skeppy goes feral

By alexwasnttaken

21 1 0

was suposed to be a pointless story but turned into a fr one oops 😳 there do be murder in this doe so just a... More

uh oh (spaghettio)

21 1 0
By alexwasnttaken

so. today's the day! the trio decided they would all live together, make videos all together, do everything together! it's gonna be amazing! bad and skeppy had already met up a few days earlier, but now a6d is finally here! they start to head out to go pick a6d up, but skeppy wants to stay behind. bad is a little confused, but he just nods and goes by himself.

skeppy pov

i ask bad if i can stay at the house while he picks up a6d. he looked a bit skeptical but he agreed. i'm surprised he hasn't noticed anything different yet, but.. i'm not complaining. it's good. ugh. my thoughts have been.. darker lately. i know they're so wrong but they just feel so right? i.. i don't really know. i rethink what i've been planning. am  i really going to do this..? am i really going to try to kill my own two best friends..? i don't know. i shake off my thoughts and go watch a movie.

i'm halfway through my movie before i realize, bad's been gone for a while. the airport's not even that far. maybe they went to go eat? man, now i wish i would've gone. eh. this gave me time to think about what the fuck i'm gonna do.. i smack the movie's case on my head to try and get those thoughts out again. i hear the doorknob turn and i throw the case down in surprise. 

no pov

a6d and bad come inside, talking and laughing. skeppy turns and stares at them. he lets out a small growl. why? only skeppy knows. but this isn't his pov. ANYWAYS. a6d gives skeppy a little wave. "'sup?" skeppy sighs, and tries to act normal. but it's very suspicious. "hi." he whispers to himself, "shit-". skeppy doesn't usually say "hi." it's usually memes with him. a6d notices this, "you good dude?? you don't usually just say hi, you're usually memey. and i just realized i said exactly what the narration above said. well fuck."

"oh! nonono i'm alright. just, thinking?" a6d looks at him with worry, but shrugs it off. he then pulls out a baguette. bad and skeppy both look at him. "always gotta have a baguette, huh a6d?" bad jokingly asks. "i mean, the creator of this wants to be funny. of course i'm gonna have a baguette. god bad, don't you want this story to be funny?" a6d then realizes he DESTROYED the fourth wall. oops.

well anyways, skeppy continues to watch his movie, and a6d and bad continue their convo while a6d gets settled. there's a bit of commotion going on in the room upstairs. there's some crashing, dropping things, yelling, swearing, you name it. skeppy laughs a little, and shuts off the tv. he goes upstairs to help them. while skeppy helps, he's staring angrily at a6d the whole time. a6d gets very ✨uncomfy✨. bad's off doing his own thing, tidying up. meanwhile, skeppy and a6d were in a very uncomfortable staring contest trying to put a6d's monitor's up.

a6d goes up to bad, leaving skeppy to put up the monitors himself. he's still watching. a6d whispers something to bad, but skeppy quickly distracts by playing bad quacking from his phone. bad gets angy at skeppy, "geppy! you still have my quack?!! whyy??!" skeppy smirks a bit and goes back to the monitors. "a6d, what were you saying?" skeppy just decides not to bring any more suspicion and lets them talk.

time skip a lil cuz im lazyyy

 now they're all on the couch, watching some horror movies. a6d's settled in his new room, and everyone's having a great time. except bad. he's s c a r e d. a murder scene comes up. bad's screaming, a6d covers his eyes, and.. skeppy.. he laughs. a6d takes his hands off his eyes, and stares wide-eyed at skeppy. "what the FUCK, dude??" bad's basically crying of fear at this point, he barely makes out a "l-language.."

skeppy realized what he did, and he quickly tries to play it off. "hm? OH. i-i was thinking of something funny to distract me from the movie and i laughed at the wrong time." a6d looks very concerned. "uh-huh.." he then pats bad on the head, "it's okay, bro.." skeppy sighs in relief, then gets up. "i'm.. going to bed. um, night guys." he runs up to his room. a6d watches him go in, "he's sure been weird today, huh bad?" bad's still recovering from the movie. "y-yeah.." a6d turns the movie to a more bad-friendly one. "here, i'll stay out here with you. those movies were pretty yikes, haha.." "okay.."

time skipping to the next day because they do be sleepin doe

skeppy pov

i'm the first one awake. god, last night was so bad. i think they're getting suspicious. too suspicious.. should i do it now? i don't wanna get caught, though. ugh, i don't know. i'll just make them breakfast so i won't look too off to them. i sit up, checking my phone. 14 percent, forgot to charge it. i'm such an idot. i leave my phone to charge, and walk downstairs to the kitchen.

i start to make some food for all of us. then, i get an idea. what if i poison their food..? they won't know.. will they? well, a6d might. he's the smartest out of all us. but.. maybe bad. yeah.. i rummage around the cabinets under the sink to find SOMETHING that's at least somewhat poisonous and i hide a lot in bad's food. i finish making all 3 plates and wait for the others to wake up. i start spamming a groupchat we have.

skep- hi
skep- hi
skep- hi
skep- hi
skep- hi
skep- hi
skep- hi
skep- hi
skep- hi

bbh-i'm up. <.< what.?

a6d- wtf u want

skep-  i madje f.ood
skep- comhe downm

bbh- let me wake up first <-<

a6d- yeah your stupid spams interrupted my dream :/

skep- bruhj 

now i wait. it feels like AGES while i wait for them to come down. i already woke them up, how long does it take to walk downstairs?? i finally hear them come down, and i wave. "hiii, baldy. baguette man." bad frowns, "i'm. not. bald." a6d laughs a bit and sits. bad does the same.

 i give a6d his food, then bad, then i sit. this is gonna be fun.. we all start to eat, "oo! geppy! this is great!!" bad compliments. i smile at him, "thank you baldboy." he facepalms, and continues to eat. a6d's pretty quiet today. probably because i ruined his precious slumber.

i try to spark a conversation. "so.. what's up?" i try to act as normal as possible. a6d shrugs. bad looks a bit angry, "geppy, you scared me last night! you know i hate those movies!" i laugh at him. "i'm soryyy.." i lightly bonk him on the head. bad makes a little "hmph." and finishes his food. a6d also finishes, and gets up. he looks at me, then takes his plate to the sink. bad follows. i'm left at the table. a6d goes to his room, and bad sits down on the couch. he turns on some annoying show he loves.

i hear some shuffling in a6d's room, then he pops back downstairs. "i'm gonna go get some snacks and stuff for my room. i feel like streaming tonight!" i wave at a6d as he leaves. bad also waves, then yells, "get me some ice cream pwease!!" a6d gives him a quick little thumbs up and heads out. i sit down next to bad. "so bad, wanna play some minecraft?" bad jumps up, "yeah!!" we both walk upstairs to get our laptops. we then head to the couch. we decide to play on laptops because i had insisted it would be easier to talk that way.

we play for a few minutes and bad just stops. "ughh.. geppy, i don't feel very great." i think to myself, 'it's working. finally.' "bad?? what's wrong?" "i feel sick, i don't know whyy.. i feel like i'm gonna.." bad starts rushing to the bathroom but he collapses. "ughh.. skepp..y.. help.." he goes quiet, i start laughing at him. laying there.. one of my longest best friends, now just lifeless in our new house. oh well. my plan is working.

then, i realize.. where do i put him now?? a6d's gonna FREAK if he sees this. i decide to go for the usual bury. i start dragging bad outside, hoping a6d won't be out there. i kick open the door, he's not there. i sigh in relief, and continue to take bad to our backyard. i take a shovel from our shed and.. well.. do what i had to.

lil bit later

no pov

skeppy had put bad's laptop back in his room, and started to chill on the couch. a6d finally gets home. skeppy put his hand up to wave. "'sup." "where's.. bad..?" skeppy freezes. he's had all this time to think and prepare. but he didn't think of an excuse. "skeppy. where. the fuck. is. bad?" 

"a-ah.. he went out for a walk, wanted to get out for a while." skeppy hopes he believes it. a6d just walks to the kitchen to put away the ice cream he got for bad. (sadly, he's not getting it.) a6d grabs the rest of the food and starts heading upstairs. "well, skeppy, i'm gonna be setting up for my stream. don't bother me. got it?" skeppy nods, and continues to watch tv. now he's gotta think of how to get rid of a6d. he can't just kill him on stream. he'll be too smart for poison. gun's too loud, and they don't have one.. 

skeppy's only choice left was.. stabbing. sure, it was a pretty go-to way to get rid of someone, and it was pretty messy.. but it was his only choice. now, when to do it? hmm.. doing it in his sleep would be nice and quiet.. but, he wouldn't get much of a reaction. he could do it while he's streaming.. but he's have to shut it off before.. you know.. yeah. that's skeppy's plan. turn off the stream, stab him, and lie to his stream. this.. is gonna be fun.

skip to the beginning of a6d's stream

skeppy goes to a6d's door, putting his ear to it. he can hear him doing a little intro. perfect. all he's gotta do now is wait for the perfect time to strike. skeppy quietly runs downstairs to grab the sharpest knife they had in the kitchen. he laughs to himself as he goes into his own room for a second. he checks his phone, it's late. he sees all the notifs on his phone, they're all twitter notifs. most of them read, "where's bad? he was supposed to stream today!" "what happened to the stream?" "skeppy, you're living with him now, right? where's bad??" 

skeppy opens his phone, and starts typing.

"bad said bye bye hahja what an idot !! go wtach a6d strem *baguette emoji* *knife emoji* i'llh be their<3 i loveg u guyss"


skeppy walks over to a6d's room, hides the knife in his hoodie, and opens the door. a6d is eating a baguette. he turns to him, "oh. skeppy! say hi to my stream?" skeppy's hiding his face in his hood. he waves. a6d looks back at his computer, reading some chat messages:

cursedmuffin: skeppy tweeted ! im here cuz of him!! but he put a knife emoji next to a baguette? im confused

xxskepxx14: a6d what happened to bad? skeppy just said "he went bye bye" ??

a6d turned his gucci gamer chair to face skeppy. "yeah skeppy, you said he went for a walk. he never came back. where'd he go..?" he could barely see it, but a6d noticed skeppy smiling as he said that. "..skeppy?" a6d's stream chat went faster than ever. it was a mix of concern and memes. there was a lot of people spamming "14", but the concerned lot was telling a6d to get the FUCK outta there. skeppy starts to step closer to a6d, trying to get to his computer. a6d is starting to get scared at this point, "s-skep.. what're ya doin'? this is my stream, y-yknow..?"

the stream chat is SCREAMING at a6d to run. except for the memers. they're not very helpful. skeppy lets out a quiet laugh, covers the camera, and mutes the stream. there's a few tts donations reading out loud. skeppy grabs a6d's chair and tips it over, making a6d roll off of it. he pushes the chair out of the way, and pins a6d to the floor. "s-skeppy.. what's going on? FUCKING TELL ME." a6d tries to get on his feet put skeppy kneels on him, keeping a6d on the floor. skeppy pulls out the knife from his hoodie pocket.

"you really wanna know where bad went, hm baguette boy?" a6d's still struggling. skeppy grabs a6d by the neck and starts choking him. "well.." skeppy pulls off his hood, revealing his face. he lifts the knife above a6d. "I'LL TAKE YOU TO HIM." skeppy stabs a6d 14 (haha) times. he gets off a6d, letting him struggle for a last time. "s-skepp..y.. w..hy....?" skeppy laughs at a6d, somehow still alive. 

skeppy kneels down to look at a6d. a6d can barely lift his head, "i f-f..ucking,.. hat..e you..". it's all silent in the room, except for some tts donos still going. skeppy smiles at a6d's body, dragging him out of the stream frame. he takes the gamer chair and sits in it. he lifts the cover and unmutes. skeppy waves at the camera, there's blood all over his hoodie. the chat goes fast again, they're all worried. the chat's flooded with "what did you do?", "what happened?", and "where'd a6d go??" skeppy takes out the knife again and stabs it into the desk. "oh.. you know.. i did what i had to do.."

the chat's horrified. "well, bye you guys." he makes a heart at the camera and shuts off the stream. now to get rid of a6d. like earlier, he takes a6d out back, takes a shovel, yknow. he goes back inside and goes into the bathroom. he looks at himself in the mirror. he's shaking, his hands and hoodie covered in blood. 

"what the fuck did i just do...?"

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