Angels are with me

By author-marco-marek

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It is a story of a young man, Jay, who has a special encounters with angels. Based in New York, this short st... More

Part one:The contact

Part two: The revelation

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By author-marco-marek

When he got home, Jay called Katerina and told her about his strange day in Poughkeepsie and the man on the train.

"Maybe it was your guardian angel," Katerina suggested, half-mocking him.

Jay was silent for a moment, thinking about this. Could it be...?

"Jay, are you still there?"

"Yes, sorry. It was just a very odd encounter."

"Do you want to get dinner tonight?"

Jay felt very tired. "Thanks, but I feel like staying in. Goodnight."

"Get some rest," Katerina said.

Jay hung up and turned on the television, looking for something to watch. A documentary attracted his attention. It was called "The Number 8 and its Significance."

"In many churches, the stars have eight points, because eight means infinity," said the narrator. There was panning shot of several decorative stars on church walls.

Jay remembered the eight dollars he'd given as an offering in the church, and how the lights had flickered. Maybe it wasn't a coincidence.

At seven o'clock in the morning Jay was already up, drinking a cup of tea and watching the morning news. Afterward, he went to work on Heather's site. That made him think about Heather, and their kiss. He wasn't bothered at all by their age difference. She was very attractive and she smelled like lilies.

Maybe I'll invite her to dinner, he thought.

Just then, his phone rang. He answered, wondering if it might be Heather, but it was Katerina.

"Would you like to get lunch?" she asked.

"Lunch? What time is it?"

"It's noon. What are you doing?"

"Working. Time flies."

They agreed to meet for lunch at a place near Madison Square Park. He finished up the work he was doing and left, walking briskly in the sun.

"Have you met any preachers today?" Katerina asked when they met outside the restaurant.

"Yes, two this morning. Seems I have a magnet for these things," said Jay.

Katerina laughed. "What was the title of his book again?"

"Lord Warwick: We Are Not Alone."

"I'll look it up," said Katerina, taking out her phone. "Here we go. Weird, there's only one copy available, in a used books store on Staten Island."

"Maybe we should go there," said Jay.

"Okay, but lunch first."

They bought some ice cream and snacks and sat in the park. Squirrels approached them, curious.

"So tell me about this woman, Heather ," Katerina said.

That reminded him. He gave Katerina the box containing the shoes from Heather. "By the way, this is for you."

"Cavalli sandals, my favorite brand!" said Katerina, enthusiastic. "I'll try them on now."

She put them on and stood up, posing for Jay. "You look great," he said.

Katerina gave him a kiss on the lips. "Thank you for the gift."

"I'll tell Heather you like them."

Katerina sat back down and continued to eat her ice cream. "So, tell me about her."

"She was nice. I mean, at first she was really upset because her boyfriend had left her. But he was a jerk to her. I felt bad; she's such a sweet, charming, elegant woman."

"Did anything happen between you?"

Jay blushed. "She kissed me."

Katerina shrieked happily. "Jay, you're a seducer!"

Jay smiled. "Hardly. More like she seduced me."

Katerina shook her head. "Men are very weak when women use their powers like that."

Jay looked at his hands. "I hope she figures out how to get away from these bad guys."

He became serious and thoughtful.

"What' s wrong?" Katerina asked.

"I was just thinking about something." He told her about the lights pulsating when he gave money to the statue into the church, eight lights for eight dollars, and the documentary he'd seen the night before.

"Jay, you are fascinating." Katerina laughed.

"Strange things have been happening!" He told her about the woman he had seen at the subway going the opposite direction, then seen again at the train station.

"Yes, it's a strange coincidence, but not implausible. Did you talk her?"

He shook his head.

"Next a UFO will try to kidnap you," Katerina joked.

Jay felt indignant. She didn't understand. These events were not random, they had meaning. He just didn't know what it was yet.

Katerina noticed his expression. "I'm sorry," she said. "You're being serious."

"It's okay. But it's not a joke to me. Want to go to Staten Island?"

"How about tomorrow? I want to go see a musical tonight. Come with me."

He agreed, as long as she promised to go with him to Staten Island the next day.

"Good thing I don't have work tomorrow," she said. "But I want to getup early and exercise."

"You're so disciplined."

They walked to Broadway. Katerina chose "Mamma Mia" and they bought tickets, it was a good show, and afterward they went out for a drink at a local Irish pub.

Jay got them two dark beers. "I heard beer makes your boobs bigger," he said, handing one to Katerina.

"That's why I drink so much of it." She laughed. "Jay, you shouldn't believe those urban legends."

Just then a girl who wasn't looking where she was going slammed into a boy and fell to the ground. Luckily no one was hurt, but her drink had fallen and smashed on the floor.

The boy helped her up. He didn't seem angry with her, even offered her another drink.

"Did you see that?" Jay asked Katerina. "I bet they go home together now. Chance encounter, girl trips, and boom—falls in love."

"I'd be so embarrassed," Katerina said. "But look, he's just buying her a drink. He doesn't like her..."

"Watch them: they don't take their eyes off each other. They're falling in love. You never know what fate has in store for us."

"It is a beautiful thing when an unexpected meeting like that happens," said Katerina.

Katerina and Jay watched as the new couple held hands and exchanged a kiss. Katerina looked at Jay, dumbfounded. "You were right; you're getting clairvoyant."

"It was just my intuition. I knew it was love at first sight."

For a moment Katerina seemed preoccupied.

"Kat, what are you thinking?" said Jay.

"I want it to happen to me."

"Who wouldn't? Unfortunately, it only happens to certain people."

"I don't even care about love at first sight," she said. "I'd be content just to fall in love slowly. There are some people who never fall in love."

"I don't know what I would do if I were seventy, eighty years old and had never been in love."

They sat in silence for a moment, finishing their beers.

"I think it's good to talk about this, even if it makes me sad," Jay said. "I have to remember to stay positive; you never know what could happen."

"Thinking about good things doesn't cost anything. We have to be content with what we've got, even if it makes us sad to think about what we could have."

They left the pub together and Jay called a cab for Katerina. "Don't forget about Staten Island tomorrow," he reminded her.

On the walk home, Jay checked his messages. He had a message from his friend Pauly, who lived in Miami. He hadn't talked to him in awhile, so he gave him a call.

"Why don't you come to visit me, Jay?" Pauly asked.

"Can't bear to leave New York."

"It's fantastic here. Sun, girls, spectacular fun. I met two blond angels in bikinis yesterday. They were incredible."

"I've met some girls too."

"Where, in Central Park? Getting a tan?" he joked.

"No... just around. I saw some girls in the city, and met a couple in Canada."

"In bikinis? Things have changed since I left New York."

"Not in bikinis, just in regular clothes. They were guardian angels."

"Ah I see," Pauly said, surprising Jay. "I think that maybe there are guardian angels, only we don't pay attention. We are in a hurry and we miss these things."

"I'm glad you think so."

"Thank you, brother. Now come visit me. Denise and Jenny are waiting for you. They aren't the angels we're talking about, but they are lovely."

"I don't doubt it, Pauly. Thanks for the invite."

This phone call revitalized Jay. Pauly's enthusiasm had affected him. I could go to Miami for a couple weeks, take a vacation." He smiled.It would be good to see Pauly again. Pauly was Jay's best friend since they were children, and they had been roommates for a while in New York, before Pauly decided to move to Miami, which he liked much better.

At home, he finished working on Heather's website and was just about to call her but he thought it might be too late, so he sent her an email instead. Ten minutes later, his phone rang.

It was Heather. "Jay, I love it," she said. "It looks great."

"I'm glad you like it. How are you?"

"Really well, thanks. I think I met an angel. A very distinguished gentleman came into the store to get a gift for his sister, and he just instilled this sense of tranquility, wellness, and incredible confidence in me. I just had this feeling. And it's all thanks to you."

"I didn't do anything—you did it all yourself."

"Don't be so modest, you've opened my eyes."

Jay was just trying to figure out a way to ask her to dinner, when she said she had to run. They said goodbye and he hung up, happy that she had had such a great encounter.


The next morning he called Katerina to arrange to meet at the Staten Island ferry. She said she had something to take care of first, but she would meet him there. Jay set off, eager to see what adventures the day would bring.

Waiting for the subway, Jay was approached by a very strong-looking black woman.

"What's up, brother? You look sad. Why don't you smile?"

"I'm not sad, I was just thinking."

"Are you worried about not seeing your angel?" asked the lady suddenly

Surprised, Jay wondered why this made him feel sad. "Have you seen yours today?"

"Mine shows up occasionally, not daily, but I'm happy he is there, especially in difficult times."

"I've only recently discovered guardian angels. It seems like a dream, but I'm happy too."

"Better late than never," said the woman, and she moved on.

Jay found Katerina waiting for him.

"Was that an angel?" Katerina asked.

"No, she was just a nice lady. I think she came from the Caribbean because of her accent."

Jay was about to tell her what the lady said, but Katerina spoke first. "Come on, we'll miss the ferry." They hurried to get on board.

Jay thought about his encounter with the Caribbean lady. He was happy to know he wasn't the only one.

He and Katerina stood on deck in the open air, admiring the view of skyscrapers.

When they landed on Staten Island, Jay asked, "Where is this used bookstore?"

"Nassau, nearby." Katerina replied.

"Well, I wouldn't mind a little trip to the Bahamas," Jay joked.

She laughed. "Come on, we'll take the train."

"Nassau is the last stop," said Jay, checking the map of the railway line.

They got on the train. "Did you know that Giuseppe Garibaldi lived here?"

"No, I didn't," said Katerina.

"He came here and worked with the inventor Antonio Meucci. Now his house is a museum."

"If we have time, we can visit it."

They got off at the last stop and Katerina walked confidently towards the main road. After a few minutes, they saw a used bookstore. There was no sign out front.

"Well, I'm going in," Jay said with conviction.

Inside, Jay approached the man behind the counter. "Good afternoon, I'm looking for a book. It's called Lord Warwick: We Are Not Alone."

"Ah yes, I've been expecting you. Just a minute, I'll go get the book."

Jay turned to Katerina. "That's strange."

"Maybe that guy you met on the train told him about you," said Katerina. "Shhh... he's coming back."

The man came with a book wrapped in white ribbon. "Is it this one?"

Jay looked at the cover. "Yes."

"Nine dollars and ninety-nine cents. It's on sale and it's the last copy."

"We'll take it," said Katerina, noticing Jay's hesitation. They paid. The man wished Jay good luck as they left.

Katerina found a bench and sat down. She opened the book and leafed through it.

"Let me see," Jay said, but when he looked closer, he saw that the pages were blank.

Jay felt angry and disappointed. "It's a trick. I'm taking it back."

But Katerina stopped him. "Wait—look at this. It looks like a letter." She began reading it.

"You have found me, and now you are reading my message to you. Be happy because you have someone who follows and protects you. Look around carefully and you will find great people you have never noticed before. This is the joy of life. Spread the message to those around you.

"Some events may be coincidental, but others are fate, and when certain things happen it means your guardian angels are checking in to see how you are. Welcome your angels as your best friends, whatever they look like, and remember that your happiness will be for them also. Have respect for life, which is the greatest gift we have, and live with happiness and serenity. Signed, Lord Warwick."

They were silent, thinking about these words.

"That's worth more than an entire book," Jay said.

"I will follow these words too. Sometimes I take things for granted, and I lose time feeling dissatisfied," Katerina said.

"I agree. If you believe, you will find your guardian angel who protects you, even for those who have no eyes to see it."

Jay took Katerina by the hand and they headed to Nassau station to catch the train back to their Manhattan.

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