Fall Apart / Post Malone

By postylove74

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**COMPLETED** **15,600 reads** Traveling with Post Malone should be easy right? Simple... know your place, re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Authors Note

Chapter 40

653 19 12
By postylove74

Austin's POV

I woke up after getting a decent amount of sleep and grabbed my phone, hoping for a message from Lexa. I felt a feeling of sadness not seeing a message from her. I ran my hands through my hair trying not to jump to conclusions. After all she did say that she needed a few days to think things through, but it also didn't seem like she would stop talking to me.

I got up and grabbed a change of clothes and went and took the hottest shower I could get inside the bus. I stood there for several minutes letting the hot water wash over me. I knew what I had to do, not only for the next few days but for the rest of my life if I wanted to get Lexa back. I quickly finished my shower and got dressed and headed out to the staging area.

I walked in and sat down on the couch scrolling through the pictures in my phone of Lexa and myself. God I missed her so fucking much.

"Hey man, how are you doing?" Smitty asked as he walked in.

"Better I guess" I said locking my phone and putting it into my pocket.

"You talked with her didn't you" he said a smirk on his face.

"I did," I said shaking my head and laughing a little.


"She told me that she needs a few days to think about things but that we aren't officially broken up until she thinks about her next move" I said leaning forward putting my head in my hands.

"That's a good thing though isn't it?" Smitty asked standing next to me, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Its the best fucking thing that I heard, but she still isn't here man. I guess I understand her reasoning. We would probably have fucking amazing make up sex and forget about everything that happened and carry on with our lives. Her being gone really makes me realize how much I need her and that I can't fuck up anymore" I said.

"I think you are thinking the right way man, hang in there. I know you can get through this."

"I know I can and I will, I'm more determined than ever to prove to her that I love her and that I'm a one girl kinda guy" I said sitting back.

Both of us turned around at the sound of the door as we both saw Dre walk through.

"Hey uh Posty man, can I talk with you?" Dre asked looking over at Smitty giving him a look that meant he wanted to do this alone.

"I'll see you later man" Smitty said walking through the door.

"What's up?" I asked not really looking at him.

"I want to talk to you about last night" he said walking up to the back of the couch and leaning on it.

"I figured you would, but my thoughts nor my words have changed. Drunk or not drunk I don't want them fucking here Dre" I said standing up and walking to the back of the couch.

"Okay I get it. When we head to the airport today the girls are going back to LA and Alisha is going too. I guess I didn't really know how into Lexa you were, and I never really got to know her either. I just saw Claire and figured she was your type, and I felt like Lexa was pulling you away from fun. But, you were happy and I'm sorry I tried to take that happiness away due to my own selfishness. You are still the same Posty, she just makes you better" he said looking over at me.

"She made me a better person and she wasn't ruining me, if anything I was ruining her. I was just trying to do whatever I could to make her comfortable. If you gave her time she would've came out of her shell and been more comfortable around everyone" I said shoving my hands into my pockets and looking over at him out of the side of my eye.

"I don't think you were ruining her Posty, after I thought about it, I think you were both equally good for each other," he said placing his hand on my shoulder and giving it a little shake.

"I just want her back man" I said running my hands through my hair.

"Is there anyway I can help? After all this was all my fault" he said looking at me.

"I'm not sure, she said she needed a few days and I'm going to give it to her. We're still together. She said if she were here everything would be decided too quickly, and I agree with her. So I'll give her her time and I'll hope for the best." I said looking over at him.

"I'm sorry man, I really am" he said as he pulled me in and gave me a one armed hug and walked away.

I walked out of the staging area and back to the bus. I grabbed my pillow and a small bag of clothes that I would need before the bus got to Huston and headed out to Lee who was waiting for me a few feet away.

"How'd that go?" Smitty asked as I climbed in the car.

"He apologized and took the blame for her leaving" I said sitting back in my seat and looking out the window.

I looked over and heard Dani take a deep breath before speaking up.

"I'm sorry for what I did and said to you too Austin, but my heart ached and still aches for her. I know what you did wasn't completely by your own volition, I knew you had to be pushed to do what you did, but it doesn't change the fact that you still did it." she said.

"It's okay Dani, I don't deserve an apology from you" I said shaking my head with a laugh.

"Well your right you don't because you know you were wrong and that you were an asshole" Dani said shrugging her shoulder with a smile.

The light air between us in the car made me feel like things would get back to normal, and I accepted the kindhearted exchange with open arms.

"Just give her the time she asked for Aus, if you do I'm sure it will have a welcomed outcome" she said as Lee pulled away from the curb.

"Smitty told you didn't he," I laughed.

"Of course he did. You got this Austin" she said a kind smile spreading across her face.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. It was just after 1pm here so it was 2pm back in Pittsburgh. It was strange to me that Lexa hadn't messaged me yet. I mean sure I understood she needed time and everything, but I thought I at least would've heard from her by now after the conversation that we had last night.

I hit her contact info and started out a quick text.

Hey baby girl I hope you are doing okay. I am headed to the airport on my way to Houston. I'll text you when we land. I love you and miss you so much baby girl.

I hit the send button and sat back in the seat as we made our way to the airport in a comfortable silence.

Lexa's POV

I rolled over and stretched in my bed. I glanced over at the clock to see that it was almost three in the afternoon. I sat up and rubbed my hands over my face. I don't know why, but I was so exhausted, I felt like I could lay back down and go back to sleep for another five hours after just sleeping.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and grabbed my cellphone off of the charger. I smiled as I saw a message from Austin. I felt good about the conversation that we had last night. I didn't want to say goodbye anymore than he did, so saying that we were still together until I made my final decision was what we both needed.

I had a feeling inside of me that we would be back together, but by taking these few days and being away from him I hoped I was making a point that I wasn't afraid to leave no matter how much he knew I loved and needed him and also so he knew what he was missing.

I opened the text and read that he was on his way to the airport to go to Houston. I knew that he wasn't going to answer the text until he landed. He always fell asleep when he flew because he got such anxiety, but I typed out a message anyway.

Hey baby. I'm sorry I didn't answer I have been so exhausted. It's that celebrity life catching up with me. Safe travels. Txt when you land. I love and miss you so much too.

I hit the send button and slowly shuffled my way out of my bedroom towards the kitchen. I was starving, and after I thought about it I realized that I hadn't eaten since dinner the night of the Dive Bar Concert. I looked through the cabinets and decided that all I wanted was a bowl of Cheerios. I grabbed one of my orange bowls out of the cabinet and poured in a decent amount with some milk and sat down at the table.

I pulled my phone out and thought about reactiving my instagram but decided against it. Austin and I weren't really broken up and I promised him I wouldn't reactivate it as long as we were together. I put a few spoonfuls of cereal into my mouth and my stomach started feeling queasy. I got up and slowly walked the bowl over to the sink spilling the milk into the drain and the rest of the cereal into the garbage can.

I walked over to the couch in the living room and plopped down. I turned the TV on to Lifetime Movie Network and pulled my phone out of the front pocket of the hoodie.

Hey Dani just wanted to let you know that I am doing okay, sorry I haven't texted I have just been so exhausted. Austin and I talked last night and I made a deal that we would still be together until I had time to decide what I wanted to do, which I already know what it will be as long as he can prove to me that he can be faithful. Let me know if you see anything haha

I settled in and watched whatever movie was already playing by the time I turned the TV on. After a few minutes I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

"Lex, wake up. You have been sleeping all day" Rachel said as she was gently shaking my shoulder to wake me up.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked up at her, a smirk forming on my face.

"Sorry sis, I've just been so exhausted. I think I'm finally catching up on all the sleep I have been deprived of since I left Pittsburgh" I laughed.

"Could be, you did have some pretty late nights" she said as she sat down next to me.

I grabbed my hair in my hand and tied it tightly on top of my head and let out a sigh looking over at Rachel.

"So, I uh. I talked to Austin last night"

She looked over at me and raised her eyebrows.

"Please tell me you are joking" she said a smirk on her face.

"No, I needed to talk to him Rachel. I don't think you really understand that" I said

"Your right, I don't. Please explain to me" she said crossing her legs and turning her body slightly.

"I forgave him Rachel, and before you start yelling at me hear me out. I know he didn't act on his own will that night. Between alcohol and Dre he was heavily persuaded to make the decision that he made. You were only with us for few days, you didn't really see how he was with me. Anyone who treats someone like he treats me wouldn't cheat no matter how attracted they are to another person. I told him to give me four days, mostly because I want him to know what it would be like to live without me. But also for me to really think if I do want to go back"

She sighed and put her hands over her face.

"Oh Lexa. First I think you are looking at what he did the wrong way, but I'll accept your thoughts on it. Second I like how you are trying to let him see what his life would be like without you after he had you, I think that was a smart decision. Lastly, do you think you honestly want to go back to him?"

I looked away quickly thinking of how I felt without sleeping and waking up next to him, without knowing that he would be with me every day. I looked back to her and locked my eyes with hers.

"Yes, I honestly think I want to go back to him but I just can't let him know that right yet. I told him a few days and I'm going to make him wait"

"Not to put bad thoughts into your head, but what if something happens within those four days? What if he finds someone else?"

"He won't, I know he won't" I said.

"Well, I hope your right. Now let's get you out of this apartment and go for a walk" Rachel said standing up.

I stood up and felt myself get dizzy. I reached out and grabbed the chair putting my head in my hand.

"Shit Lex, are you okay?" Rachel asked grabbing onto my shoulders.

"Yeah, yeah I'm alright. I just haven't eaten much lately. It's also probably my body telling me it's lacking alcohol" I laughed gathering myself and walking back towards my room to change.

I walked in and sat down on my bed, my head pounding since the dizzy spell I had in the living room. I walked into the joining bathroom and grabbed some tylenol out of the bottle and swallowed them down. I unzipped my bag that was still on the floor and pulled out a pair of black yoga pants, a neon blue Under Armour tank and a white Victoria's Secret Hoodie. I quickly placed them on my body and didn't worry about fixing my hair and walked out to meet Rachel.

"Sis you look like shit, are you sure you're okay?" she asked me raising her eyebrows.

"I'm fine, let's just get going" I said walking towards the door and heading towards the elevator.

Austin's POV

The plane landed and I immediately checked my phone for a message from Lexa. I smiled when I saw that she had sent me something. I opened it and felt myself chuckle as I quickly typed out a reply.

Aww my poor angel. But you are probably right, I know when I am done with touring I feel like I could sleep for days.

I hit the send button and grabbed all of my stuff and headed off the plane. Jay had called us an uber to take us to the hotel. I climbed into the Escalade with Dani, Smitty and Adam.

"What are we doing tonight?" Adam asked us all a smile on his face.

"Hopefully something that involves food," Dani laughed.

"Aww my little hungry monster" Smitty said placing a kiss on her lips.

"I'm okay with food and maybe a few drinks somewhere quiet. I don't want to do the whole club thing again" I said grabbing a cigarette and lighting it.

"That sounds good to me" Dani said as she took her phone out of her purse laughing slightly as she punched in a quick response.

I pulled my own phone out of my pocket as I felt it vibrate letting me know I got a text.

"Tell me about it. I think my whole body is just going through withdrawals haha. I should be fully recovered by tomorrow. How was your flight? "

I laughed at her text. I could imagine that her body was rebelling against her. She partied just as hard as the rest of us most of the time.

"It was good baby, I was asleep for most of it since I hate flying. We just landed a few minutes ago. We are on our way to the hotel now then going for dinner and then a quiet bar to have some drinks"

"That sounds like fun! I wish I could be there with you. I miss you so much"

Her text made me smile. I felt more hope rush through me after reading how she said she missed me.

"I miss you so much too baby. I feel empty without you with me. I'm like a peanut butter sandwich without the jelly"

"You can't see me but I'm rolling my eyes at you and laughing so hard"

"Damn I wish I could hear that sexy laugh and see that cute eye roll"

"I wish you could too, it's pretty cute. Have fun tonight baby, text me whenever you want. I'm going to go lay down I'm very tired again"

Her text made me slightly worried.

"Baby are you sure your okay?"

"Yes baby, I'm fine. I love you."

"I love you to baby girl"

Something made me feel uneasy. I know that she was probably tired, but this seemed a little excessive. I quickly typed out a message to Rachel.

"Hey I know you probably hate me, but is Lex okay?"

"I was just going to text that to you. Did she seem off when she was with you?"

"She seemed completely fine, but I'm worried about her. She told me she is headed off to bed again. It's only six there."

"Yeah, we went for a walk and she was okay but not her normal self, she looked like death to be honest."

"Keep and eye on her and let me know if anything is wrong , please?"

"Okay Austin. You know despite everything I still think your kind of a good guy, thanks for caring about her"

"I'll take kind of over you thinking I'm an asshole still and I always will care for her."

I put my phone away and tried to clear my thoughts as I flowed back into conversation with Smitty, Dani and Adam. But despite everything, I just couldn't help but feel that something wasn't right.

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