Teacher Teaser (Gerard X Read...

By solarattraction

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After your last teacher, Mr. Grace, quits they find a replacement pretty quickly. he didn't know what he had... More

1: Stressed Out
2: Pretty Fly For A Fry Guy
3: Narcissistic
4: Is it a "blade" of wheat i ask the universe
5: I don't get involved in milk politics
6: dwight, you ignorant slut
7: Early skull gets the brain
9: ryan ross
10: I'll keep you my dirty little secret;)
11: Moved
12: Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
13: Who has to know?
14: Frankie
15: The End.

8: Knives And Pens

353 3 12
By solarattraction


Jimmy just knocked out y/n. This... is not good. "Y/N? Y/N?" I try and get her to wake up, but that's clearly not happening. I pick her up, and set her on her chair. I get my water bottle, and run back over to her. I open it, and splash it on her. She wakes up, and I take a sigh of relief. "what- what just happened?" She sits up, and looks precautiously at Jimmy. "I'm not going to let him hurt you, okay?" I kneel down to meet her eye level. "No, I mean why did you spill water on me?" "Oh, to wake you up." I chuckle, and she cracks a smile.

"Not to ruin your guys' moment, but i'm calling the fucking police." Frank practically teleports behind me.

"Hey, woah, Frank.. no need for them." Jimmy takes a step towards Frank. "Oh, why yes their is." Frank cocks his head up. Jimmy obviously tries to punch frank too, but frank grabs his arm and flips him over, immobilizing him. "Try that again, and i'll fucking destroy you. Got it?" Jimmy nods cautiously, and Frank smirks and brushes himself off. "Good." Frank pulls out his phone and dials 911. "Didnt know you were capable of that, frank." He turns his head to y/n. "See, if i were truly mad at you and genuinely wanted to hurt you, you would've known huh?" He goes back to talking the the operator. "Well, y/n, I'll drive you back to your dorm so you can change.. if that's okay." I look back at her. "Yeah.. that's fine. Can you help me to my dorm though? Still kinda... dizzy i could say." She stands up, and stumbles. "Sure." I walk her to my car, and we start driving.

The drive there we mostly talked about anything accept for what just happened.

"Thanks, Way." Y/N turns the keys, and unlocks her door. "No problem. I'll be out here waiting." I scan the hallway. "No, you're going to come in.. What host would I be if I didn't let my worst enemy in?" Before I could decline, she pulls me by the wrist into her dorm. All over her walls are framed pictures of her, Jimmy, and Frank. Some all together, and some with her and just frank, or just jimmy. When she notices a picture of her and jimmy hanging on her door, she breathes out, and takes it off the door.


and smashes it into pieces on the ground.

"Woah, y/n. Now you have to clean that up." I look down at the floor, and she picks up the picture and tears it to pieces. "I- I will okay? Just give me a fucking break!" She stares down, and crashes down to the floor in sobs. "Hey woah, i'm sorry.. are you okay?" I sit down next to her. "Yeah, i'm fine.. just kind of confused as to what just happened." I nod, and give her a reassuring smile. "I mean, he was my best friend, how could he do this? I didn't even do anything wrong!" She wipes her cheek. "No, you didn't. He's the one who's most likely going to get expelled, not you." I chuckle, and help her up. "You go change, I'll clean this up." I motion for her to go into her room, and she locks the door behind her.

I'm searching the dorm for a broom, and I open a closet to see a broom, a mop, and some other things.

Including a picture of her, frank, and an older man. They looked to be about 16, but the older man at least 45. Probably her dad. I don't touch it, but I study it. They seem to be at a carnival type thing, however the older man looks quite unwell. Almost frail. Y/n looks kind of downhearted, but frank looks quite the opposite. he looks very joyful, almost thrilled. I pick the picture up to look at it even closer, but then I hear footsteps behind me. I quickly set the photo down, and turn around to see y/n. "Why were you touching that?" She looks behind me. "Sorry, I just noticed it and couldn't really resist. I was just getting a broom-" She forced me out of the way, and grabbed the photo. She hung it up in replacement of her old photo. "That's much better." "If you don't mind me asking, what's happening in this photo?" I grab the broom, and fastened the closet door. "Oh, that's just Frank, My dad, and I at my sixteenth birthday party. Right before he died." She walked closer to me, and grabbed the broom from my hands. "Oh, i'm sorry for asking-" I trudge towards her to help clean up the glass. "Oh no, you're fine. It doesn't really bother me anymore." She utters before getting up and throwing the glass away. "We should get back.. I want to see Jimmy get arrested, I actually really want front row seats so we better get there quick." She announces. I snicker, and grab my keys. Off we go!

When we get back, we see and hear police cars, and see Jimmy being pressed against one and handcuffed. "Hell yes, just in time!" y/n shouts, jogging towards the scene. (a/n: acab:))

"Sorry to see you go Jimmy..." Frank and y/n taunt him. "You'll pay for this!" Jimmy squirms, as the officers shove him into the backseat.

"if he means pay for his bail, thats not fucking happening." Frank looks over to y/n. "Why were you two gone so long? you weren't fucking rig-" Y/n slapped him.

"Iero, i wouldn't do that with any of my students.." I cross my arms, and frank rolls his eyes. "right.." He winks at me.

"Frank, let's go get starbucks!" Y/n's face lightens, as she tugs at his wrist.

"Dude i'm too fucking broke for that." Frank focused on y/n.

Y/n gave him puppy eyes, and he rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Fine.. you coming way?" He glanced over to me. "That wouldn't be profesional-"

"Come on, why not?" He motions for me to follow him. I do, hesitantly.

Is this even legal?

I mean, why wouldn't it be..?

"Way's finally warming up, huh?" Y/N opens Franks car door. "Guess so.."

The drive there was... a little odd. Y/N and frank just kept insulting each other and laughing. I'm only about 6 years older than them but.. yet I feel so old.

We got there after what felt like ages, and Frank kept glancing over to me. This feels.. genuinely ILLEGAL. ((a/n: it's not i looked it up..))

We place our orders, and I just get a normal black coffee, meanwhile frank practically orders everything on the damn menu.

Y/N grabs my hand, and runs to a table. "That was.. uncalled for y/n." I the chair out. "Well, you walk slow Way." I mean, I know what she means.


"That was.. uncalled for y/n." Way sits down. "Well, you walk slow Way."

We sit in silence for about 10 seconds.

"Way, why the hell do you keep y/n for detention so much? Detention isn't a thing at our university.." Frank sips his tea. "I mean, disciplinary reasons.." Frank cuts Gerard off. "Well, you kinda let y/n seduce you enough for her to get her shit and leave so I mean.." I slap him on the mouth. "Wait, you told him tha-" he turns my head to me. "Yeah, I tell him everything, he's my best friend.."

"Whatever.." Way sips his coffee, and accidentally drinks almost half of it. "Okay, how in the actual hell did you not burn your tongue Way?" I set my cup down. "Well, I've been drinking coffee since the age of 11, so thats about 16 years of pouring lava down my throat."

"Wait, theirs no way you're only 6 years older than me." I feel my eyes widen.

"Are you implying I look old l/n?"

"He hey woah, assuming shit Way."

"I have the right to assume that." He pulls a lock of hair behind his ear.


"Whatever, way." Y/N drinks her drink, that's definitely not coffee. I mean, it's pink and translucent. How the hell did I not notice that? I really don't notice anything she does at this point.

I didn't realize I was staring at her drink, until she tapped me on the shoulder, and I shook myself back into reality. "Are you okay..?" She sets her drink down. "Oh yeah sorry, just kinda zoned out." I rub the back of my neck. Today's been quite a stressful day. "Hmm, you were staring at my drink, indicating it caught your interest. You wanna try it?" She shakes the cup. "That's unsanitary l/n." She rolls her eyes, and says "I'd get you your own, dumbass." "Wow, you're more brutal then you look y/n." I scoot my chair out so I can stand up. "Good troublemakers don't dress like it."

She has a point there.

"You're right, i'll give you that." She grabs my sleeve and pulls me to the line. "Why do you keep doing that.." I tried to mumble, but she heard it. "Again, you walk slow. Also, your shirt fabric is quite soft."

Y/N gives me the sugar ridden liquid, and we walk back- sorry- she fucking drags me back to the table.

"I swear to god if you put that on my card i'll fucking punch you." Frank finishes his drink. "Good." Y/N slides a card across the table. "Oh you fucking whor-" He shoots his eyes to me, and back to y/n.

"You're an idiot, Frank." Y/N sets her drink down on the table.

"You seem to forget I can dropkick you"

"How about we not do that?" I sit down in my chair, right across from him.

"Okay Gerard, I have to see your reaction when you try this." Y/N rests her cheek in the palm of her hand, and her elbow on the table.

"Uh.. why exactly?" I stare at the pink liquid.

"Well you were drinking bitter black coffee, so now I need to see your reaction to the exact opposite of it."

She has sort of a good point.

"Okay then.." My hand shakes as I bring the straw to my mouth.

Why am I terrified of a fucking drink?

I spit out most of the basically sugar water that I ingested.

"I knew you'd do that!" Y/N pats my back.

"Holy shit that was sweet-"

Y/N and Frank's jaws drop.

"I didn't know you even knew HOW to swear honestly." Frank covers his mouth with his hand.

"Honestly, me neither."

"Well, Y/N, Frank, Honestly I didn't know a person could say honestly so much." I scoot the sugar water away from me.

"Fuck a duck, Way." Frank jingles his keys. "Let's go."

"Whattt, whyy?? I didn't even get to finish my driNnNNnNnK.." Y/N crosses her arms.

"Stop whining, and get in the car."

"Let's go Way." Y/N grabs my hand and pulls me outside.

"I can walk properly, thank you very much." I retract my hand.

"Hmm, fine."

As I climb in the car, I remember my car is still at the lecture hall.


"Way, i'll drop you off at the lecture hall." Frank starts the car.


"Way c'mon hang out with us! you're fun-" Y/N closed her door.

"No, I should really-"

"It's friday, and we have a lecture at 4, then we'll drop you off.. why not do that?" Y/N turns to me.

"you REALLY want me to do this?"

Y/N shakes her head, and I check my watch. 11:45AM.

I exhale loudly. "Fine.."

"Three cheers for Way finally loosening up." Frank backs out.

Three cheers for... i like that. that could be something big.



"Alright, let's go." Y/N jumps out her seat, and falls. onto the pavement. "Are you okay?" I grab her hand to help her up. "Way, she does that so often that she doesn't even notice it anymore." Frank walks over, but when Y/N sits up, we see her lip is gushing blood. "Alright, let's get you inside." I sling her arm around my shoulder. "ight." she keeps walking. What the hell is tha- nevermind.

I grab the keys from her pocket to unlock her dorm. "Let's get your lip situated, hmm?" I sit her down at the counter, while I look for papertowl. I find some in the cupboard, and I turn around to see theirs a pool of blood on the counter. 'Gross..' I inspect her lip, and see her lip ring tore her lip a bit. I didn't even know she had that. "Since when do you have a lip piercing?" I ask her, but keep my eyes on her lips while dabbing them with a damp papertowl. "Last night.. along with my nose piercing." She keeps her lips as still as possible.

I got her an ice pack, and wrapped it in a warm, moist towel. ((i dont care if you hate that word lmao..)) "Thanks.." She walks over to her sofa. "Frank.. give me the oreos" Y/N pats Franks leg. "I'm pretty sure douchebag Jimmy ate them all last night." He looks over to her. "That bastard's paying for all the oreos of mine that he's eaten." She gets up, and walks over to the kitchen, where im still sitting. "That fucker did eat all my oreos!" She starts throwing shit onto the floor, looking through her cupboard. "god DAMNIT! ALL I WANTED WAS A FUCKING OREO-" She closes her cupboard and puts her face into her palms. "Oh no, she's showing emotions this is BAD." Frank jumps over the counter. I sit her down on the sofa, and meet her eye level. "Y/N, do you need anything?" she puts her hands down onto her lap. "just.. some oreos." "ON IT!" Frank grabs his keys, and runs out the door. "He's.. energeti-" I couldn't finish my sentence, before Y/N pulled me into a hug. "thank you." She whispered, and hugged tighter. I genuinely didn't know she had any emotions that weren't anger. "you're welcome-"

Just as she was about to let go, Frank walked through the door. "Woah, didn't mean to interrupt you-" He tossed the oreos over to y/n. Frank was never really serious, mostly joking around. But I've noticed that when he needs to be serious, he gets very. serious.

"Thanks, Frank." Y/n let go of me, and wiped her face.

"Wait, how'd you get back so fast?"

"I just got them from my dorm. I always have oreos, y/n." Frank never really surprises me. I mean, he's quite the unpredictable guy.

I got up, brushed myself off, and walked out the door. I've done my part.

Hopefully, next class will be less.. interesting.

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