Dear Sunshine,

By lemonsunflower

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~on indefinite hiatus~ Zoe Madison Lund is now a university student, who just got through a breakup with seem... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 2

374 24 0
By lemonsunflower

-2 Months later-

I pack a few snacks in my bag for tomorrow's midterm tests. It was senior year of university, and there's no way in hell I was going to blow it and miss credits.

I walk to the shared fridge in my apartment and my eyes roam around looking for my yellow Gatorade.

I frown in disappointment when it's no where to be seen. Shelby or Fireball must've taken it.

Me: did one of you guys take my Gatorade?

Fireball: the yellow one?

Me: per usual...

Fireball: yeah ❤️

I sigh, too tired to scold Fireball. It would be useless anyways.

Shelby: you fucking serious Fireball? Stop stealing food

Fireball: watch me bitch

Shelby: stealers go to hell

Fireball: and so do all lgbt+ members. Might as well go down being a legend with all the sinning I'm doing on a daily

Me: I'm gonna write stealers go to hell on my food from now on. Thanks for the idea shelbs

Shelby: you're absolutely welcome

Me: meanwhile, I will be changing Fireballs contact in my phone to Gatorade Whore

Gatorade Whore: bitch the fuck? Seriously?

Me: yeah ❤️

Me: *screenshot sent* Look!

Shelby: hey, look Fireball, you're named after another drink!

Gatorade Whore: oh my god go fuck yourselves

Me: you took my Gatorade :( You got what you deserve

Shelby: Wasn't that for your testing center snack or whatever?

Me: yeah, but it's fine. I'll just go out and get a few more Anyways.

Gatorade Whore: oh shit I didn't know it was for testing! Sorry

Me: mmhm, now you apologize

Shelby: just go get more and I'll Venmo you

Gatorade Whore: why are you paying?

Shelby: I'm not. You are.


Shelby: yeah ❤️

Gatorade Whore: I'm suing

I crack a smile at a Venmo notification popping up at the top of my phone screen, saying I got $5.00.

Me: thanks fireball!


I silence my phone, letting the twins argue over the group-chat we all have together.

I put on decent clothes, not preferring to go out in sweats. And by decent clothes I mean I just exchanged a pair of jeans for my sweat pants. The hoodie and messy hair were still staying.

I walk out of my apartment, making sure to lock the door behind me as I left.

The store was merely a block away from where I live, and it was a small convenience store that just held a lot of snacks and pre packaged food that no one found edible.

The cold December air nipped at my exposed skin, my ears and nose mainly, as I walked outside. I always hated the cold. I could never stand it. I don't even like my drinks with ice. Yet somehow I liked skating on ice. That never seemed to make sense to me or others, but here we are.

After a torturous 5 minute walk, I reach the store and immediately rush to grab my Gatorade. I don't care what anyone says, yellow is the best flavor. Fruit punch is too intense, blue is good, but not really my speed, and grape is well...grape is grape.

I grab an extra one just for my enjoyment for the night, and check out, using the money that fireball, aka Shelby, had sent over to me.

As I'm walking home, I open up the bottle, gulping down a sip that was satisfying, even if it was a little too cold for my liking.

But my pleasure did not last for long, as someone rammed into me, spilling the drink all over my hoodie, causing the bottle to fall out of my hands.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I practically scream, my eyes watching in pure horror at the loss of yet another yellow Gatorade. My poor, precious yellow Gatorade.

RIP to Zoe's second Gatorade of the night. I thought to myself sadly

"I'm very sorry." An oddly familiar voice apologizes, and I look up and glare at the man.

He was wearing a black zip up, hood pulled over his head, dark tinted sunglasses on and covering his eyes even though it was 10:30pm.

What the hell? Is he just blind or something?

I assume not since I don't see a walking stick.

"Watch where you're going." I snap, clearly not in a good mood. Man, midterm stress was really getting to me.

"I was. But you weren't." He tells me, and I suddenly felt the urge to roundhouse him in the face.

"I wasn't? Well maybe if you didn't wear sunglasses at," I check my phone time to show him exactly how late it was. "10:31, you could see a little better."

He goes silent, not knowing what to say.

Ha, serves him right.

I bend down, picking up the spilled bottle, and walk to a nearby trash can, throwing it away.

I look down at my hoodie again, and it was starting to make me even colder.

That's when I realize it's a lacrosse hoodie. Boston's hoodie.

I close my eyes and scold myself for wearing this, and even getting it messy. I know, I know, I should have thrown out his things, or burnt them, or sent them back to his apartment in a box full of glitter, but I still needed time to fully detach myself from a long term relationship. Plus wearing his hoodies were an instinctual habit at this point in time.

"Shit, you're shivering. If you don't mind coming with me, I can get you a spare change of clothing." The man offers, somewhat kindly.

I narrow my eyes, debating on whether or not he's some sort of kidnapper or stalker. The black hoodie and sunglasses didn't exactly help my reasonable consciousness.

"I live just five minutes away. I'll just go back to my place." I tell him, trying to dismiss him and shoo him away.

"Let me at least make sure you get home alright. If that's okay."

"No. You already have done enough shit tonight, and the last thing I need you to do is follow me back to my place like a creep." I roll my eyes, and he shrugs.

He opens his mouth, about to respond, but stops when he sees something in the distance.

I turn around and look, and there's another man with a camera. Why are there men with cameras? Am I just missing something here?

"Shit. Quickly, come with me." He grabs my hand, and I'm too stunned to protest.

"Excuse me, but what the fuck?" I struggle to keep up with him running.

I, clearly, got into university because of my mind, and not because of my athletic abilities.

He pulls me into an alley, and I'm starting to get really creeped out by this guy. The outfit, him asking to follow me home, a man with a camera, and now an alleyway?

"Please, can I go back to your place with you to make sure you're alright?" He asks again, but with a different tone of voice.

And for some wild reason, I decided I could barely trust it. I don't know why this feeling overcame me, but this man was asking for my help and he seemed genuine, and not like a creep like the internet warned women about to stay away from.

"Fine. But you better not murder me, because I have friends that are smarter than FBI agents." I threaten, and he just nods.

Once the man with the camera goes away, I lead him back to my place, and he looks around like a crazy man being constantly followed. Perhaps it has something to do with the people with cameras. They're like paparazzi or something.

He walks silently by my side, but still stays very clear of his surroundings. He was feigning some sort of confidence, but by the fact that he kept adjusting his attire showed me that he was weary of something.

He relaxes once we're in my apartment complex, and in my dorm. His head moves around my apartment curiously, and I set down my Gatorade on the counter. There were some things on the counter that were the twins belongings, but I don't care as usual.

I quickly take off my hoodie once we were inside, all wet and sticky and cold.

"Wait here." I tell him dismissively, putting the hoodie in the washing machine.

I go to my room and put on a lightweight grey sweater before walking back out to the guy.

"See? I'm fine. How about you?" I ask him, not looking up from adjusting the sweater sleeves slightly.

"Uh, yes but no."

I look up at him in confusion at the vague answer, but suddenly it all made sense.

I'm pretty sure I was the blind one now with how much my eyes were deceiving me, but I'm pretty sure that the Forest Pierce was standing in my apartment entryway.

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