The Last Necromancer(Editing...

By Hello_Sweetie

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King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain had a secret. One so great that it was never discovered...until no... More

The Very Beginning (Part 2)
Chapter One - The Discovery
Chapter Two - The Dilemma

The Very Beginning (Part 1)

237 10 3
By Hello_Sweetie

The Very Beginning

Prologue (Part 1)


Queen Isabella grabbed her husband's hand in a tight grip, "Ferdinand!" She said as a sharp pain erupted in her abdomen. "The baby."

The king yelled for the maids and in a spur of chaos the queen was moved to her bed. She kept her hand tight in King Ferdinand's. Her screams filled the palace as the young princesa was brought into the world. "Give her to me." The queen said in such rapid Spanish it took the maids several moments to understand her. The child did not cry or make a sound as she was passed to the queen. The queen gazed down at her daughter, her face streaked with tears and her curly black hair flew in each direction. The baby's grey eyes looked deep into her mother's brown ones.

"Ay que linda." The queen whispered and planted a kiss on top of the black haired child. "My Isabelle-Amora," the queen said adoringly. The baby's eyes widened as she heard the whisper of her own name. The queen's eyes rose to meet her husband's. Both in awe of their child. And for that single moment, no one noticed the flash of lightning in the small child's eyes.

Over the next couple years the young princess seemed to capture each and every person's heart. The charming child was irresistible. And yet even her parents could not deny she had a mysterious magical aura she cast around herself. The young girl's crooked grin could melt any heart of stone. She was enchanting in a way that her own parents became afraid of her abilities that seemed to magnify in certain happenings. Like when the cook wouldn't let her enter the kitchen on her fifth birthday, she stormed up to her room and when she opened her door, there was the kitchen in place of her room. And when her cousin came to visit, she loved his company so much that when they went to leave they kept coming back like the roads only led to the palace. Over time, rumors spread throughout the country about the princess who could do things others couldn't.

Soon enough, the spoiled child who could brighten a room with her childish giggle quickly became a quiet girl shut up in her room to keep away from prying eyes. The ghost of her laughter danced throughout the halls but she herself was locked away in her room, only allowed out for meals. Her parents always kept their distance and after years of excuses of their absence in her life, she had given up. The hall dedicated to the portraits of Princess Isabelle-Amora had suffered from a layer of dust and was only occupied once a year in which a new portrait was painted of the princess. It was this day that was her favorite. She was allowed to roam the castle a whole day, aside from the five hours of sitting still for the artist. This treat wasn't allowed even on her birthday. The day that we dreaded every year when her parents felt like they needed to try and spend a bit of time with her when she just wanted to be left alone. It was their attempts to act like they loved her disgusted her and made her despise them even more. But on her seventeenth birthday, she was in for the worst birthday of her life.

It all started with the early rapping noise on her door. Isabelle-Amora awoke with a start, her long, curly black hair flying in every direction. Her grey eyes widened in surprise at the eight maids who rushed in with a large boxes and dress holders. The last maid happened to be the head maid, Juana. "You, you, and you." She pointed to three of the younger maids go fetch water and ready the princess's bath."

The plump woman turned towards the princess and jumped several inches in the hair. "Goodness, child, you look like you've had a nightmare." Juana rushed to Isabelle-Amora and helped her out of bed.

The princess laughed nervously. "Juana, what is happening?"

"A nightmare, I believe." Juana whispered under her breath.

"What?" The princess demanded.

"Oh the queen has a surprise for you. And before you ask, I can't tell you. It's her word over yours." Juana added when she saw the angry look the princess gave her. She hated surprises because they brought her hopes up only to have them crash down around her.

"What are all the boxes for?" The princess asked, giving up on Juana as she would not budge.

"Your birthday gifts of course!" Juana exclaimed. The princess frowned at the boxes and holders. She generally got one formal dress for her birthday that she never ended up wearing because she wasn't allowed to go to her parents' extravagant parties and balls. "You better not open them until your miter gets in here, though."

Juana rushed the girl into the wash room and helped her undress and get her in the tub. "We must hurry or else we are going to be behind schedule." Juana said as Isabelle slipped under the surface to rinse her long hair. Juana had gotten quite used to the princess's liking of taking several minutes to sit under the water without going up for air. She didn't question it, for which Isabelle was thankful. Juana seemed to have limited patience and Isabelle did not want to push it.

After drying and putting on her under garments, Isabelle drifted over towards her closet that held all her casual and formal dresses. "Princess, the queen asked me to dress you in this." A young maid held up a simple emerald velvet dress with white trim.

"I suppose she wants me to suffocate to death." Isabelle said under her breath. The maid tied her corset so tightly she was sure she would be able wrap her fingers around her slim waist. The maid slipped the dress on and tightened the dress as tight as the corset. Slipping on a pair of simple leather shoes, Isabelle left the young maid in her closet.

"Where is your crown, child?" Juana asked as she reentered her bedchamber. She pointed towards the crown sitting atop the desk next to her comb. "Oh dear, how do you end up with all these knots in your hair?" Juana grabbed the comb when she got a good look at Isabelle's tangled mass of black hair.

"Juana, I can brush my own hair. I am not a child." Isabelle took the comb from the maid's hands and took a seat at her wooden desk. "Could you please fetch my breakfast?" Juana nodded and left the room, gesturing for the other maids to follow.

Isabelle picked up the brush and began to detangle her hair. Pulling her hair to the back she continued to brush and when she could no long reach the tips she released her grip on the comb. Instead of falling to the ground, the comb continued to brush through her hair. She smirked at the little trick she had known since she could remember. She picked up her gold crown that had diamonds and sapphires nestled in it and placed it on her head. She grabbed her comb and placed it next to mirror. With one last glance at her high cheekbones and slim face, she decided she couldn't do anything about her pale complexion.

Boredom washed over her and she longed for something to do while waiting for someone to return. Her room was bright room was spotless and the sky high bookshelves were filled with books that she had already read. With a glance back at the locked door, she focused on a small portion of the floor and snapped her wrist upwards. A square sized piece of the floor flung up and she rushed to grab the box it was hiding before the flooring placed itself back with the floor. Isabelle strode over to her bed and slowly opened the box keeping her ears sharpened for noise outside of her room. She pulled the small book from the box and felt for her favorite page. Isabelle had found this 10 years earlier when the old head maid's daughter called her a freak and she had ran to her room and cried and banged on the floor when she heard it was hollow. When she first read the book she thought it was a book of fairy tales but discovered just a few short years later that it was reality. The book held the story about people who had magic ability or control over elements and vampires, immortal beings who survived off of human blood. Together they controlled all other magical beasts and humans were used at their disposal. But times changed and humans gained power and the magical creatures and beings began to disappear until they were hidden from sight till this very day.

The story sparked hope inside Isabelle. Maybe she wasn't born to be part of this world full of elegance but instead a world of adventure and danger?

The door burst open and Isabelle jumped with a start and shoved the book back in the box and the box under the bed. Juana stood with two other maids at her flank and the queen behind them. Isabelle stood hastily. The queen stepped past the maids and into the room. "Belle! Happy birthday!" The queen said using her old childhood nickname. She embraced her daughter stiffly as if she would catch a disease from her. "As you can see you have a couple more gifts this year." The queen gestured to the pile of gifts. "And I have a surprise for you but I'll wait until you are done with opening your gifts." The queen placed a fake smile across her face.

The queen snapped her fingers and Juana grabbed the medium sized box and passed it to the princess. She pulled it open and inside was an elegant deep blue shiny fabric. Holding it up she realized that all the fabric was a dress with gold and white trim. "I was hoping you would wear it to the ball next week." Her mother said.

"The ball? I'm allowed to go to a ball?" The princess was astonished she had never been to a ball before unless you count the time she snuck into a party when she was six.

The queen nodded and Juana handed over the next gift. It was a small box no bigger than the palm of her hand. Isabelle opened it and in her hands she held a small gold brooch with rubies and topaz stones encrusted in the design. She lifted it out of the box. she had seen this same brooch on one of her mother'a portraits. She looked up at her mother who looked as if she couldn't bear the thought of giving her daughter such a prized possession. Her hand twitched as if it wasn't sure whether it wanted to rip the brooch out of her hands or to leave it be.

The third gift looked brand new. It was a deep sapphire stone hung on a gold strand. Isabelle suspected it was supposed to go with the dress.

The fourth gift was ten times the size of the third one. By the looks of her mothers face it was another one of her possessions. She lifted the lid and inside was a crown two times the size of her own. The dames jewels as the brooch were in the crown. "Mother, what is all this for?"

But the queen just shook her head and told her to open the last gift. The last gift was so large and heavy that the other two maids had to help Juana carry it. Inside was a burst of colorful fabrics. Red and gold were the most dominant. The maids helped the princess hold it up for her to see. Isabelle gaped in horror at the dress. It was mostly red with parts of gold and white and gold trim the back looked like a long fur lined red train that was pinned up so it would not get wrinkled. It was a wedding dress.

The princess tore her eyes away quickly from the gown. "What is the meaning of this?" She knew the answer but she hoped that she was wrong.

"The king and I have arranged a marriage with the very worthy Señor Salvador." Isabelle gasped at her in absolute horror. "The wedding is the week after next. Next week is the engagement ball. You will wear this dress and necklace to the ball and the gown an brooch to the wedding. It is not up for discussion, it's done. You will be at dinner to meet with him at five o'clock sharp." The queen's fake cheery voice diminished and she left with the two maids on her tail. Juana hung back.

"Niña, niña." Juana joined the princess on her bed and began stroking her hair like she did when the girl was younger. "It's ok. I'm sure it won't be so bad." Juana held the young girl in her arms. She did not cry but simply stared off into space feeling as if she had been sold like a slave. Juana rocked the girl back and forth, sobbing. The child fell asleep and Juana continued to stroke her hair.

Juana woke the princess shortly before dinner. Juana's eyes were still blotchy and red. "Come, child, lets get you cleaned up."

Isabelle followed willingly. Allowing Juana to brush her hair and fix her crown. Isabelle let Juana lead her out of her room and into the dark hallways. The shadows seemed to snicker and sneer at her misery as she passed. Juana seemed to take the short cut for which Isabelle was thankful. She could not take anymore teasing and taunting from the shadows of darkness surrounding her. They entered the hall before the dining room and Juana rushed to the left towards the kitchens and Isabelle continued on. The dining doors opened and she heard her name being announced to the people occupying the room fade as she laid eyes on the man who was going to be her husband in two short weeks. He was easily ten years older, he was tall and his short black hair was slicked back.. He was attractive, Isabelle could not deny that, but he was older than her. He strode over to the door frame. He bowed and she curtsied nervously. Slowly she reached her delicate hand out and he grabbed it roughly placing a kiss on her knuckles before guiding her to the table. He pulled out the chair to the right of him and she sat across from her and he sat at the head of the table, opposite of the king.

"Princesa Isabelle-Amora. I am delighted to finally meet you. Your Highness," He addressed the king. "You said she was pretty but I never thought that she would be this beautiful." Isabelle shifted uncomfortably in her seat. The king and Senor Salvador exchanged several witty comments about her like she was an object. And all she wanted to do was escape from the torture. The rain outside was gradually coming down harder as Isabelle became more angry. A flicker of lightning flashed in Isabelle's eyes as she developed hatred for this man and her mother. The queen gave her a warning glare from across the table and Isabelle returned her glare.

The small chat between her father and fiancée died down as the cook came in with the food, a delicious aroma followed him as he placed a plate before the royalty. The only noises came from the storm still brewing outside and the clank of plates and silverware. Isabelle ate slowly afraid of the events after dinner.

All too quickly the servers came back in to take the plates and dishes away. The queen and king exchanged a glance and one of the guards came forward when the king gestured to him. The guard bent at the waist as the king whispered something to him. The guard nodded and backed away.

"I suppose it is getting late. The queen and I should retire. I'm sure Isabelle can see you out." The king said as he stood. He left, with the queen at his side and two guards at his flank.

The princess looked at her fiancée nervously. He stood and helped her stand although she needn't any assistance. He place his hand on the small lower part of her back, making her squirm. The guard followed them as he guided the princess out. When we reached the palace doors he stopped her. She turned to him looking at his neck, avoiding his eyes. He pulled her chin up so his eyes met hers. He squinted and looked from one eye to the other as if he was searching for something. He let go of her chin and took her hand. "Goodnight, princesa." He kissed her hand and strode out of the parlance and into his carriage.

Isabel looked up and lightning cracked in the sky reflecting her eyes. The rain lightened and she turned as the door shut behind her.


Ok so that was the first part of the prologue for this! Let me know if you like it/ hate it...Vote! Comment! Fan!



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