Yes, Sir?-BoyXBoy

By c_m_fairbanks

7.6K 312 77

Austin is the new music teacher at Bellevue High. Oli loves music class. He is know as the the bully, just to... More

Warnings and Stuffs Reload
~18~ Finalle


686 30 8
By c_m_fairbanks

I got up at five am so I could leave before my parents got up. I quickly showered and got ready. My mum woke me up and beat me. I finished at six thirty and went downstairs. School didn't start for two more hours. Great. I quickly put some food in a bag and I grabbed my dad's keys. He wrote the therapist's address down. I took that and remembered what me and Austin were doing. I put extra clothes into a drawstring bag I got back in Sheffield.

I quickly left and got I'm my dad's car. It was a blue pick-up truck. I texted the guys, asking if they needed rides. They all replied with yes. I picked them up, around seven thirty, and drove us to school.

"Bro, why you got two bags?" Lee asked, picking up my Sheffield bag.

"Because I can. I'm going somewhere this weekend."

"With who?" Jordan asked teasingly.

"A person." I answered.

"The music teacher that came to my house?" Lee asked.

"Mr. Carlile?! Dude, are you gay?" Matt K asked.

"Does it matter?" I asked as I turned.

"Not really."

"Just don't tell anyone." I said as I pulled into the parking lot. My phone vibrated in the cup holder. I quickly parked and opened the text.

'Austin: Hey. Meet me in my classroom when you get here.'

'I just pulled in. I'll be there in a couple minutes.' I replied as I bit my lip.

"Go." Matt N. urged.

"I'll see you guys in class and lunch. Thanks." I said.

"Oli has a boyfriend." They sang.

"Do that one more time and I will punch you all." I threatened as I got out. They got out as I walked in the school. I shoved my keys in my pocket and went to his classroom.

"Hey." He greeted.

"Hi." I returned, suddenly feeling shy. He smiled and got up from his desk.

"Where should I meet you later?"

"I have my father's truck so I could pick you up. My mum scheduled family therapy today."

"Is he going to be mad at you for taking his truck?"

"Yeah. I don't care. He can getted fucked up the ass for all I care. I told my mum to suck his dick, so.."

"Such a badass."

"Mmhmm." I agreed.

"What happened to your face, Oli?" He asked and touched my cheek.

"Nothing." I lied. "I'm fine, sir."

"Was it bad?"

"No. She wasn't drunk. It was quick, too. Just a couple hits and punches. And kicks."

"That's horrible that she does that. You're such a nice boy." He whispered. I blushed and my phone vibrated.

"Who ruined the fucking moment?" I asked to myself. I pulled my phone out. "Fuck you, Jordan."

'Jordan: Listen to these guys. You Me At Six.' He sent a video and picture.

"Oh fuck no." I dropped my phone and started shaking. It hit the carpet floor and broke a little.

"Oli? What's wrong?" He asked.

"Josh. Band. Text. Picture. Josh." I stuttered, not able to make a sentence. He took my in his arms and I felt safe. I breathed in his sent. Axe Apollo.

"It's okay, Oli. He won't hurt you." He promised.

"Thank you, sir." I whispered into his chest.

"You gotta get to your locker. See you later."

"We shouldn't be later than five." I called as I grabbed my bags. I smiled one more time and left.

I headed to my locker and noticed I forgot my phone. Damn it. I was already almost late and I couldbt get detintion. I quickly went to class and sat beside Jordan. History was our first bell. Our second was science with everyone. I had maths with Matt N and K. Lee and I have English together, as well as music. Gym was with everyone. None of us dressed out unless it was soccer. We just sit and listen to music.

The day went slowly until lunch. We gathered around our table and I pulled my food out. I shouldve eaten breakfast. We sat in a secluded corner. It wasn't abnormal for the teachers to sit with the students and interact. I wasn't surprised when Austin came over and sat beside me. I was in the back corner against the wall. He put his arm around my waist and smiled at me. I smiled back.

"So, you know that band I sent you?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Theyre coming here. I want to go see them." He continued.

"I'm not going. Personal reasons." I added.

"What do you mean?" Jordan asked. Lee already knew. I was closest to him.

"He's my ex. You guys met my brother a couple times before he passed. Well after he did, I got into drugs and alcohol. I had a lot of one night stands. Josh was my boyfriend for a couple months. He, um, abused me and hurt me. He did stuff I didn't like."

"What else happened during that time?" Matt N asked.

"I got a lot of tattoos, hints why I wear jumpers everyday."

"What the fuck is a jumper?" Jordan asked.

"A sweater as you Americans call it." I teased. They laughed and Austin rubbed my side. Austin stole some of my crisps and I shot him a playful glare. "You couldve asked." I said.

"Oh. Here's your phone." He handed it to me and I immediately checked my texts. My mum had sent me the address again and the time.

"Thanks." I said and ate some crisps.

"How is the language different here than England?" Matt N asked.

"Well, people sound weird. They call crisps chips. They don't spell colour and favourite with a u. They call jumpers sweaters." I listed. "And you don't have Malteasers. I could go on, but choose not to."

Austin pulled his phone out and texted someone. "We don't sound weird. You do." Jordan said and threw a fry at me, which I caught and ate.

"How did he do that?" Lee asked.

"Easy." I said. I tossed one of Matt K's grapes in the air and caught it in my mouth.

"I wonder what else Brits can do." Matt K thought aloud.

"I heard they're good in bed." Lee said, smirking.

Austin blushed but smiled at me. "I bet Mr. Carlile knows. Oli needs to get laid. If you could work on that this weekend it would be much appreciated." Lee added.

"I don't need to get laid." I shrieked.

"You went rejecting me yesterday." Austin teased. "You wanted me to fuck you."

"I still do. I wonder what's hidden under those jeans. I just need you're dick up my ass." I replied.

"Gross. I don't need to know about my teacher's sex life." Jordan said. He threw another fry at me, letting me catch it.

"Stop that. It's too hot." Austin commanded. I smirked and bit my lip. I rubbed his leg.

"I see someone else needs to get laid." I rubbed his bulge.

"Oliver. Stop. Class starts in three minutes. Dead puppies." He muttered. I moved my hand as the guys laughed.

"It's nice seeing you all sexually flustrated, sir."

"Can you take us home?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah. Just hurry. I have fucking family therapy. Then I'm gonna sneak away with this guy over here." I answered as I pointed to Austin.

"You gotta go to your classroom." I said.

"I'm going to fuck you then kill you." He whispered in my ear. He kissed behind it and smiled.

"Don't kill me. I'm too innocent, sir." I argued.

Everyone burst out laughing. "You are NOT innocent." Lee breathed through laughs. Austin got up and smiled at me then left.

The rest of the day went quickly. During music, Austin kept looking at me. He would bite his lip and be all hot. I drove the guys home and quickly went to the office. I was two minutes late. I sighed and opened the door.

"Sorry I'm late." I apologized.

"It's fine. I'm Katrina. You are?"

"Oli. Nice to meet you."

"You too. So, everything here is strickly classified. It can't be shared with anyone." She said, smiling. I sat on the chair, away from my parents.

It had a couch and two chairs. All black leather. She sat at her desk. Degrees and paintings littered the walls. My mum was cuddled into my father. I gave a disgusted look.

"So, why are we here? I sense a lot of tension."

"Oliver is disrespectful to us." I scoffed and pulled my phone out.

"How is he disrespectful?" She asked.

"He cusses at us. He leaves home all the time."

"Home? More like hell." I spoke up.

"Why is it hell?" She asked me.

"Ever since my brother passed, they fucking hate me. They went all catholic and I'm gay. I don't care what they think anymore. They think just because they 'love' god, Matthew will magically come back. They blame me for his death. Half the time they're drunk. They hit me when they are. Even when they're sober." I explained.

"Oliver." My father warned.

"I knew this was going to fucking happen. You got pissed because I said something you didn't like. I even said this yesterday. I'm not shitting you. I'm fucking done. Don't expect me home until Monday. Go fuck yourselves." I said as I got up. I left and got in my father's car. I started to Austin's house.

I quickly called Austin and he picked up. "Hey. I'm coming right now." I said.

"It's only been ten minutes."

"I kinda got pissed." I answer as I turned into our neighborhood.

"Classic Oli. Mkay. I'll be outside."

"Otay. See you in a few." I hung up as I pulled onto his street.

I pulled into his driveway a couple minutes later and he got in. I threw my bags in the bag, grabbing my wallet, as he got in. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Hey, Oli." He greeted.

"Hello, sir." I answered and pulled out. He put his seatbelt on and smiled.

"So what happened?" I explained to him what went down and he wasnt shocked. "Wow. So, where are we going?"

"I got us a hotel in San Diego. Nice hotel. I'm paying for everything so don't even try. We can get food whenever. Just tell me. We can do whatever when we get there. I kinda want another tattoo."

"Sounds good. I'm glad we could do this."

"Me too. We can get to know each other. Maybe do some other things, sir."

"Well, its a two hour drive. We can know each other know. Tell me about yourself." He demanded.

"I'm Oli. I'm eighteen. I hate everything about church and shit. I cuss a lot. My favorite colour is grey. I love post hardcore music or whatever you wanna call it. I love skate boarding. I write songs, scream, and sing. I'm in a band with Matt N, Matt K, Jordan, and Lee. I'm closest to Lee. I have a thing for my music teacher. That's about it, sir." I replied, pausing between sentences to think.

"I'm Austin. I'm twenty. I finished school when I was sixteen and went straight into college. My mom died when I was seventeen. I have Marfan Syndrome. I scream a lot. I like post hardcore, too. I was supposed to go into the army because of my father, but I didn't. I have a lot of tattoos. I like skate boarding. I used to live in Ohio, but moved to LA for college. I have a thing for a certain student too." He responded.

I smiled and stopped at the stoplight. I kissed his cheek. He smiled and kissed my cheek. I started driving again. We continued talking the rest of the way there. I checked into our hotel and we went to our room.

"What do you want for dinner, sir?" I asked as he looked through the guide.

"Pizza is okay." He answered.

I smiled and called this pizza place. I had it once when I came here. I ordered a pepperopni pizza and drinks. He found this movie and I laid beside him. He put his arm around me and smiled. I kissed his cheek.

"You're so cute." He muttered as he kissed my nose.

I went to kiss his cheek, but he turned his head. His lips crashed into mine and I kissed him deeply. This is really cheesy, but I swear sparks went off. He pushed me down and I moaned. He liked it rough.

He slid his hands under my shirt and someone knocked. "Fuck." He whispered and got off of me.

"I got it. Dont worry, sir." I said.

I kissed his cheek and got up. I grabbed twenty and opened the door. He handed me the pizza and I handed him twenty. He gave me my change of six dollars and I shut the door. I set it on the bed and sat beside him.

"Oli?" He asked.


"At lunch, what did you mean when you said Josh did things you didn't like?" He asked.

"He raped me a lot and was really rough. He was 'kinky' in bed. I never got to give my virginity to someone I loved or wanted forever with. It was taken from me without me wanting it, sir." I answered.

"So, are you actually ready?" He asked. He cares. Someone actually cares about me.

"Yeah. Im ready, I think." I took his hand and he smiled.

"Good. I would never wanted to presure you. Cmon. Eat." He demanded. I ate some pizza as we talked.

He was really sweet and funny, but serious at appropriate times. This was the happiest I've been since Matthew died. He snaked his arm around me and I cuddled into him. He set the pizza on the computer desk and laid back, pulling me with him. I took my phone put and got on Wattpad. It's my seceret obsession. I may or may not read gay fanfiction.

I nuzzled my face into his chest. "What's up, Oli?"

"Nothing. I'm just not used to peace and quiet. Especially with a sexy male specimen, air."

"You mean your music teacher?"

"Sure. Whatever you wanna think, babe."

"Babe?" He questioned.

"Yeah. BABE." I retorted, putting emphases on babe. He chuckled and pecked my lips. "No. I taste like pizza."

"You still taste good." He carresed my cheek. I smiled and he kissed me again. "Why do you call me sir?"

"Because A. you could have this secret kink. B. I was forced to in Britain. Habit." I answered. I crawled on his lap, straddling his waist.

"Maybe I do." He smirked.

"That's really hot, sir. Almost as hot as you." I said and kissed his neck. He moaned slightly and put his hands on my hips.

He gripped them tightly as I sucked on his neck. "Fuck, Oli." He moaned.

"That's very bad language, sir. You should be punished, but you're the teacher." I muttered against his neck.

He threw his head back. I smirked and rubbed his chest. I kissed his neck a couple more times before pulling back. He smiled and looked at me.

"You better give me a reason to give you detiontion everyday."

"I'll use 'vulgar language' and throw shit at you. But not on Tuesdays and Thursdays, band practice."

"I could always stop by. I know where Lee lives. That sounds creepy."

"I know where you live and you know where I live. Not that creepy. I'll check with the guys."

"Well, do it Monday. This weekend is for us." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Otay." I replied and pecked his lips. His phone went off and he sighed. He grabbed it and chuckled. "What?"

"Nothing. My friends are getting drunk and being idiots." He answered.

"Seems nice." I replied, thinking of how much fun I had when I was drunk. Now I want some vodka.

"Hey. It's okay. You don't need any drinks." He soothed as he raised his arms to my back. I took a deep breath and smiled.

"Thanks." I muttered.

"Anything for you, Oli." He smiled and pecked my lips.

I moved beside him. He rested his head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around him. We watched tv until ten. He stripped to his boxers and got under the duvet.

"Don't worry about your scars, Oli." He mumbled. I stripped to my boxers also and laid beside him. "You're too beautiful to hide." He whispered in my ear.

I smiled. No one has ever called me beautiful. Ever. I kissed his chest and fell asleep soon after.

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