The Prince And The Mage

By Queen-At-Work

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⚠️⚠️⚠️ The cover does not belong to me all credit goes to the lovely artist.⚠️⚠️⚠️ Her job was a to be a mage... More

The Prince
The Mage
The 1st And 2nd Meeting
Very Important Warning ⚠️ ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
The Secret Room Of Lost Treasures
The Note And The Quest
The Start Of A Journey Called Love
Taking A Break To Find Inspiration And Thank You!!
In the Village


374 15 11
By Queen-At-Work

 Todoroki's POV

                As I was coming back from collecting herbs for Snow White's leg I heard a snort and following it was a "easy easy boy" and I took off running through the woods knowing that it was the black horse that I left to take care of the cave and spring and Snow White. As I was getting close to the clearing I hid when I saw someone in a cloak cautiously walk up to the black horse and he snorted and the figure backed up a little and put their hand to the horse's forehead and say softly " oh I see your protecting her because she's hurt well I'm a mage so I can help her if you let me" then the black horse backed up and let the person to get close to Snow White and ran their finger on her legs to calm her. Then she started to heal Snow White and when she was down she backed up and Snow White jumped up and started to run and play with the black horse and I cautiously walked up to the figure. As I walked up to the figure it kept getting smaller compared to me and I tapped their shoulder and pulled of the cloak ripping it as they turned around. Next thing I knew brunette hair tumbled out of the cloak in a braid down to her mid back with strands of bangs out of the braid. I was looking into deep brown eyes and I realized it was a girl in pink dress cowl and hat with black tights and black high top boots. She was very beautiful to me and for some reason I felt like I saw her before but I just couldn't tell when. "Thank for healing Snow White and I'm sorry for pulling off and ripping your cloak I was suspicious of what you where doing here" I say as she picks up her cloak. "Oh it's alright I would've done the same thing and your welcome I hate seeing animals so defenseless and helpless. Also I think your horse has made a friend" she said looking at the two horses playing in the meadow. Then we fell into a awkward silence. Then I looked more closely at her face and she did the same and suddenly we both said " it's you from the market"! Then we looked at each other and she said "well I hope this makes up for you saving me from Monoma me saving your horse" and I replied "yes it does". Then I wondered why is she here. "Why are you here? Are you looking for someone?" I asked. She squealed and said "oh no I gotta look for the prince before Deku, Iida, and Tsuyu get upset about me being late again and Tsu might think it's a boy". And then I asked "your looking for the prince why may I ask"? "W-well I am on a quest with my friends and we are looking for Prince Todoroki Shouto because of his power of ice and fire and we heard from Iida a knight who was close to the prince and was almost like a friend to him told him of I place he goes a lot to destress." She rants a bit. "Oh I'm sorry Deku rants a lot and I think I'm getting that from him" she squealed in embarrassment and I start to giggle. "Well you already found him so you won't have to look to far" I say. "Wait what!! Your Prince Todoroki Shouto??!! Oh no I did something wrong again" she panics and slips on a rock in the process and shrieks. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her safely towards my chest and our faces and lips are inches apart. And when I do that something tells me she belongs in my arms safely right next to me. And that's when we heard yelling from afar. 

Uraraka's POV 

            When I found out I was talking to the prince and person who saved me was the prince I was so shocked that I fell. And where I ended up was not really pretty. I fell on top of the prince and he wrapped an arm around me pulled me closer to make me secure and when I opened my eyes my felt cheeks heat up. Our faces where so close we could kiss. I pulled back and apologized and suddenly I heard a " Uraraka where are you?! Did you find Prince Todoroki Shouto?! All you alright?". Oh it's Deku, Iida, and Tsuyu.  I pull away from the prince and yell "Deku, Iida, Tsuyu I'm here" and as soon I say that Iida with Deku and Tsuyu on his back comes running super fast to where we are. And I don't know HOW Iida was able to run super fast in his armor with Tsuyu and Deku on his back. "Uraraka are you alright? Are your hurt? Why did you scream?!!" Iida yells at me and shaking until I almost pass out. "W-well I could answer if you could stop shaking me" I answer and he stops and I fall to the ground and I hear a snort and I panicked. "Wait hold on!! Don't go trying to run my friends over now Black Night I'm sure the didn't mean to scare you or Snow White but they were worried about me like how you are right now!!!" I say jumping off the ground to get between Black Night and my friends. Black Night clams down with Snow White by his side. " So Uraraka did you find the prince" Deku asks. "Actually the prince is right here in front of you" says the prince and we all turn to him with a surprise look. "Ah knight Iida good to see you again and not in the castle and you may speak freely to me since I'm not the crown prince out here" he says with a serious tone. "Your highness please we need you to come on this quest with us so we can defeat the evil league of villains from taking over the whole magical kingdom please help us" Deku pleads. He looks at me and say "yes I will I have nothing to do anyway and I owe this young woman for saving my horse". "Wait but I was returning the favor your highness you saved me first so it makes sense I would want to help you back r-right" I say nervously. "Well you saved my companion ever since I was younger and now I'm in your gratitude forever" he says. "Well we are in each other's gratitude forever then deal?" I ask and the prince replied "alright milady it's a deal". Then as we were leaving the horse I named Black Night wanted to come with us but where we were going next horses needed owners to go in with them. "Who is going to take ownership of the black horse kero" Tsuyu asks. "I-I'll do it. Black Night seems to trust me more than the rest of you guys except Todoroki" I say nervously as we were walking to our base. "Well I agree with her she was the one who got him to calm down for her." Todoroki says and they all agree. When we go to the our secret hideout we had our introduction. Deku went first "Well your highness we should introduce ourselves I'm Izuku Midoriya but you can call Midoryia or Deku like everyone else does and you know Iida". Iida nodded and Deku continues "and that is Tsuyu Asui" please call me Tsuyu or Tsu" Tsu says. "And you already are introduced to Uraraka am I right?" Midoriya finishes. "Well I didn't get her name because she was healing my horse and we were talking" his highness says and I squeaked. "Uraraka!! Do you know how rude it is to not introduce yourself to a prince!!" Iida yells. "W-Well I didn't mean I was healing his horse and we were talking and when we realized we uh meet before" I defended nervously and Iida looks at me and then says " you meet the prince before? And you never in introduced yourself"? "W-Well it was because remember Monoma he came after me and he didn't tell him I was hiding behind his horse and I was late to meet you guys haha" I say very nervously. "Just don't do it again it's disrespectful if you do that especially to his highness" Iida orders. " yes Iida I will" and I left but before I left I felt eyes on me and turned back but no one was looking at me but prince a little blush on his face. Now I really wonder why.

                  I'm sorry the chapter is real short but I couldn't think of anything else and I felt I was taking to long to write this chapter so I could finish my other story and thank you  to for reminding me I was taking to long today 

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