Life of Japril

By rlnrodrigo

937 13 4

This story takes place after season 11 episode 22, "She's Leaving Home: Part One" where April decides to go o... More

The Return
The Painful Truth Be Told
I'm Here For You

Anger, Anger, and more Anger

149 2 0
By rlnrodrigo

Jackson's pov: 

I had mixed emotions right now. Yeah, I was so glad she was home and safe. But I was so mad that she ever left me in the first place. She didn't even care about what I thought it seemed like, she just went. And it was only supposed to be a three month trip which to me was already long enough, but then she ended up staying eight months as if she already hadn't upset me enough with her leaving in the first place. 

I arrive home and don't see April in the living room. "I'm back." I call out. I make it to our bedroom and see her working on her laptop on the desk. "Hey." she says with a small smile. "Hi." I say trying to sound normal and not angry. "We need to talk." I start. Her eyes don't leave her laptop but she stopped working. "Why did you leave in the first place, April? You knew I didn't want you to go but you just went anyways." I say. "I don't know, I guess I just felt it would be a good experience for me." she responds. "Leaving your husband and then deciding you're going to leave me longer? You thought that would be a good experience?" I say. "You know that's not what I meant!" she says. "April you knew that I didn't want you to go in the first place but you went. And then you lengthened your visit three times! You were only thinking about yourself!" I yell. "What do you want me to say Jackson?! I can't go back and undo my actions and I wish I could but I can't! I'm sorry I left you but there isn't anything I can do about that!" she shouts. "Would you?! Would you go back and change things if you could?? Cause I sure as hell don't think you would! You were so selfish to do this!" I shout at her. "Jackson what is this going to do to help us in anyway?! Screaming at each other won't make ANYTHING better!" she shouts. "It makes me feel better, because it shows how angry I am at you. And that's something that I want you to know. I can't even look at you right now." I say and gather up my stuff. "I'm staying at Mark's tonight. Maybe longer." I say and storm out of the apartment. 

April's pov: 

I hear the door slam shut and Jackson gets in his car and leaves. I collapse on the bed and cry my eyes out. Jackson hated me. He literally hated me. His wife! Trust me. This was NOT my fault. Oh god how much I wanted to tell him why I went...but I couldn't risk it. It was killing me though! It was eating me up. All I could do was cry. I didn't know what to do, I probably shouldn't try to talk to him tomorrow unless he talks to me first. I don't want to make him any more angry then he already is. 

(the next day) 

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping. 6:00 a.m. I was getting to the hospital a little bit early today to help Shepard prep for his craniotomy even though it wasn't my case. I agreed to help him set up because I wanted some time at the hospital without Jackson being there. I sighed as I walked into the surgical room. "Hey Kepner, thanks for helping me out. "Hey, no problem." I say but he could hear the hurt in my voice. "You okay?" he asks me. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just Jackson." I say. "Ah, an argument. You'll get past it, the first few times it happens it feels like you never will and that getting married was a mistake, but as time goes on and you have more arguments, you'll get used to it." he says. "Thanks." I say through a sigh, but even before we were married and just dating, Jackson and I fought too and none of them felt quite like this. 

Jackson's pov: 

I walk into the hospital already dreading today. I knew I had to talk to April. The longer we just let this argument hang there would only make things worse. The thing is, I didn't know what to say. Could I forgive her for this? Should I continue being married to her? It may seem like I'm being dramatic, but I'm not. She just left me. And made it worse. She was selfish. And I think I know what I want. I want a divorce. We haven't even been married that long, if this is already how it is, I don't want this only to be the beginning of our marriage and to continue experiencing this. I won't do it. 

I walk in to check on my patient. "Alright Wilson, present." I say. "Teresa Fonswith, age 27, here for second degree burns and seizures." Jo presents. "How much longer will I be here?" asks Teresa. "Not much longer. A few days tops." I say with a smile. "You seem different today. I heard April is back, is that why?" Teresa asked. Teresa had been here for a while so she knew all about me and April's life. "Oh, we just uh-it's complicated." I say. "Well I am sure the two of you will work things out." she says. I smile at her remark and nod, even though I plan on divorcing her. Then out of nowhere, Teresa begins seizing. "She's seizing turn her on her side, quick!" I say to Wilson and we get her on her side in order to stop her seizure. After a few seconds, her shaking calms down and she's back to normal. "Alright Wilson, do me a favor and keep an eye on her. I gotta go do some other work." I lied because I had to find April. I walk out of the room and make my way down the hallway. At the end of it, I see April turn the corner but the moment she sees me she walks away. "April!" I call out and run to her. Once I reach her, I pull her arm and turn her around. "Jackson I really don't want to talk right now." she says. "Well I need to talk to you. April if this is already how we are in the beginning of our marriage, then this isn't working. I don't want to be trapped married to a selfish person knowing she may just walk out on me." I say. "I didn't walk out on you!" she says. "Yeah! You kinda did!" I say. "What are you trying to say?!" she asks. "I want a divorce!" I shout. She stares at me. Tears begin welling her eyes. She looks still but also like she's gonna burst. Without saying anything more, she turns her back on me and walks away. 

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