A New Society

By Rosemusic18

20.4K 506 255

When Courtney Whitmore moves to Blue Valley, Nebraska she has to get use to a new life. A new father and a ne... More

Coming Soon
Alternate/Original Ending


2.2K 47 20
By Rosemusic18

Chapter 1


THE Justice Society of America aka the JSA were in the middle of fighting the injustice society once they figured out their plans. As Starman was watching a few of his teammates at a time get taken out one by one.

Except for Doctor Fate who wasn't even at the battle that day, because of his vacation Nelson called it with his daughter that he couldn't miss. So it left the other members to fight the multiple and just as skilled members of the injustice society. But what none of them knew was that it was a trap to kill or take down the JSA.

It all started when they entered the battle late at night in this big mansion which looked a bit old, but still was in good shape with a wood outside and multiple windows as the Flash ran around and did surveillance all around the building as he came back around from what he saw was that everyone was split up.

Once they entered Hourman and Dr.Mid-nite both were thrown back by Sportsmaster and Tigress as the others started coming in as the doors were blocked by the Soloman Grudy who threw back Green Lantern and Wildcat into the side of the mansion.

Meanwhile Starman glanced quickly as he saw all his friends, allies, partners whatever you liked to call this team and their relationship were all being battled with some of the members while some could hold on longer than others he saw the flash move others as he pushed them out of the way taking the blow in the rubble not being able to get back up yet until Hourman went to help him.

Before Starman knew it he was almost blasted by the wizard as it threw him back and the staff took the hit as Icicle took down the Flash and then Green Lantern as they were most likely badly injured or dead as he felt bad for his old friend Jay Garrick.

But before Starman knew it was everyone on the team being beat in this battle as they were exhausted and worn as he saw Wildcat thrown out of a window by Soloman as he was down for the count now. But before Starman knew it Stripsey was on his way, as he didn't want his sidekick to come in during this as he needed to stay out.

But of course Pat being Pat came anyways as Starman watched him come in. Pat watched as Hourman blocked Pat from being hit as he told him to leave as he watched Dr. Mid-Nite being pulled away by Soloman Grundy as he yelled at Stripsey to leave.

Pat looked over to see the Flash's helmet, and the Green Lantern ring from a hand underneath rubble and it wasn't glowing anymore.

But before he knew it Starman yelled at him to leave as he blocked the Wizard from hitting him as he almost defeated the wizard until he was hit through the back and the intestines by an icicle from Icicle as he fell with the staff as Pat went over and helped run him out seeing Wildcat who was on the ground as Hourman was near the door still alive as he snuck out quickly.

But before Pat knew it they were being followed by Soloman who hit the car after the booster was activated which left them falling and being hit by a crash landing.

As Pat got Starman aka Selvester out of the car that had been on fire he landed him down on the ground watching one of his closest friends and like a younger more powerful brother dying on the ground as he was telling him about the staff and someday someone would be able to wealed it like he does, but it definitely won't be Pat.

That was the last he ever heard of Starman and that was Starman's last wish for Pat to protect the staff and that someday and somewhere out there someone would weld the cosmic staff again the one with the most courage and heroism. But also is true to heart.


RED the main color of the car that was being on a trailer along with all the moving trucks heading down my street as it continued to move, but of course my mom heard about these new people moving and how she knew a person named Pat Dugan but she never explained how.

She has told me to go welcome the new family to Blue Valley tonight and have dinner with them and of course Wally is still here so he would join us, and I hope he doesn't talk about all the girls at school. Junior Wally West is the one who flirts with every girl he sees.

Today I was to meet up with Yolanda at the boxing cage under the school after school today as this new family was to move in today a Friday, so I won't see much of them until dinner. Maybe I'll see one of the children at school, but I have no idea. As I quickly brushed my blonde tangled hair making it straightened after every brush until I let it rest on my shoulders as I'm wearing a gray sweatshirt with the word Darkness on it. And some blue jeans with some white sneakers.

As I walked downstairs I watched as Wally wasn't even up, "I don't know which one of you is worse at not getting up easily." My mother said as I laughed at her, "The answer is Wally always does not get up on time. We could get a blow horn and try to use it next to his ear to see how fast he wakes up." I told her as she looked at me.

"McKenna if you were to do that or anything extreme it doesn't make you any better than Wally." She said as I laughed. She walked back upstairs as I grabbed my bag and a bowl of cereal since today. Surprisingly I woke up earlier and had time to sit and eat before catching up to Yolanda.

I actually had about three bowls before Wally came downstairs with my mother following him as she kissed my head as she was leaving early since today she had a morning meeting. As I watched her walk out the door I saw Wally grab a pack of baking chocolates eating it before tasting the much sweeter chocolate as he spit some of it out.

I laughed as I washed my bowl and then grabbed my bag and then my phone heading out. As Wally can get to school on his own as he hangs out with Cindy and Henry Jr. the popular couple who makes Yolanda and my life living hell. He knows this because he doesn't say much to both Yolanda and I when he walks near us until after school or during the weekends.

As I walked up to Yolanda's house this morning I heard yelling from inside as Yolanda came out the front door as I heard the yelling increase from most likely her parents as she put her green hooded jacket hood over her head. She walked up to me as I saw how sad she was currently and how she knows the fighting is over her since what she did months ago.

"You alright?" I asked Yolanda, knowing her answer as she shook her head no, and my emotions changed as I started to feel bad for Yolanda again. "For once you're actually early." She said as I laughed and she laughed a bit too.

"Well for once I beat Wallace West and I plan to continue beating him to school." I told her as she pushed me to the side. "You and challenging your cousin." She said as I laughed. "Well what would I do if I didn't challenge him?" I asked her as she looked at me as we headed down the same path on our way to school.

As we walked up today we headed through the front door as we headed to our lockers which luckily were right next to another, as we entered I looked again at her locker, nothing new today. At least the word isn't there again.

As we walked to our first class together Yolanda avoided the glances, as I just glared at them fully and some turned away while others were flipping me off. This was going to be a long day, even when class started I was next to Yolanda in the back while my cousin somehow was next to Cindy and her squad girl whoever she is, and like I care.

I rolled my eyes thinking why Wally would be close to a girl like Cindy, and good friends with Henry Jr. but you know not everything can be perfect. Even when he tries too much, even that one time on a mission where he was trying to run too much as he burned off too many calories without his snacks. And I may or may have not planned that with Ruby so he would pass out and I could use him for one of my old lab assignments without him knowing of course.

After our first class Yolanda and I were walking through the hallways and I watched as a new girl in a white shirt, with red heims on her shirt, along with two cherries tied together. She also had jeans on, and darker blonde hair that's curly. But what made her stand out was that she was next to Cindy and her friend or squad girl.

We headed up to lunch as I had to stick with the school lunch today unlike other days as I sat next to Yolanda, and this guy named Rick Tyler I believe, and also Beth Chapel. No, i'm not friends with them, but they seem nice except Rick who seems angry all the time. As I was barely eating the food, until I heard footsteps of course the coach sent someone else to this table, always the loser table.

"Hi I'm Courtney." Courtney, the blonde curly hair girl from earlier, said as I looked up, "Hi I'm Beth." Beth said as Yolanda looked up and I looked at Courtney as she looked at us. I started to eat a bit of the salad.

She then sat down and everyone was looking at her and I do feel bad for her being new, I have lived here my whole life so I have no idea what feeling new is like, except going every summer to visit the Allen's even this last Summer were I was with Ruby and Iris most of the time, due to my mother staying here, and I just felt like I could relate to Ruby and Iris.

I did want to speak up when she was talking as my phone was in my pocket until I saw on the screen that Iris texted me. I watched as my screen darkened and I continued to eat and watch Courtney continue to talk.

Until Beth called all of us losers then I shifted watching Rick stand up and get out of his seat leaving, as Yolanda also shifted and looked at Beth. I glared at Beth for a moment. Until Rick got up and fully left stealing some food, classic Rick.

Until I hear Henry Jr. and one of his friends or jock friends the one I want to slap for insulting Yolanda, but I know I would be expelled if I did anything like that of some sort.

"Do You guys smell that?" Henry Jr asked his friends walking up behind us mainly to Yolanda as she tensed up, "Do you smell something?" He continued as I glared not looking at him. "Smells like slut. And her little friend." He said coming up next to Yolanda and his friends behind us both as one came next to me.

"Take any new pictures you'll like to share with us. Or is your little friend going to share us something?" He asked as I glared at him about hitting the person next to me as everyone that was with him were laughing and telling us not to be shy, they always thought I was a slut for hanging around Yolanda. Which even she isn't a slut, but just a stupid idiot teenager who I call my friend who made a stupid mistake.

"Leave her alone." Courtney said as I even shook my head at her as Henry turned his head, she is going to regret saying that, but hey at least she can say something unlike I. Even though I have tried, but it does nothing, all I can do is ignore it and not let them see it bothers me unlike Yolanda.

Until he grabbed her phone and she punched him, I knew what he was going to do. Look for nudes or anything embarrassing until Henry falls back and I gasp and grin a bit. She will be receiving detention just for standing up to Henry Jr. but at least I get to see her at dinner.

After lunch Yolanda and I left the lunchroom and I saw Courtney no where of course because she was either in the office, or recieved detention, but after school I walked out with Yolanda as we headed back after she finished her whole boxing practice and I watched her, as I knew Wally left when school ended because he hated school, but he is also a year ahead of me, and he never cared for school.

I headed home to see Wally already arrived as I walked in, and I sighed seeing him sprawled across the couch eating a whole bag of classic lay's potato chips. He watched as I came inside, "I heard the new girl stood up to Henry today." He said as I looked at him, "I know I was there at that table where it all happened." I told him as he looked at me and I glared at him.

"I know you hate Henry with all your guts, but he isn't a terrible person." Wally said as I looked at him. "Yeah and you know what Cindy did to Yolanda and I, and also what he did. So he might be a nice person along with Cindy to you. But I will never give a crap he hurt my friend and then made our lives mainly Yolanda's a living hell." I told him walking upstairs as I knew I needed to talk to Iris.

As I got in my room I jumped on my bed landing in the middle knowing that my hair looks crazy now, I quickly then called Iris back when I saw her face up on the video chat.

"Hey Kenna." She said as I smiled seeing as her ginger hair was still in perfect style through her day of work. As she was still in her reporter outfit for Picture News in Central City.

"Hey Iris, sorry I couldn't respond to you earlier when I was finishing up school." I told her as she laughed with her bright white smile, "It's alright McKenna you don't have to apologize I was just checking on you since Wally is with you, and I know my nephew can be a handful." She said as I laughed loudly.

"A handful is an understatement." I said as she laughed and I could hear someone speaking to her, "Hey Ruby." I said as I turned the camera to Ruby who had a whole handful of coffee in her hands as I knew she gave one to Iris and then one to some of their friends over.


HEARING a voice yell up I quickly ran downstairs to see my mother after quickly finishing my hair as I saw her waiting for me. And I looked down at my feet knowing that she wants us to leave soon.

"We're going to be late if we don't leave now." My mother said bringing a plate of cookies, classic mother move, and yet I still love her for it as I quickly nodded heading outside as I see Wally trying to eat the cookies as I rush over and jump on him. Using my speed almost opening the door when my mom looked back at us both.

"You two either start getting along or I will make you get along." My mother said furiously as I looked at Wally and we both nodded. "And I don't care whose fault it was." She started finishing off her sentence before we could speak for ourselves.

As we walked down the sidewalk heading down the next few blocks to where we have to meet this new family, since my mother met Barabra and Pat back when she ran into Barabra when visiting the diner once when I was with Iris and Barry.

When we finally arrived I was behind Wally and my mother. After the door opened and we walked in I looked around at the house, two stories as I saw the white wooden banister and the basement door as I saw a blonde hair woman which is Barbra Whitmore from what my mother told me who she met before.

"Hey Barbra." She said hugging the women as Wally and I stood there. "This must be your daughter." She said as I shook her hand, "McKenna Garrick it's nice to meet you Mrs.Whitmore." I said as she smiled. "And this must be Wally." She said as she shook Wally's hand who stuck his tongue out at me I wanted to slap him at these times. I do love him like family, but he is like the older brother who tends to joke around more until a serious time.

As we walked in the kitchen, we saw a table and food as my mother sat down the cookies on the island and I watched and heard someone come down the stairs which was her dirty blonde hair daughter who I saw earlier at school Courtney Whitmore who looked at me as I nodded.

Before we knew it a young brown hair boy and an older man most likely Pat Dugan from what I heard from my father all those years ago walked in. Surprised he isn't wearing any stripes. We grabbed food after we were introduced to the two.

I walked in and sat down besides Wally and across from Courtney who I looked at a bit other than why I was looking at Wally making sure he didn't do anything stupid, or use his powers or both. Because sometimes it can just happen and he uses his speed to go grab things or to even do whatever he does when he uses his speed. I enjoyed the times when I wrapped him on the ceiling of a speedster proof wall using tape. Wait I even filmed that.

Once I got out of my thoughts I saw both Pat and Mike were sitting down at their chairs and I started eating the food more slowly than Wally who wolfs half of it down and I was staring at him for a moment then back at Courtney.

When Mike finally got a text on his phone he left the room for a moment, as my mother wanted me to follow Courtney. And I saw how he was microwaving marshmallows and then I declined as I walked with Courtney to the basement.

"You could have just left." She said at me while kicking something and I laughed. "I could have but one you seem interesting Courtney more than some people in this town." I told her as she looked back and me and I smiled. And then as she kicked one of the things some glass shattered and I went to help her pick it up.

"I know you miss home. I would too if I left here. I get moving and changing your life is hard." I told her as she looked at me and rolled her eyes. "So you lived here since you were a child and never wanted to leave?" She asked as I laughed. "I have left one year and I decided this is home." I told her as she looked at me.

"But yet earlier you never talked when I saw you at lunch. You seem interesting McKenna." She told me as I smiled. "You're a new girl and I have very little friends after what happened to Yolanda and I stuck with her since I have known her since I was six. And besides I saw you with Cindy Burman and I tend to just avoid all people except Yolanda. So I am sorry for seeming rude." I told her as she looked at me and nodded.

Before I knew it I got a text from my mom while Courtney was looking at a photo of Pat, I just told my mom I would stay a bit if it was alright with Pat and Barbra which she confirmed I could. Before I knew it Courtney turned on the light and I looked behind her as she took out Pat's fishing photo and behind it was a photo of the JSA members.

I looked and saw my father there along with the other members like Starman who I met briefly, along with Dr.Fate, Hourman, Dr.Mid-Nite, Wildcat and other heroes that I had met a few times or even once. It was interesting to know Pat has all of this stuff but how did he have so much of the JSA gear and photos.

When she looked further in the chest I knelt down next to her as she looked at a newspaper article of Stripsey and the Star-Spangled Kid who later on became Starman. This is the stuff my father taught me about when I was very young and I continued to enjoy it as I grew up.

"Stripsey." She said as I smiled as she looked at me and I smiled trying to brighten the mood, as it seemed she had no idea of who these people are that much. "Pat." She said as I knew then who Pat was and what he was to the JSA, the sidekick to Starman. I never met him as Starman barely knew me, as I was around Hourman, Wildcat, Dr.Fate and Dr.Mid-Nite more.

I followed her once again as she walked over to the suitcase, "How did Pat get so much of this stuff?" I asked myself as Courtney heard me and turned around and looked at me. And in the suitcase there was more stuff of the JSA like maps, photos, folders full of information of some of the villains a part of the ISA.

"Dear Stripesy, my friend and dear partner, Starman." She said reading the photo as I was looking in the chest not touching anything but looking as Pat hid all the stuff in the basement in hopes nobody found it. But what was he up to?

She then saw the Starman suit as I smiled. It was the whole costume, and I heard from Hourman or Rex Tyler about how he died from getting wounded by an Icicle in the chest by one of Icicle's Icicle. And now the suit is patched and has no blood anymore.

"Oh my gosh it's Starman's suit." I said as Courtney looked at me, "What I know my JSA Heroes." She still looked at me once again. Until we both looked back at a crate making noise and was glowing a bright goldish white glow.

Courtney headed to the crate as she opened it up to this bright staff; the cosmic staff which belonged to Starman. As she picked it up and looked at it she looked back at me. It started glowing and I laughed and smiled. It was so bright but cool like I have seen before in photos and by my dusty memory of Starman.

As she grabbed the staff it lighted up for her. She dropped it in the crate and then picked it back up. It started glowing as she moved with it and she let go. "No Way." Courtney said as she backed away and it kept glowing and I smiled. "Yes Way." I said as she looked at me and I looked back at the staff.

She then went back up to it grabbing it as she tried to move it, and she was grunting as she was struggling, and I would help her but then the staff from what again I can remember has an attitude of its own. And has a mind of its own.

And once she moved it she finally asked, "What are you?" She said as I smiled wanting to answer her question but I was so happy and it was cool seeing that Courtney Whitmore the new girl can weld the cosmic staff.

"Please don't tell anyone." Courntey states as I nod. "Alright you have my word Courtney." I told her as she smiled at me and we tried to head upstairs as I went before Courtney making sure nobody was there and that Pat, my mom, and everyone else was gone. Which they were as Courtney was struggling getting it up the stairs and outside as we headed to an open space in Blue Valley Park.

When we arrived we checked to see if anyone was there when I gave her the go that nobody was there. As the staff finally held still and she threw it up and it stopped in midair as Courtney started to use her gymnastics training on the staff. And it started turing for her and then she continued to move and enjoy it until she started falling and I could see it slowly before the staff could move I jumped up using my speed and grabbed her as time came back and she fell on me and I fell and groaned.

"What was that?" She asked me as she then jumped back up on the staff. "Nothing you saw nothing." I said trying to not make her believe that I was super fast. "One moment I was up and falling and next you jumped and grabbed me." She said as I sighed.

"If I tell you, you can not tell anyone even Yolanda." I told her as she nodded, "I have superspeed like not superhuman speed I have superspeed like the Flash." I told her as she looked at me in shock. "Wait so you can run really fast?" She asked as I nodded as I quickly ran to my house and grabbed one of my gray hoodies and ran back.

"Ok that is cool." She said as I smiled and my face was flustered. "Well you have a staff that is at your command which is pretty awesome." I told her as she smiled and laughed. "Are you alive?" She asked the staff as it started moving more and it was pointed at me.

"We should head back before anyone wonders where you went Courtney." I told her as she nodded and the staff started flying with her and I ran after her putting the hood on my hoodie on my light blonde strands of hair.

But before we got to her house we went a different direction to where we were in some forest area where there was talking on the other side as I found Courtney and where she landed with the cosmic staff.

"You alright?" I asked Courtney as she nodded looking at me as my sneakers were smelling and were burning as I had to kick them on the ground even with the stench of burning rubber. "Yeah other than this trying to fly us into some trees." She said as I smiled as we heard voices and looked out to see Henry Jr. and some of his friends and I knew what Courtney was going to do when she turned and put her hair in her blue hoodie and put a bandana on her mouth covering it as she then grabbed the staff. I then used one of her extra bandanas and put it around my mouth as I put my gray hoodie over my hair.

It was the movie night for the school and most of the students at Blue Valley Highschool as most people have dates, or are with friends. And when I looked I saw Wally in one of the cars with Artemis Crock the daughter of one of the gym owners in town that my mother goes to as she is on a diet which one I have no idea.

We watched as Henry was picking on a kid and that is when I went out with Courtney and we started running up near Henry Jr's car and popped his tires as someone spotted us as I popped a tire by using a knife I found from the forest floor, don't ask I found it on the floor from someone who put it there.

Before I knew it Courtney was up with the staff as I ran and saw some of the other men trying not to use too much of my speed so Wally wouldn't see me. The other two people with Henry ran up to his car as I watched them and pushed one who was about to come after me using my speed as the flew across the lot.

"Sorry." I muffled the guy kinda feeling bad but at the same time through my blue eyes I was laughing because they did pick on Yolanda and me. But that is when Henry approached us and then Courtney's staff was up and was blinding them both as one of Henry's jock friends ran into it.

"I'm going to kill you two." Henry said as I looked scared and Courtney flew up and I ran fastly. Before I knew it Henry's car blew up and Courtney came running and grabbed my hand as we headed back to the forest and she started flying as I ran back to her house knowing Wally must have seen me. Maybe I have no idea but I hope not.

The Staff was at fault for Henry's car but we both knew we didn't want to be there when Henry was mad. When I got to her house before Courtney could I climbed through her window seeing her as she climbed up and I helped her as we headed back to the basement knowing Courtney was sneaking it back in.

We got down the stairs to see Pat who looked at me in shock, "What are you two doing?" He asked as I looked at him taking off the bandana and hood. "Me, nothing. I didn't do anything." She stated as he continued, "But you, you don't get to ask the questions Pat, if that's even your real name." She said as I stood against the frame.

"It's Patrick." He said as I smiled, "You mean Stripesy." She said as I smiled and nodded. "She did get you their stripesy." I told him as he looked at me. "You need to hand it to me." He said as the staff backed away along with Courtney as he tried explaining the danger as I sighed knowing their is danger but she also was good at welding it.

"I know I blew up a car." She said as Pat looked at her in shock, "You blew up a car?" He asked. "I didn't do it." She said pointing at the staff as he looked at me as I nodded. "I swear the cosmic staff has a mind of its own." I said as Pat looked at me. "I know about the cosmic staff Stripesy." I told him as he looked at me with serious eyes that could go through my head.

He started asking more questions as he laughed about the car, and I knew he would ask about me later. Which will lead to me having a long conversation or me running home exposing to him maybe who I am more. He will find out after he deals with the Courtney and Cosmic Staff problem. This is the time I should move to Central City, and never come back but this is home and where my father protected so I stay here to protect the town even though I haven't protected much yet.

"What is this thing called anyways?" Courtney asked as I sighed as Pat answered, "It's called the cosmic staff." He said as I nodded knowing about it and the JSA. She handed the staff finally to him when I paid attention to the conversation again. But the light finally faded from the staff that was glowing a moment ago. And I do feel bad that it lives in a crate, and then I listen to him explaining about Starman and the JSA.

"Yes, the JSA." I said, interrupting them as Pat looked at me. "They quit before I was a kid." Courtney said as I looked at her walking up to them. "No they all died ten years ago on Christmas Eve from the ISA or the Injustice Society of America." I told her, as even Pat looked at me. "I have my reasons for knowing the JSA personally." I told him as he still glanced at me and continued to explain once again.

"She was right, they did die saving the world ten years ago." He said as we both stared at another, as Courtney grabbed the photo of the JSA and looked at it. And Courtney then looked in shock and in thought of Christmas Eve ten years ago as she grabbed her necklace and looked at it.

"You both are at risk knowing even you." Pat said pointing to me, "Well I have always known I just take more precautions than Courtney did today. If I didn't know how to keep my knowledge a secret I would be dead." I told him as he looked at me. "Who are you?" He asked as I shrugged my shoulders, "I know the JSA not as much as you but I knew some members. I'll explain more later." I told him as he looked at me and nodded looking me in the eye.

When Courtney saw her necklace she put it against the photo and she was looking at it as we both looked at her until she asked about the staff as I knew Pat knew more about it and Starman than I, since he was Starman's sidekick.

"What if Starman was my father?" Courtney asked Pat as I was happy if she knew that there are more kids of the original JSA which could continue what the JSA did or live the legacy out. "If...If What?" He asked as I sighed looking back at Pat then Courtney as he was shooting down the answer not thinking if it could be true.

Courtney went back to explaining how her father disappeared and never returned that day ten years ago. And that was the night her father vanished which could explain it, and also say more about parents of some children like her who are in all different places or Blue Valley.

"It would make so much sense..." She said as I started thinking in my head again like I have always did to think about it as we both sat down and Pat was talking to Courtney again shooting down how Starman could be or is her father since her father's name wasn't real.

Courtney left the room as I sat with Pat, "I will ask you now who are you? And how do you know the JSA?" He asked me as I smiled and laughed. "Been here since Christmas Eve ten years ago. I have lived here my whole life. My father was a JSA member and I inherited his abilities. I might not be Hourman's, or Wildcat's child. But I'm the daughter of Jay Garrick, the flash of the JSA." I told him as he looked at me. "Unlike Courtney I can't say no to that without a DNA sample. Along with knowing that the JSA heroes did mention about meeting a child of one of the members." He said as I smiled, "My real name is McKenna Jaylen Garrick, and yes my mother knows of my powers. I have lived here undercover since the disappearance of Rex Tyler who you also know the identity of but still the point is I know about the JSA because of my father and some of the members teaching me when I was younger about them. I may have never run into you, but I heard of your name from just my father. They did care about you Pat." I told him as he looked at me, "So why did you come back to Blue Valley?" I asked him as he looked at me.

"If I tell you why you must keep it to yourself and not tell Courtney and put her in more danger." He said as I nodded in agreement. "I came back due to some research from Rex Tyler about the location of the ISA." He said as I looked at him. "I knew that the ISA was here." I told him getting up and moving fast doing back handspring and then him looking at me. "Sorry my powers sometimes come out when I get too excited or even just when I don't hold back." I told Pat as he then knew he believed that I was the daughter or somehow knew the JSA.

"Does your cousin know?" He asked as I laughed, "Yes Wally knows. And no he is not my cousin that is just an identity to just tell where family if anyone asks. And besides the Flash's are like a family. And Yes, there are more Flash's than my father. We have the Flash and Kid Flash of Central City, which you know Wally is Kid Flash and he needed to come to Blue Valley to get more of the Kid side down and have a life than being the flash. While I have the teenage side down but not the speed as much. He is practically family to me since my father died along with the rest of the Allen's and Wests. But you don't have to worry he won't get in the way other than just being himself and doing random things at random times." I told Pat as he looked at me and nodded as I sat on a crate next to him and I looked at the files of some of the ISA.

Before I knew it I was heading back up saying goodbye to Pat and thanking him as I ran into Courtney, "Hey I believe you. And if you need me here." I told her to hand her a piece of paper with my number on it and I then continued, "If you need me to text or call me and I'll be there in a flash." I told her as she looked at me and grinned a bit as I walked out running home then fastly as I walked in the door heading up to my room knowing my mom will be asleep or in her room reading more medical documents.

When I arrived in my room I saw Wally West and I screamed after closing my door and looking out before seeing if my mom heard me, which luckily she didn't. "What the hell Wally. Why are you in my room?" I asked him as he looked at me and gave me the you know why face.

"Well I knew it was you and Courtney were at the drive in earlier since I was with the football team and Artemis Crock one of the most annoying girls." He said as I laughed. "Well you have to find your spitfire one that won't let you get away with nothing." I told him as he looked at me knowing that I was right.

"Ok that's not the point. The point is you were with Courtney at the drive in and exploded his car and you used your speed." He told me as I looked at him. "Ok I was but you have to promise me that you don't tell my mom or anyone and this stays between us. You might not be able to fight in this town but I will because if the ISA is here I want to take them down before they can have a plan to destroy the heroes again." I told him as he nodded. "Fine but you gotta help me get a girlfriend, and do my laundry for a week." He said as I nodded in a deal knowing that his laundry is bad and would be a handful.

"Well you need to be trained more than you know so you may need my help at controlling your speed. And no, I'm not Barry but I can still relate to being a teenager speedster trying to hide and control my powers." He said as I nodded sitting on my bed next to him hugging him. "Alright but again we do not tell my mom." I told him as he nodded. "She is smart but I agree it would be scary seeing what she would do to both of us." He told me as I nodded letting him go.

"Well at least you can control your powers Wally West, and hey at least with our powers we can just run back in time, even though flashpoints can happen. We can still wipe memories that way unlike sonic scream in which someone has only sonic scream and can do damage but if someone sees they can't forget unless they become blind or somehow get amnesia." I told him as he laughed, "Well at least the Black Canarys could hide their identities, even the one who died." He said as I nodded, "Well yeah because most canaries take the time and train unlike me who has barley anytime except in the summer when I visit Central City to see Ruby and yall." I told him as he nodded and headed out as we went to bed.


MY phone buzzed and I looked at the number that popped up with the text.

"Hey it's Courtney. The cosmic staff is taking me somewhere and I might need your help stopping me from going somewhere." The text said as I responded, "Alright give me two minutes to get an old training suit on so if I run into anyone I don't show my speed." I texted her running to my closet using my speed to find where my old training gear went. As I picked up the goggles and the red jacket with a hood and pants along with the non rubber boots that go with it.

When I ran to find where Courtney was I spotted slight explosions at an old factory and I ran in to see Courtney versing a man that was able to move things with his mind. Oh my gosh it's Brainwave, don't think too much about it, think about beating brainwave flash.

I ran to try to stop the brainwave until I got blasted back from his shield he made with his mind, and then he threw some tires at me that I dodged until the last one striked me in the stomach and I fell as Courtney helped me up as she was dodging Brainwave with some of her gymnastic moves and using the staff.

Before we knew it we both went blasting back and I heard his voice in my head, "Why did you two go after my son?" He asked as I was being sarcastic and in my mind I stated, "Well I have no idea you tell me. Oh wait you can't you weak minded." As he looked at me and looked more pissed as he flung me back as I hit the wall of tires and I know there will be some bruising on my back and sides tomorrow.

Until I heard him start talking to both of us and bringing Courtney forwards as he wanted to melt our brains after prying the answers, "Well good luck with that since I can heal faster than you think." I said in my mind knowing he would look at me.

Until he talked about how Courtney was thinking about her father, "And you're thinking about beating me." He said as I laughed and Courtney looked back at me while trying to take a hold of her staff until she was able to and I got back up starting to approach both Brainwave and Courtney. I went next to Courtney helping avoid the tires and make sure she doesn't get hit.

Until Courtney striked Brainwave and they both caused a big explosion and I quickly ran and grabbed her so she wouldn't get hit by the explosion, "Thank you." She said as I nodded. "Well it's the least I could do after you distracted him and took the most mental hits." I told her as she looked at me. "Who was that?" She asked me as I looked at her eyes.

"Brainwave one of the members of the Injustice Society of America." I told her as she looked at me and we started running to make sure Brainwave couldn't attack us until we saw a big machine, a robot that was huge and grey and red come down and Courtney put the staff in front of us both as I was prepared to get us out of there.

"Courtney, I told you not to touch the staff. And McKenna, what are you wearing?" I heard the robot asked as it sounded like Pat wait it is Pat isn't it. And I could agree since what I'm wearing is terrible at design. "Pat?" We both said at the same time as we looked at another than back at the machine.

Well this is going to be a long explanation to Wally of what happened, and to Ruby of why I need a suit a better suit to go undercover or to use when I just barley tend to use my speed in public without checking.


A/N: Sorry I truly am to those I promised I would get it out a few days ago. But here you go to the first official chapter of A New Society.

I just wanted to thank the people who comment and read this book so far and have enjoyed just the prologue. It took me so long to make this chapter as I started I believe in June with this and the prologue and am currently planning the story and what I'm going to add through the book and how it will fit into the season.

Quick Note is that if you go to my tumblr page for Rosemusic18 you can see my opinion on only the last two episodes but they are all what I believe was good quality along with my wish list and just overall thoughts as so far I love the series Stargirl or the season. But still go check out my tumblr it doesn't have anything with McKenna but I do tend to talk about Stargirl more along with having a chat for just Stargirl and talking about the episodes with others.

Ok let me say I'm happy that this chapter came out the day they announced Stargirl will get a Season 2 but not on the DCU app but on CW even though I'm sad it's leaving DCU I just hope they keep the writers because I'm happy so far what is happening.

If anyone is reading this author note, opinion: What do you think of the first eight episodes or all the episodes you have currently watched of Stargirl?

Ok, a few more things I'm proud to say yes, I put in some scenes with Wally and McKenna. They may have the Dick and Wally relationship like in Young Justice but I'm not 100% sure yet I'm just trying to find what McKenna would say or think when Wally does his actions. But they are more like brother and sister since they both don't have any siblings and they both are teenage speedsters so they fight like siblings would but they support another. You will see more progression through future chapters.

And a quick question: Did anyone see anything familiar?? (Comment please truly if you saw something familiar with this chapter.)

Anyways again I want to thank everyone who reads, and I have no idea when next chapter will come because I have to start writing it but yes, I do have plans and yes, I usually have a plan before writing. But the next chapter will be about Stargirl S1 E2 Stripe.

And one last thing, Yes we will be getting some flashbacks of McKenna and her dad. Along with her meeting Hourman and the team. Also with McKenna going to Central City and seeing Iris and Ruby and we will see mini or long flashbacks through the future episodes like "Justice Society of America." and "Icicle" Just to name two episodes I might do major flashbacks in.

But again thank you and I will try to get back to everyone who comments since I enjoy responding. I will be back very soon publishing another chapter.

XOXO -Rosemusic18

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