๐’๐”๐†๐„ |short story (Mj)โœ”๏ธŽ

By sellibeau

18.3K 653 5.3K

|won best short story 2020| Michael is the CEO of a successful business organization who earns millions annua... More

1| One Time
2| Rings
10| Arias Co.-the end

7|Sweet Wine

973 46 689
By sellibeau

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"Alright, cameras are rollin'." They announced and Michael licked his lips looking straight ahead at the camera in front of him.

"So," The interviewer started, smiling at him. "You are the talk of the town aren't you?" She beamed and he smiled cockily at her.

"I am." He nodded. "I'm the highest. That's how it's supposed to be." He shrugged.

She acted blown away at his cocky words. "Confidence on high huh?" She asked with another smile. "How'd you build your business so successfully so quickly? You're near a billionaire status!"

He smiled again charmingly. "Well I came from a rich family, but I aspired to be richer." He started. "My father owned a business similar to mine but it flopped years later. I carried the name of the family years to come. I was destined to be the greatest."

She nodded her head as he spoke. "Not to mention I'm a pro at the game of monopoly. I always get my $200 when I pass go." He winked and she laughed at his statement

"I love it when I see young black men doin' their thang." She said snapping her fingers, making him smile at her and nod. "Your content is wonderful. What are some words of inspiration you want to say to the fans of your business, mister soon-to-be billionaire?"

He looked straight at the camera with a smirk. "Shoot for the stars. It's what I've been doing for years. That way you'll be on top, just like I'll always be."

Michael stood in his office with his arms crossed standing before Geneva Arias who stared back at him with her expression soft. "You got what you wanted, Ms. Arias." He muttered as she smiled

"Gee, thanks Mr. Jackson." She grinned and was about to open her mouth again before someone came through his doors—Destiny.

"Sorry interrupt sir but you might wanna see this." She said, handing him a newspaper as he lightly snatched it out her hands. His eyes scanned furiously through it and he was truly bewildered

It read:

It's a Split?!

It is reported that Michael Jackson and his wife Naomi Jackson might call it quits! Pictures were leaked of her leaving his house in pure anger.

As followed, Jackson was also photographed walking into his house with an unidentified woman. What's going on?

He lifted his head from the newspaper and lightly slammed it down on his desk and looked past Destiny. "That damn paparazzi." He gritted.

Geneva caught a glimpse of the article and the "unidentified woman" they have listed was the one and only her.

A picture of them was provided below the article and it was of when Michael gave her a ride to his house to get her paycheck. She grinned and crossed her arms casually.

"If you want I could call for better security around your house. I know paparazzi could slip very easily. It's completely a violation of your privacy sir." Destiny said and he shook his head.

"Nah, it's alright, Des. It's a part of having a celebrity status. Paparazzi are gonna follow me everywhere I go. No hiding from them." He said and his words were a little tight and almost forced.

Inside he was furious. Now the public knows him and Naomi—"the high class business couple"—are having marital issues and he knew it wouldn't end well. Not to mention there are now new speculations of him and Geneva being together which makes things worse.

Geneva faced towards him again and put on an innocent face for him. "I didn't mean for things to go south, Mr. Jackson." She put a hand to her chest to seem more believable as he only cut his eyes towards her

"I hate to say it but it isn't your fault. It's the press. I'm used to it." He muttered and gave the newspaper back to Destiny.

"Get this shit out my office Des. I don't want these lies near me." He said and she nodded quickly. "Y-yes sir."

It was just him and Geneva again as things went quiet. It was a tense silence and she could tell he was beyond pissed with how the press was making him look but was holding it in. "What were we talking about before?" He asked

Geneva grinned and leaned her hand against his ebony desk. "My promotion." The words slipped off her tongue so erotically and smoothly—like she was dying for it all her life.

He exhaled through his nose and looked at her skeptically. "I shouldn't be doin' this." He rolled his eyes. "You're not worth a promotion."

Geneva raised her brow but that grin of her's never left her face. "Not worth it?" She asked. "Whatever do you mean?"

He shook his head. "No comment, Ms. Arias."

She took that response but inside didn't care what he thought. She was getting her promotion and it was to her benefit. Why not celebrate?

She sat down at the long ebony table of the meeting room and prepared for the meeting her and her coworkers, who have yet to arrive, will engage in. She folded her hands in front of her and waited patiently.

She was early and quite frankly is always earlier than the rest. She was all about impressing Mr. Jackson.

The doors soon opened, revealing all 4 of her coworkers coming in with their napkins of snacks and cups of lemonade. Ysenia had a sour expression on her face as she stood by the door with glaring eyes.

"Morning, Mr. Jackson." Rocky smiled, sitting down in his spot across from Geneva of whom he blew a kiss to.

Michael didn't answer and lingered by his desk for a moment to gather his thoughts and today's discussion. He always let them talk and hang around for a little bit before getting serious—but somebody was a little too serious this morning.

"So," Ysenia's voice boomed from where she was standing. She wore an outfit similar to Geneva and Linda's styles. Pencil skirt and a tucked in button up. But Geneva wore dark grey dressy bellbottoms today. "I heard you're giving someone a promotion." She said

The room went quiet and Michael looked up and cocked a brow. "Where'd you hear that?" His tone was lazy but her glare lingered at Geneva

"You have a building of gossipers, sir. Karen started the rumor, then it traveled across the building." She shrugged.

Ysenia moved from her spot and walked around the room in big circles, circling everyone but Geneva. "It's none of your concern. It isn't you." Michael muttered and she scoffed with a laugh

"Oh I know it ain't me." She assured him. "I'm just asking if you could tell us who it is." She shrugged again

"For real?" Lucas asked looking around with a hopeful smile. "Who's gettin' promoted? I been dreamin' of at least a raise, y'know?"

"Damn whoever it is is lucky as hell." Rocky smiled as his hands propped behind him. "My ass has been dreamin' of one too."

Michael exhaled through his nose and quieted them down. "It isn't important. There are more important things to be worried about."

"Yeah there is." Ysenia sassed. "Sir we're constantly in the magazines—ranked lower than your sister's business. They're talkin' trash about your company lately sir. We're falling behind day by day." She summarized

"Your point Ms. Capers?" He asked, referring to Ysenia and she looked at him with the attitude that she carries with her daily-

"Who the hell could you be promoting at this time? How do you know this building will still be thriving like it used to in a year from now?"

"Watch it, Capers." Michael's eyes were full of warning as she had no intentions of stopping.

"So who did you give the promotion to huh?" She asked. She was angry, mainly because she already had a speculation.

Michael looked around as the room was silent and the attention was on him. He straightened out his tie and decided he shouldn't be in this position. "...I shouldn't be questioned in my own damn building, Capers. I don't give a fuck if you're angry and you could take it somewhere else." He shrugged

"It's her isn't it?" She pointed to Geneva who sat innocently in her seat. "She's the one you're promoting?" She questioned, narrowing her eyes with pure venom

"The new girl?" Rocky squeaked

Michael cleared his throat and didn't answer, making her laugh sarcastically. "So it's her huh?" She concluded. "This girl that's been working here for what 2 weeks? How the hell is she being promoted before me?!"


"No lemme speak my mind, sir. I've worked my ass off for the longest. All of us have. So for this amateur here," she pointed to Geneva again. "to get promoted before us is complete bullshit!"

Linda turned to Geneva with solemn eyes. "Is this true?" She asked. "You're the one?"

Geneva didn't make an effort to answer as she faked a surprised expression but really she wanted to smile.

"Of course it's her." Ysenia rolled her eyes. "I mean, it's such a surprise to give the one who's been fucking the boss special treatment."

Michael flinched at her words but radiated a firm glare at her.

"Ysenia, stop." Lucas tried to ease the tensions down but she wouldn't budge.

"Why do y'all look surprised? The moans constantly coming from the janitor's closet? You thought that was the sound of a floor being mopped? Like what the fuck?"

"Capers, go cool down somewhere. Anywhere but here. Obviously you've lost your mind." Michael said, pointing towards the door

Normally he would've fired anyone who speaks to him like that but Ysenia is one of his best contributors. He also can't afford losing any more people. It would be used to further trash his corporation in the media.

"I'm just so confused as to how this whore gets the special treatment. What has she done that's better than what the rest of us have been doin' huh?" She placed her hands on her hips and glared harder as Geneva remained calm in her seat.

The others were angry internally about it too, but were too scared to mouth Michael off. So they kept quiet. "Ms. Capers, leave." He repeated more firmly and she glanced at Geneva one last time before turning on her heels.

"I quit. I refuse to be payed lower than this clown newbie who just arrived as opposed to me who's been here longer."

"Ysenia," Lucas called. "Choose your words wisely goddamnit."

She stared at him and scoffed. "I don't give a fuck. She doesn't deserve no promotion! I do!" She pointed to herself and left, slamming the door which anyone could hear throughout the building.

Lucas turned back to Michael, cutting through the thick tension in the air. "Uh...excuse her, sir. She didn't mean it. I'm sure she's not gonna quit."

"I couldn't care less." Michael said anyway. "But she can come to me later and tell me what she really wants. For now I'll let her cool down." He replied.

They furrowed their brows as to why he was being easy on her because, again, normally he would've taken action much more severely.

Their eyes were on Geneva who didn't mind the spotlight not one bit. She reached out her hand to Lucas' napkin of cookies. "May I have a cookie? Just one, that's all I ask. Didn't eat breakfast this morning." She grinned casually as if she and Michael weren't just called out

Lucas stared at her incredulously but lightly slid his napkin towards her. "...sure." He muttered and she took one and bit into the sugar cookie with ease. "Thank you." She responded.

Michael ignored the tension as well and just proceeded to go on about his day. "Let's get into discussion."

It was an hour later and tensions were still high. Almost everyone working at the computers could hear exactly what Ysenia was hollering about in the meeting room but kept to themselves anyway.

Geneva's heels clicked down the hallway as she simply planned on getting a drink of nice cold refreshing drink from the refreshments table but before she even turned the corner, she heard low voices speaking by the table.

She easily recognized those voices of her coworkers and ultimately rested her back against the wall, with a wide grin spreading across their face. "Gossip." She thought you herself. "How childish....I like it."

She lightly kicked herself off of the wall and approached them as they quickly stopped talking and looked her way with cold looks. "Y'know," Geneva started, reaching over Linda to grab a small white styrofoam cup to fill it with unsweetened lemonade.

"If you're gonna talk about me, at least do it where I can't find you." Geneva warned them but her tone was far from angry or hurt. "That way I won't know what you're saying." She smiled

"'Neva," Linda started. "You're really gonna take that promotion? Is what Ysenia said true?" She asked

Linda knew Geneva was messing around with Michael but didn't think it was serious. She took it lightly but the fact that it apparently "helped her get a promotion" kind of made her have second thoughts.

Geneva shrugged. "It depends on whether you want to believe Ysenia or not." She replied. "But I'm not in Mr. Jackson's mind. It will never truly be known why he gave me that promotion."

"Bullshit." They turned and heard Ysenia's voice in the distance as she swiftly walked up to them. Her expression wasn't filled with much anger anymore but she was still bothered-

"She's lying. This bitch, is clowning all of you." She muttered, sliding into Lucas' arms as they tightened around her. "Ain't that right, newbie?"

Geneva smiled it off and took a sip of her drink after sprinkling some sugar into it. "I don't know, Ysenia." She paused. "Jealousy kills doesn't it?"

"Jealous?" Ysenia squinted, easing out of Lucas' arms stepping closer to Geneva as she didn't flinch. "I'm more angry than jealous, bitch."

"I'm sorry, Ysenia." Geneva faked a sympathetic smile. "Maybe you'll get your promotion next time." She pouted and walked away from them with another grin behind her back.

They stood there and watched the sneaky woman turn the corner. "She irks my damn soul." Ysenia gritted, squeezing the lemonade Lucas was holding in his hand, causing it to spill

"My lemonade-"

"You really gon' quit, Ysenia?" Rocky asked. "'Cause ion even care about this shit. Maybe if I fuck miss Karen downstairs, I'll get a promotion too." He rubbed his hands together as Linda rolled her eyes at him

"Rocky you're disgusting. I'm sure that's not why he gave her the promotion. We don't know the real reason."

"How did you become friends with that witch?" Ysenia hissed, furrowing her brows. "I can't imagine bein' friends with someone like her. I bet she hides her magical flying broomsticks in her shoe closet." She muttered.

"Lighten up Ysenia." Lucas laughed it off. "It's all prolly over our heads."

She shook her head with a sigh. "I'm not quittin'. Just so that bitch can win? I ain't lettin' her win." She scoffed.

Geneva has them wrapped around her finger already though.

"Rumors about what?" Michael asked Destiny who stood before him almost shaking in her heels-

"W-well word's going around about the promotion and-"

"Shut them down. Everybody's acting like I've never given someone a promotion before." He muttered, stapling the papers on his desk, glaring at them like they did something to him.

Destiny gulped. "Repeat that sir?"

"Shut them down."

"I-I mean it is a little unusual to promote someone who's only worked here for a couple weeks sir-"

"Are you questioning my authority, Destiny?" He asked silencing her as she quickly shook her head. "N-no sir-"

"Are you implying that I don't know what I'm doing?"

She nervously smiled and looked around timidly. "Never that!"

"Then do as I say." He replied in satisfaction and shooed her out the room, facing his work again.

He was infuriated. At loss of words. He can't have privacy. Even what he chooses to do with his workers are being gossiped about around the building. Who knew promoting someone would cause this much drama?

He rubbed his fingers against the bridge of his nose and sighed, as the day got darker and darker. Time was far spent and he was ready to go home although it was just 7pm. He usually dipped at like 8.

His office was deeply lit since it was getting dark outside, adding onto the dark, rugged atmosphere. He tapped his black pen against a stack of papers, going deep into thought.

His thoughts were interrupted by Destiny entering his main office again and calmly this time. "Sir I hope you haven't forgotten your Gala dinner." She said

He instantly looked up with widened eyes. "Shit, that's tonight?" He asked

This Gala dinner is hosted by one of the most prestigious people in California and the attendees must have an invitation to attend. He was invited this year as opposed to Janet which made him feel good in that sense.

"Yes. It's in an hour. You're supposed to arrive with Naomi Jackson, sir."

Hearing her name almost deafened him. He was initially supposed to show up with his "happily" wedded "wife" and was originally invited when things were on better terms with her. He never knew he'd have to go with her when things were at its lowest points.

"Shit." He cursed again. "I needa leave now." He stood up and Destiny nodded. "I'll take care of any extra work you're to do."

He rushed out of the building and pushed through his doors but was met with an unusual amount of paparazzi outside.

A mob of paparazzi crowded around him relentlessly as if he were entering the Gala at this very moment.

They flooded him with questions and concerns. "Mr. Jackson is it true you and Naomi split?!"

"Who's the new girl in the newspapers Jackson?!"

"Is it true that the Janet Towers is taking over?"

"What made you storm out of that interview with Hilary, Jackson?"

Their questions never stopped and he shielded his face as he walked, getting more and more angry by the second. "Move the fuck out my way. I'm not answering your questions." He gritted, parting them like the Red Sea.

He was able to escape, entering his car and shutting it closed. He started the car and cursed to himself as they never left the parking lot. This was kind of unusual. He's never had to deal with paparazzi like this especially asking controversial questions.

He didn't mind them before because they usually asked him positive questions or took a few pictures. Now he couldn't stand them.

"I swear I'm gonna run 'em over." He muttered beginning to drive the car slowly at first, but then drove faster to scare them away as they ran with caution.

He sped home to get ready and make it in time to this Gala dinner he was uneasy about attending.

He used to be excited about it. Now he has to attend with a woman that hates his guts.

He made it home and slammed the front door closed. He was anxious but adamant about still looking good.

His home matched his office of course and so would his outfit.

He walked up the stairs glancing at the time on his gold watch.

He decided to enjoy himself today.

Gala Dinner 8:30pm

Michael arrived in a long black limousine, but alone. He thankfully didn't have to arrive immediately with Naomi and wanted to save himself from the tense air. He's had enough of that for the day.

He exited the limo and as soon as his foot touched the red carpet, the flash of cameras and chanting people went all off. "He's here! It's really him!" He heard their voices and he paused once another limousine pulled up, and it was white. He knew that white limousine all too well.

Naomi Jackson exited that white limo, showing off her elegant red dress as she posed over her shoulder for the pictures. She glanced at Michael who decided to wait for her and make an entrance.

She walked casually over to him at the start of the red carpet and faked a smile, linking her arm to his. "Naomi." Michael simply said without making eye contact as he kept himself picture perfect.

"Just make these pictures look believable. Like we're a happy couple." She muttered through her smile. He watched as her dimples really came out in her cheeks as she showed a big smile.

He felt her hand reach to his chest as she posed further. She really tried her best to still make it look like they were happy.

Soon enough, they were led inside as the next couple posed for the cameras.

They were greeted by numerous people who were high up into the music, business, etc, world and it was an honor for them to meet him.

"Yeah, we're getting along just fine." Naomi tightly said to someone that asked about their relationship. Michael's sure most of the people here has seen the media and what it says about him and Naomi. Things should be fun tonight.

They found their table, which was big and round but was reserved for just a few people. Other tables consisted of a max of 10 people but their table had a smaller capacity for some reason.

The atmosphere was loud and boisterous. They shook hands with at least 100 people before being able to actually sit down and have their meal. Music blared in the distance and it was really a night to remember for some.

"Mr. Billionaire!" Michael heard a voice behind him and it was a just famous designer. "That's what you're called in the media right?" She asked, leaning in to give him a hug and he hugged her back unwillingly

"Well, soon-to-be. I'm almost there." He said and smiled it off as she proceeded to talk to him but he wasn't interested in her words at all.

He spotted Hilary, the reporter, in the distance and they made brief eye contact before she was pulled away by someone else.

The toxicity was the death of him.

He sat at the table in an awkward silence with Naomi who made no effort to speak to him. She minded her business. But she was almost too calm for his liking.

"Naomi don't embarrass me tonight, alright? Let's just have a good time." He said, absentmindedly rearranging his silverware and she scoffed at him-

"How bout you just don't associate yourself with me tonight? How bout that?"

He sighed. "Naomi-"

"It's bad enough I have to be here with you right now. I would've taken the next flight to Reno if I could. I have more business there than here with you."

"Could you at least pretend? If you don't wanna talk to me, that's fine. Our marriage was never working anyway. But don't embarrass me. I mean it."

His words just made her more and more angry. She bit her tongue. "Same to you Mr. Billionaire."

He swallowed his next statement and just decided to continue the fake smiles for the night. It was all he could do.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching their table and he looked up from his phone, landing his eyes on Geneva Arias herself.

He almost made an outburst of what she could possibly be here for but kept it subtle as he watched her pull out a chair and take a seat.

She was dashing tonight. She wore a navy blue dress that stopped to her knees with sequins sparkling at the chest area. She had a small white sparkly purse in her right hand as she used her left hand to pull out her seat. Not many knew she was left handed.

"Welcome, Geneva." Naomi faked a smile as Geneva did it back. "It's nice seeing you too."

"What the fuck-" Michael paused and leaned into his wife, "what the fuck is she doing here?"

Naomi shrugged casually. "We're able to invite at least 2 people and I decided to send a private invitation to her last minute. I hope you don't mind."

"What the fuck are you up to?" He gritted and she furrowed her brows. "I'm just being nice, Michael." She offendedly said. "If she's so important to you, she must be important enough to be here."

"You sound stupid."

"I heard you gave her a promotion. She must be so important." Naomi repeated more firmly.

He didn't ask how she knew that and just focused on Geneva's unusual presence. She sat there with a grin, watching as others chatted and ate their food divinely.

"Good evening, Mr. Jackson. I just saw you earlier." She laughed lightly and unwrapped her silverware from the folded up polyester napkin it was in.

"Yeah," Michael peered at her and sipped the water that was previously placed for them on the table. "You did."

They listened to the various announcements and musical performances before finally beginning to eat.

The menu and food options were small in variety, so they ended up ordering similar things. Just orders of mainly steak, salad, grilled chicken breast, bow tie pasta—etc.

Their plates were placed before them and the delicious smell filled their noses. "I bet you're wondering why I invited you here, Geneva." Naomi said, taking a bite into her steak and Geneva looked around from digging into her pasta

She really wasn't..

"Oh...yeah, I was. I'm really curious, Mrs. Jackson."

Naomi shrugged with a smile. "I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted the other day. I should've never chucked my heel at you and almost punctured you in the eye where you could bleed out on his floors and possibly just die." She sighed blissfully

"Ooookay.." Geneva thought

"Oh it's no problem at all, ma'am. I'm sure you didn't mean it." Geneva shrugged.

"I'm glad you understand." Naomi smiled and nibbled on her side salad before she looked up and saw another waiter, coming to place down their glasses of wine

"You ordered wine, am I correct?" The waiter asked and Naomi nodded. "Yes. We all did." She answered and after it was placed randomly in the middle of the circular table, she handed each glass to them personally.

"Let's enjoy our wine." She said and sipped her's. Michael slowly took a sip of his wine, peering over at his wife who acted a little too off for his liking.

He wasn't going to engage in a conversation at all. This had to be the worst dinner date of his life.

Geneva ate her food contentedly as if her life was fairy dust and rainbows at the moment.

"Won't you drink your wine, Geneva?" Naomi asked

"Not really thirsty, ma'am." Geneva replied with a solemn face and Michael glared at the two.

"Not thirsty?" Naomi asked. "You ate almost half your plate. I'm sure you're thirsty."

"I'm not really feeling wine tonight." She shrugged. "I think I'd like a water instead."

"You should just drink your wine." Naomi said more tightly. "It's like the best in the country. You wouldn't wanna pass it up."

Geneva's smile faded and she blinked twice, lifting the wine up to her lips, staring deeply into it. She teased Naomi, acting as if she was about to take a sip but placed it back down.

"No thank you. If it's the best in the country then it wouldn't hurt to take two. You can have it Mrs. Jackson." She shrugged, and placed it in front of Naomi who gritted a smile in return

"I don't want two." Naomi looked around before staring at her again, pushing it back towards her. "Just drink it. It's delicious."

"If it's so delicious maybe you should just have it, ma'am. I wouldn't want you to die of thirst." Geneva faked a concerned expression on her face and pushed it back towards Naomi.

Michael squinted his eyes at his wife who seemed nervous. She was fussing over a simple glass of wine..

He could only think the worst

"Naomi, what's your problem? Either drink the wine or leave it alone." He rolled his eyes and Naomi rebelled. "I won't drink it. It's her's."

"You're acting like it's poison and it'll kill you and you only." He rolled his eyes once more and judging from the silence that took place afterwards, his eyes widened.

"Naomi...did you have that wine poisoned?" He asked rather loudly, which caught the attention of people beside them at their tables

"Poisoned?" Their voices began to ring table to table and all the attention was now put onto Michael's table

Geneva acted shocked and looked around, seeming just as bewildered as everyone else. "Poison?" She asked

Knowing she has been caught, Naomi stood from her seat. "That's right." She nodded with sass because at this point she isn't the victim. She had no other choice but to come out with it with pride. "I did have her drink poisoned but it was for an important cost!"

Michael glared eyes of fire at his wife as she went ahead and embarrassed him anyway

"Just sit down and quit makin' me look bad." He gritted but she continued talking like a mad woman

"This bitch ruined my marriage!" She pointed to Geneva. "She deserves to get poisoned. She's the fuckin' devil!" She exclaimed.

Everyone stopped in their places and looked towards Naomi Jackson who seems to have completely lost her mind.

"I've been with this man almost all my life! I loved him! And for this bitch to come into the picture and try to steal him away?!" She asked as her hands proceeded to gesture towards Geneva who sat there unbothered.

"I've thrown everything away for him to just end things now! He's mine and he'll always be mine!" She continued her mad words as now angry tears streamed down her face

It took long enough for security to come and restrain her. "Take her away. She just tried to poison me and I'd feel safer it she was put into a nuthouse." Geneva shooed Naomi away with her hand as they obliged and took the woman out of the building.

Geneva sat back in her chair and crossed her arms with a grin forming on her face as everyone's stares subsided and they finally looked elsewhere and carried on with their days.

"Now that the problem's gone.." She started, beginning to take a sip of the water that was already there before she arrived. "Where were we?"



I arrived home late at night and I beyond exhausted. I opened my apartment door and saw my sister sitting comfortably on my couch. "G what the hell?" She asked and I was so tired that I could've fallen asleep on the floor.

"I've had a long day." I told her. My siblings were still making themselves at home at my place and I can't wait to get my mansion in the future and leave them here. They can have my bummy apartment all they want.

"Nevermind on how your ass was invited to THE Gala dinner, but did you see what happened? Naomi Jackson went crazy." She beamed, laughing at her phone as I cocked a brow

"I was there, Dee." I rolled my eyes at my sister, Denise, and walked to the kitchen while taking off my heels. Behind her back I was grinning. I didn't think it would make it to the media that quick.

"She was yelling at you?! Gigi your name is in this article! What the hell did you do to Naomi Jackson goddamn?" She asked and I shrugged

"I really didn't do much."

"She was accusing you of some bad stuff G. Going to the gala is supposed to be memorable. Yo ass got yourself in trouble." She tsked at me and I shrugged

She perked up again as her eyes read through the article some more. "She tried to poison you?! What in the name of 1950s cliche horror movie is goin' on here?!"

I rested my elbows on my granite island and shrugged again. "I knew she didn't invite me for good intentions." I replied

Denise looked back at me with furrowed brows. "Then why did you go? You could've been poisoned sis! That woman is crazy."

"At least I got to go right?" I grinned. "My dress was pretty, I smiled for them cameras." I sighed as blissfully as Naomi did when she thought she could poison me. "I had a great time."

Denise squinted her eyes at me. "Hm. You're onto some weird shit."

"I'll be in the articles." I pointed out as my lips curved into a grin. "I made that woman look insane while I got to enjoy the rest of the night even though nobody knew me from a can of paint."

I walked over to where I kept my little collection of wine in the corner by the paper towels-

"Now I'm gonna have some wine. I don't know about you, but I'm quite thirsty."

A/n: chile...

I really needa have this story done and there's only like 3 more chapters after dis. i have chapter 8 and 9 done. y'all want em soon or can I go back to hibernation💀💀💀

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|| 2022 MJFAs FINALIST ; BEST SHORT STORY || ๐‘จ ๐‘ด๐‘ฐ๐‘ช๐‘ฏ๐‘จ๐‘ฌ๐‘ณ ๐‘ฑ๐‘จ๐‘ช๐‘ฒ๐‘บ๐‘ถ๐‘ต ๐‘น๐‘ถ๐‘ด๐‘จ๐‘ต๐‘ช๐‘ฌ ๐‘บ๐‘ฏ๐‘ถ๐‘น๐‘ป ๐‘บ๐‘ป๐‘ถ๐‘น๐’€ ๐’•๐’‰๐’“๐’Š๐’๐’๐’†๐’“ ๐’†๐’“๐’‚ **MATURE C...
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Charlotte is told that Michael has to leave. His bags already packed as he confesses to her that he has to go. Charlotte is left heart broken, lost a...
8.1K 296 11
Michael Jackson is a grocery worker and he has a speech problem. Over the years, since he was a kid, all he every got was bullying and abuse from his...