Golden Dawn

Galing kay Estoria34

931 113 7

Two worlds collide in one epic tale. Artemisia had lived in isolation for almost her entire life, but when sh... Higit pa

~ Introduction ~
|Chapter 1 ~ The World I Once Called Home|
|Chapter 2 ~ A Proposal|
|Chapter 3 ~ The Search For A Disk|
|Chapter 4 ~ A Love For Knowledge|
|Chapter 5 ~ Dark History|
|Chapter 6 ~ A Race To The Unknown|
|Chapter 7 ~ Wings|
|Chapter 8 ~ An Altered Reflection In Glass|
|Chapter 9 ~ Flight To A New Fate|
|Chapter 10 ~ Osseus|
|Chapter 11 ~ Christa|
|Chapter 12 ~ Companions|
|Chapter 13 ~ The Creature|
|Chapter 14 ~ The Edict Of A Realm|
|Chapter 15 ~ Beginning of Change|
|Chapter 16 ~ Trap|
|Chapter 17 ~ Angelus Duncan|
|Chapter 19 ~ The Dream|
|Chapter 20 ~ Ambassador|
|Chapter 21 ~ The Sphere Of Statera|
|Chapter 22 ~ A Last Parting Gift|
|Chapter 23 ~ Fight Or Flight|
|Chapter 24 ~ The Glade|
|Chapter 25 ~ Blazing Inferno|
|Chapter 26 ~ Unexpected Party Member|
|Chapter 27 ~ Open Plains|
|Chapter 28 ~ Taming A Tempest|
|Chapter 29 ~ Thrilling Intoxication|
|Chapter 30 ~ Brief Kindness|
|Chapter 31 ~ Accusations|
|Chapter 32 ~ Furious Retribution|
|Chapter 33 ~ Luminous Artillery|
|Chapter 34 ~ The Ertheon|
|Chapter 35 ~ Cloudburst|
|Chapter 36 ~ The Last Attempt|
|Chapter 37 ~ Statera|
|Chapter 38 ~ Prince Of Night|
|Chapter 39 ~ Golden Dawn|
~ Author's Note ~

|Chapter 18 ~ Palace Of Lîxîlîa|

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Galing kay Estoria34

The Lesphares certainly underestimated the sheer beauty and excellent craftsmanship of their capital's prodigious palace that I now knew was called Lîxîlîa. The home of Angelus Duncan and one of the biggest metropolises in all of Nova Terra. Aliums weren't even allowed to look upon the capital much less set foot in its streets and I must have been the one exception, since I was to stay in the palace for as long as Angelus issued it.

It was utterly sacred to the Lesphares. Lîxîlîa.

When I exited the great hall, accompanied by the emerald eyed Lesphares from my earlier confrontation with Zack Unity, the scene around me unfolded like that of holographic portrait. Only it wasn't a screen, but real. The warm breeze on my skin and sweet smell of blossoms confirming it.

Each hallway looked out on the great capital sprawled out far beneath the palace, no matter what turn we made or in which direction we walked. The palace was built on an overhang far above the rest of the capital, giving its residents a stunning vantage point over the carpet of bright marbled houses interlaced with patches of fields - green and gold. Shimmering waterfalls fell down distant mountains and created a gleaming lake - like that of glass - adding to the glorious scenery.

The structure of the palace itself held the design of such foreign magnificence it left me breathless. The brown haired Lesphares led me through a maze of elegantly shaped archways, circled with pretty trailing plants that snaked all across the light marble. He did not show hostility nor kindness towards me. And I was grateful.

The halls built out of light stone appeared to glow in the sunlight. The very space awed me. There were no windows and the floor was once again a simple white colour. No sign of the beautiful milky way above nor the bizarre clouds that floated past my feet.

I was suddenly led down a hallway that turned sharply right. There weren't many Lepshares who passed us. I was relieved, since those who did certainly weren't pleased with my presence. The cold stares and livid glares thrown our way told me as much.

A graceful archway entered my vision. Green vines curled around the bright stone and flowers of rainbow colours blossomed around it, the beautiful hues almost glowing. My eyes widened as we walked through the arch and my mind felt lightheaded with excitement. The area we were now in, definitely paralleled that of a female bedroom.

Flowers and plants stretched across the rose walls as if they were held up by invisible strings. Pane-less windows overlooked a beautiful spring setting that made me gasp in astonishment. Outside, green trees overshadowed fields of flowers and other plants I couldn't manage to make out. Lakes sparkled in the afternoon sun like livid diamonds. Deer-like animals and other smaller creatures drank from the clear blue water, the sun's rays washing over the peaceful area with tuscany sunlight that lit the leaves and grasses in a yellow glow. Golden curtains swung lazily in the breeze. The floor of the bedroom was littered with rose petals and other flowers. A bed of watermelon pink satin stood in the one corner. Fluffy white pillows neatly placed at the headrest of the beautiful furniture.

I was completely stunned. The room was obviously built for a female of high class and entrancing. Much different from my room back in the underground city - I realized with a start.

The Lesphares' deep voice sounded too rough in the delicate room as he spoke. "I will leave you be Alium. When it is time for dinner, I will escort you once again." And with that, he was gone.

I was alone again. Alone in the gorgeous room that seemed solely for me, a mere prisoner.

I stumbled to the bed through all the soft rose petals on the floor and collapsed on the blankets. The linen immediately relaxed my sore muscles. Out the corner of my eye another archway I somehow didn't notice before, caught my attention. I stood up from the comfortable smooth feather plushes and walked through the archway to find myself in yet another area. It was definitely for bathing and a large bath - already filled with clear water - looked out over the spring forest outside. The room was completely open to the outside and there were no curtains. I felt more relaxed than ever as I stripped down my dirty clothing and climbed into the comfortable water. I sighed happily. I could finally rest.

At some point I noticed a giant fish-like creature with a flaming tail jump out of the lake. The animal shot out of the water gracefully, its long silver body twisting in utter precision. A sweet breeze blew through my now dry hair and I smiled at the feeling of peace that spread through my entire body, warming me from the inside. I was dressed in a long white attire, fabric very soft equal to that of satin. The garment was already laid out on the bed when I came back from bathing and seemed slightly unpractical for my taste. I was however not going to disgrace Angelus' hospitality by starting an argument merely regarding my clothing preferences and accepted the dress wholeheartedly.

"It is time."

I yelped. The Lesphares from earlier stood in the archway, inspecting me with a cold stare. The male scanned my robes, probably contemplating if I was dressed well enough for the occasion, causing absolute dread to swirl in my stomach.

"I see you look more presentable. You will be dining with Angelus Duncan and lady Gandîla tonight so your best behaviour is expected."

I swallowed down the bile in my throat. I didn't know what to expect at all. Especially when someone as powerful as Angelus Duncan was involved. Nevertheless, Imdid the only sensible thing I could and followed the Lesphares out of the beautiful sleeping chambers. We walked straight towards the unknown, leaving behind the sweet smell of rose petals and flowers.

The dining area was a majestic room that looked out over a completely different setting to that which was showcased in my room. This time, rocky mountains encircled dark green forests that reached the ends of an already darkening horizon. A waterfall made a distant rushing sound as it snaked through the elevations and down the steep hill. It was late evening and the sun was slowly making its decent past the great mountain range, leaving behind the fading colours of day. The otherworldly shapes of twin moons started reappear in the far distance, reminding me once again how different Nova Terra was in comparison to what I was used to. That I was in an entire new world.

I willed my eyes away from the gorgeous scenery and inspected the dining area more closely. A long table made out of light wood stretched across the room. The floor was made out of stone, the material cold beneath my naked feet. The space had a different feel to that of my sleeping chamber filled with spring. Instead of bright colours, this room reminded me much more of summer - everything decorated in deep browns and greens. 

At the far edge of the table sat Angelus Duncan, looking up from whatever he was previously doing. He met my gaze from across the room as I walked in and I knew I would never truly recover from the power his single crimson stare held. A look that delved right into me, straight through my very being.

My eyes then widened in surprise. On the Lepshares' right sat a stunning woman with long black hair that hung down her back like a river. She wore a simple sapphire dress that reached her ankles. Long white sleeves draped over her elegant arms. Her hands were folded in her lap. Jewels and other precious stones decorated her fragile neck and arms. She had an elegant face with high cheekbones and marble skin that seemed almost white in the evening light.

I froze as my eyes stared right into her own unmistakable yellow ones and instantly recognized the dazzling goddess. The woman was - unconditionally and unbelievably enough - Gandila.

"Take a seat Artemisia." Angelus said, his voice deep. I couldn't take my eyes off Gandila as I sat down on the left side of Angelus. Shivers ran down my spine at how close I was to the powerful Lesphares. My skin tingled as small electric currents sparked through my veins. I immediately realized it would always be my reaction when confronted with Angelus' potent aura.

Gandila beamed, the smile illuminating her features in such a beautiful glow, I wasn't able to look away.

"G-Gandila?" I finally managed to choke out, the woman dipping her elegant chin as means of response.

"But... how ?!" I exclaimed in pure shock. Gandila looked at me calmly, her yellow eyes feline in the light, even though the rest of her appearance seemed very humanoid.

"In this place, I am  everything, I can be anything." She explained, her voice graceful like the waterfall outside the hall. Gandila must have seen the confusion on my face and continued her explanation. "I am able to transform into any being while alive on this planet. My most common shift is the feline creature you are accustomed to." She then motioned to herself, her hand delicate.

"Tonight however I decided to transform into something more practical. A being you can much easier relate to."

Our conversation was interrupted by food that suddenly materialized on the long dining table in front of us. One moment our table was empty and the next, it was laid out with delicious food that made my mouth water. All kinds of fruit were neatly stacked in colourful ceramic bowls. Steaming pieces of rich meat and pork filled the air with a mouth-watering aura.

Angelus stood up from his seat abruptly, the sudden movement startling me. His red eyes were clouded with a sudden urgency, almost deep crimson as he looked down at Gandila. "I am needed elsewhere. Gandila, I leave this in your hands." He said, his gaze then flitting to me.

"Only what we discussed." He growled, the sound making my blood froze. The Lepshares exited the room in a flurry of darkness, his red cape trailing behind him like a flag of valiant royalty and death.

We were quiet for a long time after Angelus left. I was too busy gulping down the delicious food to look at Gandila, savouring every bite of dinner like it was my last. When I finally finished my second plate of food, I glanced at the onyx haired woman. Yellow eyes held my own with an amused expression.

"Satisfied?" She asked, her lips tugging slightly upwards. I only shrugged, but was touched by her seemingly imminent patience. Gandila took a deep breath, knitting her perfect fingers together, suddenly more tensed than moments ago. "I am sure you have a lot of questions." She started.

I nodded, the heavenly food momentarily forgotten.

"First off, it is very important you are finally made aware of what Albert's mission truly was." Gandila said and I blinked. The memories of the elder suddenly came crashing back into me. The mission he was tasked with, but never got to finish was amongst the many others that filled my mind. The room felt a lot darker when I looked at Gandila again.

"In what... danger is this planet really? The Lesphares are the strongest creatures I've ever seen so what could possibly pose a threat to them?" I stumbled and Gandila held my gaze with her own grim one, her yellow eyes clouded. Then she spoke the words that sent my reality spiralling completely out of control.

"A war will soon take place, Artemisia. A war not yet heard of, safe for the most ancient of prophecies. Many - that are already lost in the flow of time."

My fists tightened underneath the table and when I could finally manage to speak, my skin had turned cold in the room filled with summer. "How can you be sure of this Gandila? You know you cannot just make such absurd statements without being damn sure they are correct!" I exclaimed.

I was starting to loose my nerve. The mere mention of war already coated my tongue with fear.

"I am able to... see things Artemisia. Occurrences yet to pass." She said, her face a canvas of calm, but blue eyes hating the conversation just as much as I did. 


Gandila kept her expression neutral while mine changed into one of perplexity. "It is how it has always been. From the very first time I met Albert... and the first time I saw you."

I could only keep staring at her, the pain in my heart only managing to increase with every mention of my old life. "I always knew what this realm's future would hold, even if it was only revealed to me in small snippets at a time."

I was silent for a while, my mind racing. Whatever Gandila was or may actually be able to do, unnerved me. However out of hand this conversation was getting, a much more important question made its way into my mind.

"Who wants to attack this place Gandila?" I whispered, the room feeling small all of a sudden. "They must surely be out of their mind if they think they stand a chance to win against... them."

The word came out muffled, images of Angelus Duncan and the inhabitants of the planet crowding my mind. The powerful otherworldly creatures armed with weapons and blades that could cut through human flesh like silk. There was no way anything else would be able to best them.

Gandila however, still did not seem on par with me.

The dark haired woman waited for me to answer my own question, I realized with a start after a long silence. I bit my lip and my mind began to work.

Someone wanted to attack Nova Terra. Someone who was willing to risk everything, including the prospect of waging war against an entire planet for what was longed for. Or perhaps, simply for the sake of mass destruction.

The thoughts raced through my mind. No. Not annihilation but perhaps for the small opportunity of control it would give the enemy over the planet. To take leadership of a planet meant one would have endless accessibility to -

- To its resources. To its rivers and mountains and fields and skies.

A combatant on the battlefield that was beyond desperate. Who had nothing to lose.

Oh my god.

The realization hit me like a tsunami would a city. Sweat drenched my brow and the room began to drastically close in on me. The walls were suddenly too large and too thick. I felt trapped between their thick barriers. I couldn't believe it. Wouldn't  believe it.

"There is no way..." I mumbled, my eyes wide as I stared at my empty plate. Gandila only nodded, her face full of apprehension when she looked at me. Her gaze so somber a deep unease started to bloom in my chest. It worked its way up my bones and through my limbs. Clamped its nails into my skull and took hold of my consciousness.

I finally knew what Albert risked his entire being to avoid - what he fought for until the end which resulted in his very own death, and the realization made my entire universe shatter.

"The humans are planning to wage war against Nova Terra." Gandila announced, her words that of a prophecy.

One that announced death and carnage.

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