Golden Dawn

By Estoria34

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Two worlds collide in one epic tale. Artemisia had lived in isolation for almost her entire life, but when sh... More

~ Introduction ~
|Chapter 1 ~ The World I Once Called Home|
|Chapter 2 ~ A Proposal|
|Chapter 3 ~ The Search For A Disk|
|Chapter 4 ~ A Love For Knowledge|
|Chapter 5 ~ Dark History|
|Chapter 6 ~ A Race To The Unknown|
|Chapter 7 ~ Wings|
|Chapter 8 ~ An Altered Reflection In Glass|
|Chapter 9 ~ Flight To A New Fate|
|Chapter 10 ~ Osseus|
|Chapter 11 ~ Christa|
|Chapter 12 ~ Companions|
|Chapter 13 ~ The Creature|
|Chapter 14 ~ The Edict Of A Realm|
|Chapter 15 ~ Beginning of Change|
|Chapter 16 ~ Trap|
|Chapter 17 ~ Angelus Duncan|
|Chapter 18 ~ Palace Of Lîxîlîa|
|Chapter 19 ~ The Dream|
|Chapter 21 ~ The Sphere Of Statera|
|Chapter 22 ~ A Last Parting Gift|
|Chapter 23 ~ Fight Or Flight|
|Chapter 24 ~ The Glade|
|Chapter 25 ~ Blazing Inferno|
|Chapter 26 ~ Unexpected Party Member|
|Chapter 27 ~ Open Plains|
|Chapter 28 ~ Taming A Tempest|
|Chapter 29 ~ Thrilling Intoxication|
|Chapter 30 ~ Brief Kindness|
|Chapter 31 ~ Accusations|
|Chapter 32 ~ Furious Retribution|
|Chapter 33 ~ Luminous Artillery|
|Chapter 34 ~ The Ertheon|
|Chapter 35 ~ Cloudburst|
|Chapter 36 ~ The Last Attempt|
|Chapter 37 ~ Statera|
|Chapter 38 ~ Prince Of Night|
|Chapter 39 ~ Golden Dawn|
~ Author's Note ~

|Chapter 20 ~ Ambassador|

19 2 0
By Estoria34

I gaped at him, too shocked to try and hide my mortified expression.

"W-What did you just say?" I muttered, stumbling over my words like an idiot. Angelus didn't seem to notice and broke our intense stare-down by folding his muscular arms in front of his chest.

"Exactly what you think." He sighed. "Although your race is extremely troublesome, you may have some use to us after all." I gulped, still trying to recover from my shock.

"And what might that be?" I squeaked and was rewarded with a wry grin from the male. He managed to turn purely demonic in a matter of mere seconds.

"You will have to figure that out by yourself."

The remaining days before the inevitably summit passed too quickly as I stayed hidden in my room filled with beautiful spring. The blossoms and green forests however, did not succeed in bettering my overall mood. My mind was exploding with all the possible qualities we as Aliums could - if at all - contribute to a war that involved our very own planet. It was a difficult matter to make any sense of and hellishly burdensome on someone like me. A person who had lived on her own for more than most of her life and who was suddenly responsible for an entire nation's fate.

My words not only affected my own life, but the Alium population as well - Christa and the rest of my friends back in the underground city included. The helpless children and woman, even the elders I saw back in the city came to mind. Their helpless faces obscured by dirt and grime from the underground dust as they stared out in front of them, unable to change their fate.

Only obligated to watch it unfold. 

 I shook my head. No. I had to do my best, no matter what happened. In order to save the Aliums - even if that included the horrible Zack Unity - I had to try. It was cruel to give up on so many young and innocent lives. Decades that could have been well-lived under better circumstances.

Just when I finalized that conclusion, a soft knock sounded on my door. I was immediately cautious as I opened it, dreading the sight of another Lesphares in my doorway.

Utter relief washed over me when I however saw Gandila standing in front of me. Her long onyx hair hung loosely down her back and her face was steady, not revealing any emotion as she greeted me. I was surprised to see her, but immediately turned grim when I realized what the reason for her visit probably entailed.

Gandila sighed. "I hope you are prepared. They are all waiting."

As we made our way through the long hallways of Lîxîlîa's palace, Gandila tried to relay the most important information I needed to know. If I did not wish to die by one of the ambassador's blades, I were to show them their earned respect.

The intel regarded every ambassador that was to take part in the summit and according to Gandila, each Lesphares represented a certain part of Nova Terra's natural landscape. They were anointed as the region's guardians in order to safeguard its riches as well as its people.

There were five different territories in total. The Sandrîanî lived in the heated deserts of the south, the Vîtîatî in the western forests - that one could get lost in for all eternity if not guided by someone of the domain - and the Nîxîa in the far northern region where summer had yet to be seen. The Ophînîa people lived all along the coastline where the east and western oceans joined to form one.

Gandila continued her explanation of the last region as we turned into yet another hallway, every step announcing my inevitable fate. "The Mountaî of the East, guardians of the highest mountain ranges on the planet and the first territory you probably saw on Nova Terra, is the last clan known to always attend our summit."

I listened intently as Gandila spoke. The female explained that certain Lesphares were anointed the role of guardian and were responsible for their region's health and prosperity. Faîzal Gaîllot of the Sandrîanî had the role of guardian for the longest out of the five and was closely followed by Falkrîs Lîgnîgon of the Nîxîa. The other three guardians Delta Montarac of the Ophînîa people, Julîus Fourshîre of the Mountaî and Elys Fernîa of the Vîtîatî were - in terms of Lespharian -"new" to their positions. I was stunned when I heard that. It came as a great surprise that Julîus - whom I had already met seemingly months ago - was a guardian himself.

"Although young, the three of them are quiet capable." Gandila commented, her eyes brightening with admiration as she spoke. I kept listening, hoping the information would somehow stay contained in my mind.

The summit was held in Angelus' most secured part of his home and when we eventually arrived, I first unabashedly gaped at the area we were in. The expanse much resembled that of a study. It was situated in the middle of five great windows that overlooked four completely different seasons, the fifth however, a window to absolute darkness.

The floor of the study looked like the inside of a tree trunk, rings of age circling outwards to the edges of the pecan expanse. Each unglazed window was delicately framed by brown columns, shapes and gorgeous drawings imprinted on the wood.

The most wondrous part of the room however, were the six beings seated on dark cherry coloured chairs in a semi-circular shape. The very space hummed with energy and some other sensation that left every fibre in my body tingling with an unknown force. The room was so thick with the unfamiliar energy it seemed to press down on me from all sides, compressing every little air pocket in my body.

Gandila seemed perfectly at peace with the very strange aura that the room gave off and guided me towards a seat - the only one still vacant I noticed - next to one of the six beings I recognized immediately.


I couldn't contain my surprise when the dirty blonde haired Lesphares winked at me, his grey eyes feline in the light of the seasonal gateways. After I somehow managed to calm myself, I inspected the rest of the assembled party members. I was amazed by how differently clothed each Lesphares was to the other. Every Lesphares represented a different region of Nova Terra's natural landscape flawlessly, their eyes and hair befitting to their element as if they were made out of nature themselves.

Angelus was the only who stood out amongst his brethren, his dark armour and taut red eyes an immediate contrast to the environmental characters around him. The latter acknowledged me once before speaking. His voice deep, perfectly fitting to the cryptic atmosphere in the study.

"Now that we have all finally congregated, I would like to thank each of you for coming, even when there is so much to be done."

Although freezing snowflakes swirled in a rough wind outside one gateway, the room was a comfortable mild temperature. I on the other hand felt like I had trouble breathing. There wasn't quite enough air to fill my lungs in order for me to formulate clear thoughts. It was simply terrifying being in the same room as so many other powerful creatures.

Beings that probably wanted me dead for merely existing. 

As if on cue, a rough voice - almost like that of sandpaper - interrupted whatever Angelus was to say next.

"Why is a cursed Alium attending this summit, Angelus?"

I bit my lip and glanced nervously at the owner of the harsh voice. A mature Lesphares with dark hair and cold, sand coloured eyes glared at me. Although he didn't show any signs of age, slight creases ran across his sun-kissed skin - the sole implication of his maturity. He was clothed in a red tunic as well as a golden shawl, the cloth draped over his head only to reveal a slip of black hair. The tunic was adjourned with various golden ornaments and leather cords, even some kind of animal tooth was fastened around the Lesphares' neck amongst the many others.

"I must also inquire Angelus. This is not like you. Inviting earthlings to one of our most sacred congregations is not right."

I was surprised by the sheer elegance of the female voice that spoke from next to Angelus. Delta reminded me - to my great irritation - of Delphînîa and I immediately felt my blood boil at the memory of the blonde beauty. The ambassador of the Ophînîa people had such similar characteristics to Delphînîa, I almost gaped at the female. Her sunflower blonde hair was tied up in a neat bun in the small of her neck. The Lepshares' regalia was a deep blue that made me think of rivers and oceans, decorated with beautiful frills and ornamentations on the sapphire coloured satin. She had gorgeous eyes that could drown one in the sheer beauty they radiated. Graceful ultramarine coloured wings - that looked like they consisted of pure water drops instead of feathers - rested on the ground behind Delta.

Angelus' expression stayed unchanged as he met the eyes of every ambassador in the room.

"I understand your concerns ambassadors Faîzal, Delta and all of you who might think this a sacrilegious treason. It is unheard for an Alium to take part in one of our summits, especially one that is held in such perilous times."

Grunts of agreement from the assembled Lesphares followed, except for Julîus who inspected everyone with an amused expression. When Angelus spoke again however, the room immediately quieted down.

"But, as you all are already aware, war is drawing closer each day. One I do not intend to loose, even if it means taking fanatical measures." 

Angelus immediately changed the atmosphere in the room, earning the first real heavy silence amongst the ambassadors since the meeting had began. No one was particularly eager for the war to come - that much was obvious to me.

"Thankfully, Gandila foresaw this event a couple of weeks ago and we had time to orderly prepare ourselves. The Aliums, however cursed they may be, are perhaps the only way we can deal with the humans. Aliums are experienced with humans' ranks and know how they bargain. I certainly do not expect any of you to like the option I am laying down in front of you, but in order to save the lives of our people, letting the Aliums join our cause may yet allow us to win this war." 

The Lesphares finished with a strange sincereness in his crimson eyes and I gaped at him unabashedly after he finished. It shocked me that the Defender of the Realm - as he was called - would take such a hazardous risk when he already knew how much hatred the Aliums caused amongst the Lesphares.

It impressed me. Fortunately, my surprise was shared by everyone else in the room, except for Gandila and Julîus, the latter only smiling slightly as if he already knew what Angelus was going to say.

I suddenly felt the feline eyes of every Lesphares on me. Their stares, heavy. Each deciding if it was indeed worth keeping me alive or not.

For the first time since the meeting began, the female Lesphares seated across from Julîus spoke. Her voice reminded me of a summer breeze, a wind that bristled the leaves of a tree in a dark green forest.

"I do not like this at all Angelus, but I respect your decision however deranged it might seem. It is in my people's best interest to take any and all measures necessary for our survival."

I inspected the female. Of all the Lesphares congregated in the study, I liked the brunette with the kind, but steady emerald green eyes the most. Elys had deep green wings tugged in behind her so that she was seated more comfortably. She was clothed in different green and brown tints, the colours weaved into a long tunic that just managed to reach her ankles. Brown leather-like boots and gauntlets complimented the attire and brought out the very green hue in her eyes. Elys met my gaze and I felt as if I could entirely evaporate beneath her intense survey.

"I still do not understand why an Alium has to join our summit in person. Does she serve any real purpose? That is except, of course, to infuriate me."

I jumped at the sheer hatred in the cold voice that belonged to Falkrîs of the Nîxîa as he scowled at me, sky blue eyes like piercing ice shards. Falkrîs was definitely the youngest male amongst the ambassadors congregated as well as the most reserved. He had snow white hair that looked similar to frozen vapour in the seasonal light and skin like that of marble. The Lesphares wore a light blue tunic with various animal pelts and furs around his neck. Falkrîs wore white pelted gloves and boots, a few black highlights between the many white furs. I suddenly realized the Northern ambassador didn't have his wings out like the rest and made an invisible note to ask Gandila about the Lesphares and the mechanics of their wings later.

Now was certainly not the right time. Not when so many lives rested in the palm of my hand. 

"That, Falkrîs, she will explain herself." Angelus said and then looked over at me - followed by every other Lesphares in the study. Their gazes once again made my heart jump right out of my chest. Anxiety ate away at my nerves, but I tried to breathe deeply while I organized my thoughts.

The contribution Aliums could make to the war was actually a very simple idea that I'd finally figured it out as Gandila and I were walking towards the summit meeting. I mentally kicked myself for not coming to the conclusion earlier.

Angelus probably knew it too and I could tell by the hint of humour in his crimson eyes as he held my stare, that he was testing me. Gaging himself if I was worth keeping alive.

I gulped nervously. "While I was underground in Osseus, I noticed something." My voice shook slightly as I spoke. I refrained from mentioning how unhappy everyone seemed nor told them that Zack Unity insulted Angelus. Somehow I knew that wouldn't better my situation in the least.  

"Every Alium male - as far as I could see - worked on the cavern walls, mining minerals and stones with machinery much more advanced than anything I'd ever seen before."

It was now Faîzal who spoke. "Machinery that WE  gave the Aliums in order to make sure the weaklings would survive beneath the ground." He growled and my hair stood on edge at the absolute menace in his voice. I gulped down the scream that was trapped in my throat.

I knew the next words I was about to say, would either save the lives of all Aliums, including my own or it could totally backfire and I would most certainly die.

Either way, I had to try. 

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