Since I Know You

By enjoyingmyviewMM

1.4K 43 0

Alina Jones and Colten Perk Their story is way more than best friends to enemies, is about growing older and... More

The new girl
Wattpad Story
Travis Party
Nine again
The Lake
New Year
Thinking of you
Our Ice-Cream
Are you jealous
Let's deal a lie
Cupids don't listen to themselves
Snowy Escape
Catch You
Lucky Number, 7
Different Universe
His Day
The beach of secrets
Actions not Words
Summer Night
Run Away
Accept Yourself
Time Off


38 1 0
By enjoyingmyviewMM

You can hate a person with your whole body, but love is a stubborn thing, it clings on in your heart.

-Anna Maxted


The son's were taking their mother's to the aisle.

The song started, the beautiful melody bang in their ears. Toby and Callie walked first spreading red roses on the ground.

Anna and Colten walked in first then Aaron, Martha and Alina. The grooms we're standing nervously in the front.

The weeding went perfectly, some tears drop along some cheeks, but a lot of smiles were there.

Smiles and looks too, there's was one boy that couldn't stop look at one girl.

~*~ After the vows and the lunch

Everyone was excited and happy, there were laughs and conversations everywhere it was definitely a happy day.

The kids were playing around, the young were talking, the adults were dancing, the elders we're smiling.

Just one person wasn't dancing, or talking or smiling...

"What's wrong, dear?" Maria, Anna's mother, questioned Alina. She was in their wheeling chair very worried with the young girl so she decided to approach her.

"Hi Nana" Alina said looking at the elder woman

"You're not laughing or dancing, talking or smiling, what's wrong?"

"It's just some thoughts of mine"

"Share them with me maybe I can help you princesa" Alina didn't respond, she was in their own world watching people dancing. Maria put a hand over her leg and told her "Let's go for a walk"


"Nana it's cold,cover yourself with the blanket" Alina said

"You're really stubborn, aren't you?" Maria asked

"Get that a couple of times"

"What's bothering you so much pequeña?"

"Nana?! Do you ever though about who you were marrying?" she asked covering herself with her fluffy scolt

"hm, no, not really. In my time we would marry who our parents wanted"

"But if you had a choice would you still choose Abuelo?"

"See chica, we don't choose... Your hearts is the one to make that decision the only choice given to you is if you'll obey it or not"

"What if I don't know what my heart wants?"

"I would believe in that if I had 20 but I have 87, I've seen true love and how it works... And believe me, we always now what the heart want we are just stubborn and we do not hear it" Maria told her they stopped near a window where they could see people dancing inside

"Speaking in stubbornness... You have a good competitor" Maria stated, Alina furrowed her eyebrows and looked at the older woman with a debatable look in her face


"You know who..."Maria said pointing to Alina's heart and touching her chest twice as if the person she mentioned was in her heart and then she left leaving Alina alone

"Nana! Wait for me!"

"You need to know what you want Alina! Time is precious, if you take too long to decide it can get against you"

"Decide? I think I have been quite iludded by love, I don't think I know what that is"

"Love and Hate are very close friends but also enemies, without one there's not the other, you know?"

"So I hate Jake? And I love him?"

"No Jake's! Jake is always gone!" Nana said mad at clueless Alina

"Sometimes, I mean lately he's been disappearing a lot is true but maybe he needs space and Wait-! How do you know that?"

"that what?"

"I didn't told you Jake was always gone... Who did-" she furrowed her eyebrows " Perk..."

"Colten is very worried about you all the time, he knows this Jake is no good for you!"

"Right, and his girls are good for him?!"

"No, but like you he cares more about the others "

"Are you saying he's the good guy Nana?"

"No! Hell no! That boy never learns! Always making mistakes, same mistakes, not different ones"

"Always yelling too"

"He yells when he's with you" she said chuckling

"He always thinks he's right"

"You always think you're right too"

"Are you taking sides Nana?"

"I would never, you're both very stubborn. No sides."


"He just wants you safe and happy."

"Sometimes it doesn't seem like it"

"That's because he has a wrong way to show it"

"Yeah he does" Alina laughed "Today he complimented my dress instead of me "

"That kid is a mess" Maria laughed they got inside and went near the elders table

"Hi Gramma!"

"Hello dear"

"Hey Granps"

"Hello Alina, why aren't you dancing? You love to dance with or without alcohol in your blood" he winked at her

"Granpa!" her widened

"Oh I had your age" he stand up and grabbed her hand "C'mon let's go"

Rupert, Damiens father, Alina's Granpa, took her to the middle of the dance floor. The slow jams we're playing so she rested her arm in her Granpa's back and hold his hand tight.

Hey, you there

A melody started right away and everyone started to dance, even Aaron and Zoey. Alina looked at them and smiled

"You're quite a cupid aren't you?" her Granpa asked

Can we take it to the next level, baby, do you dare?

"I guess"

"You care a lot about others happiness and you forget of your own"

Don't be scared

"Lately everyone is telling me that"

Cause if you can say the words,

"Well must be true then"

I don't know why I should care

The rhythm of the song speed up and they started to dance a bit faster, Alina saw her mom and dad walking to the floor and started to dance and on the other side was Emma (that was actually in a decent dress)trying to take Colten to the floor.

'Cause here I am, I'm givin' all I can

"It's your fathers days and I see you quite conflicted my child"

But all you ever do is mess it up

"Some problems with myself I guess"

Yeah, I'm right here, I'm tryin' to make it clear

"Yourself or your heart?"

That getting half of you just ain't enough

"Maybe both"

I'm not going to wait until you're done
Pretending you don't need anyone

"Life isn't always easy, my love"

I'm standing here naked (naked, naked)
I'm standing here naked (naked, naked)

"I know "

I'm not gonna try 'til you decide

"Sometimes you need a push or a little pull "

You're ready to swallow all your pride

Her Granpa suddenly looked at Colten

I'm standing here naked (naked, naked)

He let her go and touched Emma, she looked at him and he politely took her hand and started to dance with her. Lost, Colten saw Alina and pulled her close to him and they started to dance.

I'm standing here naked (naked, naked)

Their eyes met

Hey, get out

"You weren't dancing, I stranged" Colten commented

I've got nothin' left to give for

"You weren't on the floor neither"

you give me nothin' now

"Wasn't feeling it"

Read my mouth

"But you're here now, what changed your mind?"

If you ever want me back

"Why are you here?"

then your walls need breakin' down

He looked down at her and shrugged his shoulders

Cause here I am, I'm givin' all I can


But all you ever do is mess it up (all you ever do is mess it up)

"Trying to clear my mind"

Yeah, I'm right here, I'm tryin' to make it clear

"Emma seems happy!"

getting half of you just ain't enough

" So does Jake"

I'm not going to wait until you're done
Pretending you don't need anyone

"I feel your girlfriend death glares"

I'm standing here naked (naked, naked)

"Your boyfriend his burning holes on my back"

I'm standing here naked (naked, naked)
I'm not gonna try 'til you decide

" They got to get used"

You're ready to swallow all your pride

" What do you mean?"

I'm standing here naked (naked, naked)

" I mean that besides all we are still going to see each other we can't control it, our parents are best friends for crying out loud"

I'm standing here naked (naked, naked)

" You're right"

I wanna give you everything

"Though we hate each other"

I wanna give you everything

"And are the best of the enemies"

I wanna give you everything
I wanna give you everything

They danced like nobody else was in the room, they eyes we're locked, the way they moved was in perfect sync and that doesn't go unnoticed by anyone

I'm not going to wait until you're done
'Cause you pretended you don't need anyone
'Cause you see that I'm naked (naked, naked)
Oh, you see that I'm naked (naked, naked)
I'm not going to try 'til you decide
You're ready to swallow all your pride
I'm standing here naked (naked, naked)
I'm standing here naked (I'm standing) (naked, naked)
I'm standing
I'm standing here

The song ended and their bodies let go of each other, missing already each others arms. Emma grabbed Colten and Alina walked over to her friends and her brother .

"Well hello sister"

"A" she said sitting down in their table

"You've been always a good dancer "

"Thank you" She smiled

"Oh but she had a good partner too" their Granpa said once near them

"Hey Granps" Aaron greeted

"Hello son, I saw you dancing with this lady...quite the partners you two" their grampa said with a smile on his face looking at Zoey and Aaron, and both of them were blushing and Alina saw it.

"don't steal my best friend, brother, if you do I'll kill you" Alina threatened

"She's all yours sis"

"She better be" Alina smirked, she knew that Zoey was loving the day and maybe she had an opportunity with Aaron, Alina was so happy for them

"Hello babe" Jake said once she got near the table

"Hi" Alina responded

"You were dancing with Colten?"

"Yeah, Granpa's fault"

"Yeah I know you wouldn't do that or him... I mean you guys hate each other " he gave a little giggle

"Yeah" she curved her lips in a smile but she really wasn't that happy

Alina didn't know what was happening in her mind, she didn't like the feeling of hating someone but she couldn't control it, and the fact that Jake was more and more distant scared her because she only had him that made her think if they ever separate will she ever be able to love anyone else? And would it feel like this? Is this love? How does she know if it's love because it doesn't seem like it...

Colten in the other hand was thrilled with the idea of having a girlfriend, he truly liked her she was so free and funny and nice, sometimes she was very clingy and suffocating but no one is perfect, right? He didn't liked his relationship with Alina, he didn't, they were always fighting, always yelling, he didn't liked it but it was impossible to have any other type of relationship with her without being like this one they have now.

Two enemies.

Maybe that's exaggerated, they are just two persons that don't agree all the time, that fight all the time, yell all the time, and keep continually saying they hate each other. They are not enemies, they are just not really good friends.

Colten sat down next to his Dad, her mother was dancing with Martha all happy and smiley, seeing that view he smiled to himself.

"There's a point of your life where you realize that you live for them and not for you. Did you know that?" His father questioned him


"I just hope that you experience what your mother and I experienced, true love, is all I wish"

"True love" Colten laughed "I'm not sure if that exists for me dad, I'm fine like this, thanks"

"But, son, the whole point of life in itself is find your half! 'What greater thing is there for two human souls, than to feel that they are joined for life–to strength each other in all labor, to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in silent unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting?' What's greater than that?"

"George Eliot" Colten giggled and his father nodded, they were both very passionate about literature

"Nobody's perfect until you fall in love with them. It isn't easy to find true love, I know, I been there but once you do find the person your life is better, the colors are brighter, things are simpler, the world can be a disaster but you'll smile at the same because you love"

"I get you Dad, I do but-"

"You do not, because you didn't fall yet or maybe you did and you're just confused for who might have catch you"

"I'm not in love. Love can be the best thing in the world but it can also be the contrary. If you're afraid of getting hurt and feeling severe pain, then avoid falling in love."

"Great line, how's that from?"


"I see" his dad smiled "So how can you write about something you don't know yet?"

"It's just a hunch"

"It's a good one"


"I understand your attention on that quote but maybe you should think about this one 'Don't try to stop your heart from falling in love, because in the end it may be worth it, it may be your so called soulmate' "

"Who made that one?"

"I did"

"That was good, Dad"

"Yeah yeah thing is, don't be afraid of something and don't try to control it because the truth is that we never fall for the person we're supposed to" His dad smiled at him and rested his hand over Coltens shoulder "Just play the game"

"Here are my man's " Anna said once she got near them

"Hello honey" Thomas smiled

"Come dance, please" Anna pleaded, grabbing her sons and her husband's hand

"Okay, Ma! Calm down" Colten laughed


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