Primrose [BnHA Various x Read...

By smol--might

78.1K 2.3K 1K

You, Y/n L/n, are a member of Class 1A and your quirk, Vampirism, was always seen as a "villainous" ability... More

About You
Part One | Entrance Exams
Part Two | Entrance Exams 1.5
Part Three | The First Steps
Part Four | Quirk Assessment Test
Part Five | Battle Training!
Part Six | Battle Training 1.5
Part Eight | Do Your Best Iida 1.5
Part Nine | Encounter with the Unknown
Part Ten | Game Over
Part Eleven | All Might
Part Twelve | In Each of our Hearts
Pro Hero Parents
Part Thirteen Season Two | That's the Idea Ochako
Part Fourteen | Roaring Sports Festival
Part Fifteen | In Their Own Quirky Ways
Part Sixteen | Strategy, Strategy, Strategy
Part Seventeen | Cavalry Battle Finale
Part Eighteen | The Boy Born With Everything
Part Nineteen | Victory or Defeat
Part Twenty | Battle on, Challengers!
Mini Notice
Part Twenty-One | Bakugou vs. Uraraka
Part Twenty-Two | Free for All
Another Progress Update
Okay, Important Halloween Poll
Halloween Havoc
Indefinite Hiatus

Part Seven | Do Your Best Iida

3.3K 109 93
By smol--might

Here's the next part! I'm really glad you all like this story so far and I can't thank you enough for all your support!


3rd Person POV

Taking the usual route to UA, you walk from home to the school. Considering that you and Midnight lived close enough, you didn't bother to use your bike as transport.

You'd been in a foul mood since yesterday thanks to the battle training and, after you changed out of your hero gear, you immediately booked it for home.

"That damn Todoroki..." you scowled. No matter what you tried, you couldn't get the encounter with him out of your head. His quirk was so overwhelming. He was leagues beyond you or anyone else in class just judging from strength alone.

That irked you.

You tighten your grip on the straps of your backpack with a snarl. 'That emotionless bastard...'

"Hey, kid!" A woman broke you out of your musings and you glared at her. You only just realized that you were at the school gates but it was swarming with reporters.

"I don't know what you want and I don't care. If you get close, you'll get hurt and I just want to get to class so beat it." you were hardly in the mood and it seemed that your sentiment was well received as the brunette jerked back. She clutched her mic to her chest as the crowd of reporters and cameramen were all too eager to clear a path for you.

Scowling, you adjusted your bag and walked past them without a second glance.

'The last thing I need is them touching me and I end up taking their energy...' sighing, you follow the steady flow of students and enter the UA doors.


Y/n's POV

'I'll never get over how big this damn door is...' I frown, sliding it closed behind me as I enter the class. Most of the other students were already seated or off chatting amongst themselves.

A few of them noticed my entrance but the look on my face probably was a good enough deterrent to stop them from coming over. Ignoring some of them, mainly Sero and Kaminari, I took my seat in the back of the class. It was in the section furthest to the right and after setting my bag down, I let my head rest on my forearms with a sigh.

Bakugou's yelling snapped me out of the doze I'd slipped into and I groaned as I raised my head. He was quarreling with Kirishima and Sero about something or the other and I rolled my eyes.

"Where the hell does he get the energy..." I frown, muffling a yawn with my gloved hand as the fiery blond's tangent continued.

"Alright, settle down. It's too damn early for this..." Aizawa orders as he enters the class and the room goes silent. "Better." he mumbles before closing the door behind him. Taking in his trademark disheveled look, I smirk slightly.

'Well doesn't he look ready to tackle the day...' I almost snort at my own joke but smother the urge in favor of paying attention to whatever lecture Eraserhead had planned.

“Decent work on yesterday's combat training you guys." he complimented and I was surprised for a moment before my mood soured.

'Decent, he says. Yeah right.'

"I saw all of the video feeds and went over each of your teams results. However..." Aizawa paused before focusing on a certain blond Chihuahua. "Bakugou." he calls and the explosive blond in question clicked his tongue with folded arms.

"You're talented so don't sulk like a child about your loss, okay?"

My brows crinkled as I glanced at the offput blond.

'Sulk?' I think back to his behavior yesterday. Sure, he was quiet when we were all doing reviews in the observation room but I wouldn't call that sulking. 'I wonder if something else happened yesterday...'

"Yeah, whatever..." Bakugou muttered under his breath. He was probably still pissed about his loss to Midoriya.

"L/n." Aizawa's voice cut through the silence of the class and I tensed. I kept my gaze on him even as I felt the stare of some of the others digging into me.

"Yes, sir?" I ask, trying my damndest to keep any bitter undertones out of my voice and Eraser's eyes narrowed at me but he didn't speak up about it.

"You've got talent as well but don't let that blind you. You'll have more than enough opportunity to display your skills here. You have three years, after all."

I stare at him, taken aback before I give a terse nod.

"Right..." glancing at my gloves, I flex my fingers before squeezing them into fists. 'He is right...I have time but it...It was just so frustrating...'


Looking up, I spot Izuku slouching a little with a tense look on his face.

"I see the only way you won your match was by messing up your arm again. Work harder and don't give me the excuse that you don't have any control over your quirk. That line's getting old." Shota scolded although his tone wasn't as harsh as I expected it'd be. "You can't keep breaking your body while training here, but your quirk would be really useful if you could get a handle on it. So show a little urgency, huh?" Somehow, that seemed to light a fire under Izuku and he nodded with a determined smile on his face.


"Good. Now with that out of the way, let's get down to business. Your first task will decide your future." Shota states and, judging from the look I see from the others, they're as concerned about this as I am.

'If this is another quirk test, I think I'll actually scream...'

"You all need to pick a class representative."

The atmosphere immediately shifted as a couple students let out a breath.

'It's a totally normal school thing!'

As if a shot went off, one after the other students started belting out reasons why they should be class representative.

Mineta had yelled out something perverted and I shuddered. He's the last person who should be Class Representative.

Kirishima bolted from his seat with both arms raised. "I wanna be Class Rep! Pick me!"

"Me too!" Kaminari jumped in and Jiro wasn't too far behind.

"Yeah, you're gonna need me."

"Pick me, dammit!" Bakugou roared and I almost snickered at everyone's clamoring.

'Even Bakugou?' I rolled my eyes as everyone continued yelling out their interest on being class rep. I wanted no part of that so I just quietly watched things unfold.

"Alright! Silence, please!" Iida yelled suddenly, gaining everyone's attention as he got to his feet. "Being Class Representative is a job with the serious responsibility of leading others! It's not just a job for whoever wants it or whoever yells their interest the loudest! It is a position that calls for the trust of the people around you. If we think this through, we can use a democratic solution to select the true leader with an unbiased election!" he states boldly and I give him a once over.

'It's a nice speech and all, but...' "Your hand is raised the highest, four eyes..." I point out, drumming my fingers on my desk and Iida withers when I pointedly call him out.

"I told you my name is Iida Tenya! Not four eyes!" he rebukes sourly with his patented hand chops™ and I just roll my eyes in response.

'It's just class rep. Why is everyone so serious about it?' I tune the others out, vaguely spotting Aizawa settling into his sleeping bag so I figured he was leaving the decision to us.


3rd Person POV

[Election Results]

Midoriya Izuku - 4 Votes

Yaoyorozu Momo - 3 Votes

"Midoriya, huh..." you mumble, glancing at Bakugou as a look of rage settled on his features. "Here we go..."

"Okay, who the hell voted for him!?" Katsuki barked, shooting from his desk with murder in his eyes and Izuku shivered from his position before the class.

"Like we'd tell you!" Sero taunted with a chuckle, gaining some snickers from some other students as Uraraka whistled nearby.

'Well, I know one person who voted for him...And I think I know where they put mine...' you sighed, remembering that you just flippantly told Ashido to choose your vote for you. She kept harping you despite your very obvious attempts to be left alone and you eventually caved, telling her to pick it for you in the hopes that she'd just leave you be.

"Well, looks like the Class Rep is Midoriya and Deputy Rep is Yaoyorozu."

"If it's Midoriya, I can get behind it! He can get really fired up when he needs to!" Kirishima praised and poor Izuku looked about ready to faint at the podium.

"I-is this for r-real? R-really?" he whimpered as Yaoyorozu sighed beside him.


"This place is so damn full again?" you frown, eyeing the swarming students as they flooded the sizeable cafeteria. Groaning, you shrink from the person ahead of you and get in line.

"Oh, look, it's L/n!" someone pokes your shoulder and you jerk away quickly, spinning around with a sharp glare. You had your blazer on but still, you had to be extra careful, all things considered.

"Don't touch me!" you hiss, not missing the hurt look that flashed on Uraraka's face as she gingerly took her hand away.

"Oh, I'm sorry...I just-"

"Don't..." you cut her off with a sigh. 'Here I am feeling bad. Great.' "You don't have to apologize. My quirk doesn't let me touch people so just...try to remember that, okay?"

"R-right. I'll try to remember..." she didn't didn't seem too happy about it and neither did Midoriya or Iida and you sighed.

"Sorry for snapping at you..." you mumble, grabbing a tray and moving up with the line.

Getting to the front of the line, you turned in your lunch chit and drum your fingers on your tray as you wait.

“Here you go! I hope you enjoy!” Lunch Rush brings your order out cheerfully and you carefully accept the steaming bowl with a soft word of thanks. You take your utensils and your order of curry just as you spot an empty table.

"Oh, L/n um..." Izuku's timid call interrupts you just as you'd left the line. You glance at him over your shoulder with a sigh. You already knew where he was going.

"You want me to sit with you, right?"

He tensed a little and you could see him grip his tray a little tighter.

"I-if that's okay?" he asks, a hopeful gleam in his eyes and you groaned under your breath.

"...Alright..." you mutter. The wide grin that Izuku gave in response earned another sigh as you followed him.

'I didn't come here to make friends, damn it...But maybe this can make up for earlier...'


'Lunch Rush really knows what he's doing, huh...' you couldn't help but give a soft hum of approval as you had another bite of food. It was damn near perfect.

Izuku was eating a rice bowl, you think he mentioned it was Katsudon? before he set his chopsticks down.

"Uh, hey guys? I'm kind of worried about the class rep thing, I don't think I'm really qualified." Izuku admitted as he stared at his food and you all glanced at the timid boy.

"You'll be fine!" Iida was the first to respond, for once without his hand chops, as Uraraka nodded eagerly beside him.

"You'll do great, Deku!" she offered, a couple stray rice grains decorated the corner of her mouth and Izuku looked up at the duo in surprise.

"You really think so?"

"Of course!" Uraraka smiled.

"Your courage and quick thinking under stress will make you a great leader, not to mention the strength you've demonstrated." Iida added with a resolute nod. "Those are, after all, the reasons why I voted for you."

'So that makes Uraraka, Iida and then me...' you eat some more food as you mull things over. 'But then who was the fourth?'

"Wait, you were one of the four?!" Izuku gaped.

"Me too." you mumble, keeping your head down as you raised your hand.

"Even you, L/n!?" Midoriya looked floored.

"I didn't actually vote for you, in a sense. I had Ashido just put my vote wherever cause I didn't really care about that class rep thing." you shrugged before returning to your food. "I just don't see the big deal about it."

"O-oh, I see..." Izuku wilted a little as Uraraka perked up and turned to Iida.

"Wait, didn't you want to be rep really badly? I mean you already look the part. Cause of the glasses." Ochako stated and Iida shook his head.

"Yes, but wanting a job and being suited for it are two very different things. Serving the Iida family's hero agency has taught me that much." he responds and Midoriya livens up at that.

"Agency? Hold on what exactly does your family do?" he asked, if not with some excitement in his voice and you listened in as well.

"His mannerisms and last name should've given it away. Admit it Iida, you're filthy rich!" Uraraka exclaimed, pointing to him with a flamboyant jab of her finger and you almost snorted.

'Well, at least she speaks honestly.'

"I was afraid people would treat me differently if they knew about my family," he sighed. "You see, the Iida's have been pro-heroes for generations; it runs in our blood. Are you three familiar with the turbo hero Ingenium?" He asked and Midoriya just about squealed.

"Oh, I know all about him!" Izuku grinned. He practically had stars dancing in his eyes. "He's a super popular pro with 65 side kicks working along side him at his Tokyo agency. Don't tell me..."

Iida stood proudly with a wide smile on his face, "He's my elder brother!"

'He just outright said it...Tone it down, four eyes.' you snorted softly and continued eating. Surprisingly, the excitable trio didn't pick up on it as Iida continued.

"Ingenium is an unmatched commander who honors the hero code and as the second eldest Iida son, I strive to be just like him." he smiled. Iida seemed genuinely proud of his older brother and you took a sip of your drink with a thoughtful frown.

'Proud of your family...Wonder what that's like...'

"You know Iida, I think that was the first time I've seen you smile." said Uraraka "You should do it more."

If anything, Iida looked like an odd mixture of insulted and confused. "What are you talking about? I smile all the time."

Before anything else could be said, an alarm suddenly rang out. The blaring sound startled the students in the cafeteria and you almost bit your tongue when you flinched from the unexpected sound.

"Warning: Level 3 security breach. All students evacuate the building in an orderly fashion."

"The hell?"

"L/n, language!"

"Now is not the time, four eyes!"

"Wait, what's a Level 3 Security breach?" Izuku questioned worriedly and another student nearby was quick to reply.

"A level 3 means that someone got past the school barriers! That hasn't ever happened in my three years being here!"

"Oh no! Guys, we should probably get out of here!" Izuku grabbed your gloved hand and lead you with the others. In the moment, you were about to reprimand him but didn't get the chance as the four of you found yourselves all but crushed in the sea of panicking students.

"Damn it, what is all this!?" you groan, feeling someone's elbow sink into your back and someone else's foot heavily step on yours.

"It's a stampede! Everyone's panicking!" Midoriya yelped, feeling your hand slip from his as you get separated from his group.


"Hey, watch what you're doing!" you snarl, trying to force some people away from you to no avail as you hear someone yell that a student had fallen. 'This is chaos! Who could have even gotten in here?' you get shoved into another throng of students, seemingly third years and you groan as you try to stay on your feet.

A harsh blow smacks the back of your head and you stumble, seeing black spots dancing in your vision as you sway on your feet.

"What..." your elbow is grabbed and you're pulled in another direction, finding yourself herded against a wall.

"Stupid girl. Of course you'd get caught up in this..." a harsh voice mutters and you try to shake your head to get your bearings.

Not your brightest idea.

You groan, finding yourself slipping down the wall before your forearm is grabbed tightly.

"Oi, shitty girl! The hell happened to you?!"

'That voice is...familiar...' you try focusing on the person with you but your mind was too jumbled to make sense of anything. Your eyes could hardly focus on them but you did spot a dash of red somewhere with something blond before your vision faded and your body grew limp.


Groaning, a dull pain thrums at the back of your head as you force your eyes open. At the flash of light in your vision, you quickly snap your eyes closed with another noise of discomfort.

"So bright..." you hiss as you squint and slowly take in your surroundings. "Wait is this...the nurse's office?" you frown, raising a hand to your head as you sit up. "How did I get in here?"

"Oh, dearie, looks like you're awake!" a bright voice calls and you find yourself staring at Recovery Girl as she pulls away the privacy blinds around your bed.

"Recovery Girl?" you mumble. "What happened to me?"

Shuzenji sighed as she tapped her pen, shaped like a syringe, against her clipboard.

"I honestly don't have a clue. I was hoping you could tell me. That boy who brought you in earlier didn't seem to know either." Chiyo frowned before scribbling away on her form.

"Boy? Someone brought me in here?" you question as the flash of red and a splash of blond entered your mind's eye before fading away. 'Wait...Couldn't be...'

"Yes, that boy was quite the unruly one. Brought you in here with a concussion no less but didn't say much. He left as soon as he got you to this bed."

"Wait, a concussion?" you echo in surprise and Chiyo nods with a light frown.

"That's right. My guess would be that happened during the Level 3 breach somehow. Your friends from earlier thought so too." she responds as she walks to the door and you stare at her blankly.

"Friends?" no sooner had you said that, Recovery Girl opened the door to allow Uraraka, Iida and Midoriya in.

"L/n!" they just about swarmed you and you reeled back in surprise.

"You guys..."

"Ah, I'm really glad you're okay!" Ochako gave a relieved sigh as Iida nodded in agreement.

"Yes! When you got separated from us, we were all so worried! Imagine our surprise when we heard that Bakugou had brought you here!" Tenya states and your eyes widen.

"He...Bakugou brought me in here?" you honestly couldn't believe it.

"Yeah! Kacchan said he saw you in the crowd and it looked like you were gonna fall so he pulled you out but you fainted." Izuku fiddled with his fingers as you leaned back against the pillows.

"Great...That Chihuahua will never let me live that down..."

"C-Chihuahua?" Midoriya sputtered as Uraraka giggled behind her hands.

"Oh, anyone mention who set off the alarm?" you rub the back of your head with a frown. You couldn't remember someone hitting you, much less a blow hard enough to cause a concussion.

"I actually saw and it was just the press outside." Iida responds and your hand stilled.

"Those stupid reporters from this morning?" you snarl and he tenses ever so slightly.

"Ah, I believe so yes."

"Oh, oh! But L/n! You should have seen Iida! He was so in charge!" Uraraka cheered as she bounced on her feet with a grin. "He instantly knew just what to do! He had me use my quirk on him so he could float, right? And then he used his quirk, his engines, and sped through the air! Iida was all like zoom, zoom!" she explained, animatedly, with sound effects, gestures and everything. "He smacked into the wall above the exit and got everyone to calm down just by explaining that it was the reporters and that we were all safe! It was so cool!"

"Sorry I missed it..." you hum, giving the taller male an impressed smirk. "Nice job, four eyes."

"My name is Iida Tenya!" he snapped almost immediately and your smirk grew.

"Sure, four eyes." you almost cackled at the frustrated yell he gave but settled for a barely there smile. As the trio continued to catch you up on all you'd missed, your mind ran back to what Recovery Girl called them.

'My friends, huh...I really didn't come here for that but...maybe this time...'


Aaand done! Hope you all enjoyed! And yes, Y/n likes teasing Iida with that four eyes jab. He just always reacts and makes it too easy lol

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