Dull Little Boy

By thepseudonymisnomore

92 6 3

Eli Carter has been tortured for 2 years. He has not wavered, not faltered once. He has kept his dignity, des... More

Graham Here
Hannibal Fan Fiction


12 1 3
By thepseudonymisnomore

I hear your footsteps clumping down towards the cage. It's dark, but I can still see the vague outline of you. My rage is simmering and I'm fighting the urge to pounce.

You approach the cage, oblivious, and collapse into your stupid chair. "How are you today?"

I don't reply, obviously. I'm hiding in the shadows behind you, waiting for the perfect moment.

You kick the cage after a few moments. I can see you tense, then inspect the cage closer. "Eli?"

I shift forward and bring the metal bar against your head with everything in me, but suddenly your head moves and I hit your shoulder, the force traveling back into my arms. I cry out as my shoulder cracks. You grunt painfully and turn to face me.

For once, I see all of you. I see your anger, I see your pain, and I see that you will kill me.

I back into the wall. This was a mistake.

Your hand shoots out and pins me into the surface by my neck. I'm choking, trying to pry your hand away. You slowly tighten your grip, showing me you are in control. Fear's racking my body until I'm no longer fighting for air but for freedom. I pound against your arm, struggling with every atom in my body. The hand on my neck tightens even more, squeezing a gasp from my mouth. I feel the strength leave me until I'm limp and all I can do is look you in the eyes. You slam your knee into my ribs and white lightening flashes in my mind. I vaguely hear myself screaming.

My hands are searching the wall, desperate for a chance and my left hand closes around something furry and alive. With my last breath, I bring my hand up and slam the animal into your face, my eyes rolling back. You reel back, crying out as the rat claws its way off your face.

The animal provides a distraction and I bolt up the stairs, tripping against the shackles that have held me for so long. I feel your hand around my ankle and a strong tug sends me flying back down. I'm sobbing and searching for anything to stop myself. My hands catch me and I hear rather than feel both wrists snap but I don't stop. I kick against you and my foot connects and I'm free, scrambling up the stairs. I reach the door and slam it against you, locking it. It trembles against the weight of your body hurling at it. I'm screaming at my body to move but for a moment, I lean against the wall and catch my breath.

Another thud against the door pumps adrenaline through my veins and I'm sprinting as fast as I can to the exit. I throw it open and step out and I'm free.

I'm finally free.

It's night and the air is cool and I am alive. I stop and look around at the trees, taking in their beauty. The wind tugs at my hair and dries my tears. For a moment, I forget the pain and listen to the sound of crickets and frogs. I hear thunder in the distance and throw my head back, laughing. I'm free.

There's a red truck outside. I shamble to it and yank at the door handles. I cry out, forgetting about my injured hands. The doors are locked and my hope goes out with a sharp bang. The keys are inside.

I creep back towards the door and listen. There's still a dull thud, which means you're still in the basement. I pray that the door lasts. My heart is pounding in my ears. It feels like I'm in the midst of a heart attack.

I slip back into the house, my chains dragging against the wooden floorboards. The hallway that I came from is straight in front of me and I watch in horror as the basement door strains against the frame.

Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum Ba-dum Badum badumbadmubadumbadumbadumbadum.

Get the keys. Julia's voice whispers. I snap out of my trance and turn left into what looks to be the kitchen. Your keys gleam on top of the counter and I snatch them, my hands shaking.

As I'm leaving, I hear a sharp crack and turn to see the basement door, lying on the ground. You're on top of it, panting, and our eyes meet. I can't move. I watch as you pick yourself off the floor and you're limping towards me and I'm trapped in my body, unable to flee. Your fingertips graze my skin and all of my pent-up motion explodes and I slam you back and race out of my prison.

Your footsteps are uneven in pursuit. I unlock the truck and scramble in. The car door slams onto your fingers and you cry out, giving me enough time to pull it shut and lock it. I start the truck frantically, flinching at your pounding at the window. It starts, finally, and I shove my foot against the pedal.

I don't know how to drive.

The truck makes an awful noise and I vaguely recall the idea of a parking break. I pull on a lever. The vehicle lurches forward, and I move the shift into reverse and fly back. I put it back into drive and suddenly I'm flying down a dirt road, leaving everything behind.

A grin plays at my lips, despite the pain. I'm free.

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