The Last Dance

By Frankool

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The Last Dance

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By Frankool



Frank Riley 


The 'Starlight' Dance studio, in the heart of downtown Sydney, nestled comfortably between the vast shoulders of the huge commercial buildings. It was but a tiny part of this city's life, yet it was just such an establishment that contributed unquestionably to the wide and varied nature of the city, indeed, to its very character. 

The Wednesday evening traffic bustled to and fro. People on the streets hurried to their many destinations. Taxis honked their way through the congested streets, impatient of their assumed rights. Buses whooshed past shop awnings perilously close, and came to squealing halts at traffic lights. Some even stopped quite near to the studio. Claudia Heatherington, having alighted from one of those buses, arrived half-an-hour early for her dancing lesson with her teacher, Mr. Malcolm Smyth-White. 

Lately she had taken to doing this, arriving early, that is, before every lesson she had. The reason was both simple and complicated: she came early purely to watch and admire the studio's dance director, Anthony Brand, take his own student, Kathy Lovett, through her paces; and, as much as she wanted to fight it, she was also finding it increasingly difficult to deny to herself that he was becoming more and more attractive her. 

Her own teacher, Malcolm Smyth-White, was considered to be quite good in the dance fraternity, but not in the same class as Anthony Brand, not by a long mark; and what was more - he knew it. This knowledge of his inferiority tended to make Malcolm seethe whenever he watched Anthony dance. There was no-one in the whole state of New South Wales, perhaps even Australia, who could dance ballroom and Latin American dances as well Anthony Brand. 

Malcolm Smyth-White was himself an extremely handsome man, tall, with jet-black wavy hair and a slim, but taut dancer's body. Any girl would swoon over him. But not Claudia. She had seen his jealous streak, she had heard him say derogatory things about Anthony Brand to her on many occasions during the lessons. Nothing so obvious as to give serious offence, but little things, niggling, irritating remarks that were designed to make Claudia form a poor opinion of Anthony, and, by extension, think more highly of Malcolm. Naturally, the reverse had happened. 

Thus the last few months had passed, with Claudia turning up a half-hour, occasionally even an hour early, knowing full well that she was falling for Mr. Brand quite desperately, yet unable to make him aware of her feelings. Not through any lack courage, by any means, but because of the strict studio rules that forbade any fraternisation between staff and students. They even insisted on the quaint but archaic use of titles: Mr this, Miss that, Mrs. so-and-so. 

But even without the rules, he hardly knew she existed, she was sure of that. She couldn't even ask the studio's manager, Karl Betz, to arrange for her to have lessons with Anthony, because, she felt, she was not of a high enough standard for him. Anthony Brand would surely argue against such a request; he might even refuse point blank if the manager asked him, and that would embarrass everyone, especially Claudia. 

Besides, he already had his 'star' pupil in Kathy Lovett. She was not only stunningly beautiful - tall, blonde, and a perfect figure - she was also exceedingly rich as well. What hope had Claudia? Kathy Lovett could afford to have two lessons every day if it suited her, and most days, it did; whereas she, Claudia, could barely afford two lessons a week. 

Claudia lived alone in a small flat near Bondi Beach, about a half-hour's journey by bus to the studio. Three years ago, when she had just turned nineteen, her parents had separated and she had been left with a choice of whom to live with. She had chosen neither, opting rather to move into a flat. How could she choose? She loved them both. Now she worked just to make ends meet. Although her job as legal secretary paid reasonably well, most of her money went on the paying of her rent and her dancing lessons. From time to time, her father would press her to accept money from him, and her mother often brought over masses of food and new dresses she had made for her. She was saving to buy herself a small car, but her bank balance was growing pitifully slowly. 

Kathy Lovett, on the other hand, had not only come from a reasonably wealthy family, she had also inherited a fortune from her late husband, who, at fifty-five years of age - twenty-six years her senior - had died suddenly in his office. Some said it was from over-working, others from the stress of having to keep his eye on his young and lusty wife. The rumours flew thick and fast for a while after his death, but no-one was ever to learn the truth. And Kathy wasn't about to make the curious any the wiser. 

Now on the dance floor, Anthony and Kathy, already well into their lesson, glided past Claudia in graceful swirls of movement, perfectly in time to the romantic waltz that was playing. Claudia could only watch and dream. It was so beautiful. Claudia knew, no matter how much she tried, she could never look as good. Kathy was so talented and good-looking; everything seemed easy for her. It seemed only right that she should be with Anthony. They made a great couple, Claudia thought wistfully. Anthony was a dream of a man to look at. He was not handsome in the 'pretty' way that Malcolm Smyth-White was; rather, he was more rugged and square of jaw. He was equally tall, but slightly broader in the shoulders than Malcolm. There was also the hint of the playful devil in his eyes at odd moments when he was off guard. It was a look he gave to Claudia once at a studio party and it had sent shivers of excitement coursing through her whole body. She had never recovered from that moment. That, she thought to herself as she watched, was the start of it all. From that moment, she was hopelessly lost, and she knew there was no hope of salvation. She was in free-fall and there was no parachute to save her. 

Now he stood in front of Kathy, correcting her arm alignment, with a particular frown on his face for which he was famous in the studio. "Sometimes he's so serious, delicious!" Claudia mused, and almost blushed at the thought. Just at that moment he looked over to where Claudia was sitting and she dropped her gaze, embarrassed that he should find her looking at him. He turned back to Kath Lovett and said something to her and she smiled radiantly and walked off the dance floor. The lesson was over. 

She walked past Claudia, looked down with arrogance, and said, "Eat your heart out, darling. Isn't he just divine!" Claudia was taken aback, momentarily. Had not her teacher, Malcolm Smyth-White, arrived just at that moment to start his lesson with her, she might have become really angry and said something she would later regret. 

As is was, it was difficult for her to concentrate on her lesson after such an un-called for remark. To make matters worse, Malcolm Smyth-White was in a foul temper. Every mistake Claudia made sent him into fits of pique. He tut-tutted over trifles, his face showed a dark fury which was far out of proportion to the situation. Something else must be bothering him, she thought. It's probably having seen Anthony Brand dancing again that did it. 

Claudia was glad when the lesson was over. Usually on lesson nights, she would stay to attend a group lesson after her private one with Malcolm Smyth-White, but tonight it was the last thing she felt like doing. All she wanted at the moment was to leave the studio as quickly as possible. Her mood was such that she even contemplated never coming back. Well, what was the point? She thought, Mr. Smyth-White doesn't seem to have his heart in what he does. Mr. Brand ...Anthony...will probably never take me for lessons, and there's not a hope that I will ever get to see him other than on a professional level within the confines of the studio. 

She put her dancing shoes in her bag, put on her coat, and made for the exit. Just as she reached the door, Anthony came in from outside. He stopped in the doorway and smiled at her, his cheeky eyes twinkling. 

"Oh, hi, Miss Heatherington, you're going early tonight. Not staying for the group?" 

"Er, no...I, er...I have to get home early tonight, sorry," she offered, weakly. 

"That's a shame," he said, "It won't be the same without you," he added, and she thought she could detect a note of genuine loss in his voice. 

But then with Mr Brand, you could never tell, she mused. I'll bet he makes every girl or woman in the studio think she's special. It was just the way he looked at you, as if no-one else existed for that moment. Yes, it was all in her imagination, he didn't really care, surely. But, oh those eyes! 

"I'm sorry, Mr. Brand," she said hurriedly, lest she make a complete fool of herself, "I really do have to go." 

"Well, goodnight, then," he said, still appearing somewhat saddened by her going, "I'll see you next lesson." "Yes, yes," she replied, moving quickly now through the door. "Goodnight, I, er...goodnight." 

She almost ran to the bus stop, her heart pounding and her mind racing. Now she was really confused. Was he genuinely sorry that she hadn't stayed for the group? Or was that something he said to all of the students? Did he really care? Or was she just hoping that he did? 

The bus arrived at last and she got on and sat at the back. She was still absorbed in her thoughts when it suddenly occurred to her how futile, even downright silly, this line of thinking was. For the last twenty minutes, or so, she had been fuelling the fires of hope, imagining all sorts of wonderful future events, perhaps even romantic liaisons in far away places. What she hadn't taken into account was - Kathy Lovett. Of course there was Kathy Lovett. There would always be Kathy Lovett. How silly to think that you could attract Anthony, she thought, when she, the 'glamour girl', 'Miss Perfect' and rich, already had him in her clutches. Another wave of depression swept over her. God! How long is this bus taking? 

She entered her flat, switched on the lights and went straight to the bathroom and ran herself a bath. Now in her bedroom she began to undress. As she peeled off her clothes, she looked at herself in the cheval mirror. She stood there naked and examined her reflection. 

She was hardly one for self-adulation, quite the opposite in fact, and therefore hopelessly unable to see herself as others did. Not that many had seen her in this state of undress before, especially men. Indeed, hers was a quiet beauty, a lasting beauty. From her long, deep auburn hair to her dainty little toes, she radiated a simple loveliness that many women craved and most men would die for. From her smooth creamy skin to her firm, uplifted breasts, her tiny waist and slender hips, her green eyes, high cheek bones and full, rich lips, she was a picture of serene beauty. But it was a beauty Claudia could never see. Her sense of herself was severely critical. She saw only plainness, where others saw perfection. She padded in bare feet back to the bathroom. With a deep sigh of regret, she lowered herself into the steaming bath and allowed the fragrant oils to sooth her weary body. She must stop thinking about Anthony, she said to herself - at least for tonight. 


It was Friday night and the studio dance party was well in progress. All the staff and most of students were there. The music was loud and exciting, the atmosphere highly charged. There was an unmistakable feeling of anticipation in the air: The final of the dance competition series was just a week away. It was the last chance for aspiring dancers to qualify for the Grand Final, to be held two months from now in the Grand Ballroom of the Sheraton-Wentworth Hotel, the culmination indeed of nearly six months of inter-studio competitions. 

Claudia had decided at the last minute to come. The truth was, she couldn't stay away. Nevertheless, her resolve almost faltered as she came from the reception area to the dance floor. 

There in front of her, making sure she was the centre of everyone's attention, was Kathy Lovett in a most spectacular golden dress, covered in masses of brilliant sequins. She had her hair done up in ever so complicated swirls and her jewellery - necklace, earrings and bracelet - was a sea of diamonds and gold. The other women, staff and students, had all expressed their admiration of Kathy's fantastic output. Was there no end to this glamorous woman's surprises? 

Claudia felt positively swamped in comparison, although she needn't have. Her dress, a black silk creation of her mother's, was long and sweeping, and hung from her delicate shoulders most elegantly. It showed off her superb figure to perfection. She, too, had her hair up for the occasion and this only served to display most charmingly her long and slender neck. Her mother, once a very-much-in-demand dress-maker for one of the larger fashion houses in Sydney, knew just the right sort of creation that would compliment her daughter in such a way as to make others stand back in wonder and admiration. Yet, Claudia still felt inadequate in Kathy's presence. 

And now, there Kathy was, dragging Anthony on to the floor for a cha cha, laughing confidently, sweeping her long blonde hair dramatically from her eyes. They moved to the centre of the floor and began dancing to the sharp staccato rhythms. Almost everybody moved to the edges of the floor to let them dance. Those on the side of the dance floor, including Claudia, could only stand and admire the way they moved so well together. 

Anthony seemed somewhat distracted, as though his mind were somewhere else. But, being the dancer he was, even his lesser efforts were so much better than anyone else's in the studio. 

Karl Betz, the flamboyant manager of the studio, asked Claudia up to dance and they both moved on to the floor. In order not to try to draw attention from Anthony and Kathy in any way, if that were remotely possible, Claudia was able to manoeuvre herself and her partner to a much less conspicuous spot on the dance floor. No matter how many times Mr. Betz tried to move to the centre of the floor, for he himself was something of a showman, Claudia, whenever they separated for as pin turn or suchlike, would extend her recovery steps to return to an unobtrusive corner of the room. Karl Betz, as experienced as he was, found himself to be quite frustrated by her persistence in obscurity. It was not his way. It was not good enough! Before the dance number ended, he excused himself and went in search of another partner who might better enjoy the limelight. 

She stood at the side of the dance floor, panting a little from the effort and trying very hard to contain her irritation at Kathy's blatant self-promotion. She was relieved that Mr Betz had opted for someone else; how could she concentrate on her dancing while Kathy was out there flaunting Anthony for all to see? 

At last the music stopped and Kathy Lovett came off the floor, as Anthony Brand escorted her. She was aglow with her success. She knew everyone had been watching, and she also knew that she had been the envy of all the women there. She went to the bar in the reception area and ordered a drink, then lit up a cigarette in a long, extravagant holder and blew the smoke in the air with a sharp flick of her head, before glaring down the long room dramatically. 

Claudia saw her out of the corner of her eye. She had not wanted to look at her, but Kathy was so very noticeable. Indeed, it was almost impossible not to notice her - she could not help herself. 

A dramatic tango struck up and, suddenly, there was Anthony - Mr. Brand, she had to remind herself - asking her to dance. Her knees inexplicably went weak. For one awful moment, she couldn't remember a single step. Oh, God, she thought, ruefully, please just let me die! - I'll even pay for the funeral! 

Anthony held her in his strong arms and immediately took complete charge. He led her with consummate ease into patterns with which she had had enormous difficulties with her teacher, Malcolm Smyth-White. Where Malcolm pushed and almost wrenched her into position, Anthony just made it happen magically. She found to her complete bemusement that patterns she had formerly been unable to get right, or feel right doing, were already completed before she had had time to think about what she had been doing. 

All at once, she became aware that everyone in the studio had stopped to watch. She caught a fleeting glance of Kathy at the side of the dance floor and it was immediately obvious that she was furious. Yet on and on Anthony and Claudia danced, answering the call of the dramatic music. Now, she was beginning to enjoy herself. Because Anthony was so good at what he did, she found it increasingly easier, not only to relax, but also to express herself more openly, in keeping with the demands of the dance. 

Now, horror of horrors, as she was being whisked spectacularly around the floor, she saw her own teacher, Malcolm Smyth-White, glaring lividly at her. He was almost foaming at the mouth in his fury. But for once, Claudia was not afraid of his reactions. This was far too enjoyable to spoil by worrying about the petty reactions of others, even if the main offender was her teacher. 

At last the music came to a crashing, dramatic finish, and Claudia, feeling exhilarated beyond belief, acted just as dramatically as Anthony took her into the last spectacular pose. They held their position for several moments after the music had stopped, then he spun her several times, so easily it was almost like walking, and they left the floor. The crowd erupted with thunderous applause. Anthony smiled. Claudia, now that the moment was over, blushed scarlet. 

She did, however, have the satisfaction of seeing both Malcolm Smyth-White and Kathy Lovett barely able to contain their respective rages. Mmm, thought Claudia, "One small step for man...One giant leap, and all that!" 

A quickstep came on and Malcolm Smyth-White walked up to Claudia and almost dragged her on to the floor to dance. He whisked her away furiously, pulling and pushing her into awkward movements, a fixed, 'professional' smile stuck to his face. 

In moments, almost everyone else got up to dance. Now that Anthony Brand was no longer on the floor, there seemed no point in standing aside to watch. Malcolm Smyth-White was furious. Claudia smiled to herself, despite the buffeting she was receiving from her cranky teacher. 

She saw, out of the corner of her eye, Kathy Lovett trying once again to drag Anthony on to the floor, then Claudia had the wicked satisfaction of seeing him make his excuses to her. She saw him hesitate and point to another woman, and walk away from her. Before Claudia was spun dizzyingly around the corner, she caught the look of petulance on Kathy's face. There's hope, yet, thought Claudia to herself. Well done, Brand. 

The music stopped and Malcolm Smyth-White just walked off the floor and headed straight for the bar, leaving Claudia standing in the middle of the dance floor for a stunned moment. 

Eventually, she, too, left the floor and went to the bar herself. Kathy Lovett was still there, glaring daggers at the moment at Anthony's back as he stood talking to another student. As Claudia approached, Kathy turned to face her and immediately her expression changed. From anger and petulance she rearranged her features to display haughty superiority. 

"Well, you've had you little moment, Miss Featherington," said Kathy, with all the disdain she could muster. "Try not to bother him any more, dear, he's doing enough acts of kindness as it is." 

"It's Heatherington, actually," Claudia replied, smiling sweetly, surprisingly undaunted by Kathy. "Perhaps I should have refused him when he asked me to dance, what do you think?" 

"Darling, he does that for all the lower grades," Kathy laughed, "I'm surprised you didn't know that!" 

It was true, Anthony did dance with as many of the women as he could at these parties, to ensure that each was given fair treatment from at least one of the staff, even if he was the dance director. Kathy's caustic comment was, therefore, all the more telling for its accuracy. But Claudia wasn't about to let her get away with it that easily. A little creativity with the facts was called for. 

"Yes, you're right, of course," Claudia replied, innocently. "Do you think I ought to refuse the next one with him? You see, he asked me to save the last dance for him!" 

"He what?..." Kathy almost shouted, then regained her composure. "No, darling, I'm quite sure you are mistaken. He always has the last dance with me." 

"Well, I suppose you're right," Claudia answered, still working the big fib. "But would you be a darling and explain it to him for me? I'd hate for him to be disappointed." 

Claudia turned to order a drink before Kathy could reply, then moved well away. Surreptitiously, while making small talk with one of the male students, Claudia kept her eye on Kathy to see what she would do. 

Kathy's reactions were not long in manifesting themselves. First she got out her perfume and dabbed behind her ears and rubbed a little on each wrist, then a last little dab between her breasts. She then pulled out a mirror and examined her make-up, batting her eyelids to the glass un-self-consciously. She looked down to examine her dress, wriggled a little to ensure that her breasts were as prominent as they could be, and made a bee-line for Anthony. 

Unfortunately, just as she arrived, Anthony took the woman he had been talking to on to the dance floor, as a rumba struck up from the music system. Kathy fumed on the spot and almost stamped her foot in frustrated anger. Claudia, still making small talk to her student friend, saw this and smiled to herself. Round one to me, she thought, mischievously. 

The evening drew to a close. Claudia waited around justo see if Kathy did in fact manage to have the last dance with Anthony, but in that they were both disappointed. Anthony was nowhere to be seen. Indeed, he did not materialise until the students began to file out of the studio. Together with the other staff members, Anthony formed a 'goodbye' line, shaking hands with the men, and kissing the ladies on the cheek as they left. Claudia was several people behind Kathy in the line, not by chance, but deliberately, to see how Anthony treated Kathy. When Kathy came up to him to say goodnight, there was anger in her eyes, but she nevertheless proffered her cheek for him to kiss. Anthony did so, and Claudia saw that this action was no more, or no less, than he had done with all the other students who had passed him before her. 

Seeing this made Claudia inexplicably happy. It was silly, she knew, but all the same, it was most gratifying. When it came to her turn to say goodnight, it was as though she were on a high. She just about floated up to Anthony, as he took her hand and leaned towards her to kiss her cheek. 

Was it her imagination, was it possible, that he seemed to press his lips more urgently against her soft cheek? Did his eyes sparkle more, did his hand squeeze hers more than he had done for the other students? Did he look more longingly at her as she moved past him out of the door? Or was this all in her hopeful mind? Who could say? But what a lovely thought to take home, she thought, happily. 


It was Friday night once again. The finals were about to begin and everyone, teachers and students, had packed the studio, eager in their anticipation. The Grand Final was now less than two months away. The winners of tonight would join previous winners from other competitions held over the past four months in all four studios in the chain. It was, therefore, the last opportunity to qualify. 

Kathy Lovett had already secured a place in the Grand Final several months ago, but she still entered every competition anyway: for the experience, she said, to any who asked. Nevertheless, her involvement in the competitions, and in particular, her winning every time, meant that fewer places in the Grand Final were available, since only two people could go forward from each competition. 

Karl Betz, the studio manager, and Anthony had both tried to talk her out of entering the competitions after her first win, simply to allow others a better chance of making it to the Grand Final. After all, they had said to her, she would probably win the Grand Final anyway, winning the monthly lead-up competitions would not help her in any way further. But Kathy had insisted on her rights, and since there was nothing either Karl Betz or Anthony could do to forestall her, she, as she usually ended up doing, got her way. 

Tonight's competition dances were jive and rumba. Over the last several months two of the ten dances had been used as the ones in which the competitions would be conducted. On previous competition nights the dance pairings had been: waltz and slow foxtrot; cha cha and samba; quickstep and tango; Viennese waltz and paso doble. Now, with tonight's competition, all ten dances would be covered. To qualify for Grand Final, students needed either a first or second placing in any one of the competitions. 

Claudia had not been confident enough to enter the competitions before tonight, believing herself to be of too low a standard to compete. If it were not for the urging, indeed, insistence, of her teacher, Malcolm Smyth-White, she still might not have had the courage to enter at all. 

Now the moment was upon her and she did not feel in the least confident. There was Kathy Lovett, looking so glamorous in her fantastic Latin dress, as usual covered in masses of sequins, and hogging the full-length mirror in the ladies' dressing-room. Claudia wore a simple figure-hugging black dress with a red ruffled trim, which, had she but known it, looked stunning on her. Certainly, there was no galaxy of sequins on her dress, and her make-up, though sharp and appropriate for the occasion, was not spectacular, as Kathy's was, but she nevertheless had almost unintentionally created a look of beautiful Latin soul about her, with her pretty face aglow with the excitement of it all. 

Someone knocked on the door of the dressing-room and shouted: "Five minutes, ladies! Let's see you out on the floor in five minutes!" 

Suddenly, Claudia's knees began to quiver ever so slightly. Her heart began to pound in her breasts. Her mind raced with fears of forgetting her patterns. She looked over at Kathy, who was still in front of the mirror adjusting a strap on her dress, and saw that she looked completely relaxed. How was that possible? Thought Claudia. 

Now they were out in the main ballroom area. The preliminary heats for the lower standards were in progress. Anthony was standing near the judge's table talking to another male staff-member. To Claudia, he looked so handsome in his black cat suit and simple black Latin shirt. 

Malcolm Smyth-White, dressed in a silver and black cat suit and fluffy white Latin shirt, came up to her and eyed her dress critically without a comment. They had not coordinated their colour at all. True, Malcolm Smyth-White did have to dance with other students in the competition, as did Anthony Brand, but it would have helped had he and all his students discussed the possibility of some semblance of matching outfits. 

Even so, that was the last thing Claudia was concerned with at the moment. Her main worry was that of being able to dance the complicated patterns her teacher had set out for her. The main competition was perhaps not too much of a problem. That was the 'freestyle' part of the event, where everyone did more or less the same patterns; rather, it was the exhibition section which the advanced dancers had to perform that had caused her to fret so. They were to do a very intricate samba to music that Claudia didn't quite understand, or could feel any great passion for. 

Malcolm Smyth-White had introduced extremely difficult step patterns almost at the last minute, and it was for this reason she was feeling uneasy. It was why she worried about not being able to remember the sequences. They had not practised any where near enough for Claudia's liking. However, there was no turning back now. The competition was about to start, the crowd was waiting. There was no choice but to go out there and try to do her best. 

Kathy strode across the dance floor after the last piece of music finished, her dress swishing to and fro and sparkling with all the sequins she had had added to it. She walked up to Anthony and did a pretend little curtsy in front of him. The audience, standing around the sides of the floor, could hardly help following her progress. There was so much to look at. Her dress, spectacular as it was, barely covered her torso. Her breasts all but burst out in front of her; there were great areas of bare flesh showing in her midriff and her skirt was split all the way up to the tops of her thighs. 

The jive section of the competition began for the more advanced students with their teachers. Claudia could still not understand why she had been included in such exalted company. Everyone there, surely, was better than she. There were ten couples on the floor, including Anthony Brand and Kathy Lovett. 

Á Malcolm Smyth-White led Claudia into a series of frantic spins from the very first beat of the music. The pace was frenetic, the dance wild. She caught a glimpse of Anthony and Kathy as they flashed past her. But Claudia had no time to assess their progress; everything was happening too fast. She barely remembered moving from one sequence of patterns to the next. Yet, somehow, she managed to hang on; indeed, to her surprise, without making any mistakes. Then suddenly the music stopped and so did they. Her heart was pounding from the effort, and also from the surge of adrenalin that was coursing through her body. 

She had barely time to catch her breath when the strains of the rumba struck up and they were dancing again. Now the romantic rhythms of the music filled the room. Unfortunately for Claudia, romance was the last thing on her mind as she strove with all her being to stay with Malcolm, as he whisked her sharply from one series of movements to the next. Still, when the music finally came to and end, Claudia had at least the satisfaction of knowing she had not made any glaring blunders. Other than that she had no idea of how she had gone. 

She saw Kathy striding off the floor confidently, holding Anthony's hand as though they were lovers. The sight of them caught Claudia off guard. Inexplicably she felt betrayed, as though Anthony, Mr. Brand, should not do such things in front of her. Then, to Claudia's relief, she saw Anthony drop her hand with barely a look at Kathy and walk away to talk to another student. 

Now it was time for the exhibitions. All ten of the couples were required to perform. Claudia and Malcolm were scheduled to dance second; Kathy and Anthony tenth. 

Claudia's turn came quickly. The first exhibition, a tango, performed by one of her male student friends and his teacher, was over with before she had chance to control her nerves. The applause for the last couple burst around her ears, then they were clapping for Malcolm and Claudia. 

The samba stuck up and there they were, just Malcolm and Claudia, alone on the floor. The spotlight followed them around the room as he turned her this way and that to the syncopated beat. She hung on for all she was worth, barely able to take a breath for fear of losing concentration. 

At last the music came to an end and Malcolm spun her almost out of control as they left the floor. The applause suddenly reached her ears and it felt strange that it was for them they were clapping. She hardly felt she deserved her share of it. 

The next seven routines were performed with varying degrees of competence. The applause for all of them was fair and generous. But it seemed that everyone in the studio, especially Claudia, was waiting to see Anthony and Kathy perform their Slow Foxtrot. The star couple had already changed clothes; Anthony into white-tie and tails, Kathy into a long, sweeping yellow and white ball gown, with feathers on the hem and shoulders and masses of tulle underskirts. They looked spectacular together. Claudia's heart sank. Although she was looking forward to seeing Anthony dance, the sight of this handsome couple was almost more than she could bear, especially considering how she felt about Anthony. 

The music started and away they danced. Anthony seemed to move effortlessly around the floor. Kathy, too, moved ever so gracefully, guided by the impeccable lead from her partner. There was no pushing or pulling, or frantic scrambles to execute difficult patterns. Through Anthony's fantastic choreography they answered the music as though they themselves were a part of the orchestra. 

It was both beautiful and painful for Claudia to watch. Even more painful was the realisation that Anthony was almost certainly beyond her reach, both as a teacher and as a... 

The music had stopped without her realising it. The applause thundered around the studio. Anthony smiled and presented Kathy to the crowd, then they both walked off the floor. 

Kathy strutted across the reception area to the bar, aglow with her success. She lit up her customary cigarette in its giant holder and surveyed the room, as scores of people came up to congratulate her. The students, for the most part, had not yet come to realise that by Kathy's insistence on entering the competitions she was in fact denying some of them the opportunity to win a place in the Grand Final. The mysteries of the inner workings of the studio was not their's to fathom. They seemed happy enough just to witness her dancing with Anthony Brand. 

Anthony had already gone to the staff room to dry himself off. Claudia stood alone for the moment, awaiting the outcome of the judges' decisions. Oddly enough, after having watched Anthony and Kathy dance, Claudia felt somewhat less than enthusiastic about whether or not she would win a place in the Grand Final. Even if she did win tonight, or at least come runner up, it would mean almost two months of hard practice, listening to the screams and insults of Malcolm Smyth-White, only to come, at the end of it all, a poor also-ran. Was it worth it? Was it worth all the extra expense, when she was already finding it difficult enough as it was now? 

Karl Betz came on to the floor and walked up to the table and trophies that had been set up now that the competition was over. As everyone gathered around, both staff and students, the manager began announcing the winners. Starting with the lower grades, then moving up, he handed each winner and runner-up their respective trophies. 

Now it was the turn of the final category, the advanced dancers. Kathy walked away from the bar and moved to the edge of the dance floor, eager to accept the trophy that was surely to be hers. Claudia remained in the background, listening for the announcement, but not particularly hopeful. 

"Ladies and gentlemen," Karl Betz cried out, in a voice reminiscent of a ring-master in a circus, "we are going to do things backwards for this next announcement. We will give you the winner first, for once, and then the all important runner-up!" 

The crowd all mumbled in anticipation. Almost everyone seemed to know who would come first, but who, they thought, would come second? 

"The winner is..." said Betz, pausing to add to the drama, "Miss Lovett!" 

Everyone clapped as Anthony went over to collect Kathy in order to take her to the trophy table. Before he got to her, Kathy ran on to the floor and did a series of solo spins and curtsied in front of everyone. Anthony, smiling as he always did, took her hand and walked her to Karl Betz to collect her trophy. Again the crowd applauded, and again Kathy curtsied deeply. 

"And now, ladies and gentlemen," Karl Betz continued, "the last qualifying position, indeed tonight's runner-up, is none other than..." Pausing again to maintain the drama, "....Miss...Heatherington!" 

Claudia was stunned for a moment. Then everyone began to crowd around her, congratulating her, telling her how pleased they were that she was going to be in the Grand Final. Now even Claudia was becoming excited, despite her earlier reservations. Goodness me! She thought, how could I be in the Grand Final? 

Malcolm Smyth-White broke through the crowd and took Claudia to the trophy table. She received her trophy in somewhat of a daze. The applause was loud and enthusiastic, and seemed to go on for an age. 

Thereafter the party was something of a haze for Claudia. Now that the competition was over for the night, everyone seemed to relax into a carefree party mood. Claudia was danced off her feet by just about every male student in the studio. She even had a dance with Anthony, who seemed extraordinarily pleased that she had made it to the Grand Final. 

On her way out she went to the ladies' room to wash her hands which had become a little sticky from so much contact throughout the evening. The door to the staff room, which she had to pass in order to get to the bathroom, was slightly ajar. Without meaning to, she overheard the unmistakable voice of Malcolm Smyth-White talking to an unknown staff member: 

"...wish I could get to take Lovett to Grand Final. I haven't got a chance with Heatherington." 

"Yeah, I know what you mean...," the other, unidentified voice replied. 

Claudia was dismayed, but not particularly surprised. After all, it was only a reflection of what she had thought to herself earlier in the evening. Still, it was quite a blow to her pride to hear someone else say it, and her own teacher at that! 

She left the studio without waiting for the usual staff 'goodbye' line. She did not even say goodnight to Anthony. He must have been occupied somewhere else just as she left. Her last view of the studio that night was of Kathy, still surrounded by her many admirers. Oh, well, thought Claudia, let's see what happens next week! 


It was Monday evening and Anthony was taking Kathy Lovett for a two-hour lesson. They were working on her dances for Grand Final. However, Kathy was somewhat distracted tonight, for reasons unknown to Anthony. But, as was typical of him when a student wasn't trying her best, rather than scold them as other teachers did, he merely worked them harder. 

Now they were beside the music system taking a breather. She was panting heavily from the exertion, Anthony only mildly so. 

"Perhaps we should only go for one hour tonight, Miss Lovett," said Anthony, pleasantly, "you seem to have other things on your mind." 

"Oh, no, Mr. Brand!" Kathy replied, "I wouldn't dream of it!" 

"Okay," said Anthony, "but if you feel you can't cope, just tell me and we'll stop. You see, I need your best efforts if we are going to get this right." 

"No, no, Mr. Brand," she replied, hurriedly, "let's start again shall we?" 

"All right, but remember what I said, if you want to stop..." 

"Mr Brand!" She cried, batting her long eyelashes at him in mock surprise. 

He took her into his arms and whisked her away in a pacey quickstep. From one end of the room to the other they flew, performing split kicks and hops, sliding to a halt occasionally in the corners, before taking off again equally energetically. 

By the end of the dance, Kathy was gasping for breath. Her chest was heaving and she began to cough. 

"You should try giving up smoking," he told her. "your breathing will be much better." 

She glared at him for a fleeting moment then coughed again. "Perhaps I will take a break," she gasped. "Shall we have a cup of coffee before we continue?" 

"Okay," he agreed, smiling to himself. "You'd better sit down before you fall down," he added cheekily. 

"Mr Brand! How awful of you!" She said, pretending shock. They sat down with their coffees taken from the machine in the reception area. There was no-one else near them for the moment; all the other couples, students and teachers, were still out on the floor. 

Kathy lit up a cigarette which she placed in her very long holder. Anthony just shook his head in wonder. Kathy saw him doing this. 

"Oh, you only live once, Mr. Brand," she said, and blew a cloud of smoke over his head, deliberately. 

"So, what's bothering you?" Anthony asked, after batting the smoke away. "You don't seem your usual self tonight." 

"There's nothing wrong, Mr Brand," she replied defensively. "Should there be?" 

"No, doesn't matter," he replied, and took a sip of his coffee. 

Kathy watched him as his face was turned away from her, trying to gauge his mood, trying to guess how he would react to what she wanted to say to him. She took a sip of coffee herself and grimaced at its taste. 

"Good God!" She complained, "Where do they get this coffee, from the bottom of the harbour?" 

Anthony smiled. "Yes, it's pretty rough, isn't it?" 

She smiled back at him, agreeing with him. She took an extra-long puff on her cigarette, blew out the smoke and turned to him. 

"Tell me, Mr Brand," she began, balancing her words carefully. "What are your ambitions?" 

"Ambitions?" He replied. "You mean, with the studio?" 

"Well, yes, for a start, anyway," she answered, warily, lest she scare the game away. 

"Well, really all I want to do is help raise the standard of dancing for everyone, basically," he said. "Of course, I wouldn't mind winning another Grand Final," he added, laughing. "Yes, yes" Kathy agreed, almost dismissively, "but after that, what then?" 

"After?" Anthony replied, and all at once he began to suspect she was leading up to something he wasn't particularly keen on hearing. Over the years, many students had made proposals to him of one kind or another, sometimes quite outrageous ones, but they all usually involved, somewhere along the line, a hint that his body was to be part of the deal. He had never once accepted. Long experience caused him now to keep his antennae on full alert. 

"After?" He said, pretending to be vague. "Oh, I don't know. More of the same, I suppose." 

"But wouldn't you like to have your own studio one day?" She persisted. 

She had hit home on the very subject Anthony had been considering for some time now. He wanted nothing more than to have his own studio. All his dancing life had been geared towards this goal. He would already have had his studio now had not his parent's business collapsed after the last stock market crash. It was Anthony who had helped to pay their debts; indeed, he had saved them from losing their house. But he would do it over again if necessary. His studio could wait, his parent's home was their castle, it was their reward for lifetime of struggle. He would never allow it to be taken away from them if it were remotely in his power. 

"Oh, maybe one day, I guess," he answered, without committing himself. 

"You know," she said, archly, "there is a way you can get it much sooner than 'one day'." 

"Yes, well, I suppose there is," he replied, still playing the vague fool, "but I haven't got time to think about it now, not with Grand Final coming up and all that." 

Kathy frowned a little, she was a woman used to getting her way. That was what wealth and power was all about, she was wont to think - and say - on occasion. 

"Surely you would like to find out how you can do it, Mr Brand?" She asked. 

"Well, not right now, Miss Lovett," he replied easily. "I think we'd better get back to the lesson, don't you?" 

It was incredulous to her that he did not display the least curiosity about what she had in mind. Inwardly, she seethed. Outwardly, she put on a brave face and held her hand out for him to take her back on to the floor. Anthony, by some egregious oversight, did not take her hand, he simply walked back on to the floor ahead of her. Now she was really furious. 

Thereafter, the lesson deteriorated considerably. So much so, in fact, that even Anthony, whose patience when teaching was legendary, was starting to feel irritated with her lack of effort. But Kathy was in no mood to make things better for him. She had been slighted, as far as she was concerned, and he, Anthony, would have to pay - at least for tonight. 

The two hours dragged to an end. Anthony signed her lesson sheet for her, checked to confirm her next appointment, then said goodbye and walked away as though nothing had happened. This only served to make her even more angry. She stormed out of the studio, walked straight past the receptionist without a word, and slammed the front door shut behind her. The receptionist, Maggie Sanders, had a little giggle to herself and turned back to her work. She had seen it all before, many times, with many people. The dance business was like that - volatile.

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