Finally love brings us back...

By Sweethwicth41

43.6K 1.1K 42

My heart is in his hands.... I never though or admitted this but is true.. Why I can't give him another chanc... More

Author note....
Can love still be an option?
Dinner...... for two
Back at home......nightmares begin
Back at home...nightmares begin part 2
The new teacher....
Illusions. ...the power of the mind...dreaming awake
The door between two
Looking for answers...memories lost
The running wolf....
The party...the shadows...derek
The party...the shadows...derek part 2
The party....the shadows..possessed part 3
Blind date.....together at last
Silverfinger ...
Silverfinger part two
Silverfinger part 3....kitsune
The ring....
The ring. ..part two
Celebrating. .......jealousy
Choosing a date....I guess. ..
Sleep walking. ..
Sleepwalking part 2
When everything you remember is star getting lost...
When everything you remember is star getting lost... part two
Two days
Two days...part two
Echo house
Mad house
Now your enemy
Protecting the enemy
Separate part two
The fallen patner in crime
The nogitsune....the divine move
The nogitsune. ..the divine move part two
Second thoughts....
The big day...
The big day part 2
moon taste like honey
Autor note
Author note
Las caravelas
La iglesia
My grandfather the alpha.....Alexander Luna
The young Derek Hale....
The young Derek.....Kate
The mute.....
The tryouts. ...liam....the cannibal
The new brother....liam
The first Symptoms. ..
The list........
Turning off.....The choice....
The choice.....Meredith......the code
The Orphans. ..
whos the benefactor...
Quarantine. ..
The silent killer...distrust. ..
Death becomes him....
Death becomes him....part 2
More complications. ..the news
The deal
Guns... shifting.... parrish
Marks wedding...the plan...altered ego..
Marks wedding...the plan...altered ego..part two
its time...
Cassandra Luna....?
mirror. ..mirror
The plan
Dated failed
Time to paid..
Back to Mexico...
Back to wosrt nightmare
Transition means Evolving
it is really over?
Author note....

The rejection

421 14 1
By Sweethwicth41

Sheriff stilinski pov

We follow...what lydia told us about where is stiles

Eichen House getting out of my car finding lyda in front of the gate

Standing in front of her...

I dont want to say "are you sure about this"...I said looking at her

No..hes here I swear to god hes here...lydia said anxious

We get in into the building to the counter area

I need access to all basement rooms in this facility...I said to the guard

We check every single room..the guys are with me so jeannie

Im still worried for her shes been to quiet during all the road to here..

We get in to the basement

Stiles....lydias star to call him

We searching everywhere but nothing no sign of him

I dont get it this has to be it...lydia said strange looking around

Then where is he....where is he....where is he....I said screaming at lydia

Lydia stepping back scared

Uncle no...dont...jeannie said grabbing my arm

I look at lydia all trembling

Im sorry...I said walking out

I dont understand...lydia said to aiden helping her out

Jeannie pov

Watching the guys going upstairs looking around once again

Until I saw the oni mark..the 5 invert

I know you are here...I said looking around

Stay away from stiles...I said looking when the mark is one more time turning myself walking upstairs

Stiles pov

I was still down..still trap and my phone die...

The sound again

Whos there...I said looking around

Who are you...I ask

Hes passing in front of me talking a strange language

What...I said trying to understand

He continued talking that strange language

I dont understand..I said desperate

No who are you stiles..its getting cold did you notice...we are fatigue..confused...the bandage guy said

Stop saying that..stop saying we...I said tired

We're just trying to keep you from freezing to have to get up stiles...the bandage guy said

How....theres a freaking steel jawed trap on my leg...I said  screaming

Is it there...tha bandage guys said

When I look at my leg it wasn't there it was in my other leg

What the hell... I said looking

Did you see something different...the bandage guy said looking at me

What this...what you trying to doing...I said still looking at my leg

We trying to save you stiles but there something you have to do so we can save you...the bandage guy said

What...I said scared

Get rid of her....the bandage guy said walking at me

Who...I said trying to move

Hers... shes all around you..we cant help you with her stuck on you..the bandage guy said breathing in my face

Jeannie...I said worried

Shes here you know looking for you...the bandage guy said

Here....I said now scared for her want to live get rid of her..we gonna see you again..the bandage said taking my leg with the trap dragging me out for the whole closing my eyes starting to scream fighting

Someone grabbing me...I didn't look

Wait...I said screaming

Stiles....I heard calling me

Wait continued screaming fighting trying to free myself

Stiles..youre alright...okay...youre alright

Looking at where the voice came

Scott mom and dad

Shes hugging me...

Stiles your alright...she said cuddle me

I been dreaming all this time but theres something wrong with me still hearing his voice inside my head "get rid of her"

He want her out

What im gonna do

Derek pov

They taking stiles to the hospital..

Jeannie are with them

We are in the parking jumping his jeep

So you think he was just sleepwalking or there is something more to it...aiden said turning on the jeep

In this town there is something more..I said walking with the jumper cables

What if I told you I know something more...aiden said looking at me

Im just turn looking at him moving my head like to said talk

I listened in on stiles talking to scott hw he thinks he was the one who wrote that message in chemistry room telling kill kira...aiden said looking my expression

Im just look at him surprised and in desbelieve almost laughing

You think stiles skinny defenseless stiles is the nogitsune...a powerful dark spirit..I said smiling

Im not the only one thinking im just saying it beside hes gonna be your brother in law...aiden said smiling

Moving my head side by side

This thing wants to posses someone and chooses still in desbelieve

Remember the same thing possess jeannie so yeah it can be possible..aiden said lloking at me worried

His gonna possess somebody hes gonna pick someone with .....power..I said slowly looking at the cable when I move then producing spark

Sheriff stilinski pov

I was going out to see stiles

The guys looking at me waiting for news

Hes sleeping now and he just fine he doesnt remember much..its bit lika a dream to him...

Thank you...I said to mccall father

It was the repellent we sprayed in the coyote den to keep others animals out..I couldn't go near it without my eyes watering its just a good thing he mentioned it over the phone....mccall said

No it was more than that...thank you...I said to him

It was a lucky connection....mccall said

I was already tired..

Mccall can you show up..please abs accept my sincerest gratitude. ? I said showing my hand

He look at me first but he tke my hand

Accepted...mccall said smiling

Ok..guys you have schol lets than 6 hour ...melissa said to the kids

Goodnight mom..scott said taking lydias hand

I dont know what happened I was so sure...lydia said wslking away with scott

Jeannie pov

Im sneaking around getting inside into stiles room..

I need to see him something not right with him..

I can feel it almost taste it...

Opening the door slowly looking around he was slepping

Closing the door behind me ....moving closer

What are you doing here....stiles said looking at me

I want to see you...I said worried

Im fine..go home...stiles said tired

Stiles I need to make sure you are ok...I said observing him

Can you see im fine...stiles said more loud

What wrong with you...I said tensed are the problem...get the hell away from me..I dont want to see you anymore...get out...stiles scream at me

When I look into his eyes just for a secong he was there the nogitsune

Suddenly the door opening

Stiles was going on...uncle said looking at him

Nothing...stiles said

Everything is fine ..I said stepping back

But melissa saw my face

Sweetheart was is it...she ask me

I have to go...I said walking out of the door

Jeannie wait....uncle said trying to grab my hand

Im running out of the room his words hurting me so bad and I cant do nothing because if I hurt the spirit hurting stiles

Going out of the hospital..I cant breath my chest is in pain because he reject brother reject me...

I was walking to my car absorbed for what happened I didnt hear him

Jean...derek call me

Im just continue walking

Hey....derek said grabbing my arm turn me make look at him

When he saw my face...tears

Talk to me....derek said touching my face

Aiden was behind him worried too

Stiles...I said sobbing

What happened with stiles...derek ask me worried

He reject me...I said sad

What mean reject you...derek said now tensed

Im not his sister anymore...I said resting my head in his chest he close his arms around me cuddle me

If have to be a mistake...derek said softly kissing my hair

No he wasn't is killing me.......

Stiles pov

Watching dad and melissa getting out of the room

Now I was alone...

Tears stars to coming down

Im sorry sis..I do this to protect you...please forgive me..I said whisperings

Covering my face with my hands without relief

What I have done......

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