I have loved you since I was...

By larryismyfirstlove

5.2K 124 23

Harry was 16, Louis was 18. They fell in love. They started dating when they were at the X-factor and it was... More

Chapter three
Chapter seven
Chapter eight

Chapter four

631 27 5
By larryismyfirstlove


I wake up from the sound of my phone. I lean over sleeping Louis to answer the call. It's my stepbrother, and he asks if I have time to hang out with his son today while he and his wife is going to a meeting. Ofcourse I accept it. I haven't meet my nephew in ages, and it would be fun to hang out with him again.

I strokes Louis over his hair before his eyelids begin to flutter. "Hi" he murmureses with his sexy morning voice when he has opened his eyes fully. "Good morning" i say back. I can feel the tension between us, but it's not as akward as I thought it would be. "I have to leave to pick up my nephew at my brothers house, but you can just stay here in the meantime. And please, make yourself at home," I says. "Thanks Haz." He says before rubbing his eyes with his thumbs. I jumps out of the bed, still wearing the clothes from yesterday. I walks into the bathroom to take a shower and make myself look presentable. I have a terrible hangover, but I shall try to survive the day.

"Thank you for helping me yesterday," I says while putting my shoes on. "I'll always help you, Haz," he says. We say goodbye and I walks out to my car to pick up my newphie.

I let him sit in the front seat, and he talks about how cool he thinks I am, and that all of his friends wants to meet me and how cool it would be if I could come with him to his school someday. He asks me a lot of different questions about my job and One Direction in general.

We goes to a resturant to get something to eat, and the hours is going by pretty fast before I have to drive him back home again. "Thank you so much for doing this Harry. You have no idea how much it means to him! He is litteraly talking about you all the time!" My stepbrothers wife says when I'm dropping him off. "Oh, that's no problem, we had a lot of fun, he is a really charming kid to be around!" I says before hugging her goodbye.

When I get back home, Louis is sleeping on my couch. He is so beautiful. It's weird seeing him here, in my apartment. I don't even know how all this happened. While I waited for him to wake up, I wanted to make something yummy for us to eat for dinner, so I made some apple-stuffed chicken because I remember he loved when I made that for him when we were living together.

When I'm almost done with the cooking, I hear him stand up from the couch. "Hey," he says in his sexy morning voice. "I think I fell asleep." I laugh. "Yeah, I think you did," I say. "What are you making?" He asks while fumbling with the remote for the TV. "I'm just making some dinner for us, if you want to stay ofcourse," I answears, not taking my eyes away from the cooking. "Aw, that is so cute Hazza, ofcourse I'll stay, if that's okay for you?" He asks. "Yeah, I'd love to." I say back, still not looking at him.

After I have made the food ready, we sit down to eat. "Oh my good, my favourite! I can't believe you remembered!" He says in a suprised tone. I smile, "how could I forget." We both laughed before eating the food. We were staying silence while we eat, just sharing some looks now and then. I have always loved Louis blue eyes, by staring into them, it feels like you're staring into the beautiful ocean.

After we had eaten, I packed my bag while Louis drove home to his place to pack his own. We were leaving for Spain tonight, to be at the Los Premios 40 Principales.

After an hour of packing, clothes changing and a bit of cleaning, a driver picks me up before heading over to Louis' house and then Zayns to pick them up too.

The tension isn't akward between me and Louis at all, and we are laughing and talking together just like old times.

When we finally arrived at the airport, we got guided in by some bodyguards while smiling and winking to the fans as much as we could before the bodyguards had to politely push them away so we could get safe inside.

I was glad I finally got a seat by the window in the plane. I never gets the window seats, so this was just wonderfull. Niall took the seat beside me whil Liam, Zayn and Louis were sitting in the seats behind us. Me and Niall shared some earplugs while watching "Real steel" on the mini tv infront of us. Halfway in the movie, we fell asleep on eachothers shoulders.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing in Spain in 15 minutes, please be seated and keep your safetybelts on. The weather there is clear with 36 degrees." I woke up from the sound of the speaker. It also seemed like Niall had heard it, cause his eyelids startet to flutter and he slowly opened his eyes before letting out a yawn. "I'm too tired for this" he murmured before letting out another yawn. "Me too, brah," I said. "Shall we just drop it and sleep at the hotell instead?" He nodded. "I'm in."

We checked out of the airport and drove two cabs out to our hotel. Our hotel was only half an hour away from the airport, and then another half hour away from where the area The Los 40 principales music awards were. I put my bag on the floor before laying myself in the bed to get some rest before we had to meet up in Liams hotelroom so Lou could help us get ready for the music awards.

When I got into Liams hotelroom, the other boys had already startet to get ready. I had found a black suit to where for the evening, so I put it on while Lou styled the other boys' hair. Louis looked so sexy with his red t-shirt, grey suit jacket and his hair perfectly pulled back. He looked daddy af (sorry I just had to hahah).
Lou put some hair products in my hair, and we all were ready to leave.

We attended to the red carpet and photographers were taking pictures of us. I couldn't help it but glance at Louis inbetween the pictures. He was so hot. Why am I acting like this? I have a girlfriend for Gods sake! I'm not supposed to have these thoughts!

We went home with three awards, so we all were pleased. We went to bed early instead of going to any parties, because we were goint to be attending to the NRJ music awards in Cannes tomorrow, and had to get up early to catch the flight.

The next morning I woke up to my alarm and jumped into the shower before heading over to the lounge to get something to eat before we had to leave. Louis was nowhere to be seen in the lounge, so I sent him a message. "You have to wake up sleepyhead, were leaving soon."
I ate my food while waiting for the reply. Finally my phone buzzed "I'm not feeling very well. I've been throwing up all night:( I think I might be sick or something:(" I felt guilry for not being there to support him when he was feeling like that. I could have been there with him last night and helped him, but ofcourse, I didn't know. Paul came to sit beside our table and told us that Louis most likely wont be joining us to the music awards because he isn't feeling very well. He was going to stay in Spain for one more day and take a plane to London next morning so he will be joining us at the X-factor show where we will be performing "where do broken hearts go" with Ronnie Wood. I got an unwell feeling in my tummy. It wont be that fun without having Louis around, but I guess I just have to survive it. The other boys are great company too ofcourse. I sent him a get well message before we got to our cabs and drove back to the airplane.

I sent Louis some messages occasionally while we were at the awards. He was feeling a bit better and had stopped throwing up.


It was awful that I couldn't join the boys at the music awards tonight. Most of all it was awful that I couldn't be with Harry. Even though I had been with him last night, I already missed him. I was happy that we were on speaking terms again, and that nothing was akward between us. "Wish you were here." I read the message again. "Wish you were here." I smiled at the message. I knew he only meant it in a friendly way, but something far inside wished that he meant it in another way. "Me too:( But I hope you guys are having fun! Can't wait to see you tomorrow." No.. I wiped out the last part. It would be too much, I didn't want to scare him away. I typed in "I'll see you all tomorrow, can't wait! x" and pressed send. My tummy felt bad again so I ran to the bathroom to throw up again. Fuck. I have to get better before tomorrow.


When we got back to our hotel rooms, I brushed my teeth and went to bed. I was really tired, but at the same time so excited for the X-factor tomorrow. We are going to perform with Ronnie Wood! I still doesn't believe it's true! He is a fuckin legend!

We went early for the flight next morning. We had to get to the x-factor studio early so we had time to go through the song with Ronnie Wood. Nadine, Sophia and Eleanor were also going to join us today, so we meet them at the airplane with Louis. It was great to see Nadine again. She gave me a huge bearhug and kisses before telling me about how her days had been.

We went home for a short time to leave our baggage and get some food before we had to hurry to the x-factor studio. Nadine, Eleanor and Sophia went for some shopping in the meantime before the show was going to start.

It was amazing to meet Ronnie Wood and talk to him properly. We had meet him a couple of times before too, but not in the same way.
Soundcheck went great, and we were all excited for the show to start. Adrenaline were pumping through my veins, and I couldn't wait to get on stage and perform. It was going to be the first time performing "Where do broken hearts go" live, and for me it felt really exciting since I was the one who had written the song.

It was finally time for us to get up on stage. We gave eachother a big hug and a "break a leg" before walking to the stage. I felt my heart beat faster and faster when I saw all the fans, and thought about what we were about to do. The music started to play and Niall started to sing his verse. It all went fantastic, and the feeling I got afterwards were nothing I had ever felt before. This had to be the best performance we have ever done!

When we got off stage we were all full of adrenaline and we all talked over eachothers words. Ronnie Wood gave us all a big hug before we went backstage to meet some fans. We took some pictures with them before heading out of the studio to get something to eat with the girls and the rest of the band. I sat in between Louis and Nadine, something that felt kind of weird considering everything that had been happening lately.

"You was amazing out there" Louis whispered in my ear so only I could hear him. "So were you" I smiled back. He pattet my thigh before reading over the menu to find out what he was going to order. We all ordered some drinks while waiting for our food. It was amazing just sitting here with everybody, it wasn't very often we all hang out together like this.


Nadine started to touch Harrys thigh while we were waiting for the food to arrive. I guess she thought that noone would notice, but I did. She moved her hand closer and closer to his crotch and I felt jealousy fIowing through my body. I don't know why I was acting this way, I just couldn't help it. I turned away so my face was facing Eleanors. I kissed her sweet on the nosetip before moving down to her lips. "Love you" I said. She smiled back and said "I love you too". I felt guilt rush through my body, cause I know that I hadn't meant it.


We were all sitting on the plane heading over to new york. Nadine were sleeping on my shoulder, but I couldn't seem to get any rest. When we arrived in New york, we went home to our house. I slept for two hours before Nadine woke me up because she wanted to take me to a museum. The Metropolitan Museum of art had it's big opening tonight, and even though I was tired as hell, I couldn't resist her puppy eyes.

We took a shower together before making ourselves ready to go. We took my car since I always insists that mine is better than hers.

The museum was amazing, and I didn't regret comming here, even though I couldn't wait to get some more sleep when we got home.

We went to a resturant to get some food after the museum visit, before heading home. Nadine told me she had a photoshoot to do, so she took her own car and left, but promised to make it quick. I thought it was a bit weird that she was going to work so late in the evening, but I did't get the chance to think about it anymore before drifting away to dreamland.


"BUT YOU FUCKING TOLD ME YOU WERE GOING TO DO IT, LOUIS!" It wasn't the first time we fought over something really stupid, I don't even know what we were fighting over. Apperantly there was some shitty thing I had forgotten to do but then it just built up into something more serious.

"You have to fucking calm down, El! It's not always my fucking fault." I yelled at her. "YES IT IS ALWAYS YOUR FUCKING FAULT LOUIS, HONESTLY, DO YOU EVEN GIVE A FUCK ABOUT ME OR AM I JUST SOME FUCKING PASTIME YOU'RE HAVING WHILE WAITING FOR YOUR PERFECT MODEL WHORE TO SHOW UP?" She screamed at me. I pushed my fist into the table, it hurt, but I loved the pain I felt right now. "WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SAYING SHIT LIKE THAT? IT'S JUST LIKE YOU'RE HINTING FOR ME TO GET ANOTHER GIRLFRIEND, IT'S LIKE YOU JUST WANT ME TO LEAVE YOU! BUT IF THAT'S WHAT YOU FUCKING WANT THEN IMMA FUCKING LEAVE YOU." I yelled before walking out and slammed the door hard against the doorframe.

Where the hell was I supposed to go?

I called Zayn to ask if he could pick me up because I had got in to a fight with Eleanor. Minutes later he was here to pick me up.

We drove to a bar nearby to get some drinks. We ordered a few shots and downed them all. A few shots later I started to feel more and more dizzy.

When I checked my phone, I had 8 missed calls, and two measages. All of them was from Eleanor. I was still really mad at her, and I honestly didn't want anything to do with her, but I had to call her back to know what she wanted. "Where are you, Louis?" She said in the phone. "I'm at a bar, what do you want?" I said back. "You're at a bar?" She yelled. "I'm sorry, Louis. Please come home, I can't sleep while you're out of the house, and I miss you. I'm so sorry for making a fight, please forgive me." I forgave her like I always does, and she came to pick me up. She drove Zayn back at his place before we drove home. We were silence the whole time, and it could have been pretty akward, but I was too drunk to care.

I stumbeled through the doorstep, took off my shoes and went straight to my bed without even bothering to take of my clothes. I fell asleep minutes later, and the last thing I thought about before drifting in to dreamland, was Harry.

I woke up the next morning to find the house empty. Eleanor had left a note on the workbench.

"I'm out going out shopping with Sophia. I didn't want to wake you up. I made some buns in the oven, it's just to warm them up.

Love you
- El x"

Honestly I wished that Nadine was going to be joining them too, because that meant that Harry would be alone and maybe wanted to hang out with me. I ate the buns before heading in to the shower. When I had got dressed I called Zayn to ask if he wanted to hang out.


We spent the day in bed watching tv series on the computer. Eleanor had invited us all for dinner later, and we had accepted the invitation.

We drove to their house at 6 pm and Eleanor welcomed us to come inside. "Louis is out with Zayn, but they will be here in a minute." She said. I couldn't wait to see Louis again, even though I had seen him yesterday.

When we all had arrived, we ate the dinner and had conversations about everything and nothing. After the dinner, Niall was keen on going out to a club. Nadine, and Eleanor decided to go with them, while Zayn had already made other plans with Sam. The rest of us decided to stay here and watch a movie together.

After half an hour, Louis excused himself to go upstairs and get some rest because he claimed he was tired. After about ten minutes I got tired of sitting with the lovebirds, so I went upstairs to check up on him.

He was curled up in his bed watching old Larry moments. "Are you okay?" I said from the doorstep. He hesitated a bit before answearing "no," while looking at me with an empty look. "Can I come in?" I asked. He nodded and I joined him under the blanket.

"Why are we never talking with eachother anymore? It's like we're some kind of strangers for eachother. I miss you, Harry." He said, a tear streaming down his face. I used my tumb to dry it away. I didn't know what to say.

After a short while, he broke the silence. "Even though we're in the same room, you always seem so far away. If I knew all of this would happen, I would have never left you. I don't even know why I left you. I've never felt something so strong as I did to you, ever! Eleanor can never make me feel the way you do." Tears were flowing over his face while he continued to talk. "I have no fucking idea of why I left you, Harry. It was thhe biggest mistake I have ever made in my life, and I should have followed my heart instead of thinking about what everybody else thought. I just didn't want to be different Harry, cause I knew that what we did, it wasn't something everybody else did. All my friends fell in love with girls, while I had this huge love for a boy, but I loved him so much, and I still do. And I regret leaving you every single day. I have to pay for it every fucking time I see you. I have to think about that I'll never get to be with you anymore, because of something I did. And it hurts so fucking much, you have no idea! I don't love her Harry. I never did! It was only you, it has always been you! I just..." I cut him off with a kiss. He hesitate for a second before returning the kiss. He opened his mouth to let my tongue swip in. Our tongues met and I melted into the kiss. I needed more. I pressed my body as close to his as possible. I pushed him down under me so I landed on top of him. We got back to the kiss and he found my hair and pulled it with his fingers. This was the best feeling in the world. I gripped his neck with one hand, while stroking his cheek with the other.


I pushed him over to my side and down in the matress so I was the one in charge. His cheecks were flushed and his lips were swollen and had turned into a brighter pink shade. He looked so beautiful. I laid on top of him and pressed my lips against his. The kiss became rougher and he started to tug on my tshirt. I took the hint and pulled it off before undressing his. Our bare chests met and I felt him hardening against me.

I bite on his earlobe before kissing him down his neck. He tilted his head to the side so I could reach to better. I licked down his tummy while stroking his nipples. When my tongue had reached his pant line, I started tugging on his belt before unlocking it. I unbuttoned his pants and he helped me to take it off. He pulled my hair and pushed my face hard against his huge bulge in his boxer.

I pushed myself back up to his face and crashed my lips against his.

"I'm gonna break up with El, if you want me to. I can't stand being away from you anymore." I whispered in his ear. He pushed me away. "This.. This is so wrong" he said while staring at me. I looked away for a second before he mumbeled a "fuck it," grabbed my hair and pulled me in for a rough kiss.

He unbuttoned my pants and I pushed it off me. I needed him so bad. I kissed my way back down and started to tug at his boxer. I pulled them off so his cock slammed hard against his tummy, leaking off precome. I put my hand around it and started stroking him up and down before putting him in my mouth. "Ah, fuck Louis" he moaned and gripped my hair. I took him deeper inside, inches for inches, tears streaming down my face when I deepthroated him. He pushed my head hard against his cock so I felt him deeper inside my mouth. "Fuck, 'm so close". He came deep inside my mouth while moaning my name over and over again. I let him come down from his hight before I kissed him on his lips. "You're amazing Lou," he said and kissed me back. "Fuckin amazing." "Can Nadine make you feel like that, huh?" I asked. He hesitated before answearing; "Never."

"I want you inside of me, Lou." He whispered into my ear, and I felt my dick become more hard than it already was, just by his words.

I pushed him over so he was laying on his tummy. I opened the nightstand and took out a condom and lube. "Are you sure, Haz?" I asked. "Yes please, hurry before I change my mind" he begged. I put some lube onto my fingers and kissed him down his back before putting one finger slowly inside of him. "Ah, yeah right there Louis" he moaned before I put in another one. He was so fucking tight, and I knew this was going to feel so good. I scissored my fingers inside of him and he moaned. "What if they hear us?" I said, hinting to Liam and Sophia who were downstairs still watching TV. "I don't give a shit right now, just please, fuck me" he moaned. I teased him with my cock infront of his entrance and he tried to push his arse on me. "Eager, aren't we?" I laughed. "Lou, please!" He begged desperate. "You sure?" I said just to tease him a little more. "Please" he said with his more desprate voice. Without hesitation I slammed my dick into him and he screamed in pleasure. "You. Feel. So. Fucking. Good. So. Fucking. Tight." I said inbetween each thrust. "Fuck, I'm so close." He moaned. "But I don't want it to end."

"Honey, we're home." The voice came from downstairs. Fuck.

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