When Love Happens

By InbaAchari

525 131 67

Sparkle Morris The most convicted bachelorette in India. People are waiting for her dates and she has so many... More

The Wedding Day
That Big Fat Ugly House
The Wedding Dress
The Wedding Dress (Continued)
The Unexpected Visitor
Walking Down The Aisle
One Kiss Is All It Takes
London Here I Come
Meet And Greet
I Brought You Roses
About The Gala Night
The Gala Night
I'll Tame Him.

The Wedding Plan

54 12 6
By InbaAchari

I couldn't sleep because of all the drama that happened yesterday. So I came to the office early. I sat with the wedding planner to make little changes here and there so that I can reduce the expenses. After all, it's my money.
I didn't realize it was afternoon until I saw Esha knocking at the door. When I looked at my watch it was already 12. Shit, I have a meeting now. Esha came inside and stood in front of my table. She had a concerned look on her face.
" Hey, are you okay?" She asked
I avoid looking at her because anyone will know that nothing is alright if they look at my face now.
" Yeah, I'm fine," I said looking at the plan. She can close and put her hand on my shoulder and said "Hey I maybe am not close to you as Chole is but I can know when you are sad. After all, I'm your employee even though you never treat me like that. So tell me what happened?" I don't want her to take tension or feel bad for me. She is a sweet person but I don't want pity or sympathy now. All I want is a good plan and less expense. So I smiled at her and said. " No Esha everything is fine. It's just I got a call yesterday and got an order which I can't avoid. So I'm a little stressed." She smiled at me and said, " You don't have to worry about it Sparkle you are the best you know that right?" I laughed at her and then she facepalmed and said " The client has arrived and I have told them to wait in the meeting room."
I stood up and said, " Yeah I know I'll take care of it."
I walked out of my room Esha followed behind me. I quickly shoot a text to Chole saying that I'm in a meeting with the new client.
Since she is at my home fully drunk and sleeping peacefully I didn't want to disturb her so I came to the office alone and let her rest.
I walked into the meeting room and put on a smile. As soon as the client saw me. They both stood up and greeted me. I shook their hands asked them to be seated. I also offered them drinks and they asked for coffee. So I called Esha to order coffee.
I asked them about their wedding plans first so that I can understand what they want and they talk about mine. They look so cute together. Their love was so nice. I mean don't get me wrong I have seen so many monkey couples. They don't even know what is love. They act as if they are so in love. But all they do is acting and it's so obvious that it's fake. I don't know about others but I'm smart enough to identify that.
While they were explaining their plan which was quite simple and cute, Chole walked in with Coffee and biscuits and she placed the tray in front of the couples. She came and sat next to me. She was glaring at me so I mouthed an "I'm sorry" to her. She immediately looked at the couple and smile. "This is Chole, my assistant." Both the couples smiled at her. After a while, I showed them multiple locations and various designs. It took hours for them to decide what they want because I give too many choices to my clients so that in the future they don't point at me and say my work is not satisfying. I'm very particular and dedicated to my work and I have never left my clients unsatisfied. Like ever.
After the meeting, the client left us with a little advance check.
As the client left. Chole turned to me almost pushing me down.
" What the hell were you thinking? leaving me alone to sleep all day Huh." She was fuming. But when she looked at me she looked sad.
I couldn't take it anymore and I started crying. Like ugly crying. She rushed towards me and hugged me. Neither of us said anything she let me cry and which felt like forever. After that, we went out to have lunch. I told Esha to cancel all the appointments for the rest of the day.
Chole took me to my favorite restaurant. I ordered Biriyani. When I'm sad, food is the only thing that makes me happy. She ordered light food. After our lunch, we came back to the office. I was waiting for the lift and Chole was parking her car. I saw the guy from the 9th floor. The same guy who had asked Chole out.
He approached me. God can't I be alone for a second. He came to me with a big smile and said " Hey, Sparkle right?."
My god isn't he so annoying. The whole building knows who I am and he is asking if my name is Sparkle. I avoided him and when he saw Chole coming back he quickly said " There is a new employee in my company who joined yesterday and wanted to talk to you. So I thought I could be a help."  I saw Chole approaching us and looked so mad.
I simply said " Help who? Coz your clearly not a help to me. And if you wanna help that guy you better stay away from him or else you will ruin that poor guy's reputation." As I finish saying that Chole was beside me beaming at my words. He looked shocked. Because I have never commented or talked back to anyone. I will always hear people gossiping about me every day but I don't care about it and I never will say anything to anyone because nobody is gonna care or listen to us and stop all the bullshit. Whatever we do. Good or bad people are still gonna talk. So the best option is to ignore them. But today I don't know maybe I was mad and I didn't know whom to show the anger I showed it to him. The lift opened and Chole stepped inside and I stepped in behind her. I turned around with my arms crossed across my chest he was still standing there. He smiled at me and said " Looks like you had a bad start to the day. Let in end in peace." I laughed at his comments as if he was mad and the door closed and the lift started moving.
Immediately Chole asked me " What did that douchebag want?"
"It's just him being himself wanted to set his friend up with me," I said with a shrug. Chole laughed.
As we reached our office I saw Esha phasing in front of the entrance. As I approached her she saw me and came running to me and said " I told her she can't go inside but still she went. I told her you were not her but still, she told me she will wait for you and .. and she is inside and .. and ..." She was trembling. " Hey relax Esha. Who is it?"I asked. " I don't know I asked her so many times but still she didn't answer me," she said.
As I started walking inside my office. I hear Chole consoling Esha that is okay and to relax and she didn't do anything wrong.
Now I'm standing in my office and saw someone sitting on the chair which was opposite to mine.
" Excuse me I'm sorry I'm not gonna take any appointments now you can leave," I said as politely as I can because I don't want them to be offended. Maybe later they can be a help. But when she turned to see me. I was almost pale. No scratch it I am pale. God can't the day get any better. She came to me and hugged me. Its so nice to see you again Sparkle. I'm so happy that you accepted to plan my wedding."
Of course its the great Anjali Sharma. And she would definitely be happy that I accepted to plan her stupid wedding. Every will be happy except me and Chole. Because it's my fucking money in which she is getting married. She looked back at Chole and smiled sweetly. I don't know but I just felt I was fake. Chole has her arms across her chest and was staring at this girl. I have to do something before Chole verbally attacks her.
" Chole this is Anjali and her wedding is in three days. She wants us to plan her wedding."
I said. Chole looked at me. She had the expression game on. She walked up to Anjali and hugged her so tightly. My god I'm internally laughing to death. Chole never does that to anyone. And this , even a dumb person can say she is being so fake because it's so obvious. " Oh Anjali its so nice meet you. I'm so happy that you gave your wedding contract to us. Oh my god I'm so happy." Chole said which only I know how much fake all those words were maybe even Anjali does but I don't care and I will never intrupt Chole for doing this. Anjali looked annoyed but still she hugged her back with a fake
smile and said " Hah pleasure is mine." Which also fake. Yeah bitch ofcourse the pleasure is yours.
I sat on my chair and Chole pulled up a chair and sat next to me and. Anjali sat opposite to us. She was so annoyed with Chole. But I don't care. This is the first time I'm gonna leave my policy behind. If she is my client I will not give her that satisfaction . No not happening.
I looked at her with my enthusiasm and said " Anjali this is my assistant Chole." She smiled at Chole.
My God everything about her is so fake. She looked at me and said "Do we need your assistant here I think she has different work to do." That nerve she has. Chole was about tell her off when I put my hands in her she stopped. I looked and Anjali and said I'm my angry tone. " She is not only my assistant , she my partner too and she is my best friend I will never take any decision with out her. If you don't want her to be here I'm sorry you can leave and never come back."
Chole had no expression on her face but I know how she felt happy. But Anjali looked hurt . I don't really care if she is hurt if you hurt my bestfriend. Bitch you are dead to me. Anjali sighed and spoke " I'm sorry I didn't know. I really want you to plan my wedding. And by the way I loved the changes you made in the plan."
"You went thought the plan?" Chole asked.
She shook her head and said " Yes I did I was waiting for you and it was boring so I went through it." She said as innocently as possible which just made me even more mad.
I composed my self before say "Look Anjali next time call me before coming here and don't come into my office ever again. You have to wait for me in the meeting room. Do you understand?". She shook her head like she was a 5 year old and I was lecturing her. Duh. I hate this but I have to put up with her.
I took the file and said " Lets talk in the meeting room." Chole was the first to walk out and I was next followed by Anjali. Before I could walk out Anjali pulled me aside and said " Look I'm sorry that I hurt you and your friends. I truly am but this is very important to me. From the day people started talking about my marriage I also dreamt about you planning it. I love your works and I would do anything for you to plan wedding."
For a minute I thought she was sincerely apologising but I remembered how she behaved to me and Chole during our college days. No sister I will never fall for this. " Oh really Anjali you would do anything?.." I asked confidentiality. I can see her brain tricks but then she said " Yes I'll do anything name it Sparkle I'll do anything". Trust me I'm a lil bit shocked for what she said because she never agrees on anyone. I said her " I don't need anything from you except patience and politeness." She looked so embarrassed. I left her and walked to the meeting room and  Chole was already setting up my laptop for work. I sat there and Chole sat next to me and in a minute Anjali came into the meeting room and sat opposite to us.
I took a deep breath and looked at her and smiled. " Leave the plan Anjali. Tell me how do you want your wedding to be done."
As soon as I sad that she looked sad.
I know Anjali from my college days. Me Chole and Anjali we were at the same college and same class. But she was friends with the school bullies and I never tolerate those people. They go around bulling people and that is the reason I never talk to her in college. But this became a rivalry when she bullied Chole for no reason and I had to step up and say few awful things to her which I regreted later. Because she is just another innocent who was used by the bullies to bullie others. She had a choice not to do that but she still bullied people just because she doesn't want to get bullied back. And when she accused Chole for having a crush on her boyfriend I went straight to her and said there is no wrong in have crush on someone. And Chole didn't even disturb him. And I even said that she was being a bitch and I also said that if she behaves like this she would remain a girlfriend material forever and no one would ever marry her. But here she is sitting in front of me make me plan her wedding. I starting to think she is doing all this for revenge or maybe to prove me that she can be a wife material and she is actually getting married. Even if she is here to prove that I'm least bother. Because all that matters to me now is my hard work and sweat of money is going to someone else's entertainment and not to me.
She looked at me with a sad face and said " It doesn't matter Sparky".
Yeah, she used to call me that. And I also forgot to say that Chole and Anjali were childhood friends.
As soon as she said that she apologized.
"It's okay Anjali. But why doesn't it matter? Don't you have a say in your wedding?" Chole said. I know Chole so well. She is trying to be understanding. Because even she could feel Anjali's sadness
When I looked back at Anjali she almost had tears in her eyes.
" No, I don't have A say in my wedding. Hell, I don't even have a say in whom I'm getting married to. That is why my wedding is in a Christian way and not in a Hindu. And I'm marrying and Christian guy." She said in a sad voice. I can feel her pain.
If you wanna know why I regretted what I told her during her college days because Anjali never gets anything on her way. She will always listen to her father and act accordingly. She was never happy about it. She had no choice in her life.  The school she went the college, everything in her life, from the food she eats to the dress she wears, everything will be decided by her parents. I used to feel bad for her. And apparently, that has continued till her marriage. She not marrying the guy she wants. Again it's her father's decision. Poor girl. And Chole doesn't know anything about it.
" Why would you marry a Christian guy?" Chole asked.
Anjali looked at me straight into my eyes and said " My father wanted me to." I can see the pain in her eyes. I looked away unable to see it. But then I remembered something " Don't you have a boyfriend?" I asked her.
She looked away breaking the eye contact and said in a low voice " we broke up." Oh, I know her father would have told her to do it. That man is a sadist.
"Why are you marrying a Christian guy?" Chole asked. She looked at Chole and said " You see my dad will get tons of money if I marry this guy. So. And I don't even know his name." I and Chole both were shocked by her words. I never imagined that Sharma will go this low and sell his daughter for money. It's disgusting. Chole visibly looked hurt. I don't want to talk about it anymore.
I couldn't bear all these.
"Let's get back to work tell me Anjali how do you want your wedding to be?" I asked her.
She looked at Chole and then at me. She smirked and said
" I want my wedding to be like how you want your wedding to be!"

( PS: Don't forget to share my story and comment on it. And also click on the star and vote for my story. Thank you for your wonderful support.)

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