Us Again | Yoon Jeonghan

By aerislaxy

98.9K 4.2K 1.3K

a story about pretend relationships, love, and regrets. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23(Last)

Chapter 3

6.2K 209 187
By aerislaxy

On the seventh day.

I've always thought that time flies so fast but now that i've ended up in a relationship-ah no-'fake relationship', it feels like time was intentionally getting slow.

I wish that time would pass by fast so that our agreement would end already but the moment does otherwise.

Seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours, hours felt like days, days felt like months and so on...

But anyway, today, I really feel like throwing a party!

Jeonghan finally has no plans and it's the weekend! Doesn't that sound the greatest?

And since I've already finished all my given projects, I could have all the time of the day for myself.

And that being said, Imma just gonna watch TV all day and eat all the chips that I could consume.

Yeah, I know that chips was never good in terms of health but it has been so long, like so long ever since I've eaten junk foods. Can you even imagine? Four days, it has been four days since I've last eaten good food and I just can't believe I've been missing out.

So that's basically it, today is just a series of me enjoying myself.

In the middle of watching whatever's showing on tv, I lost track of time and was already feeling drowsy that I didn't realize, my eyelids were already halfway closed.


But in all of my disappointment, my phone started ringing. It's one of the most exasperating thing, most especially when you're in the middle of something great, sleeping.

But since I was too sleepy to pick it up, I just left it there until the ringing started to fade away.

Well, that person will call me again if it's urgent right?


When I was about to drift off to sleep once again, it rang, again. It was getting quite infuriating as this were the only times that I could get some good comfortable sleep, but my phone's ringing.

I grabbed my phone from the table, swiped the green button without even looking at the caller's ID, barely opening my eyes.

"Hello..?", I asked and yawned after. I'm exhausted... Let's just get this over with and finally go back to sleep.

"Were you sleeping?", I forcefully opened my eyes. Yes, a bit shock that it was a guy's voice. It's not like I don't know any guy, like I have a Dad, my close classmate and... uhm... I think that's it.

But for Dad or Seokmin to ask me that first thing when calling is just a bit off. There, I just know that it wasn't among them, like he didn't even bother saying a single 'hi' or 'hello' or even a 'hey', but instead a 'were you sleeping' which sounds so uhm... he sounded like my best friend, and I clearly heard that he chuckled.

"Uhm-May I ask if who is this?"

"Didn't you save my number?", My forehead creased. Did I ask for someones number? Did someone ask for my number?

I really don't remember.

I took a peek at my phone screen and my eyes rounded when I saw Jeonghan's name on it.

"Yoon Jeonghan!?", I unconsciously immediately sat up straight.

"Now you know.", He then again chuckled.

"But why did you suddenly call?", I asked, fidgeting the hem of my shirt. This is really embarrassing. Out of all the time that he could possibly call why does it be at the time that I hated the most?

I mean, it's already afternoon, it's kinda a tradition for people to sleep at that time too.

"I'm here."


"In front of your apartment's door."

Ah, my apartment's do-Wait what?! My apartment's door? Infront of my apartment?!

He's joking. He must be joking. Why would he even bother getting all the way here?

"Stop kidding.", He's kidding alright. He doesn't know where I live considering the fact that I clearly didn't tell him. "I know you're not really."

"I really am infront of your apartment.", I heard him sigh."I just came by to give you your purse back. The one that you left at our house.", He said sarcasm almost filled his tone.

But on the contrary, my heart started to throb. I mean he sounded as if he was really telling the truth, which is a first when it comes to him.

Without thinking twice, I ran to the door and peeked outside through the peephole.

He was right, he was really infront of my apartment. My heart that was pounding so fast since earlier increases as I saw him right there.

He was just standing there, his right hand holding his phone that is on his ear and the other one, truly holding my purse, the purse that I brought with me when I went to join their dinner.

I took a deep breath first before opening the door. His eyes quickly diverted to my direction as he pulled out a beam.

"Hi!", He greeted with an unusual smile, which is also a first for him.

"C-Come in."

It would be a bit awkward if my neighbors sees me with a guy in the hallway so I just decided to let him in.

He took steps towards me as I was also absentmindedly starting to walk backwards. But why do I suddenly feel so self-conscious around him?

When he took off his shoes that's when I remembered to finally get my mind back. I walked behind him and closed the door.

"I agree. You have a cozy home.", He stated as his eyes were wandering around.

I just awkwardly chuckled."Thanks, b-but may I ask why you're here?", I'm not asking him that to be rude but to just know his other purpose.

"I already told you. I'm here to bring you your purse back.", His eyes halted from wandering right infront of me.

"I...I mean you could've just gave it back to me at school.", He briefly smiled. It wasn't that long, if I remembered it right, when I last went to their house and left my purse there.

But above all, my whole point is that he could've just gave it to me on the weekdays.

"But I've haven't seen you, and you said that we shouldn't meet too often at school or they'll be suspicious about us."

He also does have a point. I mean I did tell him that we shouldn't meet at school or else everyone would be suspicious in a way that me and I know Jeonghan as well, wouldn't like and there's really no reason for us to meet there.

They'll spread rumors and I'm almost a hundred percent sure that my life will be a complete mess when they'll know that this popular guy that they worship is having a relationship with someone like me.

"Oh, Here's your purse by the way.",He extended his hand towards me with my purse on it. I hesitantly grabbed it and cleared my throat after.

"T-Thank you.", He raised his brows which caused me to quickly avoid his eyes. "For giving it back.", I bit my lower lip and stood on my heel, rocking back and forth.

"My pleasure.", I leisurely travelled my eyes back to him and the moment I did, he was slightly beaming.

My heart started to beat fast again, I've never stared at him up this close before and the fact that it was starting to get long adds up.

For a fact, he does looks angelic, I can't really explain how but I think his face is really glowing.

From his hair, his dark brown hair that looked bouncy. His eyes, it was beautiful along with his brown iris. His nose, his nose was crafted perfectly and down to his naturally pink tainted plump lips.

I bit my lower lip. I'd be lying if I'll keep denying the fact that he's not handsome because somehow, he actually is, and now that I'd got to take a deeper look on his face, I somehow agreed with those girls at our school who always fan girled over his looks.

I mean, he's really pretty for a guy...

"You're drooling.", There, right there, he snapped me out of my mysterious, unwanted thoughts.

This is sooo embarrassing. What would he think of me now, now that he just witnessed me staring at him for a very long period of time.

I touched the side of my lips but there was really nothing, the thing that he just said, drool. My brows furrowed. I quickly touched the other side but there wasn't something wet there as well.

"I'm just messing with you.", He giggled. "There's really nothing. You didn't drool.", I sighed but at the same time I was relieved, relieved that I really didn't drool after shamelessly staring at him when I clearly know that I shouldn't for countless reasons.

"But why were you 'intensely' staring at me?", He asked, emphasizing the word 'intensely'. I wanted to decline but there's no use. He's right, I was staring at him but not intensely...right?

"Uh-", My eyes wandered, my mind searching and trying to come up with words to say. Why did I even stared at him in the very first place?

"Is there something wrong?", I reluctantly faced him again, pursing my lips. "Don't tell me...", He flashed a cheeky, teasing smile which seriously caused me to panic.

I know where his words are heading and I'm not ready for it. But it will still happen regardless. I'm just hoping that what I'm thinking is not right.

Atleast just for now. Come on luck, just this once.

"... you've already fallen for me?",But every bit of luck that I have or do I even have left, failed me to the point that I just wanted to run away, run away from everything, from the mess that I made.

"You really do!"

"What?!", I exclaimed, though I've already for tell what's he was about to say, I was still flustered. Like I didn't actually expect him to say it.

"Of course not!", I looked away. "Why would I even?", I continued. I've haven't fallen for him and I wouldn't bother. Really! For a fact, he is kinda nice, he drove all the way here to my apartment just to give me back my purse, but I can't fall for him. I can't, I just can't.

"Then why are you getting so defensive?", He chuckled. "Getting defensive could only mean one thing-"

"I'm not."

"Yes you are. Even right now."

I do sound defensive but I just can't accept the fact that I am because he's right. It could only mean one thing, and I'm sure that it's not it.

"I'm really not."

"Alright.", He brightly stated. I faced him again, my forehead creasing.

I thought he was sincere when he agreed but he wasn't, and I know I shouldn't be surprised. A cocky grin was plastered on his face and I knew it was trouble.

"Believe me. I've haven't fallen for you.", He was nodding but the sarcasm on his face keeps getting into me. "...and just to be clear, I will not fall for you.", I said with all due seriousness but he just chuckled. Yes, he chuckled, as if he was mocking me or as if all that I've said was just a joke to him.

"Uh-", That just randomly came out of my mouth and I really don't know what to add. He raised an eyebrow. The atmosphere slowly became awkward as the both of us were just standing there, after having a minor argument, we couldn't utter a single word.

Atleast that's what I believed. I felt awkward, he must be too, right?

"Uhmm-", He cleared his throat. "Actually, my grandma was the one who insisted me to go here, to uh-you know bring your purse back and she said that I should go somewhere."


"With you.", Before I could even tell him that he should go since his grandma ordered him to go somewhere, he cuts me off, and with the phrase that I least expect him to say.

Yes, what he said took me aback but fortunately, I managed to control all my muscles, even the ones sometimes I had trouble controlling.

"But don't worry. I won't force you.", He briefly grinned. "But if you don't mind, I just want to take a quick photo."

"Of what?"

"Of us, of course."

I was then again flustered. "But-"

"One photo is all I need so I could show it to grandma if ever she won't believe me."

I clearly remembered that he asked me if I mind if we'll take a photo but why is it when I'm about to reason out, he won't hear me out and just simply cut me off? Because I do mind.

However, what he said does makes some sort of sense. It's really smart for him to think that we should take a photo proof if ever his grandma doubts him. Smart play Yoon Jeonghan, smart play.

"Alright.", His face immediately lit up that I just flashed an awkward grin. He brought up the phone that he was holding and opened the front cam.

Here we go. This is going to be extremely awkward but I don't have any choice but to do it anyway.

He moved the phone into different directions just to get a good angle and I was starting to get tired, I didn't know it would actually take him this long to get a single photo.

But I really have nothing against him, if I try to argue, he'll always be right, even if I believe that I'm right.

I just stood there and waited. The moment he finally got a good angle, one that the both of us can be seen. But, immediately, I was in horror when I got a clear look on his screen. My eyes widened. I was a mess right there. My ponytail was now a mess along with my crooked shirt.

But what bewildered me the most was when he suddenly clicked the capture button and once he did, he immediately snorted.

Yes, he took a photo of the both of us, only that he's all formal while I was in a complete mess.

"Hey! Delete that!", I stepped away from him and his screen just so he can't take another photo.

I'm sure he'll use that photo whenever he can just to blackmail me or something. He's known for that, am I right?

"What if I won't.", He teasingly said and giggled, wiggling his phone that has my face on it, infront of my face.

"Please.", I clasped both of my hands together. "Just delete it.", I pleaded, actually trying hard just to make myself look pitiful.

"I'll think about it.", He gave out the biggest smile, his eyes becoming crescent while I right there, mentally cursed at myself for being this foolish, even in the past days. Now, I just regret all of my life's decisions.

"But, shouldn't you fix yourself now? I don't think my grandma or even anyone who is in their right state of mind will believe that you went on a date looking like that. A date.", His evil smirk won't just get off of his face and I very well know his purpose: to annoy me.

I facepalmed, rubbing all the possible annoyance that I have in my face and heaved a very deep sigh.

"I...I will come back.", I pointed my index finger at him, marking that I'll really come back...with a better look... probably...

I turned my back against him and walked really fast into my room, screwing my face.

Why do fate have favorites too?

I cleared my throat as I came back to the living room. After abruptly fixing myself in just seconds, I went back to where he was, half glaring at him. I can't really glare at him. Who knows? Maybe if I do, I would get to see the devil's horns.

While I was basically in a mental breakdown, existential crisis, anxiety, depression and all of the negative things that could possibly happen in to a person's mind, he was just beaming there, looking like an angel, oh so innocently.

"Now.", I slowly looked at him, forging a smile."Shall we take a proper photo?", He raised his phone and I saw right through the corners of my eyes, he held out a v sign.


"Smile!", I don't even know what kind of smile am I making but for a fact, it's one awkward smile.

Who cares?

"Can you smile widely?", He ordered, his eyes still on his screen.

Oh he cares...

I sighed before flashing the biggest and brightest smile that I could possibly pull out, but to my biggest disappointment, it came out weird...and not great...and artificial, if I may add up.

He snapped a hella lot of photos that my mouth was already about to dislocate from too much forced smiling.

But I just let him. Like what I have said, I clearly have nothing against him.

For just one day. One day is all I needed. I just want to have some sleep and ea-


I heard the door name...with my best friend's voice?!

I turned my head to face where all those noise came from and my jaw dropped when I saw Ari removing his shoes, in bewilderment as well.

Oh no. This is bad. Very Bad!

I've haven't told her about everything between me and Jeonghan, our fake relationship but now she's here and we're caught in the act. She will misunderstood everything.


I inched away from Jeonghan while she continued removing her shoes and slowly paced towards us.

I waved my hands as an act of disagreement.

I took a glance at Jeonghan and he was just standing there, also looking at Ari.

"W-What is the meaning of all of this?", She looked at me and Jeonghan one after another, askance. I saw through my peripheral view that Jeonghan opened his lips and was about to utter something but I cut him off before he could even say anything that could make the situation more complicated.

"It's not what you think. Really!", I said, trying hard to convince her but just by the look of her face, I can tell that she wasn't.

"Why is Jeonghan here-"

"Jeonghan! Didn't you tell me you already wanna go home?", I went to Jeonghan's back and pushed him forward. I briefly grinned at Ari when we walked past by her. "Now is the right time.", When we were already at the doorstep, I abruptly opened the door.

"Wear your shoes!", I whisper-shouted at him and he inserted his feet on his shoes. "Faster!"

"Wait. I'm also having trouble, you know.", I bit my nails in so much anxiety.

Believe me Jeonghan, mine is worse.

When I saw him finish wearing his shoes, I pushed him outside. He was about to trip but luckily he managed.

He looked dumfounded but I couldn't think of any better things to do but to make him go.

"I'm really sorry. Please don't kill me at school."

He was about to say something again but I quickly closed the door shut.

I have to explain to him everything that I did just so he can spare my life and now I have to also explain myself to my bestfriend.

I slowly paced towards her, my head down.

"What just happened?", I swiftly faced her and she was just raising her brows, her lips pouting.

"Believe me Ari, it's really not what you think.", I begged but doubt and confusion was still written on her face.

How can I make her believe when me myself can't even believe that this is really happening to me.

"Atleast explain everything to me so I can believe you."

I finally felt myself re-energized and finally, she'll let me explain.

"Yes. I will."

"So now what?"

"Oh right!"

I told her every single bit of what happened between me and Jeonghan. From how I bumped into him at the field while I was waiting for her, to how he successfully threatened me to be his fake girlfriend until the present day.

All throughout the time while I was telling everything to her. I read through her face that she was surprised, worried and all but eventually got convinced at the end.

"Really?! All that happened?"

I just nodded soulessly. Now that I've thought things through by telling her every bit, it felt devastating too and the fact that I'm the one in that situation, adds up. But at the same time, I was also quite relieved that I've finally let all the things that has been running inside my mind.

"What should we do?", She said and wandered her eyes around and I just did as well.

"It's okay and besides it's only just two months...", I looked down and the thought of crying immediately came into my mind.

Two months. Two whole long life threatening months with a devil-like human.

It's not okay. I wanna back out but my opinion doesn't make a single matter.

All I wanted was a just a peaceful life to live and graduate college but he turned my life upside down, everything turned out like this in split seconds unannounced.

I let out an exasperated sigh and grabbed a pillow that was within my reach. I shoved my face on the cushion and made countless various faces that I described as all my pain.

"Are you crying?"


I wanted to but I don't know why I can't.

"Hey!", I felt both of her palms on both sides of my shoulders as she pulled me up to straightening my back.

"Why?...", I faced her, my face a complete mess.

"Why are you like that?", My forehead creased. "I know I'm only saying this because I'm not in your shoes but I know you can do it. Nothing's impossible when you believe it's doable, right? And since when did we leave each other out?", She flashes a sweet smile, like how my mom does it, genuine and filled with love.


"Of course I'll help you get through it. Just know that I'll always be there when you need me.", I beamed at her as well. She sure know how to comfort people. I agree. Two thumbs up.

"But you're seriously getting cringe-y.", She snorted and eventually laughed out loud.

"It's because of you that I'm like this.", She hits me with the cushion that that was on my lap when I started laughing.

"Yeah. Just laugh. You'll need it.", She sarcastically said and I just continued to laugh everything off, even my situation with Jeonghan.

This is the main reason why I didn't want to leave Korea, because of a friend like her. I've never felt this comfortable talking and spending a lot of time with a person before. She's one of the sun's ray that lightened my days. For real.

Days has passed once again but it was still dragging, yet it wasn't that bad at all, I admit.

However, there's still times when I felt the most nerve-wracked, when he suddenly leaves me with his family when as far as I remember, told him before that I'm not good in socializing or anything relating about talking to people I barely know.

"Oh anyway, how have you been Liseu?", Jeonghan's grandma asked, sitting across me while we were dining.

This night, right now, I'm currently at his house. Actually, it was his grandma that invited me tonight, at first I declined but he told me that it has been days since I've been declining their invite and that I should consider going or else everyone will get suspicious.

So I did go, if this agreement won't work, then I'll have no choice but to prepare myself for what he could possibly do and that, I don't want to happen unless I want to die early.

I faced his grandma and how she beams so sweet and sincere puts me in so much guilt that I'm sometimes considering myself to just suffer just to preserve her precious smile, how can I not when all she does for me is with kind sincerity.

But- I'm sorry.

"I'm just fine Grandma. How about you?"

"I've been great.", She smiled more brightly while I had no choice but to forge one. The guilt won't just leave me everytime I see her, even if it's just a glance, it's still there that I even doubt if I really have the right to even pull out a smile.

"You should eat more. I made this just for you as I'm sure you've been eating instant foods.", I halted. She made this for me when I was earlier declining her invite? Oh really... Is it even possible to not feel more guilty when she just did this for me?

"You didn't have to but thank you so much grandma."

"Noo. Don't mention it. Just enjoy everything, alright?"

"I will."

"What about me grandma? You don't cook for me.", Jeonghan who is sitting beside me, suddenly whined and I even saw he pouted looking at his grandma.

"You sound so gross.", His little sister, who is sitting beside her grandma complained as she shot Jeonghan an engrossed look while Jeonghan just kept his pout.

"Oh cut it out Jeonghan. I always cook for you. You really make a scene when your girlfriend's around, huh?", I just smiled at how his grandma's tone of voice became strict as he just laughed.

"Yes~ I do~", I instinctively turned my face a little, looking at him. I know that everything is just fake but how come he's having so much fun when he's basically lying to his own grandma.

"Why?", My breathing momentarily stopped when our eyes met as he asked me. Maybe he felt that I was looking at him, until now.

"N-Nothing.", I shook my head as I diverted my attention back to his grandma and to the food infront of me.

"You okay?", I felt how he got closer to me as he whispered. I had goosebumps all over but I managed to nod my head, not bothering to look at him.


I immediately faced his grandma when she started. "What's wrong with you two?"

My eyes rounded as I felt my lips froze, flustered of her sudden question. I don't know what's up that's why I can even barely come up with words to say.

Well, we're just awkwardly whispering to each other but I don't know how to put that into words and how I can make it sound like we're enjoying ourselves.

"You two must be giddy to already be alone."

"No. That's not it grandma.", I shook my head and took a glance at Jeonghan as a sign to join me in changing his grandma's mind that what she's thinking is not right.

Yes, so not right when I know he doesn't even want to spend a single second with me.

But my forehead creased when I saw his face. He had his brows furrowed slightly that it made him look like he was worried about something.

It's actually my first time seeing him looking like that, that I had to sink it in that he really looked like that.

"How you two both look makes me think that you really want to be alone together.", His grandma even wriggled her eyebrows. "You two can hurry up eating and do your stuffs", She even chuckled as she went back to eating while I was there sitting and dumbfounded. I don't even know what to think or how can I process everything that's happening. First, his grandma is thinking as if we really do want to be alone together and second, why does he look worried when there's really nothing to worry about right now.

"Oh and by the way...", His grandma then again started that I was, then again, anxious of what's she's about to say. "I suddenly got curious, so uhm... how many times have you two kissed or did you already kiss?"

Right there, I almost choked on my saliva. It's a good thing there wasn't something inside my mouth cause if there is, I would've really choked hard. Right from her first words that she was curious about something, I already have some sort of hunch that it was leading to something like this.

When I looked at his grandma again,her face was full of enthusiasm that her eyes were sparkling.


"Yes!" My jaw dropped. I was about to refuse and I thought he would be the very first to refuse but instead said yes. He agreed. Jeonghan agreed, proud. I faced him and his face that was earlier worried now looked cheeky. I swear and even bet my life that we didn't kiss, we didn't even hugged or held hands. A kiss is just absurd.

"What were you about to say, Liseu?"

"I-uh-I-", I wanted to tell her that everything is untrue but words just can't come out of my mouth. I felt so pressured.

"I think she's just shy to admit it.", I faced Jeonghan in disbelief. I was dumbfounded since earlier but now it became way worse. How can he lie so easily to a topic like this? Anything is fine but this, this is just too much for me to even handle. Just even imagining myself kissing someone-oh I don't even know what to think of it.

His grandma laughed. "I know Jeonghan's annoying you but it's really okay to tell me everything even if it's hard to say."

"I-It's not that grandma.", I wanted to say that he really annoys people in a whole new different level but I just can't.

"I was really afraid for Jeonghan when he told me that he already has a girlfriend. I just thought that he'll let you suffer because of his unending schemes but it seems that he really likes you. I don't know if he has hidden any girlfriend in the past but you're the first girl that he introduced to us and I'm glad that it's you."

Oh so his family knows how his mind works as well and... his first girlfriend? It's a bit surprising for a person like him.

"Really eonnie?", I faced his little sister confused. "He's always pulling pranks on me. He should become an actor for his great skills in deceiving people and I would gladly hand him his award for being the best one yet.", She stuck out her tongue towards Jeonghan as she looked at him as if he really ows her a lot. When I took a glance at him, he was widening his eyes on her.

Their grandma just sighed as I started to laugh, seeing how cute they are exchanging glares. I turned my head a little as I saw on my peripheral view that Jeonghan as well was slowly facing me, when I got a complete look at his face, he looked at me in disbelief, probably because his sister is on the winning side and I'm siding on her.

The dinner ended with his grandma saying that she really had fun all throughout the night with her grand children's and her grandson's girlfriend.

When I also saw that it was starting to get late, I bid goodbye to his family and I was already planning on taking a taxi home but Jeonghan suddenly and unexpectedly insisted on taking me home with his car.

I didn't want him to bother but he told me that it will take me awhile to find a taxi this late and as what he said, there's a lot of crazy pervert guy's around here. Of course, it scared me that I didn't have any choice but to once again be his prey and actually be thankful that he asked me for a ride home.

Jeonghan first closed the front door and started walking after. We have to walk to their gate as his car was still parked outside. On the way, my mind was occupied by the thought of stopping him and ask him about he's sudden blurt out regarding the kiss.

I looked down on my shoes as I bit my lower lip, counting the steps I'm taking.


I gathered all the courage that I had and finally called him. "Yoon Jeonghan!"

"Yes?", He looked back and faced me, forehead creasing.

Now, how do I start this off. "Uhm-about earlier...", My eyes wandered around as I tried my hardest to construct the right words to say.

"Why?", He paced towards me. Yes, conversing in a close distance is convenient for both people to hear each other but him walking close didn't help at all and infact it just caused my heart to throb more.

"A-About what you did earlier-"

"I was just worried that you might not be feeling well"/"Why did you tell your grandma that we already kissed?"

We both uttered at the same time and what he said left me confused. He's worried? Of me? If I'm not feeling well?

So the reason why he looked worried earlier was because he thought I wasn't feeling well? But he's not supposed to feel that way-

"Oh you're talking about that. I thought you were talking about...", He started. "That! The kiss. Uhmm... It was just a small white lie...unless-"

"No! That's not it, really.", I already know where his words are heading and cutting him off was the only thing that I could do to stop him. "It's just that...uh-don't you think we're going too far with the lying thing?", I sighed. "Don't you feel a little guilty? Because I do, a lot."

I waited for his response but I think there wasn't any coming. He was just staring, his pair of eyes actually piecing right through my soul.

I thought, tonight, nothing worse could happen but I don't think this night will just end without any more complicated things. He suddenly took paces again, slowly getting close, cutting the distance between us. I'm not even sure if the length of the distance between our face was still measurable.

"What...are... y-", I stopped my own words when I was already running out of breath. His face was so close that I had my back leaning backwards and his was the opposite.

My heart pounded uncontrollably that I feel like any minute now, it will pop out of my chest as cold sweats were forming on my palms.

"You don't want another lie, right?", He whispers huskily, his hot breath brushing into my shivering lips. It send me shivers all over as I gulped the lump that formed on my throat.

I gasped when he suddenly trailed his hands from my neck onto my cheeks. From what I expected, I thought he'll smirk or something but within seconds I still saw how his face looked dead serious as he stares at my lips.

His eyes were already narrowing, actually preparing to close while he caress my cheeks using his thumb, and before I knew it, unannounced, I already felt his lips on mine.

I didn't know what to feel nor even do. I had trouble digesting nor even processing everything that's happening at that very moment. All I could feel right now was my heart pounding so hard against my chest, his lips, his undeniably soft lips that are on mine and his hands cupping my cheeks, pulling me even closer, pressing our lips more, making the kiss we're sharing deeper.

Rollercoaster of feeling running inside me but I didn't know which was one was right, yet a big part of me chose the feeling that I least want to, I just can't feel that way because when I do, it will be dead end for me. I can't be fluttered.

He parted the kiss at the same time he let's go of my cheeks. I looked at his eyes, his eyes that there reflected sparkling lights, down to his moistened lips. I was just really flustered by his sudden act.

"Now you don't have to feel guilty anymore.", He said under his breath. So he's telling me that he did that just so I won't feel guilty anymore? He looked around breathing heavily as if he just did something that he shouldn't do.

Well, he shouldn't have done that because... because I just felt my heart flutter and I feel like I might catch something and I don't like it, even just by the thought of it.

"Why...?", An indirect one word question slipped from my mouth because even I, didn't know what I meant. What was I really pertaining to when I asked why?

"I already told you. You said you don't want any lies anymore, right?", He faced me but the way how his face softens puts me in a circle of confusion. "We just did it, it's real and we know it to ourselves."

"You know that's not what I meant..."

"Look, can't you just be thankful that you won't feel guilty anymore?", One corner of his lips lifted but in a way that I suddenly got nervous. "...and I know you wanted it.", and that small smile turned into a smirk. I knew it, not a day will pass that he will actually stop putting people in a corner.

"What?!", I shook my head. "Uhm... With all due respect, just to inform you, from the very start, I didn't want any bit of this."

"Oh, don't play dumb. I saw how you looked at my lips that day, infront of me, shamelessly.", He intensely stared at me, with his evil leer.

"W-What? When did I-", But I stopped my own words at the same time I felt like my world crashing when I remembered that day. That day at my apartment when I got in daze looking at his face.

I slightly gritted my teeth as I looked away because of the embarrassment. I didn't know that he realized that I was staring at him, and just how long did I stare at him?

"I-I didn't-I mean Y-Ye..."

Yes, I know it's a lie when I tell him that I didn't but how can I handle the embarrassment when I tell him that I really did?

"Oh don't deny it."

"I-I'm not, because it's not true."

"Yes, it is."

"I'm telling you, it's not..."

I looked down screwing my face, mentally cursing at myself for even looking at his lips that day.

"It is true...", He trailed off his words as I slowly looked up to face him. He wasn't saying anything anymore that it felt so nerve-wracking for me.

I wandered my eyes around but stopped when it landed on my wrist watch. "Oh look at the time! It's already late I should better go home.", I brought up my arm to show him my watch. To be honest, I didn't even had the chance to look at the time. I just told him that it was already late for an alibi. He just stared at me with his brows raised. I forged a grin and shifted my eyes to my wrist and to him, indicating that he should look at it and to the time that I hope is already late.

"Yeah yeah. Let's go.", He turned his back on me and walked first, and when he did, I finally remembered how to breath. I exhaled all the air that I've been keeping since earlier as I the burden weighting on my shoulder getting off.

"Aren't you coming?", I immediately hid my smile when he looked back, and I just realized that was still standing there. I felt pathetic but it's better than being accused of something that you did do but too afraid to admit that you really did it.

"Ah-Ah yes coming!", I walked fast to catch up to him. I heard him chuckle when I was already beside him. "Why?", He pursed his lips as I waited for his response.

"It's nothing."

"Nothing...", I chuckled. "Ah-It must be because of earlier. But... can I ask a small favor?", His forehead creased.

"What favor?"

"Can you forget everything that happened that day at my apartment. I know it won't be easy but please do try and... thanks in advance.", I pulled out a big smile as I ran towards his car, leaving him behind.

That was just an indirect way of telling him that I really did stare at him and until now I'm still regretting really doing it.

How can I possibly and probably embarass myself more to him?

The bell rang indicating that it was already break time, and so the professor finished up his lesson and bid goodbye after.

I stretched my arms to relax my whole body as it already became stiff from sitting for almost two hours.

And after that, I paved my way out.

I'm not hungry but I'm going to the cafeteria to grab some sweets because me and my tummy are bored. Funny.

But even before I could turn to go to the cafeteria, three girls blocked my way. At first I thought I just accidentally bumped into them but no, how can I not tell that they were there for me when they were staring at me?

But what made me surprised and nervous at the time is because of who those persons are.

It was Kim Yerin, along with her two friends. Yerin is one of the many famous students here in school. She's in the same level as me but it felt like she's senior, her whole aura tells me so.

"Oh, so you are that b*tch.", She suddenly exclaimed causing all the students who went past by us to halt from what they were doing and tend their attention to us.


"Don't act like you don't know anything. You're a b*tch for stealing someone else's man!", My eyes automatically widened. Oh My-

Everybody here at school knows that she likes Jeonghan, the guy that I'm having a fake relationship with, and she knows our secret?

I don't know if Yerin and Jeonghan are really dating but did Jeonghan tell her?

My mind was only occupied by a circle of thoughts but why was it so complicated?

Yerin - Her calling me a b*tch - she knows our secret - how did she know our secret - Jeonghan - did he tell her - are they really dating - where could he be - why did my heart flutter last night - do I like him-

Wait, what-

"Hey listen you freak!", I immediately snapped out from my thoughts when she started talking again with authority. "Stay.away.from.him.", She continued, emphasizing every word. She leaned forward to my ear before whispering. "Before I could do something not nice to you.", I gulped as I felt goosebumps all over.

She leaned back and glared at me after, and before I could even possibly say anything, she already went away, leaving me there, being the talk of everyone.

What have I gotten myself into?

She'll do something not nice if I won't stay away from him? But he'll make my life hell if I'll suddenly break our agreement.

Life is hard, I know but is it really this hard?

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