This is Who I Am

By that_shank130

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**CURRENTLY ON PAUSE/DISCONTINUED** What if there was a girl who was with Thalia when she died, who was with... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thrity-Nine

Chapter Twenty-Seven

393 9 0
By that_shank130

~Ivy POV~
My eye peel open but instantly closed them as I let out a pained groan as the blinding light hits my extremely sensitive eyes.  I looked around with my adjusting eyes, I'm in the infirmary. Why? Suddenly everything hits me. David. He's here. A million thoughts rush in my head:

Why is he here?
What dose he want?
What is he going to do when he sees me?
What dose he have planed?
Oh gods, he's going to kill me.
Will he attack me inside of camp borders?
I'm screwed.
I'm dead. So dead.
Yeah. I'm going to die. David is going to kill me.
Is what he said in my dream coming true?
Who is helping him?
Are they going to help him kill me?
Oh gods, David is here.

I start to panic again. He can't be here. I'm not ready for this.

Why are you getting so worked up about this, Ivy? I say to myself... well I think it. I'm not that crazy. You have gone through so much harder situations. Man up.

I'm trying. I can't put my finger on it, but there is just something about him; about this situation I'm in that just flat out terrifies me. I don't know what to do. He is personally set out to get me. But there is more to it than he is letting on.  I don't what to know what it is. I really don't. But I know something bad is going to happen, and it's going to be soon.

You need to pull yourself together! You will get killed if you continue to act like this! David can't touch you here! Chiron knows the situation he won't let anything  thing happen to you. So do us a favor and chill.

I push away my thoughts as I got up to go to me cabin to have a shower and get some proper sleep. But the moment I steeped out of the building I was trampled by a flash of blond hair. Annabeth.

"Oh gods! Ivy! Are you okay? How do you feel? Will! Why did you let her leave? Come on Ivy, you need to go get some rest and get checked out by Will." She pulled me right back into the room I had just left.

"Anna, I'm fine. Okay? I can go back to me cabin and sleep there. I hate being in the infirmary. No offense Will. But all I want to do is go take a shower and sleep. All I did was pass out from a panic attack. That use to happen all the time and I never got hurt. You don't need to worry about me so much. I'll be back to my top top self once I have a shower and get some food." Anna sighed and nodded her head. I gave her a small smile and looked our arms together. "Come on Worm, you can spend the day with me in the cabin."

She laughed at the use of her old nickname. "Alright Poison. Let's go." I groaned at that name. See I have her a cute nickname, but she had to give me an evil one.

Anyway we went down to the Artemis cabin and while I took a shower Anna went threw my books that I had on the shelf. They were mostly school books and other magical books. I really do miss Hogwarts. Especially Courtney and Draco. I wonder how they are doing. I should write to them. I'll do that sometime today. I finished thinking of my second life as I stepped out the shower and got dressed. Walking into the room I see Anna laying across my bed reading Hogwarts a History. Paying no mind that I had just walked in.

"I swear. You have read that book more times than I have and I'm the witch here." I said with a laugh. Anna jumped and shot me a glare while putting the book back on the shelf.

"Can you show me a few spells?"

"Sorry, I can't. Dumbledore said I can use magic but only in life or death situations."

"Awww. Oh well." She was silent for a few minutes, looking like she was having an internal battle with herself. Finally she decided to speak.

"Hey, are you sure your alright? When you looked at the new kid I thought you were going to run off." I sighed. I guess I have to tell her.

"Do you remember when we had first met and you had asked me if I was alone? I told you I was, but I wasn't always alone. A year before I found you I had a friend. I saved him, helped him. Since then we became best friends; we never traveled without one another. One day we came across Medusa and her sisters. We fought hard, but David got real hurt. That night he died. I sat by his side for days crying. I couldn't burry him, I didn't have anything to dig with. Besides he was to big for a six year old to do anything with. After the third day I had to leave. I couldn't stay by him anymore. So I left. I thought he was dead, I mean I held him in my arms as he gave his last breath; until a few days before I came back to camp. I had just finished saving a bunch of students for a chimera and he was there applauding me." I looked at her, holding back a sob. "He tried to kill me Anna. He would have too if Dumbledore wasn't there. I hate to say it, I hate being weak, but he scares me Anna. He shouldn't be alive and the possibility, the things he had to go though to be alive again. He's here to kill me. Or worse." I started to cry. Anna held me, rubbing my back and telling me everything was going to be fine. This lasted a few more minutes, I gathered my wits and calmed down. I sighed, I needed to do something to get my mind off things. A thought hit my mind, a grin made its way to my lips.

"Hay Anna? You want to go down the the arena and practice?" Anna jumped up excitedly.

"I thought you would never ask!" She grabbed my hand and drug me out the door. "Common slow poke!"

"Okay okay! I'm coming!"

We finally made it to the arena and we got into position. I decided to use my daggers, I normally sword fight with Luke and use my daggers with Anna. Anyway, we stood there, sizing each other other up, looking for any signs of weakness. I know that Anna like to make the first move, but it's always with a fake. It's bate , she likes to make you think she going to attack you in your weak spot, so you can cover it, but then hit you in a completely different spot. So we circle, waiting for her to make her move. Finally she struck, swinging her arm, aiming for my right side. I sidestepped and spun, pushing her to the ground. Anna got up incredibly fast, making another attempt to run at me. This time I ran at her as well; we collided. Arms swinging, knifes flying. We continued to fight like this until I pinned Anna down. I smirked and got up. I opened my mouth to say something when I was suddenly on my butt. My smirk gone, replaced by a frown. I glared at Anna who was sitting across from me grinning like the Cheshire the cat.

~Time Skip~
It's been a few days since David came and he hasn't done a single thing to me. Yet. The camp has this tradition where when we get a new camper we have a game of capture the flag, even if we already had one for the week. No one complained really. Not even Percy. This was a real special game. Percy Jackson was claimed. By one of the Big Three. Poseidon. Freaking Poseidon! Anyway, everyone thought it would be good to have celebration for the blue team (my team) for the win, David for arriving and Percy for being claimed as the child of the Big Three. All in all it was a good night.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for it being a little short. I'll be updating as soon as possible. I do however, have a question for y'all. Would you want one long book or several short books? Which one would be better for y'all? Please let me know in the comments. As always, love y'all lots!

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