Stockholm Syndrome (L.S. Mpre...

By Leighann95

33.3K 890 134

Completed. Editing needed. One of my favorites that I have written. This is from a dream I had. Harry and on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2, rated "R"
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
AN Please Read
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Epilogue updated.
New cover?

Chapter 10

1.1K 48 22
By Leighann95

~*Chapter 10~*~



Harry woke up on Christmas day at about noon. He had gotten home from the hospital really, really late and he had slept in all day long, missing Christmas breakfast and opening presents. By the smell of things, he didn't miss Christmas lunch. Thank God.

Carefully, Harry rolled out of bed and placed one hand on his stomach, under his growing bump, and the other on his back. Harry was honestly lucky that he wasn't put on bed rest yet. He was thirty weeks pregnant. The doctor said that the longest he would be pregnant was thirty six weeks, and the earliest he could safely give birth was thirty four weeks.

For the past ten weeks, he had been getting even more sleep, drinking even more water, staying off of his feet more, doing as the doctor had told him. The doctor suggested that he talk to someone about how he was feeling, but he couldn't. He just couldn't. Not unless that someone was Louis.

Harry carefully walked to the bathroom so he could release his bodily fluids, he had to sit on the toilet to do so, then he got up, flushed the toilet, and washed his hands.

"I love you, Louis." Harry whispered as he washed over his tattoo. "We love you. All three of us, right kids?" Harry quietly asked the two babies. For a response, Harry received a number of kicks, one which caused him a bit of pain.

"I wish your daddy could see you, see me." Harry whispered to the two babies as he turned to lean against the bathroom counter. "Maybe he would be touching my tummy, rubbing it." He told the two babies as he placed both hands on both sides of his stomach, giggling as he felt pressure against his hands.

"Love you two." Harry told the two babies before he pushed himself off of the wall and began his journey to the kitchen. Harry was absolutely starved. He hasn't eaten since he got some crackers at the hospital earlier this morning.

"Good afternoon, babies!" Harry, or the twins rather, was greeted by his little cousin, almost as soon as he reached the kitchen.

Harry just smiled and walked over to the young boy. "Hello, Anthony." He greeted the boy. "The twins said 'hello' as well." Harry told the boy before he sat down at the table, in the chair with the cushion on it.

Anthony giggled and shoved his hand back in the bag of potato chips before his mother, Harry's aunt, took the bag away, telling Anthony that he was going to spoil his appetite if he kept eating like he was.

Harry just smiled and rubbed his large stomach as he thought about himself having two babies to look after, to raise.

"Mum," Harry spoke out. His mother had headphones in, so he didn't even know if she heard him.

When he didn't get an answer from his mother, He rolled his eyes and laughed. "Mum!" He shouted, scaring the older woman.

"Jesus, Harry. Don't do that!" Anne scolded as she held her hand to her chest, acting way more dramatic than need be.

"Can I go for a short walk? The doctor said that I should exercise some." Harry told his mother, hoping that she would let him go for a walk. He's been stuck inside for so long and the fresh air just might do him some good.

Anne proved her hand from her chest and bit her bottom lip as she took both headphones out of her ears. "I don't know, Harry." Anne told the pregnant teen. "What if he's out there?" She quietly asked, Harry's aunt leaving the room with Anthony as she spoke. Now, Harry and his mother were the only two in the room.

"Mummy." Harry began. Harry was already speaking more than normal, normally, he would just sit quietly and not speak unless spoken to. And even then, his answers were short. "I really don't think he's here, mummy. Its been months, he probably doesn't even care about me."

The thought that Louis didn't care about Harry nearly killed the teen every time he thought about it. Harry loved the man, who had no intentions of loving Harry back. And they now had two babies on the way.

In all honestly, Harry hoped that Louis has yet to give up on finding him. He hoped that he could at least see Louis one last time. He doubted that would happen, though. He honestly doubted it.

"I'm sorry, honey. Why don't you just wait." Anne told Harry before she pressed a kiss to Harry's head and went back to cooking.


Christmas went by quickly, then New Years. Harry was feeling some more and more discomfort around his thirty second month. His doctor had told him that it was just that he was not big enough for his babies, his babies were too big and crowded and they had no more room in him, which was why he couldn't feel them moving as much.

Harry's birthday was not the best, really. He was put on bed rest the week before and he couldn't do anything. He hurt all over and he was honestly just ready to have these babies out of him.

He wished that his babies were in his arms already. But, the longer they were in him, the better.

At thirty six weeks, on the dot, Harry began to have contractions. This time, they were real. Very real. Harry has never, ever experienced so much pain in his life. He was rushed to the hospital and prepped for birth. Harry had told his doctor, and his parents, that he wanted to have an all natural pregnancy. He was already worried that the drugs he was given while with Louis had hurt his babies, he wasn't going to put more drugs in his body.

Harry gave birth two days later, being in labor for nearly forty hours. It was hell, pushing those two babies out of him. But, they were both born on February 7, 2015. Adam William Tomlinson was born at 10:38 pm while his little sister, Sylvia Louise Tomlinson, was born at 11:59 pm. She barely made it.

Harry's mother was not very happy about her grand children having that man's last name, but it was the, now, seventeen year old's decision. And he wanted his children to have as much of their daddy as possible.

Harry was able to hold the two babies, and breast feed them, until 12:30 am before they were taken to be checked and put to sleep. Harry was also told to get some sleep himself.

"You left me." A familiar voice whispered.

Harry opened his eyes immediately, looking up into the dark. When his eyes landed on Louis, he cried out for joy.

"Louis." Harry whispered as he opened his arms for the man, wanting to be held.

"Why did you leave me, Harry? I told you not to. Now, they will die. Just like you."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows as he sat up in the bed. He looked around as he heard crying. That was when he noticed that he wasn't in the hospital anymore. He was back in the house that he shared with Louis in the Amish community.

These cries didn't sound right. Something was off.

"Louis, please. They are just babies." Harry whispered as he tried to get out of the bed. He couldn't move. It was just like it was when he first arrived to the house.

"Harry, Harry, Harry." Louis tsked as he walked over to the crib, roughly picking one of the babies up by the arm. "I told you, didn't I?" Louis asked, turning to face Harry.

Harry had never, ever felt so terrified in his life. And Louis has never, ever looked so terrifying.

"Please, Louis, please put my babies down. Please." Harry begged.

Louis's sinister smile only grew at that. "Okay." He simply told Harry before he let go of the screaming child in his hand.

Harry shot up in the bed, his heart monitor going off like crazy. He was covered in sweat, but he couldn't care.

A nurse ran in the room to check on Harry. It was barely two thirty in the morning and Harry's heart rate was far too high.

"My babies. I need my babies." Harry told the nurse, his eyes wide as he got out of bed and looked around the room. He didn't know what he as looking for. Maybe for Louis, for the room to change. Something. Anything. He didn't know.

"Mr. Styles." The nurse, Becky is what her name tag had on it, began. "I can't let you out of your room. You need your rest. Your babies are just fine, believe me." She told Harry as she tried to place the teen back into the bed.

Harry was having none of that, though. He pushed passed the nurse as he unhooked everything from his body and walked to the door, his bum showing in the back of his hospital gown.

"Mr. Styles." The nurse began again before Harry turned to look at her.

"Its Tomlinson, and I'm going to see my babies." He angrily told the nurse before he began to limp his way out of the room.

The nurse did nothing to stop him this time.

When Harry reached the room where the babies were, he pressed the button to buzz in. He had to see his babies.

"Please, I have to check on my babies." He frantically told the intercom box. "Please, let me check on my babies. Please." He said as he shoved his wrist at the camera so the nurses on duty could see his wrist band.

Harry didn't have to wait too long. The nurse who was in his room was soon typing her passcode in and directing Harry to the two babies.

Both babies were healthy. Adam was just an ounce over six pounds, which was pretty big for a premature baby, and Sylvia was five pounds, nine ounces. Both were screaming when they came out. They both had well functioning lungs. Everything was good.

And they still were okay when Harry sat beside their shared crib. He applied germ x to his hands before he carefully placed his hand, his hand with his wedding tattoo, on Adam's stomach, feeling him breath.

"Still breathing, thank God." Harry whispered before he placed his same hand on Sylvia's stomach, feeling her stomach moved as she took in oxygen as well.

Both babies were, thankfully, breathing on their own. Harry really hoped that he was able to bring them home soon. He couldn't wait to let them see the room they would be sharing for the next few years.

Harry kept his hand on both babies and leaned back in the chair before he fell asleep, hoping and praying that he wouldn't have another nightmare like the one he had just had.


This is over 1,800 words. :)

I decided to just continue with what I was doing.

But, that makes this story closer to being finished.

I'll say that this story has no more than four chapters. If it does, it will surprise myself. Haha. :)

Again, there are inaccuracies in this story.

And the dream that Harry had is similar to a dream I had. But, it was my dog instead of a baby. Still scared me to death, almost.

Anyways, Harry gave birth, the babies are healthy, Harry had a bad dream.


Please feel free to tell me what you think about this.

Comment, kudos, fan, subscribe, etc.

I love you all. Thank you so much for reading. :)

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