~•.:Sacrificed To A Sex God:...

By VampireRoses1223

783K 22.1K 2.6K

---But you see, the villagers couldn't find a special sacrifice to please the God Alexander, so they suffered... More

~•.:Sacrificed To A Sex God:.•~
Chapter One - One Year Ago... Part One
Chapter One - One Year Ago... Part Two
Chapter One - One Year Ago... Part Three
Chapter Two - The Present
Chapter Three - Sacrifice
Chapter Five - Am I In Heaven, Or In Hell?
Chapter Six - "Traditional Celebration"?!
Chapter Seven - Echoes Of Sealed Words
Chapter Eight - The Trial
Chapter Nine - A Plan..?
Important Message, Please Read
Chapter Ten - Faking
Quick Little Update!!!

Chapter Four - Evil Plans

46.4K 1.4K 142
By VampireRoses1223

Hey you guyss :) Ok, so I kind of have a problem...

For some reason, whenever I publish a new chapter, there are no spaces between the new sentences, and I pressed Enter four times after the ending of the sentences, to try and keep them apart, but after I publish the chapter, all the sentences are all shoved back together again...

If you know whats going on or how to fix it, please message me so I can fix my chapters and hopefully make it better to read!! :) Thanks!

Oh, by the way, HAPPY EARLY THANKSGIVING :) I'm telling you now because obviously I will be busy for Thanksgiving ;)

                                         *UNKNOWN P.O.V*

There was a soft knock on my door, but I ignored it. I already knew who the useless scum was.

The door creaked open, and a pathetic, tiny man slowly fidgeted his way in. "T-The deed has been done..." His voice quivered as he took off his brown hat. He held it in his nervous, shaking hands.

I smirked at him, but it wasn't like he could see. My office was completely dark, just the way I liked it. My plan had been going perfectly so far, and now that the girl has been sacrificed, the real game begins.

I dont even feel sorry for her, she was just another obstacle, just like her entire family. Useless scums, all of them.

"Good... And the boy?" I asked darkly, watching the nervous man fidget with his hat. "Well he is being a little more stubborn than expected..." The man replied, backing up slowly.

"What?" I asked angrily. The man swallowed hesitantly, and then said, "Well... He- Uh- He's not cooperating... And he keeps fighting the guards... He almost escaped a couple of times..."

"WELL MAKE SURE HE COOPERATES THEN!" I angrily yelled at him, exposing my fangs. The man stumbled back. The door slammed shut and the man's back quickly hit it.

"Y-Y-Yes sir!" He stuttered back at me. I relaxed a bit, and sat back down in my office chair. "Does he know what happened?" I asked angrily.

"Yes sir, he knows... Her screams could be heard from a mile away..." He replied hesitantly. I smirked again, and let out a dark chuckle. Other's pain relaxes my mind...

"And the ashes of the girl?" I asked calmly.

"W-Well sir... Thats also another problem... After her body burnt, we checked for ashes, but none were left! Not even from the wood! It was all gone! The only evidence of her burning is the big patch of land that was scorched!" The man stuttered back at me again, trying to control his fear.

I angrily grabbed my office chair, and threw it at the door. But before it hit the man he quickly dodged it, and fell to the floor, shaking like a leaf.

"HOW DO YOU EXPECT MY PLANS TO GO SMOOTHLY IF THE MOST IMPORTANT PART IS MISSING?!" I angrily hissed at him. The man was shaking uncontrollably, and he was whimpering quietly.

I darkly chuckled, and just turned my back to him. "I am going to give you one last chance. Understood?" I asked darkly, putting my hands behind my back.

"Yes sir, thank you sir!" The man's voice cracked a few times, and I smirked at his fear.

"You must go tell the boy his sentence was moved up. Tell him, his trial is going to be next week. If he is found guilty, he will be killed the next day."

"Yes sir! Right away sir! .....B-But if he is innocent?" The man once again nervously asks.

"Then you loose your head." I replied simply, still keeping my back turned to him.

"Understood sir..." The man said getting up, and picking up his hat, and putting it on his head. He nervously grabbed the door handle, and was about to turn it. 

"And remember, one wrong move, and you'll never be hear from again. I'm sure Cecilia will be devastated." I said darkly smirking.

Te cowardly man's eyes widdened at the mention of his wife, and he quickly shook his head and ran out of my office. I let out another dark chuckle, and walked across the room to get my now broken chair.

I picked it up, and placed it behind my desk again. I'll just get another one tomorrow.

I sat down in my chair, and smirked. My plan was going beautifully so far, and nobody suspected a thing. Stupid, pathetic villagers.

They were all stupid enough to sacrifice their only source of protection. But now that she is gone, it makes it all easier for me.

             *JACOB'S P.O.V*

It is dark in my cell. There are rats everywhere, and no fresh air to breathe. The ground was cold and I was freezing.

I sat in the corner, shaking slightly. My clothes were gone, I only had rags to wear now.

I wished all of this never happened. We should have never came back. Chime would have still been alive...

Her screams could be heard from miles away, and they echoed in my mind.

"Chime, I am so sorry..." My throat was so dry, my words sounded croaky.

I began thinking about how it would be like if she said yes to my proposal, said yes to running away with me.

What would our kids look like...? If we did have kids, I would want it to be a girl... I would have wanted  her to be named Kiara...

She would have Chime's beautiful, soft hair and her beautiful deep grey eyes....

I missed Chime so much, I never even got to say goodbye... And I loved her so much...

But it will all be over soon. I will avenge her death. I will kill anyone who even touched her.

Suddenly, the prison gate creaked open, and two men came in. One was a security guard with a torch in his hand, and the other was the Judge.

They stopped at my cell, and the Judge nervously frowned at me. "Boy, your trial has been moved to a sooner date. Your trial is going to be next week." He said in a nervous tone, his eyes darting around. Why was he so nervous?

"What? Why?!" I asked angrily. The Judge just nervously swallowed, and took off his brown hat, and held it in his hands nervously. He cleared his throat loudly. "Because since it was your fault Chime left the village, the villagers of the dead victims would like to see your trial sooner." He replied hesitantly.

There was something in his eyes, like fear...

His voice was shaky, and I could tell it was a lie. I angrily scowled at him, and suddenly leaped up to the bars and grabbed the Judge's shirt.

"You sick bastard! Your lying! Your the reason Chime died! She was innocent! And you never even gave her a trial, you just killed her!" I yelled out angrily, grabbing the Judge's throat. I was choking him, but suddenly something really hard hit me in the stomach, and I flew back and my back hit the wall.

The Judge sucked in a breathe, and gently grabbed his throat and started coughing uncontrollably.

"You little bastard!" The Judge called out angrily. The guard opened the door, and gave the Judge a metal stick.

The Judge came in, and started beating my head angrily. "YOU WILL HAVE NO FOOD OR WATER FOR 4 DAYS!" He yelled angrily at me. And then everything went dark.

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