Been Right Here - Cody Simpso...

By codstinfeels

17.1K 334 51

Hi, I'm Jess. Jessica Bieber. Yes, I said Bieber and yes, Justin is my brother. But I have a lot more to me t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 17

451 11 3
By codstinfeels

"Where are you? You were supposed to be here two hours ago." "I'm busy, I'll see you in the morning." "I said I was sorry, Cody." "I don't care about that. I'm over it." "Why do you hate me?" "Stop being dramatic. You can live for one night without me." He laughed and then hung up. I sighed and dropped my phone onto my lap.

"Jess?" Justin knocked on my door. "Yup." I answered while falling back onto my pillows. "Are you okay?" "Yeah." I rolled onto my side so I was facing away from him. The door closed and then I felt Justin's weight on the bed next to me. "How would you know to ask that anyway?" I rolled back onto my other side. Justin shrugged. "Becaise I'm a guy and I know how dickish we can act."

"Dickish?" I giggled. "He could never hate you, he loves you more than anything. He's just trying his best to be mad at you." "But it's not my fault." I rested my head on Justin's chest, he started to run his hands through my hair. "I don't want anymore tears, okay?" "How do you know there was tears?" "Selena said to be gentle with you when you got home."

"I wanna go out." I got up. "No way, it's almost midnight." "It's the only time I have freedom." "It's not safe, you're too vulnerable." "Got you on speed dial." "You're driving, not walking." "Okay." "And you're putting something on your legs before you leave this room." He said. "I'm just gonna shove some leggings on." I pulled my draw open.

"You want me to take you out for a drive? It's not best to be alone when you're upset." "I'm gonna go to Malibu. Go sit on the beach." I smiled while pulling my leggings up my legs. "Can you take sleepy into your room, please?" I asked, referring to Romeo, as I put on my fuzzy socks.

"We'll stay up for you." He picked him up and kissed his head. "I bet your fans will love a few photos of you guys cuddling." I laughed and grabbed my phone, keys and shoes before going downstairs. It took around a half hour to get to the beach but once I did, I parked and took off my shoes before walking towards where the ocean hits the shore.

I sat in front of the water and watched as it came in and out and in and out again. After however long it was, I heard footsteps behind me but didn't bother to turn around. Something dropped onto my shoulders which made me jump.

"It's just me, my jacket." Cody's voice calmed me as he sat beside me. "What are you doing here?" "Coming to save you from pneumonia." "Why do you hate me?" My voice cracked instantly. "Hey," His voice softened and he pulled me closer to him. "I don't hate you." He kissed my temple. "Never ever think that."

"Do you think I'm easy? Is that why you don't want to talk to me and don't want to see me? You think I'm slutty and don't like me anymore." "Baby, stop that. Don't think like that." "But that's what I feel." "You musn't believe that." He pulled me onto his lap. "I love you more than anything, I was trying to figure out what to do with this."

"With what?" "With solving our situation without shouting. I don't want to make you cry, I never meant to do that. I was mad and I was being mean and harsh, it wasn't acceptable. I'm sorry for blaming you, you were right; we were both in those pictures, both kissing and touching each other. It took both of us to do what we were doing so we're both at fault. I was just annoyed because you got taken advantage of."

"I didn't?" "You innocently trusted your friend, and then, out of spite, he decides to break your trust." "He didn't do it to hurt me, I've spoken to him. He said he didn't realize he'd said too much until he'd said it and he said he was sorry. We've solved it." "You're right." "Huh?" "He wasn't trying to hurt you, he was trying to hurt me."

"Baby, I don't want you being gullible. People lie to you a lot and I don't like it." "They don't." "I can lie to you whenver I want to, as long as my lie fits with what you want to believe I will get away with it. Other people know this and decide to take advantage of you because of your innocence." "I'm not that innocent. I wish people would stop saying that." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm just warning you." "I spoke to Will today as well, we start auditions in two days." "Two days?" "Yup and Scooter has arranged a little promo tour thingy." "Cool, where you going?" "Canada and England." "Here aswell?" "Obviously." "Where first?" "Here and then Canada and then we're going to London!" I got excited.

"We?" "Mhm, Coco's coming too." "Is he?" "Yes." "What if he doesn't want to come?" "Jazzy's coming." I grinned. "Oh well I guess I'm not too busy." He played along. "You should be more excited about me than my baby sister." "Why is that?" "Because I'm the one who will suck your dick." I smirked and stood up.

"I find that unlikely as you wouldn't even touch it last night." "Thing's change, Cody. Things change." "Do you want to come back to my house?" Cody got up too. I laughed and shook my head as I ran off towards our cars. "Are we both driving?" I asked as he approached. "We can come get your car in the morning, I'd prefer you driving in the daylight."

I nodded and walked towards his car before sitting on the front. "Get off." Cody stood in front of me. "I missed you." I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer with my legs around his waist. "Not here, baby." "Right here." I smiled and kissed his jaw. "Nope, come on. You can carry on when we get home." "You bore me." I stuck out my tongue.

"So what have you been doing all day?" "I have been playing detective, trying to find out who took those photos, why they took them and why they felt the need to sell them to TMZ." "You look so happy in those pictures though." I looked over at him. Cody smiled at me and then went back to watching the road. I reached out and rested my hand on his thigh.

"What's the time?" "Two." "Did you get any results on the picture search?" "Nope. No one knows." "If only you weren't as drunk as you were." "Shut up, you were just as drunk." "To be fair, we weren't as drunk as I was expecting." "Saving that for your 18th." "Oh yes." I agreed as I slid my hand further up his thigh. Cody moved his leg away which made me laugh.

"I'm trying to drive." "I'm trying to occupy myself." I reached my hand out again. "Jess," Cody moved his leg again causing me to laugh at him once again. "Stop it." He laughed. "Drive quicker." I moaned. "You're so annoying." He laughed at me and patted my thigh. I smiled before getting my phone out to tell Justin that we were going to Cody's house.

Cody pulled into the driveway and we both went to the door. "Everyone's asleep so you need to b-" I cut him off by crashing my lips into his. He picked me up and held me against the wall with his own body as we made out. "Upstairs." I mumbled against his lips while undoing his belt. His hands moved to my butt so he could carry me up the stairs.

We got into his bedroom and he threw me on the bed. I sat up to take off my leggings and then climbed under the covers. "Noo, don't go to sleep." Cody moaned as he took off his shirt and then his belt. "Come cuddle me." I turned my back. He sighed and laid behind me before pulling me back against his chest. "I love you, baby." He kissed behind my ear. "I love you too." I squeezed his hand.

The next morning, I woke up with Cody's arms still wrapped around me. I smiled to myself and then freed myself of his grip. After putting my leggings on, I grabbed one of Cody's hoodies and went downstairs. "Good morning." I smiled as I went into the kitchen. "When did you get here?" "This morning." I turned on the coffee machine.

"We didn't hear you come in." Brad said. "I heard Cody go out." Alli told them. "Yeah, we came back together." I said while getting out two mugs. One for me, one for Cody. "Is Cody awake?" "No but I'm going to wake him up. I want him to take me home in a bit." "Okay." Brad nodded. "Do you kids want breakfast?" "Nah, we're going to get some out." I said which made Alli laugh.

"Does he know that?" "Not yet." I giggled. "Do you want to come, Als?" "I do!" Tom jumped in. "I'll talk to Cody and then I'll come get you, okay?" "Yup." "Yeah, I'll come too." Alli said. "Okay, I'll come get you too." "Okay." She smiled. "I'm gonna go wake him up now." I picked up both the mugs and then went upstairs.

Cody was still wrapped up in the covers when I went in. I set his mug down on the side and then walked around to set mine down on the other nightstand. "Where did you go?" Cody mumbled into the pillow. "To get you a coffee." "Come closer." He rolled onto his side and pulled me close to his body. "We want you to take us out for breakfast." "Who's we?"

"Me, Alli and Tommy." I said which made him groan loudly. "Please?" "Austin's been trying to get hold of you. And Jaden." Cody pulled his hand out from under the covers to reveal my phone. "Why are you going through my phone when I leave you alone?" "It vibrated." "I thought you were alseep?" "I thought we made a deal."

"Why is it that if I have messages from someone with a dick, I'm automatically sending flirty messages to them or cheating on you?" I snatched my phone out of his hand. "Open the messages then." He said. I sighed and held my phone far enough away from my face so he could see what I was doing.

"I don't know, I didn't even know you were together. I just thought you were drunk." Cody read Austin's message. "What's that about?" "I asked him if he knew who's taken those pictures of us." "And now Jaden." "Come to mine without telling Cod- Without telling Cody? Fuck off." He unwrapped his arm from around my shoulders.

"I told him I didn't want to go over there because I didn't want you getting mad and for you to not trust me." "So lying to me is a better option?" He sat up. "I didn't say I would lie to you! It's quite obvious I hadn't read that message yet." "You act as if you can do no wrong, I don't believe you." "Believe what? I haven't said anything."

"You can go get your own breakfast." "Mhm." I rolled away as I started scrolling through my contacts. "What are you doing now?" "Nothing." I held my phone to my ear. "Jess, what are you doi-" "Shh! I'm on the phone." I hushed him while getting out of bed. "Jessica!" "Don't Jessica me." I went into the bathroom and shut the door behind me.

"What?" "Hey, are you awake?" "No, I'm answering the phone while unconscious." "Can you come and pick me up?" "What's going on, Jess?" "Just do it, Justin." "Be there in five minutes." "It takes ten." "Not when you're worried." He said and hung up. I sighed and went back into the bedroom. "The second we get into an argument you go running to Justin. It makes me laugh."

"You really don't trust me, do you?" "I want to be on set of this movie." "Cody, you have your own work to do." "As long as he is going to be touching you and kissing you, I'm going to be in that room. I don't care what you have to say." "I think you're a really nice person." "I wasn't expecting that-" "But you're very good at acting like a total asshole." I smiled before walking out.

"Sorry, Tommy but we're not going out anymore. Another time maybe?" "It's okay." He smiled. "Why not?" "Because your brother is a-" I was cut off by the sound of Cody's door. "Gotta go, love you guys." I grinned and ran towards the front door. It wasn't long before Justin pulled up so I quickly got in. "I need to pick up my car before we go home."

"Is everything okay?" "Uhuh." "You'd tell me if some thing was wrong wouldn't you?" "Of course." I nodded and looked out the window. After a few minutes of silence, I took a deep breath and then let it out again before turning to look at Justin. "He doesn't trust me, he always wants to go through my phone and doesn't want me being friends with guys. It's not fair. I give him all the freedom he wants."

"He's scared. He knows how many guys like you and how much they like you and their intentions with you, he doesn't want them taking you away from him. I know it's selfish but you did used to make him sit back and watch as you spoke to lots of guys at once." "I never did that!" "Jess, I'm not judging you." "Oh for fuc-" "Explain then."

"One time. I met up with one guy and then the next day, I met up with another. That happened one time and he won't let go of it." "Why did you tell him?" "Alli did!" "Just give him some space and let him come back to you when he's calmed down." "He came after me." "Well then speak to him when you're ready." "I didn't ask for your advice. I can deal with my own boyfriend."

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