Neighbors ☹☻ narry ✔️

By Poisonnialler

432K 19.5K 14.9K

"Hi Harry Styles. Is that your real name, or is it actually Harold?" "It's just Harry." "Ok. Is that your fa... More

ⅰ. 3am friends
ii. opening the door for strangers
iii. metophorical chocolate
iv. twinky winky
v. zen, the wizardly manwhore
vi. faking it
vii. how to make friends
viii. breaking bad
ix. cancer stick
x. tell me about it, stud
xi. undeck the halls
xii. tfios
xiii. sleeping with a friend
xiv. dirty little secrets
xv. mentally unstable
xvi. backfire
xvii. cockblock
xviii. a ziam story of irony
xix. when niall met sally
xx. always
xxii. a real anaconda
xxiii. goodbye
xxiv. epilouge

xxi. drunk in love

15.6K 668 443
By Poisonnialler

[ xxi. drunk in love ]

Niall and Harry broke apart some time later, much to Niall's displeasure.

"Niall I-" Harry didn't know what to say. He didn't want to like someone like Niall, he couldn't. Niall was too innocent to be heartbroken over someone like Harry, and Harry knew that's exactly how it would end up. Harry would feel like things were getting too serious and break things off with Niall, leaving him behind and never turning back.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked worriedly, eyeing Harry. He felt sick to his stomach, something just didn't feel right. Not about the kiss, but about the way Harry was acting. It felt somewhat familiar as well.

"I, I don't think this is right." Harry muttered, pulling away from Niall. Niall blinked, thoroughly confused.

"What do you mean?" Niall was worried and nervous. His eyes swam with so many emotions, Harry could hardly figure out what the boy was feeling.

"I just, we can't be together, I don't think. Maybe. I don't know Niall, it's just, things are happening so fast and-" Harry stopped talking, and turned around, walking away. Niall felt his heart shatter in his chest.

"But- you can't just leave me again. You can't kiss me and lead me on just to turn away and shut me out again." Niall begged, chasing Harry to the front of the building.

"Niall, I just can't commit to a relationship." Harry muttered. "It's not you, it's-"

"If you finish that damn sentence Harry I swear." Niall growled. He took a small breath in and put his submissiveness behind him, summoning up all of the dominance in him that he could.

"Niall, let me go." Harry pleaded weakly as Niall pulled his shoulders to face him.

"Do you really want that?" Niall whispered hotly, he pushed Harry back so they were leaning up against the nearest wall, pushing them together so Harry was trapped between Niall's warm body and the wall.

"I- I don't know." Harry muttered, his face flushing. He was so confused on what he wanted anymore.

"I think you like it when I do this." Niall said, ghosting his lips over Harry's exposed neck. Harry felt goosebumps arise to the surface of his skin and he leaned his head back.

"Or when I do this." Niall added, kissing down Harry's neck and sucking soft love bites into the skin. Harry whimpered and pulled Niall closer to him. Niall nipped softly at Harry's collarbone, finding the boys soft spot immediately. Harry groaned and tightened his hold on Niall. Niall smiled against the sensitive skin and bit into it harshly, swirling his tongue around the skin between his teeth causing Harry to arch his back and moan, his hips slamming into Niall's. Niall hummed at the friction and pushed back into Harry so there bulges rubbed against each other in their tight jeans.

"I think you want to go further than this with me right now." Niall teased, pressing a soft kiss to the spot right by Harry's lips. Harry whimpered and grinded faster into Niall, holding the boys torso flush against his own. He lifted a leg and wrapped it around Niall's thighs, moving his hips fast. Niall bucked down into Harry, making the boy moan in pleasure. Niall placed soft kisses all over Harry's face and neck, making Harry squirm even more. Both boys were in such a deep state of pleasure, they barely paid attention to the fact that they were still outside and in public, but that didn't bother them. They both let out moans of each others names as they reached their climaxes, Harry's fingers clawing their way down Niall's back and back up, threading themselves in Niall's soft hair. Niall buried his face in Harry's neck, breathing heavily.

"Niall. This isn't ok." Harry whispered, not making any attempts to move away.

"I think it is." Niall whispered, planting a kiss on Harry's warm flesh. Harry wriggled frantically.

"No. It's not." Harry sighed, moving away from Niall and heading in the direction of his car.

"Where are you going?" Niall called, holding his arms around himself.

"For a drink." Harry called back, shutting the door and starting the car.

"Don't leave." Niall whispered, feeling rather uncomfortable so exposed. He had never done anything so intimate with someone that he loved, and to have Harry just leave him now was like a stab in the heart.

Did he love Harry? Surely he did. If he didn't he wouldn't feel so heartbroken right now.

"Maybe what you thought was real, was never real at all." A voice whispered from beside him. The words didn't settle on Niall and it made him whip to his right in utter fright.

But no one was there.


"Give me a bottle of whisky." Harry demanded sourly, sitting down on one of the many vacant bar stools. He chose the most deserted bar on Earth it seemed, and he was determined to not make a complete ass of himself in front of the few people who were actually here. He knew he was going to get drunk, just hopefully not too drunk.

"A full bottle?" The older bartender asked. The lad in front of him looked as if someone had ran over his dog, put the car in reverse, and ran over it again.

"Yeah." Harry said, barely paying attention to the bartenders gawking.

"Ok." The bartender sighed. He reached behind him and pulled the most diluted whisky he could find before sliding the medium sized glass bottle across the table to Harry.

"Thanks." Harry said, pulling the bottles' lid open. He took a huge gulp of it, wincing as the alcohol stung his throat.

"Would you like to tell me what's going on? It helps to talk to someone sometimes." The bartender offered. Harry shrugged, but began talking anyway.

"Well, there's this guy, Niall, and I moved in next door to him about 3 weeks ago. We really weren't friends. Ok, well maybe we were friends, I just never let him in. So last week, I bought two tickets to the 1975's concert. I don't really know why I bought 2 tickets, and not just 1. But I asked Niall if he would go with me, and he agreed. So tonight on the way to the concert, we were playing the 'Radio Game'. We asked it some questions and it said that Niall and I would kiss tonight, that we were made for each other, and that I would have had a bad time if I would have went with someone else." Harry explained. The bartender knew what the Radio game was because his three kids played it in the car all of time, it was very odd for the radio to side with you, or even give an answer that made sense.

"Keep going." The bartender said, cleaning a spot on the counter that was sticky with beer to keep himself busy.

"Ok, so we got to the concert and I held him during most of it, like I had my arm around him. It just sort of felt like it was natural, like his body was meant to be up against mine you know?" The bartender nodded and Harry took it as a sign to continue. "So after the concert, we went backstage to meet the band. Niall talked to Adam Hann, his idol. And I talked to Matt Healy. Matt asked me if Niall and I were together and I said no." Harry took another long swig of his drink, beginning to feel the buzz. "He told me that we should be together, and then said I should try kissing Niall. We had kissed once because of a dare, but this time I was supposed to initiate it. So, at the end of the night, we kissed, and then it turned to snogging. And I let my commitment issues get the best of me and tried to run, but he wouldn't let me so we started snogging and basically dry-humping on a wall and then I left and came here." Harry rambled. He felt like nothing mattered anymore. His head was in one big cloud, and he was relaxed. The bartender took a second to think of what to say.

"You should do something to impress him." The bartender suggested. In his profession, giving out love advice was something he did everyday; Just because this lad needed advice for another lad, didn't change a thing.

"Like?" Harry asked. He wasn't sure how impressing Niall was supposed to solve his problems, but he was too out of it to care at the moment.

"You obviously like him, and it probably hurt him that you left him hanging like that, especially if he likes you back." The bartender explained. Harry nodded, finishing off the rest of his bottle before getting up abruptly from the stool, causing it to screech back.

"I'm gonna get a tattoo dedicated to him." Harry exclaimed. He had a bad history of drunken tattoos, but he decided that this time would be different.

"Are you sure that's a good idea. Tattoos are permanent mate. If you guys don't end up together in the end, you'll have his memory on your body forever." The bartender warned.

"I want to remember Niall forever, no matter how painful the memory. Niall will always be my first love."


Niall sat in his apartment, eating a box of crisps and drinking a gallon of chocolate milk while crying into his trusty stuffed teddy bear that Liam had won him when they first started hanging out and had went to a fair. He had Grease playing from his Netflix account, and he felt like complete and absolute shit.

He had been in this state since Harry had left him standing on the front steps. He was taking it harder than he probably should have. He knew Harry didn't really like him, he just needed someone to fulfill his sexual needs. He knew that Harry didn't do relationships, and he was ok with that before tonight. But now, he wanted Harry to be his so much more than before.

He couldn't force Harry to change; he knew that. Harry was stuck in his ways and probably would never be suitable for a relationship. But Niall didn't care, he was still willing to try.

That scared Niall really. He was willing to give up anything for Harry, whereas Harry didn't even seem to care about Niall at all. If he did, he wouldn't have kissed Niall and ran out not once, but twice.

But what Niall neglected to think about was all of the obvious hints Harry gave off.

The concert tickets. The repeated asks on 'friendly' dates. The jealous looks when Niall was with someone else. The looks of pure affection and fondness shared. Niall Horan was completely and utterly oblivious to the fact that he and Harry were made for each other, and both boys were to stubborn to admit to anything.

At least, that's what Niall thought before he was disrupted by a phone call.

"Is this Niall Horan?" A deep voice asked. Niall looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Harry's contact.

"Yes." Niall responded nervously. Was Harry alright?

"Is there anyway you can get to third street in about 10 minutes?" The voice asked. Niall bit his cheek, nervous out of his mind.

"Yes, but why? Is Harry ok?" Niall asked panicked. The voice cleared it's throat.

"He's fine, but uh. We're about to close, and he's been crying and singing to himself alone for about three hours. He's proper drunk off his ass. We're at Third and Ink." The voice said, Ni could here people laughing in the background.

"Ok, I'll be there as soon as I can." Niall explained.

'How did they know to call me, and not someone else in Harry's contacts?' Niall thought aloud.

"He's been saying your name in between sobs, and your number was number 1 on speed dial." The voice said, before promptly hanging up.

Niall blushed and pulled a sweatshirt on over his bleach stained black t-shirt. He would be lying if he said that he didn't want to come to Harry's rescue, but at the same time, he planned on acting rather bitter towards Harry for walking out on him. Harry would be sorry for ever messing with Niall.

Then, Niall remembered it was 1:30 at night, he didn't have a car, and taxi's didn't run this late. (A/n for story purposes they don't)

Niall would have to walk, or in his case, run. If he had 10 minutes to get there, and it was a 5 minute drive, Niall would have a 15 minute walk. And he couldn't be late, Harry could not be left alone to walk through the streets of London unaware of anything.

He tied on his Surpa's and sprinted outside, on his way to save the love of his life.


Harry sat on the counter, swinging his legs back and fourth and singing quietly under his breath. The side of his wrist burned a bit, but it wasn't bothering him at the moment, it was the best tattoo decision he could have made with a whole bottle of whisky coursing through his veins.

"Hi." Someone said, hopping up onto the counter beside Harry. Harry turned to face the person talking to him and smiled.

"Hello strange boy I have never met. You have red hair." Harry pointed out, running a hand through the lads hair. The boy giggled and shook out his hair, making Harry laugh.

"I'm Ed Sheeran." The boy smiled, holding out his hand to Harry. Harry took it and shook it like a dead fish. Ed had flaming red hair, blue-green eyes, and tattoos running all up and down his forearms, visible under the pushed up jacket sleeves he was wearing. Harry smiled some more.

"I-I'm Harry Styles." Harry stuttered. He had sobered up quite a bit so that he was no longer sobbing and throwing a proper fit, rocking back and fourth on the floor.

"Hello Harry. Can I see your new tattoo?" Ed asked. He had seen Harry earlier and felt awful for him, but would have rather got to know the lad when he was sober: which was now for the most part.

"Mhm." Harry nodded, his curls bouncing up and down. He turned his left arm over and pulled back the plastic, revealing the small tattoo he had gotten permanently inked into his skin.

"Ah. That's very cool mate. Does it have any significance's?" Ed asked, observing the tiny tattoo. Harry nodded some more.

"It's f-for my boyfriend Niall, he's left-handed and-." Harry stopped talking suddenly. He smiled down at the tattoo, extremely proud of the small surprise he planned for Niall. Ed grinned at the loving look on Harry's face and was about to ask him to finish when the door burst open and in came Niall, heaving and out of breath.

"Harry?" Niall called out his main concern.

"How did you get here so fast mate? I only called you 6 minutes ago!" Ed said, getting up from the counter and walking over to Niall. Niall assumed that he must have been the person on the phone.

"I-I ran." Niall responded breathlessly, his heart beating rapidly. He had sprinted all the way here, running through stop lights and in front of several cars to be get to Harry on time.

:"Niall! Niall, Niall, Niall, Niall!" Harry shouted, jumping off the counter and bouncing all around like a small hyperactive child. He ran over to Niall and wrapped his arms around the Irish lads' waist, tugging him close and planting kisses all over the purple-haired boy's face.

"Hey Harry." Niall sighed, knowing that he couldn't be mean to Harry. Especially in his current condition. He had never expected Harry to be the loving drunk kind of guy, but he had to admit, it was rather cute.

"You're a lucky lad Niall. You too Harry." Ed said, watching the two lovers in front of him.

"What makes you say that?" Niall laughed, wrapping his own arms around Harry.

"You guys are perfect for each other. Harry hasn't stopped talking and singing about you since he got his ta-" Ed began, but was cut off with a loud, 'shhh' from Harry,

"He got a what? What did you get Harry? Are you going to regret this in the morning love?" Niall asked worriedly, looking Harry over until he found the plastic on his left wrist.

"I won't regret it princess." Harry hummed, pulling back the plastic on his tanned wrist.

"Oh my God, Harry."


[cliffhanger hehe Cx]

[what do you think Niall's tattoo is?]

[thoughts on mr.ed sheeran?]

[150 views, 25 votes, 15 comments for update pleaseee (:]

[comment four if you want narry again next chapter]

[comment uan for ziam next chapter]

[comment tmh for jouis]

[vote if u love meh]

[lyrics for dedication just for fun; "but that was when i ruled the world.]

[all the love, kalesxxx]

[p.s sorry if this chapter isn't that good /:]

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