My Big Brother, Niall Horan

By dntfndm

236K 3.4K 1.1K

Adriana Horan is Niall Horan's little sister, at age 12 going on 13, how will her life change when she tours... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Not Really a Chapter, but Here's Some Answers for you Guys.
Chapter 26

Chapter 17

6.2K 128 25
By dntfndm

II was woken up by my pump loudly beeping, telling me it was empty. I was really lazy at the moment.

"NIALL!!!!" I yelled

He was already walking into the room with a refill, "I got it." he said taking the empty bottle out of its place and replacing it with the full bottle, shutting it up.

"Thank you." I said rubbing my eyes. He sat down on the bed next to me. "That was the last one..." he said

"So....I need to go get you more."
"Yeah, 'cause that doesn't sound weird."

"Shuddup!" he rolled his eyes. I laughed.

"By the way, Demi's coming over tonight, she's spending the night." he told me

I rolled my eyes. "Brian's not gunna be here either, he's visiting one of his friends. He told me to tell you he's sorry, he didn't wanna wake you up and he loves you." he said

I got up and walked out of the room. Why was he inviting her over? She's the whole reason for this! I can't wait until she's here and then she's gone.

I walked into the kitchen on a hunt for food.

"I'm gunna go get you more insulin..." he stopped, I whipped my head around to face him. He started getting closer to me. He stood infront of me. I looked up at him, he took my hands in his.

"You have to promise me, that you won't do anything. Okay? I'll only be gone for 20 minutes. I'm trusting you to be okay when I get back."

"Okay. I'll be fine, I promise" No I dont't.

He walked out the front door. I plopped down on the couch and sighed. What am I supposed to do here without my phone or laptop?

I looked around the room and scanned over mine and Niall's guitars sitting on their stands next to each other. They'd been untouched since maybe the day after Taylor was here.

 I got up and walked over to my guitar and picked it up. I started to play "Love Story", one of my favorite songs by Taylor.

"We were both young when I first saw you, I closed my eyes and the flash back starts: I'm standin' there....on a balcony in summer air." I sang the song that reminded me of Brian.

Niall's POV

I walked into the house with the box of insulin. I was about ready to yell to Adriana, telling her I was home. But something stopped me.

"But I got tired of waiting.....wonderin' if you were ever comin' around. My faith in you was fading, when I met you on the outskirts of town and I said..." her beautiful voice accompanied by her guitar echoed through the house, I couldn't just interupt it.

"Marry me Juliet, you'll never have to be alone. I love you and that's all I really know. I talked to your dad go pick out a white dress. It's a Love Story baby just sa-ay.....yes.....Oh, oh o-ohh. Oh, oh o-ohhhh. We were both young when I first"

I could barley move. I could not believe how amazing that was.

Adriana's POV

Niall walked up the stairs a minute after I finished the song. Did he hear it?

"Hey gurlfrrrieendd!" he said in a gay-guy voice.

"He-e-ey." I did the same as he put the box of insulin in the bottom drawer of the fridge.

He walked over to me, grabbed my arms, and twisted them so he could see my wrists. He had some good luck today, there was nothing new. He put a small smile on his face, "Good job, cheeka!" He kissed my cheek.

I made my way over to the oreos on the counter. I went up to Niall's room with them. He was sitting on his bed on his laptop. He spotted my oreos when I sat down next to him. "Ooh. can I have one?" he was reaching for the oreos.

I smacked him, "No way! Get your own!"

"But that's the last package!!!" he whined

"That's great! You have legs that aren't broken, go get some more!"

"Adrianaaaa." he whined again

I huffed and rolled my eyes, "Fiiiinne." I gave him the package, or, the other half of the package.

"Yay." he said shoveling them all in, "SLOW DOWN!" I said. He looked up at me with innocent eyes. I glared at them and he continued being Niall.


When Demi showed up, she was exactly the same. "Sweet and innocent" to Niall and at every possible moment she could, she'd throw me a dirty look.

When I was ready to go to bed, Niall turned to me, "Adriana, you have to sleep in your room tonight. Sorry hun."

I rolled my eyes and walked to my room. This was the first time I'd ever slept in my room, believe it or not. I got into my bed, which wasn't nearly as comfortable as Niall's.

The thing is: there's a really thin wall inbetween my room and Niall's room, so I could hear everything him and Demi were saying or doing .

I plugged my Beats headphones into my iPod and listened to "Rock Me", one of my favorite songs by the boys. I blasted the music, and at least tried to fall asleep.

Listening to blasted music is better that listening to Demi's crap all night.

I started to feel my bed shake. I took of my headphones, I heard a moan from Demi, then one from Niall. Then I realized..

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I whispered to myself

My bed was shaking from Niall's bed shaking and hitting the wall.

I rolled my eyes and got out of my bed. I picked up Niall's sweatshirt and put it on. I remember Liam telling me if I ever needed to, come over. Well now is one of those times.

I looked at the time on the microwave, 1:30. I could still hear Demi and Niall, even from downstairs.

I sighed and walked out the front door. I started walking to Liam's.

When I got there, I knocked on his door.

Liam's POV

I was woken up by a knock on my door. I was scared that it was probably some fan who had found out my adress.

I opened the door prepared to be blasted with freezing air and screaming fans. But when I opened the door, there was a person in a black sweatshirt with their hood up. They looked up at me.

This wasn't any random person. This was Adriana. I immediatly knew something was wrong, she would never leave Niall, unless they were in a fight. And I know she even wouldn't leave in the middle of the night.

I took her in my arms.

Adriana's POV

He took me in his arms, "Adriana, what happened? What did Niall do?" he blasted me with concern.

"I can't sleep there. He has Demi over and they're well......"being naughty" and they're really loud and no matter where you are in the house you can still hear them, I can't sleep with that happening." I explained

"And you also can't sleep without Niall. I know this because he can't sleep without you. And because he's with Demi, you can't be with him which means he can't be with you which means you probably both won't be sleeping tonight."

Niall's POV

I was wide awake. Demi was sound asleep.

Adriana wasn't next to me, Demi was. It just wasn't the same.

How do I know if she's safe? How do I know if she's dead?

Niall, stop worrying.  She'll be fine. Check on her in the morning, she'll be right there, just fine.

I told myself.


I woke up in the morning and put on some pants. I was eager to know if she was okay.

I walked into her room. No Adriana.

I immediately start to panic. I looked in the living room. No Adriana. I looked everywhere else. No Adriana.

My heart started racing and it was really hard to breath.

I suddenly heard the front door open and close. I turned around and saw Adriana.

I ran up to her and picked her up, giving her one of the tightest hugs I'd ever given her. She gave me a weak one back. I held her head to my shoulder, "Oh my God, where were you?" I felt a few tears fall from my eyes, from the fact that she scared me and that she was safe.

"I was with Liam." she answered.
"Don't play dumb, you know why."

I let her go, "You and Demi. I could hear everything. It's annoying when my bed shakes non-stop from you guys having sex in the next room over. So I walked to Liam's and stayed up all night there."


Adriana's POV

I sat on the couch with my guitar. Niall and Demi walked town the stairs. "Oh, forgot somethin' up stairs. Be right back." Niall said turning around on his heel.

Niall's POV

I didn't really forget anything. I just wanted to see if Adriana really was lying to me about Demi this whole time. I started to walk up the stairs, but sat down.

"So, I hear you almost killed yourself." Demi started
"Yeah, we not talk about it? That's not really any of your buisness." Adriana said

"I think it is, because you should've done it. You really should've. I'm still kinda mad at Niall for bringing you to the hospital. He should've just let you die."

I could not believe what I just heard.

"I'll have to try harder next time, bitch."

I was completely pissed off. I slowly stood up careful not to make any noise while Demi continued to throw insults at her. I slowly walked into the room, careful not to make any noise.

Adriana saw me, I motioned for her to be quiet. It was really hard to watch her cry without taking her in my arms.

"I think you should leave." I said

Demi turned around in complete humiliation, "W-what?"
"I said I think you should leave."
"You know why." I crossed my arms over my chest

"But Nia-"

"But I'm not sorry that we're over. I really think you should leave now."

She got up and left.

I looked at Adriana, she still had tears falling from her eyes. I walked over and picked her up squeezing her tight. "I fucking told you." she whispered through tears.

"I know. I should've believed you. I'm so sorry for not believing you." I sqeezed her even tighter.


Just a little note here: I don't think Demi's like that! She's probably REALLY nice! :)

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