Girls Night Out

By isabel911craig

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Here it is, taken from my Rolivia One Shot book. This was requested More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 3

542 9 0
By isabel911craig

The past week at work had been decent. Benson had been more understanding with Rollins. She hadnt given her as much attitude and or grief that she usually did. Amanda was grateful for that. She hated when Liv was bitchy with her. She wasnt stupid, and hated being treated like she didnt know what she was doing. But for now Rollins was content, even more so she was gonna ask Liv if she wanted to hang out like they did last week with the guys, only this time with it being just them, a 'girls night out' sounded good and was definitely warrented since they worked with men. Here goes nothing. She sent a text "Hey Liv, was thinking we had fun last week with the guys. How bout this week we do 'girls night only'? We can go to the bar, maybe to see some men dance. I for one enjoy the strippers. Let me know.-Amanda" Liv was on the work phone when she got the notification on her cellphone of a message. She quickly looked at it and smiled. Leave it to Rollins to wanna see strippers. She was game, she figured what the hell? She looked out her blinds and saw Rollins working on paperwork, she kept glancing at her phone to see if Liv answered. She figured she had overstepped her boundaries and Liv wouldnt want to hang with her subordinate one on one. She sent Liv another text "Nevermind Liv, its okay. I know we arent that great of friends." Liv shook off her stare. 'Damn she hadnt answered Amanda yet, she had stared off into space.' She picked her phone back up. She opened up Amanda's text again and hit reply "Sure Amanda, why not. Sounds like it would be fun. A night with a friend with drinks and hot men. What could be better? What time? Will we meet or should I swing by and pick you up?-Liv" Amanda jumped when her phone buzzed near her. Fin laughed. "Whats the matter Boo? Dont tell me you're jumpy over a phone buzz." Amanda shook her head. "No you ass, I was thinking out something else and my phone buzzing surprised me." He look at her, "Sure Rollins, whatever you say?" He went back to work and Amanda checked her message. She beamed when she saw that Liv was game for going. She replied back "We can meet there, or I can take a cab to your place? We can meet at my place? Whatever is easiest for you. I know the strippers go on at like 9:30, I'd like to get there round 8 so we get good seats.- Amanda" Liv looked at her phone as it went off. 'Hmm should she meet Amanda at her house? The bar was closer to her house. Maybe they could walk there, that way if they both wanted to drink neither of them would have to leave their vehicle at the bar. Liv text back once again. Hoping the guys werent getting suspicious of the texting back and forth. She knew Amanda could be extremely secretive so she wasnt worried bout that getting out. "How bout I meet you at your place. We can walk to the bar and we can walk back. If need be we can take a cab? How does 700 sound? Gives us time to get walk there without being in a rush.-Liv" Amanda smiled, texting Liv a final time. "That all sounds good to me. I'll see ya then. Gonna get this mountain of paperwork done. -Amanda Amanda continued to work on the paperwork. She got the pile down quite a bit before her shift ended. When it was five she jumped up and closed closed her laptop and proceeded to head out. Carisi looked at her, "Damn Rollins got somewhere to be?" Amanda laughed "Im just fried Carisi." Fin then took his turn to bust Rollins chops. "Hey Rollins you seem like someone shot a firecracker up your ass you're so hot to get out of here." Amanda laughed again. "I have been doing paperwork on this case for a week. I'm happy its done and I can get the hell out of here. Night boys. See ya tomorrow." She then made her way out of the precinct. Thinking to herself 'shit, fuck, now what am I gonna wear?'

She got home and took a shower. Trying to decide what to wear. She wanted to look sexy but comfy at the same time. She wouldnt mind the attention of the strippers but at the same time she was only seeking attention from a specific brunette. Oh how she was crushing, especially since they had both pleased each other just a week ago. Shit she still blushed when she looked at her kitchen counter. They way Liv took her and pretty much ravished her. She settled on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, her black heeled boots and a white spaghetti strap tank top. She decided to let her hair curl after getting out of the shower. She thought she looked nice, hopefully appealing to a certain someone.

Liv took a shower herself. She got out a lil later, so she was pressed for time. She quickly showered, washed her hair and got out. She didnt want to be late to pick up Amanda. She herself settled on a pair of black slacks and a green dress shirt, she chose her black open toed heels to top it off. She let her hair go natural and straight. She thought she looked nice, for a night out with a friend and some drinks. What she wanted though really, was another night with Rollins. She hadnt been able to stop thinking bout that night, she couldnt get the feel of Amanda's skin under her fingers, the taste of her lips, both top and bottom lips. The woman tasted incredible.

Liv picked up Amanda at 7pm on the dot. Holy shit when she saw her. This damn blonde was gonna be the death of her this evening. "Well damn Amanda. One would think you have a hot date rather than a 'girls night out'." Amanda smiled and blushed. "Nahh Liv, I just wanted to look nice tonight." Feeling self-conscious she looked down "I uh, I can go change." Liv looked at her. 'Dammit why was she looking down? She hadnt offended her had she? Shit fuck, what the hell did she do?' She touched Amanda's hand "Hey you look fine Amanda. I didnt mean for you to second guess yourself. Come on hun, lets go enjoy our 'girls night out'."

They got to the bar, grabbed their drinks and their seats. Amanda was right it got packed and quick. Amanda was happy that Liv had decided to come out and have some fun. She looked at Liv. "I'm glad you decided to come out and have a good time. I honestly wasnt sure if you would considering we've never hung out alone." Liv pat Amanda's hand "Why wouldnt I? I've had fun with the guys and us girls do deserve a night out." Amanda smiled. As they were sitting there in conversation the show was going to get ready to start soon. Amanda hoped like hell they picked her again. They seemed to pick her and have some fun. She needed it. Right now she was tense and nervous. Hoping the alcohol would subside it for now. The show started promptly at 930. Amanda was hilarious when they came out. Liv just watched her. The guys came out dancing doing their routine. They were hot as hell. In the second act, they decided to grab Amanda and pull her up into their routine. Made Liv a bit jealous in the way they were touching her. They were touching her so sexually and so intimate. Amanda seemed to be unfazed, just going along with it. She was having fun. The jealousy twinges that Liv as feeling were just getting stronger and more intense the more the men caressed Amanda's body. 'Fucking hell, thats my body to caress. Not theirs. Oh shit had she actually thought that? She was in more trouble than she thought.' She was actually developing a crush on the petite blonde. After a lil while longer Liv had, had enough. She went up and grabbed Amanda's hand, pulling her to follow her. "Come on Amanda. We are leaving."

After they got outside finally Amanda pulled her arm back, scowling and clearly pissed "What the fuck Liv? Huh? What the fuck was that all about? I was having a good time. You're the one who pulled me out. I thought you wanted to see the strippers." Liv looked at her, scaling her from top to bottom. Manda's nipples were hard, her eyes dilated, a mix between being turned on and the booze. She bet if she reached between her legs that Amanda was wet too. "Amanda, come on that was getting quite um how do I say explicit up there." Amanda closed her eyes, she was annoyed as all hell. "Uh Liv, it's supposed to. For fucks sake it's strippers. It's not meant to be fuckin tame. Lighten the hell up." Liv grabbed her arm again. "So it's okay to behave like that just cause it's a damn show? Come on Amanda, seriously." Amanda was getting really aggravated, not to mention she was a bit turned on from the playful teasing of the strippers. Amanda snarled, "If you're so uncomfortable then go home. I should have known a prude like you wouldnt have any fun." Liv was now getting angry. 'so she thinks I'm a prude huh? I'll show her.' Liv grabbed Amanda's arms, forcing her backwards against the wall, kissing her so hotly that it left both of them breathless. Once Manda got her breath back she spat "Yeah real nice, you kiss me with all that passion and you leave me at the door having to fend for myself. Thanks Liv, much appreciated." Oh Amanda wasnt getting it, not at all. Liv wanted her and she wanted her bad!

Amanda looked at Liv again. "Well shows over. I'm going home. Guess you gotta follow to get your car." Liv wondered 'jesus christ did I really piss her off this much by pulling her away from the strippers?' She walked on the side of Amanda, she kept watching her and how she walked. 'how she wanted to touch her tonight. hear her scream her name. damn Liv you got it bad' she thought. Didnt take them long to get back to Amanda's apartment. Was Liv gonna get angry sex? She kept getting the images of Amanda's breasts and her nipples hard when the men were play seducing her. She was so hot and she was just hot for this blonde. Amanda looked at her. "Well here we are. Thanks for a somewhat good evening." Liv grabbed her hand gently, looking into to those beautiful blue eyes which she finally got Amanda to make eye contact. Liv's voice somewhat husky "Amanda I didnt agree to plans tonight, to just leave you at your door." Amanda whirled on her. "You didnt huh? Well what if I dont want you to come in and stay? What if I want you to go home?" Liv looked at her, "Your words are telling me that, but your body is telling me the opposite." Amanda growled, "yeah well I'm attracted to you, what the fuck did you expect?" Liv kissed her hotly, when she broke the kiss she looked at Amanda "let me come in and lets see what it brings for us." Amanda took a deep breath "why, so you can fucking leave again. I'm tired of the damn games Liv. Either you want me or you dont. You cant play the jealousy games and expect me to be okay with that. I dont like that bullshit." Liv looked in her eyes, "Look can we take this inside. I really dont want the cops called cause we are raising our voices." Amanda shrugged. "Fine. When I ask you to leave, you do it and dont fight me understood?" Liv nodded. Thinking to herself 'oh I wont be leaving.'

Amanda opened her door and let Liv in. She closed locked it. Grabbed a beer from the fridge, figuring she was going to need to keep her buzz going. Liv followed closely behind. She was eyeing up Amanda's backside. Oh this woman was just hot damn. When Amanda laid on the futon Liv at first sat on the floor, turning to kiss Amanda. Since Amanda let her do that she decided to be brave and get on top of Amanda. Kissing her hotly moving from her lips to her ear, the soft spot behind her ear and nibbling just a bit to make Manda arch. She felt Amanda's hardened nipples push against her own breasts. She didnt know who moaned harder her or Amanda. She continued to kiss Amanda's spot behind her ear before kissing and nibbling down her neck, when she got near the collar bone she looked up at Amanda, the blondes blue eyes had now completely clouded over with lust. Before she continued she pushed herself up to where she was nestled right in between Amanda's hot thighs. "So uh, do you still want me to leave?"

Amanda was breathless, her body tingling, Liv was the only one who made her body like this. She sure as hell didnt want Liv to leave. "Mmm Liv, this feels nice." Liv nipped onto her lips. "Au contraire, you feel nice Manda. Let me rephrase that, you feel very nice." Liv took her hand and slowly dragged it up Amanda's thighs, moving to the inner thigh just to brush near Amanda's heat. Amanda gasped "Liv dont you start teasing me, thats not playing nice." Liv kissed her way down Amanda's neck, at the top of her cleavage. "Oh there will be no teasing. Only a promise to worship this body of yours, and I fully intend to follow through with that promise." She gently placed her hand up Amanda's shirt. Amanda's silky skin jumping lightly at the skin to skin touch. Liv running her hand up into Amanda's bra, gently tweaking her nipples, making them strain against the fabric. Amanda began to run her hands under Liv's shirt. Her fingers feeling the tan skin jump at the warm touch of her finger tips. Liv's moan drove Amanda crazy. So crazy infact her hands moved from Amanda's breasts down to her belt, trying to get the thing undone. She growled lightly as the belt was getting on her nerves. Amanda giggled. "here babe want me to help? you seem to be flustered." Amanda quickly undid her belt. She moaned. Liv kissed her hard nipping her lips. She let her hand dip into Amanda's pants, lightly caressing the soft hot skin. Amanda sat up. "Babe, I'm all for this but lets move to a more comfortable spot. My bed." Liv nodded, she was hot and bothered all right but this futon was not the most comfortable place to fuck this beautiful woman underneath her.

Amanda took Liv's hand and guided her to her bedroom. She was gonna play a lil more with Liv. Liv was making Amanda feel pretty but she herself still felt unbeautiful and unattractive. She made Liv sit on her bed. Since she didnt get to see the strip show she was going to improvise and give Liv bit of a strip tease. She put the song "Country Girl (Shake It For Me)" on her phone and started her lil tease. She could see Liv starting to foam at the mouth. Liv wanted this damn blonde and now she was gonna tease her even more. As the song stated "shake it for me" oh she did. Each shake she lost an article of clothing. At one point tossing her shirt at Liv to catch. As the song went on pants were gone too. The last part of the song she was going to get daring but she stopped. She looked at Liv, got embarrassed at her state of undress and ran into the bathroom. Liv was confused. 'why did she stop? did she do something wrong?' She got up, left her shirt un buttoned and went over to the bathroom, knocking on the door "Hey Manda, you okay?" Amanda didnt answer her. The silent tears coming down her cheeks, chastising herself for even attempting a strip tease. 'who the hell did she think she was, she wasnt pretty enough to do a damn strip tease. what a fucking joke.' Liv knocked again, lightly cracking the door and speaking gently "Amanda, whats wrong?" This time Liv could see the tears falling. She opened the door and stood inside. "Amanda what is wrong honey? Do you want me to leave? I'd rather not leave until we get you calmed down. Can you come out and talk to me?" Amanda brushed her tears back. "It's nothing Liv. I'm sorry for this, I'm sorry for tonight, sorry for it all." Liv kneeled down to put her hand on the upset blonde. "Sweetheart, what are you apologizing for? You did nothing wrong." Amanda stood up and hugged Liv. "I'm gonna put some clothes back on." Liv hugged her back. She felt she may have done something wrong, she gently touched Manda's chin to get her to look at her. "Sweetie please be honest, did I do something wrong. You were so sure of yourself and we were having fun. Now you're upset and I wanna know why."

Amanda still remained quiet, but she did take Liv's hand and walked out the bathroom back into her room. She had pulled a robe on. Liv gently sat Manda on the bed. "Please talk to me sweetie." Finally Amanda rolled her eyes back to keep fresh tears from falling. "I had no business trying that strip tease shit Liv. None what so ever. I should have never attempted that." Liv cocked her head and looked at Amanda, holding her hand "Why not Amanda? Why shouldnt you have? I was enjoying it. Was a whole new side to Amanda Rollins that only I Liv got to see." Amanda looked at Liv, "because Liv I am unbeautiful. Noone wants to see me parade around naked. Why the hell would they want to? All thats ever been done is fuck and leave." She stood up and paced around her room. She didnt like being vulnerable. Why was she getting like this, why did she care she thought to herself. It was just supposed to be a fuck and that was it. She wasnt one who wanted to be viewed as desireable. Liv thought to herself, 'maybe tonight isnt the best night to be intimate. It didnt seem to be what Amanda needed. She may have wanted it but there was something more that was needed. The more that was needed. She needed to be appreciated not just taken. "Amanda what would like me to do? Do you just want me to stay and hold you? Do you want me to go?" Amanda looked at her. "I have one request. Instead of just having it as a fuck and leave." Liv wrapped her arms around her. "Whats your request sweetheart?"

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