The Hero Created MHA OC

By Flowerpopo

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Hey guys so this was like my first Wattpad story I wrote (2019 ish i think πŸ’€) yeaa.....hope ya enjoy... More

Chapter 2-Entrance Exam
chapter 3-1st day
Chapter 4- The USJ Attack
Chapter 5-Prepare Yourself
Chapter 6-Sports Festival
Chapter 7- The Final
Chapter 8- A Date?
Chapter 9- Experiencing the work-place environment
Chapter 10-Exam Season
Chapter 11- The results
Chapter 12- Summer Break is it?

Chapter 1- Arrival

235 9 1
By Flowerpopo

<At the Musutafa Airport (UA is located in Musutafa City)>

???? : Yuki

Employee: So your name is Yuki ?

Yuki: Yes it's just Yuki.

Employee (confused): You came alone?

Yuki: Yes but I traveled with a dog.

Employee (concerned a bit): Any relatives here?

Yuki: No

Employee: So what's the purpose of your stay?

Yuki: To give the Entrance Exam in UA.

Employee: Ahh... I see a young boy with big dreams of be coming a hero. Well all I can do is wish you luck for the exam.

He said as he was stamping and signing the boy's passport. The boy took his passport back and gave him a smirk.

Yuki: I won't be needing it.

Yuki said this and left to collect his dog. After he collected his dog, Aki, then his luggage and skateboard, he took a cab and went to his apartment. He took the keys from the landlord and entered his apartment. He started to unpack his suitcase, as he took out his dog's leash, the dog came running to him and started licking him.

Yuki(Laughing and scratching her ears): OK girl we'll go for a walk after I am done. OK?

The dog stopped and waited patiently for him. After he was done he changed and wore a white tank top and a dark blue short.

Yuki: Come on Aki.

He tied the leash around her collar and took the skateboard around his arms and went out. He was walking with Aki down the streets getting to know the neighborhood better. Soon he saw a thief running down the street and behind him was All Might.


*Yuki*: There are many here with quirks and none of these idiots were doing anything and where are the damn heroes?

He was standing beside a flower shop, so he leaned his skateboard by the walls and asked his dog to sit. He went up to the owner who was watering his plants and took the water hose from his hands.

Yuki(facing the owner): I'll return this in a moment.

He dropped the water hose on the road, as soon as the thief stepped on the water he threw a small bolt of lightning which paralyzed him and he fell down.

Thief: You.. damn boy.....I'll!

He then kneeled down.

Yuki(mockingly): Only if you are able to stand.

As he got up All Might stood in front of him and everyone was shocked to see a boy knocking down a thief all by himself.

All Might: Young man, did you just take down this man, on your own.

<In the meantime>

Aki was sitting there patiently as she watched her owner knock down a thief. The only thing that she couldn't resist were Cats. A ginger colored cat was walking down the street, at first Aki growled at it and all her hair stood straight. The cat sensing the danger started to run and Aki started to chase it.

<Back to Yuki and All Might>

Yuki: Well I didn't knock him down I only paralyzed him for a few seconds he will be back on his feet soon.

All Might: Well what's your name?

Yuki: Yuki .

All Might(in disbelief asked): Yuki what?

Yuki: It's just Yuki , sir...........Ummmm I need to leave bye.

As he was talking to All Might he saw his dog chase a cat so he took off on his skateboard and went after her.

*All Might*: That boy. So she finally decided. Well he even got his face.

Suddenly he heard a woman scream. He turned around and saw the thief was escaping using the drainage system.


Without wasting any time he went after the thief.

As Yuki was skateboarding after his dog, trying to catch her he was shouting at the pedestrians to move. Many pedestrians cursed him for his behavior but he couldn't help it. Unfortunately a small boy didn't notice him and was standing right in his way. With no other idea coming to him he held his left hand out behind him and and within seconds a burst of flame was seen causing him to change his path slightly towards the right and he managed to avoid the child, he looked back at the child and gave a sigh but as soon as he turned in front he saw a girl with a ponytail with a pastry box in her hand was right in front of her.

It was too late for him to do anything. Hoping she would move he shouted at her to move. Unable to stop he bumped into her pretty badly. This caused her to fall on the ground and following her Yuki fell on her but thanks to him he managed to use his hands to keep a distance between them but they still could feel each other's breath. The girl gave a small groan of pain and looked up and saw how close he was and instantly felt a strange feeling, Yuki looked at her eyes and felt the same feeling as she got. Forgetting that feeling both annoyed and embarrassed she pushed him away. Yuki's dog immediately stopped and went to them.



Yuki(annoyed): What? It's entirely not my fault, I shouted at you to move.

Girl: Oh! how dare you............. wait where the hell is my pastry . Noooooo......

She bent down and picked up the box and opened it. Yuki looked at squashed doughnuts.

Yuki: Uhhh....I am sorry I guess . I will repay you.

Girl: Do you know how long I have been waiting in line for this?

Yuki: What's so special about it huh?

Girl: Oh you'll see.

As she said this she slapped the box on his face and without saying anything else she walked away. Yuki stood there with chocolate over his face, feeling embarrassed and pissed. He first looked at Aki and gave a look of disappointment, at this the dog looked away avoiding eye contact. Everyone around stood there and watched them after the girl left, everyone went back to mind their own business. He picked up his skateboard and the leash and went to a park and washed his face. And then sat on the bench for a few minutes.

Yuki: We have had enough for today.

He got up and started to walk home. As he was walking in a distance he saw black smoke rising high in the sky. He got a bit worried, he then looked at his dog.

Yuki: I will be leaving you here for a while so behave.

He tied her to a pole and rushed there and saw the same villain he had paralyzed earlier. He was ready to throw a bolt at him, but realized he had a boy hostage.

*Yuki*:I thought All Might had captured him. At this rate he will die. The boy had a quirk,a powerful one if the villain took over his body he would grow stronger.


He then looked up and saw another boy with green curly hair rushed in without thinking and trying to free the other boy.

*Yuki*: Great, now this guy has a death wish.

Yuki immediately went to a nearby fire hydrant and melted it using his fire quirk then by controlling the water he made a sword and rushed in.


He looked at him.


He immediately attacked him with his slimy hands. Yuki managed to separate the fist from the main body in one swipe. The slime fist fell on the ground and Yuki gave a smirk.

Thief(laughing): Now die kid!!

As he said that the fallen part rose and started to enter Yuki's mouth choking him. He hardly could breathe. He then charged and electrified himself. Soon the slime slid off him and started to gag out that substance which had entered his mouth. Yuki then looked at the main body, they both made eye contact and prepared to charge at each other.

Out of nowhere All Might came and held him back.

All Might: You did great kid, now step back.

He stood there and watched him in action. He held both boys and with one smash the villain turned into a thousand slime which were falling everywhere. Soon the heroes and the media surrounded him and All Might who was still holding the two boys. The media came and started asking Yuki questions.

Reporter 1: Are You All Might's new sidekick?

Reporter 2: What are your quirks?

Reporter 3:What's your name?

Reporter 4: Are you alone?

At that moment Yuki remembered something and rushed out of there to get his dog.

Deathgoro: Hey wait up kid. The Police need to speak to you.

Yuki: I'll be back in a minute.

He returned with Aki at the scene. The media again surrounded him and this time he was saved by the Police.

Officer 1: Do you know that you are not allowed to use your quirks?

Yuki(lying): I Know.

Officer 2: Then what happened?

Yuki: He was going to kill them. So I had......

Officer 2: And the first time?

Yuki: I just helped All Might. Why don't I get a pat on the back?

Officer 1: Shut up! This time you got lucky. You know you could have died.

Yuki(looking down): Sorry sir.

Officer 2: Good. Here take this.

The officer gave him a packahed juice. As they were walking away. the second officer patted his back.

Officer 2(whispered in his ears): He is like this always. Anyway good job kid. Next time let the pro's handle it.

Yuki sat on the pavement with his dog sipping away at the packed juice. Many heroes came to him and said that they had heard what happened in the morning and he was really brave and would make an amazing hero. A few feet away the green haired boy was being scolded, while the other kid was being congratulated for being brave. As he was leaving All Might came to him.

All Might: Well, see you again at the Entrance Exam, Yuki .

Yuki(surprised): But I didn't even say anything about the entrance exam.

All Might(walking away): Lets just say we got your application this morning.

Yuki then realized that he was going to be a teacher in UA High school. The green haired kid came to him in a hurry.

Boy(panting): Hi, thanks for saving me and I wanted to say that you were so cool out there can I ask you about your quirk? Oh sorry by the way I am Izuku Midoriya.

Yuki looked at him and gave him an unfriendly pissed off look.

Yuki: ~Tch~ No. And listen to next time you pull this kind of trick, think before you leap. THINK! You are QUIRK LESS! You know you could have been seriously injured or in the worse case could have been killed. Did you even think about your parents before you stepped in? Don't act tough, act wisely.

As he was leaving the other boy who was sitting on the pavement, suddenly spoke up.

Boy 2: Who are you?

Yuki: It doesn't concerns you, so it doesn't matter.




Yuki: Oh I see, you are also giving the Exam. Hopefully you can pass it. And my name is Yuki , remember it.

Saying this Yuki walked away. While Bakugo stood there even more pissed.

<Time skip when everyone is going to sleep>

<At Yaoyorozu's house>

Yaoyorozu was lying on her bed and regretting that she went out today. she was super pissed at that boy, he had ruined her whole day. As she closed her eyes she could see herself on the ground and he was on top of her, but this time it was a bit different, he had pinned down her hand above her head and his face was very close to her face, he was staring at her eyes. At this she opened her eyes and sat up, blushing hard.

*Yaoyorozu*: What the hell! I possibly couldn't be thinking about these. Damn it! Think about something else and go to sleep.

But as she closed her eyes again she only saw Yuki's face. She stayed wide awake.

<At Yuki's house>

Yuki was sitting on his couch and was watching the television. He then got a call from his mom he picked it up answered:

"Hello mom ..."

"HOW DARE YOU? You arrive and the very first thing which comes to your mind is that to become a hero"

"But how did you know"

"That doesn't matter right now. I sent you there to train to become a HERO, like your father, not play with death".."

At this moment she started to cry.

"Mom I am fine"

"What if something happened to you, you are the only thing I have left..."

"You won't lose me. I promise."

"That was the last thing that your father told me too."

"MOM I ......".

Before Yuki could say anything she had ended the call. He stared at the screen thinking about calling again. He tried again but she declined it.

He prepared his bed and lied down. As he laid down his dog came to him, and he started to pet her.

Yuki(looking at Aki): First day here and already I am a hero.

He then remembered the incident earlier today.

Yuki:~tch~ Damn her. It was just a pastry.

<An hour ago>

<At Yuki's mom's house>

Yumi's phone rang.

"Hello, who is this"

"Umm.... Hello Yumi..."

"This is Nanami. Sorry, wrong number."

"HOLD UP! This is Toshironi here.."

"That name died with him."

"I met your son today."

"Oh...How is he doing?"

"Well it was his first day here and he's already a hero"

"What? What do you mean.....?Is he fine?"

"He is fine. Well Today......(tells her everything that happened, expect the doughnut incident. And him using water as a blade as he wasn't present> ...when he was out there he didn't even hesitate to take actions when he saw the two boys were in trouble just like his father."

Tears came to her eyes as she heard her only son almost at the edge of dying.

"I am glad he is okay. Thank you for protecting him. By the way did you find anyone to carry on the duty?"

"As a matter of fact, Yes! Just today only."

"I am happy to hear that, well I have a request....."

"Yeah go on."

"Can you look after him for me?

"Anything for an old friend."

"Thank you."

She hanged up and wiped her tears as she was calling someone,

"Hello", the receiver answered,

"HOW DARE YOU.........."

Hii, I sorry....this was my very first fanfiction i wrote...and it's a bit in a very weird writing style. Re reading it makes me wanna unalive myself.

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