Me, and My Game

By Hungergamie8

688 41 19

Scarlet Jacksons always been prepared in her job, her job as a proffessianal killer that is. But nothing can... More

Chapter 1 *The Package*
Chapter 2 *The Girl*
Chapter 3 *The Flirt*

Chapter 4 *The Plan*

108 13 5
By Hungergamie8

Hello people of the world, sorry i haven't uploaded in a while, I had writers block, so yeah, enjoy!

Chapter 4 *The Plan*

*Zach POV*

I couldn't believe it. Rejected.  She just walked away. Rude. But I had to get her. I plopped down on my bed and kicked my shoes off.

But how? Scarlet, Scarlet your messing with my head. Is she smart, stupid? I need to know more. I pull my computer onto my knees. Google please help. I enter "Scarlet Jackson " into the search box. Lets see now, politician, accountant, teacher, nothing fits. Does this even work? I enter "Zachary McGraw" into the search box. Lawyer, taxi cab driver, I scroll down, There I am "Zachary McGraw, Edwards High baseball star..." So why didn't she show up? There is a loud knock on my door .

"Come in" I say, In walks my dad.

"I rented a batting cage, so.... wanna come?"

"Awesome, let me grab my stuff" I say, setting the computer down on my bed, and I walk to the closet.

"Son I'm pretty sure you know who you are, you don'y have to search yourself."

"Yeah dad,sorry, just seeing what would come up." I replied, just a little bit embarrassed. And off to the batting cages we when.

*Scarlet POV*

I sat there, in my car, eavesdropping on Xander's group from behind my magazine. The group distributed into there cars and drove away.

Now how should I play this,set up a sniper pod in the oak tree directly in front of his bedroom window or up close and personal? Up close and personal is always more fun, you get to play a character, but you have to clean everything up afterwords, the sniper would be faster. I'll decide tomorrow, all I want to do now is to take a nice hot bath in my apartment and forget about the sweaty highschoolers I just spent my day with. That was exactly what I did.

*Zach POV*

Back at school once again and I still have no plan, sh*t. I get out of my car and feel a cool autumn breeze come through. I see her at the door of the building, her light brown hair sloshing from side to side as she walks. I think I have Calculus with her in first period. It's hard to tell because I wasn't  paying attention to her yesterday. By this time I'm infront of the door to Calculus, I walk in and take my seat. Where is she, where is she, I think as more people walk through the door. I didn't see her come in, yet when I turned, there she was in her seat. I swear she wasn't there before. How the....

" Children, young adults, whatever you are, take your seats!!!" yelled Ms.Wang destroying my train of thought.

"We have work to do here!!!"

Everyone was smart enough to sit down and shut thier mouths. She started jabbering like it was a race.

"Ok, first problem, lets see what you know. a=b, a squared=ab, a squared-b=ab-b squared, (a+b)(a-b)=b(a-b), (a+b)=b, a+a=a, 2a=a, whats the answer?" No one raises there hand, I can see why, no one knows.

"Ms.Jackson would you care to tell us the answer?" Ms.Wang says, all eyes turn to Scarlet. She looks up grinning "2=1" she remains starring at Ms.Wang as her face lights up.

"At least we have one other bright person in here!!!!" she exclaims. if Scarlet gets this how can she not get history. The rest of the class goes by Ms.Wang asking questions and no one answering them, while Xander and his friends sitting around him throw stuff out the window that was letting the cool breeze inside. The bell finally rang. Scarlet picks up her bag and walks towards the door with me on her trail. I followed her out the door and started the lamest conversation ever.

"Hey, did you finish the history homework?"

"We didn't have any" she replied coldly

"Oh, yeah" I said like the idiot that I am. The conversation ended like it did yesterday, with her taking a sharp turn in the hallway and me gazing at her in aw.

The rest of the day passed quick enough until after history. I waited at the door for Scarlet to come out, this time I started walking to her right side so it wouldn't be as easy for her to make that sudden turn of hers. I didn't know it was possible but the next thing I did was amaze myself with my own stupidity. I suddenly blurted out,

"Will you go out with me?"

*Scarlet POV*

I was expecting that that questions would come out of his mouth towards me sometime, but I didn't expect it now. My first reaction was to say no, but being the cruel person I am I decided to think about it for a second. It would be fun to play with him, he was so clueless, but I have to stay focused on the mission. my mind battled itself. The mission won't take long I can do it in a matter of minutes, but I have to focus on it. The rule breaking side of my mind won and I said "Yes" before I could change my mind.

"So tonight, 6ish" he commanded, it sounded more like a question.

"Cool" I replied and gave him a sticky note with my number on it.

"See you then" he said, and walked of to his next class. It will end how it always ends, it will just be me, and my game.


Thanks for reading, PLEASE vote and comment, hope to upload soon. 

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