Percy Jackson Gay Ships

By Emzy985

514K 8.9K 6.7K

Mostly Percy-centric ships. I'm willing to do the odd straight and/or non Percy-centric ships. Includes smut... More

Connor x Percy (Fluff)
Jercy (Fluff)
Percico (Angst)
Author's Note
Willercy (Fluff)
Perleo (Fluff)
Frank x Percy (Smut)
Out Of My League
Nico x Percy x Annabeth (Fluff)
Lukercy (Angst)
Jercy (Smut)
Percico (Fluff)
Unique Part 2
Lukercy (Smut)
Perleo (Angst)
Lukercy (Angst)
Lukercy (Angst)
I'm Sorry
Bluebell Part 2
Unique Part 3
Connor x Percy (Smut)
His Angel & His Devil
His Angel & His Devil Part 2
Secrets Part 2
I'm Feeling Little
Percollo (Fluff)
Perjasico (Smut)
Dead Part 2
Endangered Health
Willercy (Fluff)
Alone At Night
Endangered Health Part 2
Fake I Love Yous
I'm Feeling Little Part 2
Perjaswilico (Fluff)
Perjasico (Smut)
Alone At Night Part 2
Alone At Night Part 3
I Don't Give A Fuck If It's Not Canon
Endangered Health Part 3
Believe In Me
Jercy (Fluff)
Jercy (Fluff)
Hide The Baby
Someone Help Nico
Believe In Me Part 2
Hide The Baby Part 2
Endangered Health Part 4
All It Takes Is A Panda Onesie
Out Of Sight Out Of Mind
The Thief's Daisies
Fucked It For Real This Time
Someone Help Nico Part 2
You're My Person
Endangered Health Part 5
Clarisse x Percy x Chris
Praetor Boyfriend
Praetor Boyfriend Part 2
Someone Help Nico Part 3
Nobody Camper
Love My Fear
The Creator
Christmas Prompts (1/25)
I Mean I Hope So
Christmas Prompts (6/25)
Christmas Prompts (7/25)
Christmas Prompts (8/25)
Christmas Prompts (9/25)
Christmas Prompts (10/25)
Christmas Prompts (11/25)
Christmas Prompts (12/25)
Christmas Prompts (13/25)
Christmas Prompts (14/25)
Christmas Prompts (15/25)
Christmas Prompts (16/25)
Christmas Prompts (17/25)
Christmas Prompts (18/25)
Christmas Prompts (19/25)
Christmas Prompts (20/25)
Christmas Prompts (21/25)
Christmas Prompts (22/25)
Christmas Prompts (23/25)
Christmas Prompts (24/25)
Christmas Prompts (2/25)
Christmas Prompts (25/25)
Mistake (Percico)
Christmas Prompts (3/25)
Hide The Baby Part 3
(The) Dispute
Christmas Prompts (4/25)
Christmas Prompts (5/25)
Force of Confusion - Habit
Young Prissy
Competition of Love
Be Your Friend Part 1
β™‘ I'm Back β™‘

Out Of My League Part 2

6.4K 137 330
By Emzy985

Warning: Swearing and Annabitch. A bit of feminisation near the end. Implied sexual content but it doesn't really have to be taken that way.

Galaxyphoenix11, I'm sorry but I haven't got a clue what happened with this.

No one knew what to do.

Hazel had turned to hide her face in Frank's chest, trying her best to silence her sobs.

Frank himself had several tears sliding down his face.

Piper looked like she wasn't sure whether to burst into tears or murder Annabeth.

Will was too busy holding back a violent Nico to notice the tears on his face.

Thalia looked like she had just been slapped in the face by a singing fish, not sure whether this was truly happening.

Jason looked about as happy as Nico did when he'd been forced to wear pink for a day after a game of Truth or Dare.

The Stolls were busy brainstorming with Leo on the many ways to prank Annabeth, hoping to cause as much pain as possible.

Reyna looked about as slack-jawed as Thalia, going to stand by her in hopes to understand the situation better. They both subconsciously reached out a hand for the other to grab.

Calypso was trying to calm the Stolls and Leo, having no luck because she was too busy thinking up the worst curses to wish upon the girl.

Clarisse was the first to properly do anything, walking up to Annabeth and punching her in the jaw, successfully knocking her down.

That seemed to bring everyone out of their trance, all of them walking over to an angry looking Annabeth.


They all turned to see a distraught Percy being hugged by Chris. Chris looked like he wanted to be with the others to cause as much pain as possible to Annabeth but it was obvious that he thought Percy's well-being was more important.

"What do you mean, don't? You worked so hard to get that for her and the ungrateful bitch doesn't even offer you so much as a thank you. Instead deciding to burn all of your hard work."

Percy just shook his head, indicating for them all to step away from Annabeth. They complied, albeit reluctantly.

Chris removed his arms from around Percy, allowing him to walk up to Annabeth.

He stopped about a foot away, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a black velvet box.

Percy took one look at the box before chucking it at Annabeth, relishing in the way she flinched away from it.

"What stupid gift have you got me this time? What pathetic little trinket did you buy me?"

Percy held up a hand, stopping anyone from stepping forward.

"Open it."

Annabeth just looked up at Percy, raising an eyebrow at what she classed as more stupidity from such a Seaweed Brain.

"I said, open it."

Annabeth complied, gasping when she saw the beautiful silver ring inside.

Before she could grab the ring, Percy took the box off her, not looking her in the eye.


Leo, confused but having a hunch on what was about to happen, lit his hand on fire.

Percy took one look at the ring before closing the box and throwing it right into Leo's hand.

Annabeth jumped up, ready to run at Leo to get her ring back when she felt two sets of hands grab her arms.

She looked either side of her to find Thalia and Reyna, both of whom had a frown etched onto their faces.

Annabeth went to take a step forward, despite the angry demigods on either side of her, just to gasp when she felt a stabbing pain run up both her arms.

"That's my ring. You can't burn my fucking ring."

"I just did. Well actually, I burnt a ring. How can I burn 'your' ring if it wasn't even yours to begin with?"

"It was obviously meant for me so it was mine."

"But who said it was yours? Did you hear me say the words: 'here's your ring Annabeth' or 'would you like this ring Annabeth'? Did you hear anything of the sort? No? That's what I thought."

With one last sad look at Annabeth did Percy turn around and leave the cabin, not bothering to mention where he was going.

Everyone turned to stare at the door, all with some form of sad expression on their face. They were all stuck between beating the shit out of Annabeth and comforting Percy.

The sound of skin hitting skin brought everyone back to the present.

Turning to look at the source of the sound, they found a seething Hazel stood in front of a bored looking Annabeth. The sound had obviously come from Hazel's palm hitting Annabeth's cheek if the bright red hand print was anything to go by.

"He did everything for you. He slaves away to make you happy. He hasn't slept properly in months because of you, too busy working a load of jobs to get the present you wanted. And you have the audacity to behave like that? To treat him the way you just did?"

Nobody noticed the way a certain trickster sneakily made his way out of the cabin or how with a final glare sent at Annabeth did an angry war child leave.

Nobody noticed, too engrossed in the rants aimed at Annabeth.

The couple finally found Percy. By the lake, upset and alone. Tears were streaming down his face and by the hand covering his mouth, you could tell he was trying to be quiet, not wanting to worry anyone.

They were stuck. Did they go and help him? Did they go and calm him down, make him stop crying? Get him to laugh? Or did they watch from afar, silent and sad?

Did they tell him they loved him?

Chris was the first to react, silently walking up to the crying teen.

Percy jumped slightly as he felt an arm wrap around his shoulders as someone sat next to him. Turning to his left he was met with Chris, offering a confused look. Chris only smiled in return, leaning down to place a kiss on his cheek.

Clarisse just stood and watched, secretly enjoying watching her only two objects of affection interact. It was decided, she was going soft.

With a sigh did Clarisse sit down on Percy's right, refusing to show any signs of affection.

After about five minutes of just staring at the lake did Clarisse slowly lean her head against Percy's shoulder, refusing to look at him.

Percy smiled, happy that Clarisse was comfortable enough with showing emotions other than anger around him.

"Not a word Prissy."

"I didn't say anything."

Chris snorted, amused by the constant bickering that always seemed to surface when the two were together.

"Who said you could laugh, mhm?"

"Sorry ma'am!"

Percy just looked from one to the other, eyebrows furrowed cutely.

"You two are kinky little shits. What the fuck is your sex life like?"

Chris turned to look at Percy, smirking mischievously.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

The tone of voice he used and the fact that his eyebrows seemed unable to stay still made Percy blush.


The next thing he knew, he was on his back and Chris was on top of him, grinning down at him.

"You sure?"

Okay, what is wrong with this guys eyebrows?

"I'm s-sure."

The way Chris's hips grinded against his own made him falter slightly, hoping it went unnoticed by the two.

"You mean you don't wanna hear about all the things Clarisse could do to you? All the things she wants to do to you? Oh, how much fun we'd have with you."

He'd spoken so close to Percy's ear that every word sent a shiver down his spine.

"You're so innocent. It would be so easy for us to corrupt you."

"W-who said anything about me being i-innocent?"

Could he just stop moving his hips for one second?

"Please, you literally radiate innocence. If you're not a virgin then I'm the goddess of love."

Okay, so maybe he couldn't argue with that logic. Percy was most definitely a virgin and Clarisse was like the furthest thing from the goddess of love. Gods dam it.

"Aww, look Clarisse. He's still blushing. How cute."

Clarisse just smirked, turning to look Percy in the eyes as if she was trying to make him understand all the things she wanted to do to him.

"I'm n-not blushing."

As soon as this was over, he was going to hurt Chris so bad if he didn't stop moving his hips anytime soon.



"Leave the little princess alone for now, she looks like she's about to explode. I don't think her face could get any redder even if you tried."

"Aww," Chris was literally borderline pouting.

"Chris, leave the pretty princess alone for now."

Percy was unable to stop the moan from leaving his lips at her words.

They both turned to stare shocked at him which only made him blush harder.

That made him think and oh gods he just moaned.

Chris turned to look at Clarisse.

"Now can I play with the pretty princess?"

Clarisse just stared, unsure if this was really happening. If he was being honest, Percy didn't know either.

"Yeah. Yeah, go and play with the pretty princess."

Chris looked about ready to break into song and dance. He looked absolutely ecstatic.

He turned to grin at Percy who gulped, unsure if this was really heading where he thought it was.

He looked like a dragon about to kidnap a princess to take it to their lair. That happened in fairytales, he remembered. His life might as well be a fairytale. It ticked all the boxes for it anyway.

"Come on pretty princess. Time to go."

Percy just stared up at him confused. Go where? How?

His question was answered however when Chris reached down to pick him up and place him over his shoulder.

"Hey! You can't just pick me up like that."

"Well I just did. Now be quiet or the very hot ass by my face gets it."

Percy felt like the blush was never going to leave his face. What did that mean?

The walk back to the Poseidon cabin was long and Percy was pretty sure he'd got motion sickness. Chris seemed to bounce with every step he took and Percy was stuck on his shoulder, bouncing along with him.

Chris was feeling very pleased with himself. Not only did he have their pretty princess on his shoulder but every time he took a step, Percy's cute little ass seemed to jiggle and bounce.

Clarisse was feeling pretty smug from her position next to Chris. As they walked, she had a pretty good view of Percy's ass and she got lost in thought, picturing all the many things they could do to that ass.

Percy was confused. They'd been standing outside of his cabin for about five minutes now and it was obvious everyone else had already left. What was it that had managed to catch their attention for so long?

"Guys. I'm still here you know."

Percy actually heard them both gulp. He knew the whining would work with these two.

Clarisse grunted, not moving her eyes away from Percy's ass.

"Oh we know."

"Can we at least go inside then please? People might see us eventually and I'd rather avoid that."

Chris looked away from Percy's ass just long enough to comprehend what he was saying.

"Yes. Yeah. You're right. If we stay out here any longer, someone might see that wonderful ass of yours and we can't have that."


Percy wasn't able to finish because the next thing he knew, his cabin door was thrown open and he was landing on a bed in the corner of the room.

"Clarisse said I was allowed to play with the pretty princess."

And that's exactly what they did.

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