped and the bus was safe and she breathed once again, happy that this didn't end up bad. Until she saw me, "Are you ok?" She asked as I shook my head.

"I will live, it's just a broken rib. It should heal in a few hours." I told her as she came and helped me up as it hurt to stand up but it helped since she was helping me up. Once I was up we say Pat land as he was right, "We need to go. And then we need to check on your ribs McKenna." Pat said as I nodded but deep down again I knew it would heal. I would live.

"We need to find Icicle." Courtney said with a face as I looked at her, we started to watch then as some of the teenagers on the bus started to get out and were happy that they were alive. They were happy to be alive. Until....

One card blew out in the middle of the road and Joey Zarick started to follow the card and he ran out into the road as a car was starting to lose control...and in the next few moments that's when everything went bad. Poor Joey.

I closed my eyes after seeing what happened and even Courtney was angry she couldn't do anything as we just watched a kind person named Joey Zarick get hit by a car, one that was having problems steering, if only I wasn't hurt I could have saved him... if only I wasn't so stupid to fall I would have been in good condition to run and help Joey get out of the way of the moving car.

Damn You Icicle...


PAIN was all I could feel as I was sitting in my hoodie on top of my suit. The pain from my fractured rib that has healed almost all the way, and the pain of losing a kid on my first real day light appearance as a hero including to the ISA leader Icicle. And all of those memories are now filled with pain and guilt of everything that has happened today as I knew deep down that this would change some perspective on how I go out and try to be a hero, when deep within my body I am not even close to being a hero....yet at least.

Just as I looked over I saw Courtney crying while holding a card in her hand that she received early from Joey I heard. As she lied about the card, and said it was correct instead of saying 'no' and just going on with her day. "Joey was so sweet." She started as Pat, and I looked at her. "He was the first kid at school after McKenna to be so nice to me." She continued knowing that she felt like she should blame herself for something she couldn't control. Something none of us could have controlled at the time.

"I'm going to find Icicle." She states, "No...we're going to find Icicle and...And." Courtney started to say as she looked away in silence as tears continued to flow down her eyes and I moved from the couch down by another stool near Pat and her.

"I want to show you both something." Pat said as he was getting up and we headed to the robot and we both got on as I held on behind Courtney as we got out of the garage and then we started flying aways out of town to an old area that seemed to be not visited by anyone in awhile as the courtyard looked familiar. But it wasn't until we got inside and walked closer to the familiar table and chairs that are covered in a tarp that I knew what this place was.

"What is this place?" Courtney asked as I looked around at this place, "The headquarters of the Justice Society of America." Pat said as he continued to look around and Pat pulled off the tarp and the lights turned on. And I looked at some of the old members, some of my dad's old friends and how I remembered this place when I came a few times when I was younger. It's been years since I have even seen the place.

I saw Dr.Fate's helmet as it was on display, which still shocked me that some left valuable weapons and things that enhance their abilities in the headquarters which if a villain was to find they could steal. Like the Fate helmet.

"Powers..tools.. Like your cosmic staff." Pat said as I nodded moving to see my father's display as his helmet was there after all these years of never finding it...it was here all along. I quickly did pick it up as I saw all the small scratches and details on the helmet that my father once wore. And it makes me question...

How did he or Barry, or hell even Wally ever deal with this? Being a hero or even a sidekick and to deal with the pain in injuries, and the pain of losing people on missions and being able to get back up and deal with it. How to make your normal life separate, just everything because I'm not even older than fifteen and now I'm fighting what my father fought in his twenties.

I then snapped out and put the helmet back for a moment, as Courtney was questioning who everyone was as she looked at Wildcat; Ted Grant. Then Hourman, My Father; The Flash, Dr.Fate, and all the others. And how they in the end were like Pat's family and I could see it because of how even if he was Starman's sidekick he was still a part of the team in one way or another.

"Is this thing real?" Courtney asked, snapping me out of my mind as I looked at the owl that Dr.Mid-Nite had I never knew why exactly. Pat then started explaining more about the owl and how it flew onto Dr.Mid-Nite shoulder every time he came. "He doesn't know Dr.Mid-Nite is Dead." Pat said as I gasped. "This poor Owl." I said as it let me pet it as it flew on my shoulder. And they looked at me.

"Before you say anything Pat. No, I can not hear the owl." I said as he nodded and I continued to pet it a bit as it's claws almost dug in but at least my sweatshirt covered over it a bit. "He's been waiting for him for years." Pat continued. "Again Pat that's very sad." I told him as I continued to touch the feathers of the owl.

"Dr.Mid-Nite is not coming back...none of them are Court. McKenna." He said as I looked at him and put the owl back before petting him one more time. "Icicle and the Injustice Society killed them all." Pat said as I looked at him knowing that he was right in a way, but I also wanted Justice for my father's death along with the rest of the JSA.

I did watch Courtney look up to the Starman banner as it showed most of his face as she admired it. "What if we had help?" Courtney asked as I knew what she was suggesting. "I'm the new Starman. McKenna here is the new Flash. What if there was a new Hourman, or a new Dr.Mid-Nite?" Courtney said as Pat shot that idea down. "Suprise...Suprise." My mind thought.

"But the staff picked me." Courtney said as I responded with, "And me with my powers." I told him as he looked at me, "Court, McKenna these guys. I mean they were the best in the world." He said as I responded interrupting him with, "For their time they were but if we want to stand a chance Courtney is right, Pat." I told him.

"Don't touch the thunderbolt." Until I tuned out until the time when Pat yelled at Courtney for almost touching a pink pen. "That's the most dangerous thing here do you two understand?" Pat said as I nodded not believing it because it's just a pink pen, but who knows. Until I continued to look around again while Pat kept talking about responsibilities.

"A Kid died today, and that is exactly why we have to Pat." Courtney said and I couldn't agree more due it being correct because we lost someone but that shouldn't define us. "This is our destiny, Pat." She continued as I nodded heading back to the table looking at the bold letters that were engraved in it.

"You know that is what Starman said exactly, the night he died." Pat said looking at Courtney. "Come on we're leaving" Pat said as he continued, "And until I say so no more Stargirl, Flash, and S.T.R.I.P.E." Pat continued as I looked at him. "And you need to tell your mother McKenna." Pat said as I shook my head, "She would bench me forever. I love her and I know she wants me to be safe. But this is what I want to do....following my father's legacy with the powers he gave me." I told him as I knew deep down my mother needed to know in ways.

As we left I took one glance back at my father's banner looking at the helmet. I will get that helmet someday. Glancing at Courtney who I looked at until she looked at my eyes and in that moment I knew she was up to something, "Midnight tommrow back here meet me here." She said as I nodded before continuing in the direction to the door.


MEATLOAF and mashed potatoes was what I made for dinner as Wally glanced over at me, "You're still taking it pretty hard?" He asked me as I nodded, "He died Wally and if I didn't stumble on the rock I would have had a chance to have a running start to save him." I told him as I took another bite of food knowing that he was worried about me since sleep was more of a problem last night.

Excusing myself from the table as the room was getting dark and I finished my meal I left the room after putting my plate in the sink. I then snuck to my room and put my hoodie on as I closed the door and opened my window crawling out of it with my smaller body as I got through it easily. As I closed it back a bit and I jumped down as I started to run to Courtney's house a few blocks away.

Upon arriving I saw her struggling while looking at the card she got from Joey the day before as I looked up at the stars then back at her. "Hey Court." I yell loud enough for her to hear as she looks down at me. "You ready?" I asked her as she climbed down and took her staff as I went with her and we went back to the hall.

She took the costume of wildcat, hourman's hourglass, Dr.Mid-Nites goggles, Green Lantern's lantern, the pink pen, and a few other weapons of heroes. The owl did start to win as Courtney did go near the Dr.Midnite's display as I went over quickly to pet the owl. "Sorry." I told it as it calmed down a bit.

I then took the one thing I glanced at, my father's helmet as I put it on my head as she looked back at me, "Looks nice." She said as I laughed, "It will grow on me more when I have my suit on and not my sweatshirt." I told her as she looked at me. We then headed back to the staff.

"Let's go do some recruiting." Courtney said as I walked next to her.

Now we not only have found the Justice Society of America Headquarters, and get to see banners and displays of ever hero, but we get to start bringing in more people to help us with our mission and maybe succeed in completing a mission to bring justice for the fallen heroes.


A/N: Oh my gosh please enjoy this chapter!!!

I risked my sleeping patterns for you, and if I die before this or any other book ends it's because of how determined I am to stay up till 3am to write most of this chapter except the ending.

But I enjoyed writing this one and im ready for the next few im hoping by next week to get to eight or nine for this. That never means I would release them all out at a time i like to have time between so people can read it a few times and see the small details and mentions in the book.

But I will be releasing Justice Chapter 1 later then I will be doing three or four imagines then I will be starting Chapter 4 and 5. But it will all be out soon.

And I thank you all for the support of getting this book to not only 1K but all the comments I do read and i so far enjoy them so much.

One last thing my mention for a stargirl book goes to "Power 》 Rick Tyler (DC's Stargirl)" who is written by WriterScarlet0704 and let me say I love her book and she has the first four chapters done and I enjoy reading it as it has brought me some inspiration. And it has creativity and everything like my book but in her writing style and Powergirl's daughter so go take some power and read her book if you can check it out.

For now Thank you all,

XOXO -Rosemusic18

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