Little Alpha

By plainjaneandproud

585K 24.4K 1.3K

Thanks to azur90 for the cover. (BoyXBoy) Justin is the future Alpha of the Bluesun pack. But he isn't your t... More

The five new kids
What do i do?
A new fighter?
Banes Moon
The Meeting
Answers and declairing war
Battle plans
Another group of shifters
Is it true?
the prison
Tonight you fight
Souls entwined
Authors notes

Little Alpha

78.1K 1.8K 239
By plainjaneandproud

Beep, beep, beep.

I rolled over and smashed my hand onto my annoying alarm clock. "Justin you up?" My mother shouted from downstairs.

"I'm up" I croaked, knowing she could hear me. Groaning i crawled out of my bed wishing i could just stay in it.

Rubbing my eyes i made my way to the bathroom and turned the shower on and waited for it to warm up.

I looked in the mirror and groaned again. There was nothing special about me,at 5'7 i had a slight feminine look to my body. My dirty  blonde hair fell down to my chin, i had a heart shaped face with high cheekbones and full lips. My eyes were a light green colour. I can still remember a party i went to last year with my friend Ali. It was a Xdress party for her birthday. Let me tell you that was embarrassing, everyone really thought i was a girl. It was only funny until one of the guys actually hit on me.

Stripping out of my grey boxers i climbed into the shower, god i love showers they always make me feel so good. After scrubbing myself clean i jumped out and went back into the bedroom. I grabbed my clothes for the day, jeans T-shirt, hoodie and converse. All black today, i didn't fancy drawing attention at school.

"Justin breakfast" My mum shouted. I quickly got dressed, grabbed my bag and ran down stairs.

"Hey mum" I greeted cheerily. "Hey kid" She greeted kissing my forehead. Sue me i'm a mommy's boy. My mum was the same height as me with light brown hair, i got my eyes from her, but hers were a bit darker. She had a slim figure and was quite beautiful for a woman her age. She put a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me as i sat down at the table.

She put down her own and another plate just as my dad walked in. "Hey babe, hey Justin" My dad greeted before kissing my mum. "Hey dad" I mumbled through my food causing my mum to smack me across the head. "No talking with your mouthful" She scolded. I swallowed my food and smiled sheepishly. My dad sat down and started on his own food. My dad was taller than me and mum at 6'3 he was muscular built, he had short dark brown hair and his eyes were a light brown with flecks of green in them. He looked every bit the Alpha he was.

Opps sorry i should have done introductions. We're the Venton family as you probably guessed we're werewolves. Dad's the Alpha, mum's the Luna and then there's me. I would say i'm the future Alpha, but looking at me you would never guess. I'm not the popular, good looking jock that gets laid every night. Nor do i have girls hanging around me for popularity. Nope. I'm the little geek that gets pushed and taunted every day by the school bullies. Even by the kids in my own pack. I have three friends and that's it. But shush don't tell the parents, my mum would go on a rampage if she found out. Yeah mommy's boy remember.

We heard the door open and the sound of my friend Ali greeted us all. "Morning" She greeted before sitting down. Ali has been my best friend since forever. At 5'4 she was just shorter than me. I never could understand why she hung with me. She was one of those sexy blondes, you know. Long golden blonde curls that go down her back, big blue eyes, stunning slim figure and her eyes weren't the only thing big, if you catch my drift. But she wasn't dumb, like me she did well at school, hell she was the prized straight A student.

"Morning hunny, would you like some breakfast?" My mum asked. Ali gave her best smile. "Please, i over slept again" She said sheepishly. Mum laughed and got her a plate. I knew Ali too well, even if she did have breakfast she never turned my mums food down. Were she puts it i don't know.

"Bea text me this morning" Ali said before tucking into her food. I raised an eyebrow at her. "She went in early to meet John and said a group of new kids were starting today" I sighed, great more people to avoid. So i called her and asked for the deets. Apparently it's two guys and three girls, she says their hot, even the girls. Though she did ask me to pass a message onto you sir" She turned to my dad.

My dad looked up at her. "What message?" He asked confused. Hell i was confused.

"Well the the thing is she said John told her they smell human" Dad nodded "But he said there was something else" We all frowned at this. "Like what?" Dad asked, his authority coming out.

"That's the thing, he's not sure"

It went quiet for a minute. "Did he not get anything?" Dad asked after a minute. Ali shook her head "He went through all the scents he could think of. According to Bea they listed everything, wolf, bear, birds anything. They even thought of shifter but even that got thrown out" We all shivered at that.

Let me tell you about shifters, where weres can only shift into one animal and usually look human, shifters can change into anything. Their natural appearance isn't human though.

They are tall black creatures, with clawed feet and hands, their hair runs down their back wild and untamed. Even their eyes are black. You can tell their ranking easily, the thinner ones are the lower ranked. The buffed ones are their warriors, And if you get a buff one with wings, well your screwed, that would be the highest ranking. They call them lords, but in pack terms it's the Alpha.

If that doesn't sound bad enough shifters are evil creatures. They will attack anyone for land, they always want more land. I had heard of one story where an entire pack was wiped out because the shifters wanted their land. Yep now you see why we hate them so much.

"Dad" I spoke up causing them all to look at me. "I'll check it out, if something is going on i'll let you know" Dad nodded.

Mum grabbed our plates. "You better go then" She told us. "Else you'll be late for school" Groaning me and Ali got up and left.

We slided into Alis car, don't laugh. It was a canary yellow mustang, hey it's what she wanted.

"So" She said starting it up "What you going to do about these kids?" I groaned banging my head against the headrest. "I've no idea. If their as hot as Bea says then i should be avoiding them not getting closer" Ali just laughed. "I don't see why you let people push you around" She said seriously. "I mean you are supposed to be Alpha one day" Ali hated the fact that i got bullied by the pack at school. Thankfully it was different at home. "I don't know Ali, i swear sometimes fate made a mistake and i got the wrong bits. Maybe i should have been a girl" This made Ali laugh "Yeah yeah" She laughed "And one of the hot boys is going to be your mate" I looked at her eyes wide and mouth open, causing her to laugh harder. "Not funny Alisha" I sulked.

She stopped laughing. "I'm sorry J i didn't mean to upset you" She said seriously. I just rolled my eyes. "I know Ali, i guess i set myself up for that one" Ali smiled and pulled into her space, cutting of the engine. "I really am sorry J" I smiled "Yeah, yeah. It was funny though" Ali grabbed me into a hug. "Thanks J"  "Air" I gasped, damn that girl had a grip. She pulled of quickly "Opps" We both laughed getting out of the car.

"Come on lets find these kids and get on with the day" I said sighing. Ali pointed towards the building "I'm guessing their that way" She said looking at all the kids gathered up by the doors. "Great" I groaned, i'm bound to end up on my ass before getting inside.

We made our way Ali was going on about her little brother, or as we called him the tasmanian devil. If you ever saw that cartoon you would know why. Suddenly i felt hands push me from behind. "Move freak" Some guys voice yelled. Unfortunately i was right by the steps and hooked my foot in one causing me to fall forward. I closed my eyes waiting for the cold floor to hit my face. Instead two warm arms grabbed me and pulled me up. "You ok? a warm husky voice asked. I opened my eyes and looked up, causing me to gasp. I looked into two warm brown eyes that held concern in them. I felt lost just looking at them. My eyes moved to see a face that looked as if it was sculptured for perfection. A Chiseled jaw line and lips that looked like they could dominate the perfect kiss, the nose was sharp not not horribly so. It was the face of perfection. "Are you ok?" The face asked again snapping me out of my trance. I took a step back out of his arms, feeling cold as soon as he let go. I could only nod. "That would have been a nasty fall" He smiled at me. T..thanks" I stuttered. His smile widened. "That's ok i'm D" He held out his hand, i looked at it for a moment before taking it. "I'm Justin" I managed. His hand engulfed mine and i could feel my wolf stirring from such a small gesture.

"i'm new here with my friends, want to be our tour guide" He asked. I could hear the teasing in his voice. Letting go of his hand i shook my head. "Not a good idea" I said knowing that once he set himself up here he would treat me like the others. His smile faltered for a second before shrugging. I watched as he lowered his head bending down to me. I shivered as his lips stopped by my ear, his breath causing me to shiver, and not in a bad way, as my eyes closed. "Shame" he whispered softly. "You're cute" Then he stood up and walked away.

Shakily i sat down on the step and lent my head on my knees. A hand on my back made me look up. Ali was next to me, concern written on her face. "What was that all about?" She asked worriedly. I sighed and looked back at the school. "I think that maybe you were right" I told her, she just looked at me puzzled. "The new kid" I thumbed towards the building. "I think he's my mate"

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