A New Chance at Life

By theroyal101

28.4K 396 29

King Henry VIII wants a divorce from Anne Boleyn and marry Jane Seymour. But instead of executing Anne, he fi... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen

Chapter twelve

1.4K 26 2
By theroyal101

Anne's POV

The wedding was a long and drawn out affair, that Henry had mapped out to show off his new bride along with showing off the grand extravagance to all the courtiers and his newfound happiness in his pure and pious bride.

Not that they cared to know the true side of Jane Seymour but sitting there, being forced to watch this 'extravagant' and 'wonderous' occasion... but in all reality, it was torturous.

If it wasn't for Charles being by my side, distracting me when I began to stare off or even slipping his hand inconspicuously into mine to comfort me during the wedding. He knew what this was doing to me and how even through everything Henry has put me through, I still hold some love in my heart for him and watching him do this to me is like tearing away all the promises we made to each other and acting as if they meant nothing.

Once the wedding ceremony finished and Henry and Jane were pronounced husband and wife, Henry and his new wife and the rest of the court left the cathedral at the Palace of Whitehall and made its way back to the large and grandly decorated great hall for the reception.

Throughout the entire reception, Henry kept himself practically glued to Jane like a ravaged dog ready to hump to withering creature that was his new wife. Jane was not denying Henry's advances but sitting almost crouched in an embarrassed and naïve stance with a blush running up her chest and shining brightly on her face at the actions Henry was showing to publicly and in the open.

How pathetic and naïve could this little mouse be for someone who has acted in such an abominable way. What distracted me was when Charles grabbed my hand. I looked at him as he began standing from our seats in a questionable look.

He continued to look at me in a look I could not quite decipher. But he quickly spoke up.

"My darling, would you do the honor of joining in a dance with me?"

"I would love too." I said as I joined him in the middle of the great hall with the other couples. A large majority of the court that was already dancing stopped and turned to look at the two of us, and starred at us.

As the music began playing with the head violinist being my good friend Mark Smeaton. He gave a quick and friendly smile as he bowed; but all I could see at the glance towards him after recognizing his loyalty, are the numerous multi-colored bruises and cuts scattered across his skin. I feel a sense of guilt wash over me, but he gave me a reassured nod, indicating he was alright.

Charles noticed the distraction afflicting me and gently lifted my head up to meet my eyes with his as the soft and slow style of dance began.

"My darling, I know you feel some sense of guilt for what happened to your friend, but know, none of this is your fault. It was done all out of spite and by the order of one of Henry's highest and closely ranked members of council in order to get the answers Henry and others so desired before you willing renounced your title and Henry no longer sought to destroy anything and everything that would stop him from marrying the lad...Queen Jane."

"I realize what you are saying, but I still can't help feel I caused all this. If I had just had a son first instead and Elizabeth followed next or even not miscarried those three times after Elizabeth, none of this would have happened." I said as tears began rolling down my face.

"Darling, while I will admit I was not a fan of yours when you came to favor with Henry, I wouldn't wish those miscarriages and sufferings on anyone. Especially a woman. But as you'll come to know, if we are blessed with children when and if you are ready for them, I care not what gender they are. Only that you and the child are safe and healthy." He said as he caressed my face with his palms.

I could only look into his eyes with admiration. Because I knew for a strong man such as Charles to say and mean such things, that it came from the heart.

As the dance slowed to a stop, I noticed everyone was watching our movements. And I couldn't really care. I had just realized how much this man meant to me. All I hoped for, is that as I gave him my heart, he would not mistreat and break my fragile and healing heart.

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