Sassy (ON HOLD)

By jkismydadae

143K 4.4K 1.8K

Taehyung is the sassy, cute and sexy cheerleading captain of Bighit High. What happens when he catches the at... More

Character Introductions
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Author's note/vote
Chapter 47
Author's note
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 2

6.2K 198 172
By jkismydadae

*Taehyung pov*
I just finished changing back into my clothes and was making my way out to the parking lot to go home. Once I got outside, I noticed basically all of the teams just hanging out and talking amongst themselves. I smiled and looked around to find my best friends. Once I found them, I squealed loudly and ran towards them, ignoring the fact that basically everyone was staring at me now.

"Do you guys want to have a sleepover at my house?!" I asked excitedly once I reached my 2 best friends.

"Sure but we need to go get some clothes from our houses" Mark said making Jackson nod in agreement.

"I can take you" I said making them both look at me like I was crazy.

"Oh yeah, my parents got me a new car over the summer" I said while smiling sheepishly.

"Yeah right. We won't believe it until we see it" Jackson said sassily making me giggle at him.

"Ok then. Follow me" I said giggling while walking in the direction of my car.

I was in the line of sight of my car when I noticed some of the football team taking pictures by my car. More specifically, those 6 boys that I thought were hot. Once I was close enough to my car, I stopped and watched them take pictures with my car. I held in a giggle and looked back at my stunned friends. I giggled softly and walked closer.

"It's a nice car isn't it?" I asked startling the 6 boys.

They all turned towards me and looked me up and down. I didn't mind because they were cute so I just smiled at them.

"Yeah and this is my car" The tall boy named Jin said sitting on top of my car.

I giggled again and shook my head at them. They probably don't know that it's my car.

"Well me and my friends have things to do so can you please get off my car?" I asked softly while looking at all of them.

"Nu-uh princess this is my car" Jin said while sassily flipping his imaginary long hair.

I raised my eyebrow amused at his action and tilted my head to the side.

"Ok. If it's your car, how about you unlock it" I said watching him.

"Ummm.... I don't know how" Jin said but it sounded more like a question.

I laughed loudly with my box smile on display while shaking my head at him. I watched as he slid off my car and stepped to the side. All the other boys stepped to the side and was watching me because by the looks on their faces, they didn't believe it was my car. I pulled the keys out of my backpack and unlocked the car while walking towards it. I looked back and noticed my friends still standing there with wide eyes and opened mouths.

"If you keep standing there like that, a ghost dick will fly in your mouth!" I yelled while opening the door.

They snapped out of whatever daze they were in and quickly walked to my car. I threw my stuff in the backseat and then took on the challenge of actually getting in the car. It took a few tries before I finally sat in the drivers seat. I did a little victory dance before I turned to the football players. They were sitting there in shock that the car was actually mine and I giggled. They looked at me while I leaned over my open window.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow" I said while winking at them.

They didn't get a chance to respond before I rolled up the window and pulled out of the parking lot, leaving the football players frozen in their spots.

*Time skip*
We all finally got to my house around 5pm since it took a while for Mark and Jackson to pick cute outfits for tomorrow. After I parked my car, we all walked up to my door and went in.

(^this is everything in Tae's house and to clarify, his parents are Loco and Hwasa)

I saw my parents in the living room and I smiled widely.

"Hey mom. Hey dad" I said making them turn towards me.

"Hey baby tiger how was school today?" my mom asked while coming over to hug me.

"It was good mom" I said while hugging her and smiling.

"How's my other babies doing?" My mom asked while hugging Jackson and Mark.

"We're good mom" Jackson said making Mark nod in agreement.

"That's good. Tae Tae, me and your dad are going out on a date tonight so order some food and go to sleep at a decent time okay?" My mom said while looking at me.

"Okay. Have fun you guys" I smiled at both of my parents before I led my friends to my room.

*time skip*
We were all in my room in our pajamas just talking to each other while soft music played in the background when Mark started talking to me.

"Hey Tae?" Mark asked making me turn towards him.

"Do you have a crush on anyone yet?" Mark asked while leaning in and making Jackson do the same.

"Well I don't have a crush yet but those seniors on the football team are pretty hot" I answered honestly while biting my lip softly.

They giggled at me and I giggled with them.

"Do you guys have any crushes?" I asked making them look at me.

"Well.... there was a senior on the basketball team that goes by JB. He was pretty hot" Jackson said with a dazed expression on his face.

I giggled then looked at Mark.

"And what about you?" I asked Mark while tilting my head to the side.

"Ummm... there was another senior on the basketball team named Jinyoung. He was pretty cute" Mark said while looking down and blushing.

Me and Jackson both giggled at him and teased him but all he did was laugh with us. I looked at the time and noticed that it was 10:05pm.

"Let's go to sleep guys. I want to pick a cute outfit so those football players will notice me" I said sassily while laying down in bed.

They giggled at me and laid down next to me. We all said our 'good nights' to each other and fell asleep not long after.

*Time skip to next day*
My 6am alarm went off like the morning before and I groaned. I sat up and turned the alarm off while looking around my room. I looked at my best friends that are next to me and they were still asleep. I started to shake them awake.

"You both gotta get up if we want to impress those hot boys" I said in my groggy morning voice.

That seemed to wake them up instantly because they quickly sat up in bed, making me jump a little.

"Well what are you waiting for. You could've been in the shower by now" Jackson said while pulling me out of bed.

I just let him and allowed him to push me into my bathroom.

"You know where the other bathrooms are" I yelled to them before closing the bathroom door.

*20 minutes later*
I got out the shower not too long ago and am now looking in my closet for an outfit.

"I need to wear something sexy but also cute" I muttered to myself while going through my racks of clothes.

After another minute of struggle, I finally found an outfit.

(^let's say that they all have the same shoes and makeup because I'm reaching my limit of pictures 💀. First outfit Tae, then Mark then Jackson)

I was finished changing and left my closet. My best friends were dressed and of course we hyped each other up because we all look good.

"Come on you guys. It's already 7:46am so we have to leave now" I said while gathering all of my stuff.

They nodded at me and grabbed their things. We made our way downstairs and out the house to my car. Once again, it took me a few tries to jump in but I was finally able to get in and start the car.

"I think even if we leave now we're gonna be a little late" I said backing out of the driveway.

"Figured because looking this hot takes time" Jackson said sassily from the backseat making everyone giggle.

*10 minutes later*
It was already 7:57am by the time I parked my car in the school parking lot so we all had to rush. We ran into the school and up the stairs before we reached out door. Luckily we made it with only a minute to spare so we all walked in and went to our seats. Mr. Sung allowed us to have a free period so me, Mark and Jackson took that time to talk, ignoring the side glances our classmates gave us every once in a while.

*Time skip to lunch*
"Hey guys, wanna go eat lunch on the bleachers outside?" I asked my friends making them nod at me.

We went to the cafeteria and quickly picked out some snacks before making our way outside. We were so busy talking to each other that we didn't notice those hot boys from yesterday were looking at us.

"I wonder if we'll see them today" Mark said out loud making us all nod our heads.

We found a seat on the right side of the field and sat on the bleachers. It didn't take long before we were sitting on the grass in a circle.

*3rd person pov*
The boys kept watching the 3 beauties sit on the grass and talk to each other, just admiring how the sun made their skins glow.

"Hey Tae Tae, we should practice some of our cheer stunts" Jackson suddenly said.

"I mean we could but I'm not wearing shorts under my skirt" Taehyung said while pouting.

"It's ok. I didn't see anybody out here anyway" Jackson said while looking around until his eyes stopped on those boys.

"Never mind. Those hot guys are sitting over there" Jackson said turning back to his friends while tilting his head in the direction they were sitting at.

Both boys looked over subtly and smiled.

"Well now that you say that, this could be our chance to give them a preview of our skills" Taehyung said while smirking at his friends.

They smirked back and everyone took off their shoes. They started stretching their bodies so that they won't accidentally pull something.

"Ok, how about we start with a split" Taehyung said while looking at the 2 boys.

They nodded and Jackson easily got into his split first, Mark following after him. Taehyung made sure to take his time so that his skirt wouldn't lift up before he comfortably relaxed in the split.

"Okay now the other side" Taehyung said while switching sides.

Mark and Jackson followed and they all giggled at each other. They then went to the middle and got off the ground.

"Okay what should we do next?" Taehyung asked while looking at his 2 friends.

"How about a back handspring? I'm still trying to get the perfect landing" Mark said while pouting cutely.

Everyone nodded and helped Mark out first. Once he got the back handspring right, Jackson and Taehyung did it next. They were all enjoying each other's company until Taehyung looked at the time on his phone. They had about 10 minutes until lunch was over so they decided to go back into the school. Taehyung just put his shoes on before Jackson started teasing him.

"I should go over and tell those football players that you thought they were cute" Jackson teased while Mark was giggling.

"You better not" Taehyung said playfully since he didn't mind if they knew or not.

"You gotta catch me first" Jackson said while sticking his tongue out.

Jackson took off running down the field where the boys were and Taehyung was quick to go after him. Taehyung was faster than Jackson and didn't really believe he would tell them. Once Jackson started slowing down in front of the boys, Taehyung quickly sped up and covered his mouth.

"He didn't say anything right?" Taehyung asked out of breath while looking at them all.

"Well he started to say that he has a secret about us that you said but you caught him before he said anything" Namjoon said raising an amused brow.

"Oh really? Which one of you is JB?" Taehyung asked ignoring the muffled protest of Jackson.

One boy raised his hand and Jackson was right, he was pretty hot. His nose piercing shone in the sunlight and he just looked like a chill person all together.

"You were right Jackson" Taehyung said while wiggling his eyebrows at the now flustered Jackson.

"Right about what?" JB asked curiously.

"Oh nothing. Let's go you guys" Jackson said with a nervous laugh while pulling his 2 friends away.

Taehyung looked back at the 6 football players and bit his lip softly. He gave them a soft wave before turning back around.

"Taehyung will be the death of me" Hoseok said while dramatically clutching his chest.

"His friend was pretty cute" JB and Jinyoung said at the same time.

They looked at each other with furrowed brows.

"Well I want Jackson" JB said while crossing his arms over his chest.

"That's fine because the quiet one, I believe Mark was his name. He's the one I'm talking about" Jinyoung said with a small smile.

They sat there for a moment, watching as the 3 gorgeous boys left before all the boys dispersed to their classes.

Hey guys!! I'm really loving how this book is starting because I'm actually taking my time with it. I hope you all will enjoy this book too🙃

Until next time~
~Author A✨

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