
By the_impssible_girl

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Victoria Stilinski never knew that her long time crush would even look at her let alone hook up with her. Jus... More

New Version
Unexpected Cast
Part 2 Aesthetic
Short Q&A
Cover Contest
Cover Contest Results
Part 3 Aesthetic
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2
Bonus Chapter 3


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By the_impssible_girl

Chapter Thirty-Five
No Sleep

Being on bed rest sucked. Especially when other girls were trying to get with your boyfriend. I liked Kira, don't get me wrong, she was super sweet and all but, her crush on Scott was fueling a fire in me that couldn't be put out. 

I was jealous. For no reason other than Kira thought Scott was cute and now they were friends. Nothing had happened, she wasn't throwing herself at him, but I was still jealous. 

Scott and Stiles were currently helping Kira steal her phone back and I couldn't go because I'm stuck in bed. At least I get to stay at Scott's for the week. Both my dad and Melissa okay-ed it. 

It wasn't all bad either. I sat in bed doing research all day and all I learned was how behind Scott and I were. Apparently I'm supposed to already be planning for after they're here and what I want the room to be like while giving birth. Oh, and I need to give birth at a hospital with a level 3 NICU because they'll be born premature... Oh god, what have I got myself into. 

I set the computer aside the moment my phone rang. "Scott, thank god. You just saved me from my rabbit hole of information... did you know that I'm at risk for gestational high blood pressure and diabetes?" 

"High blood pressure? Diabetes? Should I be worried?" I rolled my eyes, closing the computer. "Probably not. But it's a risk. Anyways, how was the police station with Kira? Did you get her phone back?" 

Little Stiles, which is what I called my son, began rolling around and pressing against my pelvis. I groaned while sitting up in the bed. "It was good, yeah. Stiles is taking Kira to that party Danny's throwing."

I nodded swinging my legs over the bed. "So you're on your way back now?" I stood up and began walking toward the en suite bathroom to grab my coconut oil. "Yeah, I'm on my way." I smiled while rolling up my shirt and rubbing on the oil, clicking Scott onto speaker phone. 

"Yay. I've been so bored today. Oh, can you bring home some cranberry juice? You're out." I asked politely, rolling down my shirt and putting away my coconut oil. I could hear Scott's laugh through the line. "Yeah, I'll get you some cranberry...."

The room began to fade away and I began lowering myself to the ground in anticipation, not wanting to faint and hurt myself or the babies. The room was dark with lights everywhere, people were wearing glow in the dark paint. 

I could see Stiles sitting on the stairs... making out with some girl. Okay, ew. He pulled away from her, "uh, I thought you liked girls?" The girl nodded, "I do like girls! Do you?" Stiles nodded, "Absolutely!" She smiled, "Great."

They began making out again and I felt really awkward watching. Stiles pulled away again and, honestly I could punch him. He was making out with a hot girl, why is he pulling away. "...So, you also like boys?" He asked. 

"Absolutely! Do you?" She asked, Stiles' eyes went wide. "Ummm..." She didn't give him a chance to respond when she began making out with him again. Until, of course, Stiles pulled away.... again. "I'm sorry-- what are phosphors?"
The girl smiled, "Oh, they're any substance that luminesces. It's in your teeth, your fingernails, laundry detergent...It's also in this! Reacts to the UV light-- that's why it glows." She explained with a smile on her face. Stiles looked at his key in wonderment, "How would I get phosphors on my key?" He has phosphors on his key? "Have you been handling chemicals?" Stiles shook his head, "No, I don't think I--"
His eyes went wide and he stood up, "I'm sorry. I'm really, totally sorry. I just thought of something and I have to go. Really, I want it. I want to stay. I would just stay all night... I swear... But I really have to go, and I don't want to offend you."The scene changed and now it was Stiles standing in the chemistry room at the school. He put his key in the chemical closet, it was a perfect match... Why would Stiles have the key to the chemistry closet? Then he was walking up to the board, the same board that had the periodic table elements written. The periodic elements that spelled out Kira when Barrow tried to kill her. Stiles walked up to the bored and... his hand writing matched perfectly with that that was on the bored. 

I gasped awake, now back in Scott's bathroom with my back resting against the tub. Scott was standing in front of me, holding my shoulders with worry in his eyes. "Was it another vision?" He asked. 

"Y-yeah..." I swallowed thickly, tapping my throat. "I need water." Scott jumped up from the floor, leaving the room without a second thought. Probably getting me my water. I let out a groan. My head was aching slightly, not as badly as it was a month ago but, still pretty bad. 

Scott handed me a glass of water, "here." I smiled at him before bringing the glass to my mouth, the water cooling my throat. I sucked down the whole glass before handing it back to Scott and standing from the ground, with his help. 

"It was about Stiles, he was making out with some chick and talking about phosphors." I shrugged, rubbing my head while walking back into his room. I was exhausted after my vision. I grabbed my laptop from the bed, moving it to sit on his dresser. 

I then began taking off my leggings. "I'm so tired. That vision wore me out." I sighed, putting my leggings into the hamper along with my tank top and bra. I traded it for one of Scott's t-shirts. I didn't bother putting on pants because, I was too tired. 

"Okay, I'm gonna shower before bed." I nodded, leaning up to give him a kiss before moving over to the bed. My head hurt and, as much as I wanted to stay up and talk with Scott, my vision instantly wore me out. 

I fell asleep with one thought in mind. What did my vision mean?

"Do you have to go to school?" I pouted slightly, not liking the fact that Scott had to leave me all day. Scott laughed, pulling on his jean jacket and grabbing the keys to his bike. I rose a brow, "yeah, you better get that bike out of your system while you can. My children will not be riding on that death trap." 

Scott rose an eyebrow at me. "Death trap? Really?" I shrugged, continuing to fold the laundry. I forced Scott and Melissa to let me do laundry since I had nothing else to do. "Yes, death trap." Scott laughed again, "I think Stiles and I will be able to convince you that it's not that bad." 

I rolled my eyes before sighing and turning to Scott, his arms wrapped around my waist. "So, should I go home tonight? Since those things are gonna be here?" I asked. Scott shook his head. "I don't know. Part of me wants you as far from them as possible but, they're attacking anything  connected to the supernatural. Lydia was attacked so... what if you are too?" 

"I could just stay upstairs in a circle of mountain ash? Give myself and extra circle of protection." I suggested, unable to help the bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Scott nodded, "yeah. That sounds good." 

With one last smile I raised up on my toes, kissing Scott. I could feel Janie kicking which only made me laugh against Scott's lips. "Janie's kicking." I whispered, my fingers playing with the ends of his hair, my eyes peering into his. 

Scott moved his hand to where Janie was, smiling as he felt her move against him slightly. "Okay, you're gonna be late. I love you." I pushed him away, turning back to my laundry. Scott smiled, "I love you too." He placed a kiss to my temple before walking out of the room. 

"Don't forget your helmet!" I hollered down the stairs, only getting a laugh in response. I swear, if that boy gets hurt... I'll completely back up Melissa on getting rid of that thing. 

I was sitting in the bath, reading my book, when my phone rang. "Shit..." I mumbled, setting my book on the floor beside me and grabbing my phone instead. Ever since the incident with Jennifer, I made sure my phone was always with me. 

Melissa's name was flashing across the screen. I furrowed my brows, why was she calling me? "Melissa, hello?" I could hear shuffling over the line. "Victoria, hi. Listen, Stiles is at the hospital with me right now--"

I sat up straighter, the water sloshing with my sudden movement, "what do you mean? Is he okay?" My heart rate picked up and I felt like my stomach was twisting, though that might have been one of my babies moving. 

"Everything's fine, he's asleep right now but, I think you should come down for when he wakes up." I swallowed thickly, remembering a vision I had. "He's like mom, isn't he?" I bit my lip, scared for the answer. 

Melissa sighed, "his symptoms are the same." I sucked in a breath, nodding my head and preparing myself for this roller coaster. "Okay, I'll be there soon." I hung up the phone, tossing it to the floor with a clang. 

I brought my knees up, using them to prop my elbows while I dug the heels of my palms into my eyes. This can't be happening right now. Stiles can't do this to me right now. I just... I need him to be okay. 

He's my brother, my best friend... he can't just leave me like this. It's not fair. I let out a strangled breath, trying to calm myself. Stress isn't good for the babies. Stiles will be okay. With those thoughts in mind, I climbed out of the tub, draining the water. 

I quickly pulled on a pair of black sweat pants that were more form fitting, pairing them with a stripped black and white shirt that accentuated my stomach but, I didn't care, and a white fuzzy cardigan. 

While I pulled on my shoes, I dialed Scott's number, only having to hit the 2 for my speed dial. He answered on the second ring. "Victoria, hey, is everything okay?" I let out a breath from tying my shoes. 

"Yeah, well, no, not really... I don't know, honestly. I just need to go to the hospital, Stiles is there sleeping. Can I barrow your car?" I asked, running my fingers through my hair before opting to just pull it up into a pony tail. 

I could hear Scott sigh, "yeah, of course. I'm still gonna go home and make sure everyone is okay and then I'll head to the hospital. Let me know how Stiles is doing, okay?" I nodded grabbing Scott's keys. 

"I will. I love you." "I love you too." 

Waiting for Stiles to wake up, was the hardest thing I've had to do and the most relieving. He hasn't slept, at all, and for the first time, he slept a whole night. By the time he woke up, I was falling asleep in my chair. 

"Victoria?" His voice broke me from my sleep. I sat up, yawning, "Stiles, you're awake." I yawned again, stretching out my back. Stiles nodded, running his hand through his hair. "What are- what're you doing here?" 

I frowned, "Melissa called me and I rushed over. I'm worried about you, Stiles." Stiles shook his head, "you're supposed to be on bed rest, you shouldn't be here." I waved my hand, rolling my eyes. 

"I've been on bed rest for four day. I'm fine. Bored, but fine. You're more important. besides, I haven't even moved all that much. I've been in this chair." I smiled at him. Stiles just shook his head. "Lets just go, I need to talk with Scott and figure out what's been going on." I nodded, standing up. 

Stiles walked out ahead of me, entering a busy hallway. I followed behind as quickly as I could with my heavy belly. "Melissa?" Stiles questioned. Melissa? I looked around him and saw Mr. McCall bleeding from his chest. "Hey, male left chest stab wound!" She followed the crash cart down the hallway. 

Scott entered not long after. "Scott? What's wrong with your dad?" I asked at the same time Stiles asked, "what's going on?" 

"We need to talk..." Scott breathed. 

A/N: Two chapters in one day? Sorry this one's short and kinda weird. It's hard because I can't exactly throw Victoria into a fight scene, that's just not too realistic. I'm gonna start working on the next chapter now, so it might be up sometime tomorrow. 

Oh, I was wondering what you guys wanna see after season 4? Obviously by then she'll have the babies. Would you guys read if I did a second book that took place during season 5 and 6? 

Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Vote and comment your thoughts! I love getting feedback! 

Until next time-- XO!!

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