Jack Kline x Reader One-shots

By JackCowboyKelly

65.2K 1K 586

A book of one-shots about the adorable little Nephilim we know as Jack Kline. Most of the time you'll be Dean... More

Quarantine (edited)
There's a Naked Man! (edited)
Moriah pt.1 (edited)
Running Home to You (edited)
4 pt. 2
Jack in the Box (edited)
12 Pt. 2
15 pt. 2
Crazy Bitch (edited)
17 pt. 2
Last Holiday (edited)
First Date (edited)
20 pt. 2
Family (edited)


1.2K 14 13
By JackCowboyKelly

I just wanted to do a sad imagine, cause why not? If you're not all caught up with the show do not read any further cause I'm gonna explain what this is about. Okay, so this imagine is about Sam, Dean, and Y/N finding out about Cas' deal with the Empty, but like... in a really sad way. So this is after season 15 happens. I know the show isn't over yet, and we don't know what happens, but I'm just going to make something up.

Warnings: Dean's a major dick in this.

~3rd P.O.V.~

Team Free Will 2.0 all sat in the Library, celebrating. They had finally defeated Chuck, which meant they could finally be happy without some sort of destiny. In the process of killing Chuck they had to kill Amara too, because they couldn't upset the balance. It took a lot to kill them both. Hell they all almost died trying, but in the end they won.

Everyone had a beer in their hand, even Cas. He almost never drank, but this was a celebration, so he decided to have one just this once. "To winning. We may not have defeated every single monster out there, but we did beat Chuck, and I call that a win." Dean said with a smile. Everyone clinked their bottles together as they all laughed. "And we wouldn't have been able to do it without Jack either. If it weren't for him we would all still be in Chuck's story. You did an awesome job, Jack." Y/N said, kissing his cheek.

Jack smiled. That moment was the first time he'd actually felt somewhat happy since he lost his soul. When he got it back he never even thought of it because he was so filled with guilt. He still was. He didn't think he could ever forgive himself for what he did to Mary, and all those other innocent people, but he was happy now, and so was his family. That was all that mattered in that moment.

"I will get more beers." Cas said with a smile. He stood up from his seat, and walked into the kitchen. "I can't believe we finally did it. Chuck is gone, and no one is controlling our lives." Dean said happily. Sam's smile faded a little, and he spoke up. "This all feels... too easy. I mean, we can never catch a break. Maybe- maybe we're not off the hook just yet." Sam said. "You're right, Sammy. We can never catch a break, but maybe we finally have. Look, we defeated Chuck. He was the reason why we went through Hell- literally. And now that he's gone... maybe we can finally be happy. Or as happy as we can be." Dean said, trying to get his brother to calm down.

"Yeah. Okay, maybe you're right. Maybe I'm just overthinking everything." Sam said. The thought was still in the back of his mind, but he pushed it away for now. A couple of minutes later Dean sighed. "Cas should've been back with those beers by now. Where the hell is he?" He asked. Everyone shrugged. "I'll go check in on him. He's probably just having trouble with carrying all the beer." Y/N said as she stood up, and walked towards the kitchen. "Hey, Cas. What's taking so long?" She asked before she reached the door. When she didn't hear an answer she began to worry a little.

"Cas?" She called for him once she saw he wasn't in the kitchen. "Cas!" She called out again. She heard a crunching noise under her foot, and looked down to see a couple of beer bottles, shattered on the ground. Y/N's heart began to race as she thought of the worst. She quickly left the kitchen, and began to frantically check the rooms near by, yelling out his name. When she saw no sign of him she ran back into the Library to alert the other three. When the others saw the worried look on her face their expressions changed.

"Woah, Y/N. What happened? Where's Cas?" Dean asked his daughter. "I- I don't know. I couldn't find him. I went into the kitchen and the beer bottles were all broken on the floor. I checked all around the bunker, but I couldn't find him." Y/N rushed out. Sam and Dean jumped up from their seats and went to check around the bunker. "Sam and I will check inside, you and Jack go out and check around the bunker. Call me if you find anything." Dean said. They both nodded, and ran outside, looking for Cas. Since it was dark out Y/N took her phone from her pocket, and turned the flashlight on.

"Cas!" Jack yelled out once him and Y/N got outside. "Cas, where are you!?" Y/N yelled out. "Where could he have gone!? We would have heard him leave the bunker! Besides it's not like he can just fly out! He doesn't have his wings anymore. What could have happened?" Y/N asked herself. "I'm sure Cas is fine. He's probably in the bunker. Maybe he got lost." Jack said, trying to calm both him and Y/N down. "Cas has been in the bunker so many times! It's not like him to get lost. Jack, I'm worried. What if something bad happened to him?" Jack gently grabbed her shoulders, trying to comfort her.

"We will find Cas, Y/N. Nothing could get in the bunker without us knowing, and nothing can get out. Not even Cas. He's probably fine." Y/N nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right. Cas is probably fine." Just then Y/N's phone rang. It was Dean. She answered it, and put it on speaker so Jack could hear. "Did you find him?" She asked before Dean could say anything. "No. We found his phone, but that's it. You got anything?" Dean asked, sounding a bit stressed. Y/N rubbed her face. "Nothing. I mean how is that possible? We would've heard him leave!" "I don't know, but keep looking. He has to be somewhere." Dean then hung up, and Y/N sighed.

Y/N grabbed onto Jack's hand, and dragged him further into the forest. "Castiel! Where the hell are you!?" Y/N screamed. "Hello." Said a voice. Y/N turned around and smiled at the familiar face. "Cas! You're okay! We were worried sick about you." Y/N said, feeling relieved. 'Cas' gave a disturbing smiled, and shook his head. "I'm not Castiel." Y/N's smile fell. Then who was he? He sure did look like Cas. "... then who are you?" She asked. "I go by many names." Is what the mysterious thing said. "... you're the thing from the Empty." Jack said after a moment of silence. It's smile grew wider at Jack's answer.

"There we go! Long time no see, Jack." "Long time no see? Jack? What is he talking about?" Y/N asked. Jack's grip on Y/N's hand slightly tightened. Jack ignored Y/N, and his glare hardened. "You took Cas." Jack said. "You're a quick one, aren't you?" "Okay, what the hell is going on?" Y/N asked, confused. The Shadow looked towards her. "They didn't tell you, did they?" It asked. "Tell me what?" The cosmic entity looked towards Jack, it's smirk somehow growing larger. "Should you tell her, or should I?" It asked. "Jack, what is he talking about?" Y/N asked, looking towards her boyfriend. Jack didn't answer. His grip slightly tightened once again. He couldn't meet Y/N's eyes. He was filled with guilt once again.

"Oh, I guess I'll tell her. You see when Jack died- let me make this clear. When Jack died the first time he went to Heaven, but he was still half Archangel, so I thought- no, I knew he belonged with me. You know, with eternal darkness, and all, but Cas didn't want that. He wanted Jack back, so he made a deal with me. Him for Jack's soul. Once Cas was happy I would take him. Isn't that right, Jack?" Jack looked towards the cosmic entity with hatred. "Is that true?" Y/N asked, her voice breaking slightly. Jack slowly nodded. "Why didn't you tell Sam, and Dad? Why didn't you tell me?" Jack finally looked at Y/N, and his heart broke at her sad expression.

"He made me promise not to. He said that he would be able to fix it, so that we wouldn't have to." Jack said, tears beginning to fall from his eyes. He looked at the ground, not being able to look into Y/N's eyes any longer before continuing. "But we will bring him back." He said, feeling confident. "Oh, no you won't. You see, as soon as I go back I'll be able to finally sleep. I haven't been able to do that since you woke him up over two years ago, and now... I will be able to." The entity said, with a smile on it's face. "We don't care about your stupid sleep. We will get Cas back. Whether you like it or not." Y/N said.

"If you do... I'll have no choice but to bring Jack with me. The deal was that he would stay with me for all of eternity, and if he comes back, well... that'll be breaking the deal, and we can't have that, now can we?" "But you can't do that! Cas doesn't deserve that. He's good." "I don't care if he's good or not. He died. He shouldn't have come back, but he did. Now he's dead, and he'll stay dead... unless you want to take his place Jack?" The Shadow said. "I'll do it." Jack said. "What?" The Shadow asked, slightly surprised. "I'll do it. Take me instead. Bring Cas back." "Jack, no." Y/N said. Jack looked at Y/N with a sad expression.

"It's my fault that Cas is gone. If I didn't... If I had known Lucifer's real intentions he wouldn't have taken my grace, I wouldn't have died, and Cas wouldn't have had to make the deal." "Jack, no. You couldn't have known. Lucifer was your father. You just wanted a relationship with him. That's not your fault." "Sorry, Jack. I didn't think that you'd actually say yes. Cas stays with me. Now if you'll excuse me it's time for me to go back to sleep." The Shadow said. "What? No, you can't do that! Bring Cas back, now!" All The Shadow did was shrug, and suddenly it was gone.

A tear went down both Y/N's and Jack's face as they realized there was no way of getting Cas back, but that didn't mean that they would stop. There was always a loophole. They hadn't given up just yet. They both stood there for a moment, letting everything settle in. Y/N looked at Jack.

"We're going to get Cas back, Jack. We always do." Jack nodded, knowing she was right. "Let's go back. Sam and Dad need to know what happened to him." Jack nodded once again, and the two slowly walked back to the bunker. Y/N grabbed Jack's hand, slowly tracing comforting shapes. Jack needed to tell them, and she knew he didn't want to. He didn't want Sam and Dean to hate him, and they probably would after what happened with Mary. Jack was nervous, but Y/N was with him no matter what, and he knew that.

After a little while they reached the front of the bunker. Jack stopped in his tracks and just stared at the front door. "I'll be here the whole time, Jack." Y/N said. Jack sighed, and the two walked inside. As soon as they were at the bottom of the stairs Sam and Dean were right in front of them, worried expressions on their faces.

"Did you find him?" Dean asked. They both shook their heads. "Damn it! Okay, I'll go get the keys. We gotta search the whole town." "Dean." Jack said, stopping Dean. "What is it?" Dean asked. Jack looked towards Y/N, and she nodded, signaling him to tell them. "What happened?" Sam asked, finally noticing the tears stains on both of their cheeks. "Cas is... he's gone." Jack said, looking at the ground. He couldn't look the brothers in the eyes. "What do you mean 'he's gone'?" Dean asked, getting really frustrated. "I mean... he's dead."

There was a silence. "... Dead? He can't be dead. He was just fine an hour ago! Did you see his body!?" Dean yelled. He didn't want to believe that his best friend was gone. Jack slightly flinched at Dean's sudden raise of voice and shook his head. "Then how the hell do you know he's dead!?" Dean screamed again. "Dean." Sam said, trying to calm his brother down. Dean sighed, and rubbed his face, trying to calm himself down. Sam looked towards Jack and Y/N. Y/N had fresh tears, slowly falling down her cheeks while Jack still refused to meet their eyes.

"Jack... what happened?" Sam asked calmly. "Y/N and I were looking for Cas when The Shadow appeared out of nowhere." "The Shadow?" "The thing that's in charge of The Empty." Sam nodded, understanding. "Well, why would The Shadow take Cas?" Jack hesitated before looking at Sam. His face was red, and puffy, tears flowing down his face. "The first time I died Cas came to get me, but it wanted me too. Because I'm half Archangel. Cas made a deal with it." "What kind of deal?" Dean asked. Jack opened his mouth, but no words came out. Y/N squeezed his hand.

"Him for my soul." Jack said. "What?" Dean asked. "Cas traded himself for my soul." "And why didn't the whatever take Cas before?" "It said that it would take Cas when he was truly happy, and when we defeated Chuck... he was happy." "And why the hell didn't you tell us!?" Dean screamed once again, not being able to control his anger. "He made me promise not to tell anyone. He didn't want you guys to worry." "So you two just decided it was best to not tell us anything!? What if you weren't here, huh!? And it took Cas? We would have never known what happened him. Did you really think that was a good idea!?"

"I'm sorry..." Jack said, looking back at the floor. "Yeah, you've been saying that a lot lately!" "Dad-" "No, Y/N!" Dean yelled. She slightly jumped at the volume of his voice, but he didn't care. Dean glared at Jack and pointed at him. "I knew it! We should've killed you when we had the chance! I knew you were evil the minute we found out about you! I should've went with my gut! Because of you Cas is gone! He's died twice because of you!" Dean slowly walked over to Jack. Jack had just defeated God and he was still afraid of the man in front of him. Dean was just so intimidating.

Dean moved his daughter away from Jack, not trusting him to be around her. "You stay away from us, you hear? You stay away from my daughter. I don't want to see your face ever again. Next time I see you I'll kill you, and I'll make sure you stay dead this time. I don't care if it's impossible or not. I will find a way. Now go!" Dean yelled, now pointing his finger towards the door. "Dad, no. You can't do that!" Y/N said, standing in front of Dean. He didn't even acknowledge her. He was so filled with rage that the only thing he saw was red. When Jack didn't move he took his gun out to prove a point.

"This may not hurt you, but I will not hesitate to shoot you if you do not walk out that door right now." Dean threatened. Jack looked over to Y/N and saw that tears were flowing down her cheeks. Jack then looked towards Sam and he gave him a sad look. He slowly nodded his head and looked at Dean. "Fine. I'll go. I just want you to know that I really am sorry." Dean didn't answer. He just held his stance, gun still pointing at Jack. Soon enough Jack was gone. Dean didn't realize it at first, but when he did he put his gun away.

"How could you do that?" Y/N asked. Dean just gave her a hard glare. "First Cas dies and now Jack leaves? How could you do that to him, Dad!?" "He's a killer, Y/N! The son of Satan for crying out loud, and it's time you see it too." "Screw you." Y/N said before walking to her room and slamming the door. Dean let out a hurt expression, but quickly hid it. He noticed his younger brother staring at him and just rolled his eyes. "What?" Dean asked.

Sam scoffed. "You don't even know what you did, do you?" This time Dean scoffed. "I got rid of the monster, Sam. I did my job. Jack's gone and that's for the better. Once I figure out how to kill him I'm going after him with or without you guys." Dean began to walk towards his room, but when he heard Sam speak up he stopped in his tracks. "Cas wouldn't have wanted this." Dean quickly turned around and walked over to his brother.

"You don't know what Cas would have wanted." Dean's voice was low, and threatening basically telling Sam that if he kept talking he'd end up with a black eye. "Yes I do, Dean. You're not the only one that cared about him. I did, Y/N did. Jack did too and you kicked him out and probably ruined your relationship with your daughter!" "Sam, I'm warning you. If you don't shut the hell up I'll-" "You'll what, Dean? Punch me? Go ahead. Because that doesn't change the fact that you're wrong! Cas gave his life for Jack. He knew what he was doing. That wasn't Jack's fault, and I think you know it too! You're just trying to put the blame on someone like you always do."

"What else am I supposed to do, Sam? Forgive him? If it weren't for him Cas would still be alive. Kelly would still be alive, and so would mom, and Hell! Even Crowley! All of them are dead because of him, and it's like you just forgot all about that." "So what? You don't think I'm still upset that he killed mom? Because I am! I sometimes can't even look at him without seeing her lifeless body, but I know that it wasn't all his fault! He had no soul, Dean!" "What excuse does that give him, huh!? Donatello has no soul and you don't see him running around, killing people!"

"Then what's my excuse?" "What are you talking about?" Sam rolled his eyes. "I'm talking about when I had no soul, Dean. I almost killed Bobby! I killed innocent people! You can just forget about that because what? Because I'm your little brother?" "That's different." "How is that different!? It's the same thing! You just don't want to admit it!"

"It's not the same thing, Sam! He's Lucifer's son! He's evil! You're not, you're good. I knew it was going to turn out like this since the beginning, Sam. I knew it, and when he lost his soul I knew it then too, but I ignored it because I thought that we deserved to be happy for once, but I should've known that even if Chuck is gone we will never have that chance. Because we're Hunter's and Hunter's don't get to be happy." Dean said, his voice cracking at the end.

Sam calmed down hearing his brother talk. "That's not true, Dean. We both got out before. Garth got out. We can do it again." "No, we can't, Sam. We chose this life. And in this life we don't get to be happy. Garth was lucky because not a lot of Hunters get out. Bobby didn't. Not dad, not mom, not any other Hunter that we ever met. They all died. All of them, and now Cas is gone for good because of him." Dean couldn't even say Jack's name.

"So what? You're just giving up?" Sam asked. "Why not? I mean there's no point. No point in fighting to be happy when there's no chance that you're gonna be, am I right?" Before Sam could speak Dean walked out of the room and to the garage, wanting to go for a drive. Sam let out a frustrated sigh, looking in the direction Dean went and walked towards his room, thinking it was best to let Dean cool down before he talked to him again.

~A few hours later~

Dean still hadn't returned and Sam was beginning to grow impatient. He had called Dean multiple times and each time it went straight to voicemail, meaning Dean turned his phone off. Sam decided to go look for his brother. He walked towards Y/N's room, wanting to tell her that he was leaving so that she wouldn't have to worry. He knocked on her door and didn't hear a response, so he knocked again.

"Y/N?" He asked after a moment of silence. Thinking she was sleeping he walked into the room, but whispered a curse when he noticed the bed was empty. He looked towards the nightstand to see a note on it with his and Dean's name along with Y/N's phone beside it.

"Dad and Sam" read the front of the letter.

I know this may seem a little dramatic, but I've decided to leave. Not forever. Just for a little while. I need to find Jack. Dad, I know you're probably disappointed, but you're wrong about him. Jack's good. Anyway I left my phone so you guys can't track me. Please don't come after me, I'll be okay, I promise. I'll call every once in a while so you guys know I'm okay. I love you both.


Sam heard the front door and let out a breath he didn't know that he was holding in. He ran to the main room, calling out his nieces name, but was slightly disappointed to see Dean. I mean, sure he was glad to see his brother was okay, but he wasn't worried about him. "Why are you calling for Y/N?" Dean asked. He looked at the note in Sam's hand and furrowed his brows. "What's that?" He asked.

Sam looked at his hand to see the note, not realizing that he was still holding it. Dean walked towards his brother. "Sam, what is that?" Dean repeated. Sam could only look at the ground, blaming himself that Y/N was gone. "It's from Y/N." "Well, why would Y/N leave a note?" Dean asked, not wanting to hear the answer. "She's gone, Dean. Y/N's gone."

Bam! Another chapter. I'm already working on part two, but seriously. Please suggest some other stories. This is my last idea.

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