That pervy manager - Ushijima...

By Saffers104

220K 5.8K 3.4K

What happens when Shiratorizawa is blessed with a very, very pervy manager, but they can't go back on their w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (End)

Chapter 6

8.2K 257 219
By Saffers104

Mean girls

A week has passed and I'm still here, that is a cause for some celebrations don't you think? It was a rocky path getting to this point, but the boys didn't exactly make it easy for me, casting me out to the coach, getting me to leave, becoming one of the clingiest shits that I've ever had to deal with.

But I took it all in my stride even if that meant adding salt to the wound that is my life and accepting the fact that the boys might be assholes but so am I. I've not been the greatest person to them, quite frankly I should be sent off to the loony bin for how I've acted, I know I'm weird but not that weird. Maybe it's the move, leaving everything that I've ever known back home – or well I used to live - and trying to settle into a place where it's not welcoming my crazy.

I say that I shouldn't stoop to their level but where else is there to go when I'm already at rock bottom and hell is far beyond my saviour but the only way back up is to suck it up for both parties. Japan has made me coo-coo-crazy, and I need to stop before I start inflicting anymore unnecessary pain. But that doesn't mean some of the boys can't learn to respect me like I'm actual player and not a dummy mouthing off at them.

I suspect that none of them got told that having a god complex isn't an attractive trait. Lucky for them I'm here and they will have to kill me to stop being a Debby-downer.

With that being said, Ushijima proved to be the biggest asshole of them all after not only orchestrating a gangbang and ostracising me from the group he then does the one thing to promise my return. Who the fuck sends a hot, sweaty, fucking sexy spank bank worthy nude photo without any context other than 'practice is at six'. Like whom the fuck does he think he is pinning me down to the bone and fucking me sideways in my dreams. He's getting me all hot and bothered and it's barely been twenty-four hours since he left me on read.

He's such an asshole because of it and I'm so delusional that the moment I heard the signal I came running back into their open arms like a crazy ex-girlfriend deluding herself that he won't cheat again. But they won't. Call me big-headed or whatever I know the boys more than likely fear me than wanting to step on my toes again.

My bite is bigger than my bark.

Of course, it wasn't just the dirty little nude that he sent me that got me kicking out of bed faster than a rooster can cluck in the waking hours of the morning. The team is a dumpster filled with wank stains and little shits that can't stay away after being told no multiple times, their actions and behaviour might be more problematic than my own. But after all their grovelling and manipulative gifts they sure do know how to wear down an opponent's resolve even if my declining presence might have only been a small vacation and less of a walking out.

I'm not a quitter just merely a procrastinator.

This generation however is fucked with a bunch of monsters that I salute to the next one, Gods speed to the coaches and mentors you're going to be needing it.

Coach from back home has already tried to contact and re-schedule me in about the girls practice routines and to at least stay in somewhat good enough form before returning for the upcoming season. I can't be falling behind when I'm one of their only opposite hitters, but alas like everything else in this world everybody is replaceable, and I think Chantelle has that covered... for now.

She's ambitious but I'm the one they will be needing for the championship.

Finally closing and locking my phone after spending hours, and I mean hours drooling over my new home and lock Screen of Ushijima's tasty pectorals and toned to high heaven abdomen. No one would know however as I long since invested into a privacy screen but as I slip my phone into my bra, I don't notice the slightly bent appearance of my shoe locker door.

Kicking off my trainers and absentmindedly sticking my hand inside only for my fingertips to be touching the cool metal of the bottom of my locker. Instantly looking up I see the empty four corners and the sparse space that would have been housing my indoor slippers. I'm not a complete twat to forget my slippers and nor did I take them back to the dorm with me since the only other pair of shoes that I have on me are my gym trainers and the ones that I'm wearing.

Missing morning tutor as I scour around the school trying to locate the bastards but to no avail, they nowhere that I could have possibly left them. Then as I pass over the vending machines and trash cans do I see those oh-so familiar white plimsolls. Shifting over to them and plucking them from the pile of muck and – purposely placed – peels, dirt and grime that smothers the white into an ashen greyish brown.

Just great.

I sorely remember placing them back into my locker yesterday after class as I kicked on my outdoor trainers, looking indiscriminately at them and the kneaded in grime with fingerprint smudges. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that this is an aggravated planned attack. It takes me far too long -an hour – at best to get them cleaned after thoroughly putting in some elbow grease and finally waiting for them to fully dry in the dryer.

I don't understand why anyone would want to do this to me?

I can think of several reasons.

But I haven't wronged anyone thus far? Have I?


The day flies by faster than I would have liked yet nothing else happens after that yet the sinking suspicion that tomorrow is going to be worse leaves me hoarding my indoor shoes in my gym bag.

Practice is the same, it's normal. I remind coach that Tendou and Shirabu need extra stamina training since they were the last to finish yesterday's marathon. He didn't look all too pleased with the information nor did the boys as he continuously drilled them to perfection – if that's even possible. Poor Tendou and shit-eating Shirabu got the worst of it, I might have to get them something for dobbing them out to the coach but that doesn't mean I can't snicker in the corner as I watch their suffering continue. Making sure to at least allocate some time away to do some managerial duties such as surveying Semi-semi on his improved jump serves.

His shoulders seem far slacker than before with as much fluidity as a spring chicken, he's no seal in water nor as slick as his competitors but he's stopped acting like he's carrying a boner around all the damn time. His spikes are more powerful but he's severely lacking that flashy push if he doesn't have that then what does he have to offer to the team.

Just like that practice ended in a flash as the grumpy git besides me had previously spoken to me about the boy's needing to 'focus' for their inter-high preliminaries that are coming up soon.

Now standing around him, we all - they - await the news.

"As you all know, the inter-high preliminaries are arriving soon, I don't want to see any of you slacking especially now when we're all a month away. Practice will be running later into the night; I shouldn't need to mother you all lest you want to be cut from the starting line-up." Grimacing as I watch a wad of spit spray across the boys' faces.

Ducking out of the way as he turns to me his grimace sour as ever before motioning for the captain to say a few kind words. Ushijima like any would expect carries out the shit pep-talk as Washijo stumbles back onto the bleachers. Everyone turns to him now, whilst the pressure would have eaten away at others especially some surrounding me, Ushijima garners that stoic grace like no other. Simply because he's never lively liked the rest nor prods others for gossip or slaps each other's asses with their gym towels in the locker room.

Ushijima nods and steps forwards his eyes a heavy weight to behold as he scans the vicinity.

"Let's just do what we've always done and win." Clapping sarcastically slow hoping to weasel a reaction out of the statue yet the boys act as if it's another Monday evening and their benign stoic captain acts like he's given this speech on the daily.

Either way it lands me snuggling back into bed unaware of what tomorrow will bring.

Tomorrow arrives with a slap in the face and my gnawing suspicions tearing up my gut as they celebrate in knowing that whilst my indoor slippers are dry, my locker is not. Sloppily filled trash, pieces of rotten leaves and banana peels are a few of the delicious ingredients fermenting inside my empty shoe locker. A few students ogle as I pick out the disgusting gunk with a glove that I thankfully packed not in hopes of one day using them and wipe the surfaces clean before class starting.

Am I being bullied? I'm starting to question that a lot these days.

At least from what I've learnt and experienced its best to leave the situation and act like the coldest bitch that they've ever encountered, but I won't forget that I've still got to act whilst the iron is still hot. Acting unfazed is my specialty but it doesn't matter what I end up doing it's going to rile them up either way so I might as well become their worst nightmare if they want to mess with the devil.

Grinning far too wickedly that I unknowingly startle a few victims along the way to class, a flock of whispering students circle around my desk and as I head closer, I see the lovely white lily. Someone's anonymously gifted me a flower? That is so sweet and one of the cutest things someone can ever do, but why is everyone looking at it as if they've just seen a ghost let alone be honoured to receive such a wonder.

This is so thoughtful, yet their vibe is ruining mine, I guess I'll just have to wait before Ushijima and Yamagata gets here, at least they'll appreciate my gift. Sweeping down my skirt as I wait for the boys to arrive, and they do in time, but their reactions are something I didn't quite expect. Even Ushijima's slight raised brows and widened eyes sparked a crazed nerve within me, just what the hell does that even mean?

"Guys look someone gifted me a flower, isn't it sweet." Cooing over to them only noticing Yamagata's strange grunt and diverting gaze whilst Ushijima's boldly holds mine.

Silence draws in slower than I would like but it eventually decides to check in its stay allowing me enough time to scan over towards the sliding doors to find chuggers and her cohort snickering obscenely away in the corner. They should just fester there since they're already destroying the mood. My gaze is that of a dissatisfied mother all too aware of her daughters' misgivings, it flicks from her troop to her before disregarding their existence entirely. I can't be bothered to be dealing with their silly antics today since I have bigger fish to fry, such as why are the boys acting so strangely?

But I have no time to ask as the homeroom teacher finally makes his appearance, self-study leaves me with more questions than answers as I continue to feel the pelting of the boys' eyes scorching eyeholes in the back of my head.

I want to ask what all the staring is about, but the chance never presents itself once self-study ends and English begins. I leave the flower in the back of the classroom since I hope no one will touch it as I move to the next class, both Yamagata and Ushijima watch me carefully as I do so.

It's becoming tedious with not knowing what they're thinking.

Tendou and Semi-semi make the ever boring watered down English lesson fun with their constant bickering and snide remarks that the teacher ends up wanting to separate the three of us midway through the session. However, I think through the sheer grace of my grades he doesn't bother any more than giving us a few stern looks to dismiss our torture onto our fellow peers.

But I can't stop overhearing the faint chatter of some of the insecure girls in the back making some harsh remarks about me. I should have just dealt with them there, yet I didn't. My face just scrunches up in annoyance and I go back to distracting the others.

I can feel it now as clear as day, the tensions are high especially in gym class where the coach thought it best to play football or God forbid soccer – which is an abomination to British history and culture. Where some of the girls on my team would pass me the ball and freeze me out altogether. Am I not existing enough for you Karen?!

How mature of them.

The overarching echos of shouts and calls to pass the ball or watch where it's going to hit mostly blankets the dreaded name calling that's been targeted towards me.


Turning around as I swear that I overheard my name, but I didn't get to see the warning smug face nor the gaping mouths as I'm struck in the face.

The smacking sound echoing in the gymnasium.

Unfortunately, the boys don't hear it since they're outside doing track and field games. I'm left alone with a bunch of snakes.

I don't remember much until I'm blinking blearily up into the shafters of the ceiling wondering when the last time someone got up there for a good scrub. Its then the chorus of laughter's barrel through the ringing in my ears and the uncontrolled tears break free as the ache in my nose is the first thing I feel, I can't remember the last time I felt such a sting. Once in middle school I received a volleyball with my face during practice, and I had a black eye for days including a swollen face for about a week but this, this feels intentional.

From the way the ball broke into a fierce spin and the force propelling it forwards I certainly rule out any accidents that the preparator claims it to be. Slowly getting up with nothing but an annoyed grumble with the aided help of the few girls that don't revel in my downfall. Funnily enough something must have kickstarted in the teacher as she forces me to go to the nurse's office.

I've had enough of this shit; this is the final straw.

The roundtrip to the nurse's office, a full explanation to why my nose is furiously bleeding and heading back to the locker room leaves me starkly abandoned by everyone. All that's left is my uniform and upon further inspection I can safely assume that its well and truly shredded and sopping wet, and my bag is nowhere to be found.

They must mistake me for a fool if I'm going to let them get away with this-

A blinking glittery thing catches the corner of my eye, there fallen under the benches before the lockers is a bright sparkly phone. Reaching out for it feels like scraping my hand against fake rocks as some of the gemstone's peels onto my hand. Flipping it over I instantly recognise the pink fluffy keychain belonging to one of the groupies that follow chuggers around everywhere. I'm more than certain that she's also the very person who kicked that fucking football in my face, flipping it open I can't say if she was dumb enough not to have a password or I'm a genius for finding it.

I might just go on that murdering spree after all in the name of retribution.

Heading straight to the dorms to first change into my spare uniform before sending out a text to Yui-chan to come; this isn't some petty revenge anymore I'm going nuclear. Heading down to main reception with my shredded uniform in tow where I had originally come here as the new transfer student suddenly entering her third year to now as someone enraged and in need of help.

A few moments later I find Yui patiently at the door with a takeaway bag in hand, Himari stands next to her with an unreadable expression. But I guess once I get closer and my face is revealed to be far more butchered than I had started the day with does shock roll in. Yui blinkers like a deer in headlights almost dropping her precious hot food whilst Himari runs up to me standing on her tippy toes to reach out. She at first doesn't want to touch my face maybe too afraid that I will shatter in the first instance of contact, yet she throws such mix messages away when I'm engulfed in her chipmunk sized grasp.

"Oh, I didn't know you cared so much." Maybe joking about this wasn't the best moves as Himari just hits me and Yui continues to frown.

"Uh, rude." Yui clicks her tongue.

"Of course, we care and what the heck happened to your face?" Himari declares as she makes room for me to open the door.

Waving her off me as I don't want to waste the little lunch break that we have left with being pestered by a thousand questions.

Entering inside I don't see the weirdly shaped parcel dropped by the entrance as I instantly make a beeline for my room. The others follow behind, Himari goes to my bed and Yui sits at my desk before I hand her the phone. She turns it over scrutinising the pink sparkly gemstones with an innate disgust painting across her face.

"This isn't mine." an instant wicked smirk appears once she flips it open.

"Its owner forgot it after they kicked a football into my face and then proceeded to mess with my stuff." Referring to my face.

The desk creaks under my weight as I continue to feel the ache spasming all over my T-zone which surprisingly enough doesn't kill as much as my eyes where a nasty purple semi-circle is beginning to bruise underneath my right eye. Crossing my arms as I feel the weight of their stares butcher over my scorned body already wanting to hide my weaker inner self from them.

"A ball was kicked into my face in gym class today, majority of the girls are saying shit behind my back, my uniform was shredded and wet then in tutor I found a white lily on my desk but I'm guessing that's a bad sign." The girl's gasp gets louder by each added tragedy that's happened to me today.

My life is a joke at this point.

"But then I found this bad boy, it must have fallen through the gaps when they were getting changed, oh the fools, they don't know what's about to hit them." A sinister laugh escapes me.

Yui doesn't need to be told twice as she too smiles sardonically with that evil glint in her eyes as she commandeers my laptop and begins connecting the flip phone to it. I'm not surprised or somewhat concerned with how Yui conducts herself in her spare time when she not only downloads all the data from the device but also finds a nifty little app that at first appears looks like a calculator but is in fact a secret messaging platform.

"I don't know if they thought that no one would lose their phone and get it hacked but they're using their real names. With this we know who they are, what grade they're in and indite them for all they're worth." She finishes by saving the files in a USB stick that she just randomly carries with her.

"So, what are we going to do?" Himari pipes up in the back.

Oh, I love her for thinking that this is now a 'we' problem. A happy smile coating my lips as I think up the perfect plan.

"Oh, you know do some light hunting and then set all their asses on fire." Grinning evilly while watching Yui set a ping off to all our phones.

She isn't just brilliant but an absolute genius as the flip phone is mirrored onto my phone as well as Himari's in a one-way connection meaning that we'll be able to weasel them out of their hidey-hole.

"Well, I hope that you fuck with them as much as possible." Both me and Himari are left star struck, my bitch just swore.

Where is my sweet little innocent Yui gone? Because I just might be digging this new version a little too hard right now.

"We ride at dawn."

Returning to maths before the bells strikes surprises many of my peers out of their seats when I walk in like nothing ever happened minus the evident bruise now purpling in my T-zone and under my right eye. Ushijima seems far from cheery and somehow taking up the feral look as he surveys the damages done to me.

We don't talk much and I suffer alone in my piling equations. I'll have to ask him later in practice why was so moody this morning but the only bit of concern that I get for my wounds is silence.

Class ends but as I'm packing up, I witness the deep disgust forming on chuggers and her posse as they clicked their tongues before walking away. Tarts.

History class is just tipping on with wanting to commit murder with how bored out of my mind I am with Tendou acting as an accomplice. He too like Ushijima has worry in his eyes while he characteristically wears his wide smile as he laughs through all my shit attempts to be uplifting. The teacher tried to tell us off but that just made things worse, out of all the boy's me and Tendou have the same dark humour, so we get on like a house on fire. It's even greater when he's attractive, while we joke many inappropriate fantasies linger on my mind and I can't help but grin lustfully at him.

I don't even try hide it.

My first ping of the day comes right after class as if all the crazies decided that maintaining their good girl images are far more important than chatting in their occultist group chat. Even their group chat name is fucking ironic, 'Mean Girls' with a pink heart, I even checked their admin notes and it's just fucking quotes from the stupid-ass movie.

Being original is obviously not their forte.

Currently they're just making up shit that I so happened to do during the day like hitting on Ushijima and sinking my claws into Tendou. But the most recent comments seem to be how they're now orchestrating a meet up and how they're going to fuck me up. It's a fucking joke even most of their words aren't spelled correctly and I'm a halfy.

This is the perfect plan however beating them at their own game when I can just use this against them, the faster this is over the better my life can continue to prosper without their wank stain of an existence dampening it.

Tendou POV

Y/n-chan didn't join us for lunch and whilst that's a blessing in disguise both Hayato and Wakatoshi-kun had something to say about the little incident this morning. Well, mostly Hayato-kun since Wakatoshi only grunted in confirmation to what my suspicions had been gnawing on since she arrived.

I wouldn't say that outside of volleyball we're all that popular but nothing beats being the star and captain of Shiratorizawa like Ushijima Wakatoshi, he's always managed to get girls even without trying. That's always without trying unlike what the girls believe Wakatoshi is quite frankly incapable of speaking to girls and flirting with them.

I doubt that he even has the inhibitions to do so.

Volleyball is his rock and his world, and nothing gets in between it not even school dramas and definitely not girls. So, of course, he would be oblivious to what's happening to Y/n-chan or what appears to be true on the surface as I suspect a miniature war is brewing within him. But the girls seem to have this thing – clique – about Wakatoshi being there's and no one else's all at the same time.

Everyone knows about it, yet it's become a taboo thing unless you want to be ostracised by the entire female student body, it's happened before and many of the guys fear the girls at the top of the food chain. But not Y/n she was a bulldozer to all their schemes, and I love it, the chaos that she's unintentionally creating just for being herself.

So, as her friend and teammate I can't stand it anymore, I won't let my friend suffer under these bitches, for too long have they reigned with an iron fist over the student body. It's time for their destruction.

Thankfully, as we stretch by the corner me, Hayato, Semi-semi ,Wakatoshi – not out of own volition – and Reon have a small window to talk whilst Y/n-chan fills up the water bottles.

The silence is broken with me.

"Let's face it the girls have got out of hand and Y/n-chan is suffering. Have you seen her face?" Adding as I bend into a lunge.

Wakatoshi-kun stretches out his arm crossing over his chest as if he's on autopilot but his expression is fowl sending shivers up my spine. He's always been the silent, unfazed, oblivious type with one resting face that could beat a statue in a staring competition, but I've never seen him make that expression before.

I would tease him for only now showing his true colours, but I doubt he even recognises that he's pulling such a face. Still, it can't hurt to try.

"Eh - Wakatoshi-kun showing emotions - it's as if you like her – does it perhaps hurt you to see her like this?" Cooing I wriggle my eyebrows in a suggestive manner, but his expression drops, and he looks down at his shoes.

See, I was right about him being unaware of his behaviour. He always is.

"No. I'm the captain of this team and she's a part of it. Just concerned over a member of my team." He states bluntly with no emotion laced into his voice.

"You concerned over-"

"What are we going to do?" but the bouncy little libero jumps in throwing out my surprise with more questions than answers.

Hayato-kun leans against the wall his knees bent out before him as he sits on nothing, but pure painstaking muscle and we all look at him for stage two. Maybe something will pop into our heads and save us from pondering on how to stop an army of chicks from killing Y/n-chan.


I swear all our hearts jumps out of our chests, clinging to Semi-semi like a frightened child and the culprit bursts out into a fit of laughter as if our fear is amusing to her. Until all too quickly the burst of joy silences out into dust and she deadpans at us all almost a gender bent image of Wakatoshi-kun.

Are these two clones of each other?

"Don't worry I've got it covered. All you must do is just wait for me after my last class tomorrow." She adds giving us all a cutesy smile before turning to devilish grin that screams 'I'm going to enjoy killing you'.

It takes longer for me to register the underlining meaning; it seems like our pervy manager is brighter than the stars that illuminate the night sky. For one thing that I do understand quickly is that Y/n-chan is a girl you do not want to mess with but where's all the fun in that.

This girl is crazy and I'm here for it.

Reader POV


Tick tock.

Tick. Tock.

Time is moving too slow; I've been waiting all day for this fucking gang up meeting but it's only now lunch time and I'm too buzzed to eat anything. I want it now. Cradling my face into my hands I could simply cry with how shit this is and how slow everything around me seems to be going.

Is the universe mocking me?

Have I done something to upset you?

Must you go so slowly.

That you rather have me sitting here sandwiched between Tendou and Ushijima because it's fun? Because it sure is but that doesn't stop the death stares and the blood thirst from growing rather it encourages it. I'm hungry and my food is far from appetising, yet I eat nonetheless, and I don't won't the mob of my friends chasing me down with hot buns and onigiri.

Yui and Himari seem to be hitting it off with the others, I was at first apprehensive about the two worlds colliding, but it seems I was worried for nothing. Yui seems to be getting along with the grumpiest git alive and Himari is sparking conversations out of Ohira as if her life depended on it.

Tendou is more than enjoying sitting next to me and watching as the table becomes alive with our laughter and their god-awful banter. Honestly boys have the weirdest shit to talk about that no country nor language could ever get between.

"What's got ya sighing so badly? Is it because you're sexually frustrated or-" Tendou doesn't finish his sentence as Yamagata smacks upside the head.

Tendou smacks him back if not tenth fold.

"What? Yes, and kinda, I just want this day to end already so I can just do this thing." Answering like no one is listening that I just turn to Ushijima who continues to eat his curry without worry.

At least some of us have their appetites.

"Isn't that meet up today? What you're going to do?" Ohira sincerely asks while looking up as he blows on his spoon filled with his Miso soup.

"Yesssssss......" Groaning I hit my head on the table if it means I go back to staring at Ushijima whilst he eats, aw look his cheeks are full, he looks so adorable that it reminds me of a chipmunk when their pouches are full.

His eyes slip away briefly from his Hayashi rice and our eyes connect, it's not as magical as they describe it in books and movies, but it sure does make me feel like the only girl in his world.

"I'll probably fuck them up, ya know the basics." The table goes quieter than when a tumbleweed flows by in the wind in one of those old western movies.

Tendou only then erupts into a fit of laughter, he must think I'm insane, I might think I'm insane, but he soon stops, and we deadpan at each other.

Are we being serious right now? I don't know.

Finally, the bell rings and my waiting continue even as the class begins to fill and of course the last bitch to come in is chuggers and the gang. I never really like people who insta-like me, but I also equally don't like the people who are quick to judge me due to my last name. Just because I happened to be born in a famous volleyball family with Annabelle making a name for herself in the sports-fashion industry.

I shouldn't have but I did get used to people flocking to me when I was growing up because of it, they would swarm and be quick to change their opinions about me the minute I did something to break their expectations. Their fantasy version of myself who was also this mega lucky girl who also had the skills to go into professional volleyball if I wanted to so that for sure makes me a benevolent creature or does that make me a bitch like everyone else?

I stopped caring after an incident in the beginning of high school right after moving to the US for a change of scenery when I smacked a bully with the metal lunch tray during break. I nearly got kicked out and off the team if it wasn't for my parents urging for the school to better discipline the actual cause of the problem and not the victim who did something about it. After that people stopped flocking and I started living my life free of their concerns until again, I'm right back where I started.

This time however I have skills that I didn't have before one of them being able to read people, it comes with being watched all the time, the public, my friends, the people that flocked to me but gossiped about me behind my back. Human behaviour has one of the easiest tells amongst the animal kingdom that is if you know what you're looking for.

Chuggers and co seem delighted even if they wear malice like when men wear Lynx aftershave. It's cheap and unoriginal.

Class ends and I make a final goodbye to the few boys that in before slowing down my movements and making sure that the clean-up crew fucks off before I might tear out my hair. It's a now or never opportunity and I'm more than sure that the guys must reel back Yui and Himari from going apeshit if this doesn't go right.

I've always been a fighter, growing up with four brothers and a sister makes you a survivalist. So, I guess I got double lucky for being prepped for verbal and physical fights and if anything goes south, I have plan B to save me and fuck with them.

The school is already working against them as we speak. They haven't spoken yet, but they will in due course.

The door clacks a closed as if we've now entered the third act and all the drama that's been building up over the past two is now coming to its climax. It's a damn shame that the tension feels more like a mediocre low-budget drama than the Hollywood specials exclusive to cinemas, but they get a gold star for trying.

They walk over to me each one smirking, some grimacing to the point that they could audition for 'Babe' the pig. I stifle a laugh and right then one of them slaps me across the face, it's a piss poor slap but the underlining meaning is there I just don't give a shit. Licking my lips, I smile even brighter, and their joy is stifled with disgust.

Forming a tight circle around me the girls remain at an arms distance away in case I might bite back I suspect; chuggers cross her arms under her buoying balloons, but I think she adds some chicken fillets to make them appear bursting from the seams. Her eyes flick me up and down before rolling them, corn colour hair looks as dry as ever, there's bleach blonde and then there's straw.

"Stay away from Ushijima-san, or we'll fuck you up, better yet quit the team right now." She spits her venom at me.

Is this meant to sound threatening?

My brothers drip more fear into their smack than whatever drivel she's reciting from. I am unmoving and become one with a statue as I stare blankly into her dried-up soul. She clucks like a chicken thinking she's a rooster when in reality she's dinner. Good, she's getting agitated that her plan isn't working, her words mean nothing to me.

"Oi, you whore you think you're all high and mighty getting into their good books, I bet all they think of when they look at you is when is the next bang." Turning to a bob cut girl with half shaved eyebrows.

Is she trying to imitate that cyberpunk style in 'Ghost in the shell' because she looks more doll like than 'I'm going to end your life' like.

I perk up at this.

"Oh, you really think so, I have been trying my hardest to seduce them you see so that just means that it's working." Smiling overjoyed, they look mortified at the unexpected statement from me.

"Oh, I can't wait now just to see Wakatoshi, just to want him to slap my arse like he's hitting a spike~ Oh yes daddy." Moaning out as I fake an orgasm.

The girls shift uncomfortable on their heels, looking to each other for comfort from this crazy bitch.

"How dare you call him by his first name." Chuggers goes into slap me, my focuses divert downwards to where they jiggle and bounce with each movement, I mean it's totally worth the slap.

I would in any other scenario dodge the impending attack but what beats having one slap on record when you can dob in the queen bitch for slapping me defenceless. My left cheek stings, and I let the instinctive waterworks to stream down my face. It's hard to stop them but with a big breath in only a few seems to satisfy her childish slap, I've been hit in the face with a fucking volleyball by one of brothers, this shit means nothing.

She smiles smugly to herself and the others, it must look so easy to them, I don't even try to stifle the next laugh that spurts out of me. She looks like she thinks she just won the game, oh no honey the game has just begun.

"Now do as we say or get ready for a world of pain, I can destroy your social life just like that." Snapping her fingers, the other girls move back to circling me.

I can't hold it in anymore, this shit is hysterical, I bring my hand to her shoulder, and she flinches under my touch. I pull her into my embrace, she's feverish and stinks of lavender. She struggles but when you grow up with four brothers and each one is both deadly competitive on the court and has no remorse you learn to have an iron grip on the ball.

"Oh, honey you have no idea what a world of pain even feels like but don't worry I can help you with that." Whispering into her ear, my breath caressing the side of her face.

Pulling back, she stumbles only to hushed by my finger and the shivers that current through her to me is electrifying.

"Shush now, if you really wanted play so badly you should've just asked." I step up to her now, invading her space as she did with me.

"You think you've won when in reality you lost the moment you stole my slippers," pausing to look over towards the cloudy window that look out into the hallway.

"Let me explain this for you as it must be hard to have such a tiny brain to overcompensate for your melons. Me and Wakatoshi are meant to be, fuck that sexy beast of a man sent me something juicy just to get me on the team his desperation to have me is such a turn on that whenever I'm around him I just want to pounce him. But I respect the captain too much to insult him like that when we aren't even dating...yet." Tilting my head, licking the curve of her ear, she shivers delightfully as I continue.

"Fuck with me or my friends again I'll hunt you down and do more than just 'talk' to you, I'll hunt down your friends and your family, because honey the one with the real power to make your social life non-existent is me. After all I am the daughter of a famous volleyball player as well as the little sister to four brothers and an incredibly famous sister that can end your prospects like that." Snapping my finger on the other side of her head, chuggers flinches.

"So, come at me with all you've got I'll be waiting to happily destroy you." Whispering quietly so only she can hear; her friends seem eager to retort.

Her eyes are owlish, like a deer in headlights.

Before I let this go on any further, I give out the signal for the others to come out, the girls stand there frozen when they see the very angry volleyball team's third years block the entrance, Ohira hands me my phone.

Good it's saved.

"This ladies, is evidence." all the colour drains from their faces, chugger's keeps her back facing us.

"You'd days are numbered." I watch with delight amusement as one of the girls buckles beneath the weight of herself falling to her knees.

I crouch before her and give her the gift of my fearsome headbutts to her swollen little face and as this is all off the record now, I turn, pulling back my body into a slight turn and punch chuggers square in the tit and elbowing dolly in the stomach. I would've done more if the team wasn't here and if I didn't have a plan in action to deal with these fuckers.

Soon leaving them in their misery I re-joined back up with the team on our way to practice as they all congratulate me on how I handled it, coach is going to be more than pissed that we're late but it's worth it. Some of the guys are a tad bit angry and let it show during practice after the scolding. Ushijima nearly gives some of the poor first years sprained hands as they tried to block him.

The following day the girls surprisingly didn't show up because in fact I was that salty bitch that went to the head with my report file and told on them like the little snitch I am. He was horrified and compensated me with a new uniform and expelling the perpetrators immediately. News spread like wildfire throughout school and that's where the fangirls learnt to never mess with me again.

If they do, they should start writing their wills as no one wants to play fire with the devil incarnate herself. 


I love how with each chapter rewrite they get significantly longer and double in size.

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