Wishes of a Teenage Fangirl

By blanket-of-moss

85.6K 3.3K 880

Katherine Barnes is a talkative 13 year old girl. She is obsessed with Marvel, The Maze Runner, Harry Potter... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 25

1K 55 1
By blanket-of-moss

I take a good look around my surroundings. Ivy hangs off the tall concrete walls. Darkness covers the corners. Only the moon illuminates the maze.

"Let's go," I whisper to myself. I run at a sprint looking at the changing walls.

Left, right, straight, right...

Soon enough I turn a corner sharply only to back up and hide behind the wall. I look over the corner, hidden in the shadows so I'm not seen by the beast...a griever.

A slug looking animal, metal legs sticking out of his body. Like a cyborg almost.

"What the hell," I mouth.

That thing is...ugly. And this has to be the most stupid thing I've ever done, I think to myself.

I run full speed at the Griever. Everything seems to be in slow motion. Don't ask questions just go with it. I go around the griever barely missing the tail. I look behind and laugh.

My head looks in front of me a dead end wall.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I try turning only to be running up the wall,

"PHYSICS ARE BROKEN!" I laugh loudly closing my eyes. I can't feel the wall and open my eyes. I propelled myself into the air!

I flail my arms and legs as I start to fall. My back hits the concrete, and ivy? The air leaves my lungs. Soon I don't feel pain and I can breath regular? What the-

A screech breaks my thoughts. Griever, right. I stand up and bolt at full speed over the wall to the other.

"TAKE THAT MOTHER F'er!" I yell and start laughing. That's it...I'm officially insane...I'm laughing in the face of death.

I see the glade once again. How is this going to work? I run slower when I reach the edge. What does an idiot says before they die?

"Yolo," I whisper and jump a little off the edge. I shape my body so it's horizontal and run down the side. I reach the grass and jump off.

I stop and crouch down so no one see's me. I look around and listen intensely. I only hear the sound of snoring and grievers. I see no movement except the occasionally toss and turn of a boy in a hammock.

Okay, now a plan...

Who to go to for help?

Chuck? No he's surrounded by everyone.

Newt? He has his own room...Newt it is.

Like a ninja, I creep my way over to homestead. I make my way up the stairs to Newts room.

How do I know where it is? Newt gave me the tour while I was in my cell sorta...okay not really...but his names on the door to my left soo.

Carefully I open his door. Please be asleep.

I see his body asleep on his bed. His chest rises and falls in an even pattern. Thank The Lord! I slowly close the door. I silently make my way over to him. His mouth slightly parted. He's so cute when he sleeps! What did I just think? Nope, ignore and move on.

I put my hand over his mouth so he doesn't scream. His eyes shoot open. He grabs my wrist and pulls it off.

"Greenie!" He whisper yells.

"Shut it, shank," I whisper back. He chuckles quietly.

"What?" I ask puzzled.

"You've been here a day and you're using glader slang," he says shaking his head amused. He looks at me again.

"You're dead, in the maze you-" I cut him off by putting my hand over his mouth.

"I escaped," I say quickly and quietly.


"I'll explain in the morning," I wave it off, "Did you by any chance hear whoops and cheers?" I look down and start playing with my thumbs.

"That was you!" He whisper yells. I nod my head.

"Could I, by any chance, sleep on the floor till we figure everything out in the morning?" I ask. He nods his head.

"Sleep on that side," he points to the far side from the door, "incase someone comes in."

I nod my head and lay down on the other side of the bed.

"Night Newt," I say quietly.

"Night greenie," he replies sleepily.


"How'd she do it," I hear a boys voice.

"I would tell you if I knew," Newt replies.

"You're to loud," I say my face in the floor.

"Rise and shine greenie," I hear the boy's voice.

"Does it look like I wanna wake up," I ask.

"Your hair certainly doesn't," The boy says. I immediately sit up.

"What's wrong with my hair," I ask touching my hair. I look at Newt and his buddy. The boy has spiky black hair and he looks Asian.

"It looks like a bloody rats nest," says Newt chuckling. I narrow my eyes and hit his arm.

"How'd you escape greenie," the boy asks.

"Can't I wake up first," I whine.

"Nope," Newt says. One of them picks me up and slings me over there shoulders. I see Newt smiling.

"Whatcha smiling at British boy," I ask.

"Nothing," he replies.

"Mmm Mmh," I roll my eyes, "Can I learn the name of my kidnapper."

"Minho," Minho answers.

"Well Minho," I start out sweet," Put me down."

"You won't run," I roll my eyes at him.

"No," I reply...lying would be more like it.

"Okay then," he sets me on the ground. I sprint down the stairs. Again everything is in slow motion. I look behind me and see they're just coming down the stairs.

I rush over to the look out and see my oranges are still there. I rush up the latter and sit up there.

" Where'd she go," I hear Newt whisper.

"She's such a shuck face,"I hear Minho say. Wow, that means a lot...I'm touched.

"Just let's find your girlfriend," Minho says.

"She's not my girlfriend," Newt snaps back in a whisper yell.

I make myself as small as possible in the corner. Please don't find me, PLEASE don't find me! I close my eyes and beg that over and over again.

Someone's hand covers my mouth. I scream and my eyes shoot open to find Newt and Minho. I lick Newt's hand. He pulls back disgusted. I try to bolt up and run, but they pin my arms to the wall. Minho left and Newt right.

"Are all girls like this," Newt asks. I try to kick my way out.

"Let me go-"

"Where to the maze? There's no where to run greenie" Minho asks. I stop kicking and sigh in defeat.

"So greenie-"

"Ren." I snap out of no where. I look up.

"Katherine...KATHERINE, MY NAME IS REN!" I scream excitedly. Minho covers my mouth. I give him the 'do you really wanna be doing that' look. Slowly his hand retracts.

"Ren, how did you get out of the maze," Minho asks.

"Same way I escaped you guys, I ran."

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