The Adventure Begins - (RWBY...

By Railrider99

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(y/n) (l/n) was your young and ordinary mechanical and technological genius living a quiet life in his home v... More

Prologue - Crash Landing
Chapter 1: Out From the Ashes
Chapter 2: Coming Together
Chapter 3: STARcrossed
Chapter 5: Initiation and The Encounter
Chapter 6: The Badge and The Burden
Chapter 7: Jaunedice
Chapter 8: Forever Fall & The Meeting
Chapter 9: The Stray
Chapter 10: Black & White
Epilogue: Gravity VS Polarity
Author's Note

Chapter 4: The Dark Room Treatment

161 4 0
By Railrider99

(Y/N's) POV

We ended up getting hauled off into the school, all the while literally every student on campus looking at us like we just went and offed the president. After some very awkward walking around to wherever these teachers were taking us, they put me in one room by myself. I can only guess Price, Bruce, and Callie got their own rooms to be questioned in as well.

A mostly empty room with only a table and some chairs and a dimly lit lamp huh? We're getting the classic interrogation treatment? I don't know if I should be flattered or mildly concerned.

(Y/N): "At least they put in the effort to set the mood just right."

I pop a squat on one of the chairs facing the door. I'd actually try to bail out myself but something was telling me that I might be better off just lounging around here. I sit and wait for a while as it was taking freaking forever. I was getting bored fast. This might be their plan after all. Get me so bored from having nothing to do or no one to talk to and they'll get me to crack from my slow descent into insanity. Okay okay maybe not that bad but you get what I mean.

After what felt like hours, the blonde lady, who I heard in an earlier conversation as Professor Goodwitch, walks in and slammed the door shut hard. Yup. This was gonna be a hell of a trip.

Goodwitch: "I hope you realize that what you and your friends did will not be taken lightly young man."

(Y/n): "I take it a get out of jail free card isn't in the cards huh?"

Goodwitch: "Do you even realize the damages you have caused with that stunt you four pulled?"

(Y/n): "Okay first of all, things could have been a lot worse. Secondly, we didn't exactly plan on landing directly on your doorstep okay?! Or would you like me to tell you about the back to back bombardment of grimm that we had to fight off?"

Goodwitch: "We questioned your friends and they all told us similar accounts."

(Y/n): "Then there ya have it ladies and gentlemen! Look miss, I'm sorry about the disturbance. I really am. But we couldn't help it that our anti-gravity systems failed. We got attacked by a horde of griffons, and then got ambushed by a horde of nevermores not even 15 minutes later."

Goodwitch: "Yes your friends mentioned that too. You still put others in danger with that landing you pulled. Don't think we didn't see those wind dust artillery blasts hit the ground before you arrived."

(Y/n): *sighs* "So what now?"

Goodwitch: "Normally I would be turning you in to the proper authorities. But, there is someone who would also like to have a word with you."

???: "(Y/N) (L/N) I presume."

Just as Goodwitch steps aside, a man in a black and green suit with white hair and glasses steps in. Okay, how much do you wanna bet this is the guy calling all the shots around here?

(Y/N): "Uhhhhh, yeah? And who are you supposed to be?

Ozpin: "My Ozpin. I am the headmaster of the school you almost made a giant gaping hole into. You've grown up fast."

(Y/N): "Uhhh? Thanks? Have we met before?"

Ozpin: "No. But I once knew your father. After all, he did attend Beacon academy when he was your age. Even did some odd jobs for me here and there. Probably was one of the best marksman I have ever seen with a pair of revolvers. Always quick on the draw too."

(Y/N): "Yeah he was always away a lot on missions. Heh, and I thought this world was small enough already."

Ozpin: "Tell me, where did you learn to fight like this?"

He proceeds to show me some video of me and Bruce fighting. Wait a damn minute.....THAT'S FROM THE BAR FIGHT.

(Y/n): "How did you even get that footage!? Everyone cleared out the second I got muscle boys attention!"

Ozpin: "A dusty old crow I know sent this to me. Now, where did you learn to fight like that?"

(Y/N): "Well when your dad was a huntsman that kicked your ass in spar sessions whenever he was home, have a huntsman in training best friend who took you under his wing after shit hit the fan at home, and have been fighting off everything from bandits, pirates, bounty hunters, thugs, grimm, and other shady characters while traveling all over half of Remnant for eight months pick up a thing or two."

Ozpin: "And what about that train of yours with guns?"

(Y/N): "Months and years of work with a lot patience and guidance from the town blacksmith and mechanic. And besides, isn't everything a gun nowadays?"

Ozpin: "Fair enough. So tell me, what have you been doing? Forgive me if I open up any old wounds but I recall that your home town was overrun by grimm. And from what Mr. Thompson has told me, you and him were the only known survivors.

(Y/N): "That's right. We've been living a nomadic lifestyle more or less. Traveling from town to town, taking odd jobs under the table, and trying to find answers I guess."

Ozpin: "Answers?"

(Y/N): "When me and Price left (hometown name), we decided to take on this quest if you can even call it that, to find out where the Grimm came from and cut them off at the source, or something along the lines of that. We just don't want anyone else to suffer what we had to go through. It's honestly a miracle either of us survived."

Ozpin: "What if I told you that we could help make your goals a reality?"

(Y/N): "How so?"

Ozpin: "Come and attend my school. Judging from what I have seen from you and Price, you two have potential but still a lot to learn. Bruce may be somewhat seasoned but he has his own demons he needs to overcome. And young Callie may not think so right now, but I can see her following in our professor Oobleck's footsteps. I can help you fulfill your purpose, whatever it might be. Plus, we can quietly sweep this whose disturbance under the rug. All you have to do, is allow me to help you."

I ponder it over for a second, a very tempting offer to be sure. But I wanted to make sure this was all legit before I commit myself to anything.

(Y/N): "What about The Southern Cross? I can't simply leave it on your parkway or whatever."

Ozpin: "We have some storage sheds we don't use very much out towards the back end of campus. You'll have a place to work and keep it out of harms way when it is not needed."

(Y/N): "I'd like to speak to the others first if that's alright."

Ozpin: "Very well. Glynda, please go fetch them. We'll give them a few minutes.

Glynda walks out of the room for a minute and comes back with Price, Bruce, and Callie. Ozpin then gets up and leaves with Goodwitch to give us some privacy.

(Y/N): "I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume you all got the same offer and accepted right?"

Price: "Come on dude! How could I not accept?! I was gonna go to school to be a huntsman anyway! That and we can get off easy with our little grand entrance!"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I get that. But what about you two? What made ya decide to go all in?"

Bruce: "I want to find out who or what killed my team. I need to correct the mistakes I made back in Haven. This is the second chance I need guys. If you guys are my second chance, I'd be an idiot not to take it."

Callie: "I...actually got to meet Professor Oobleck for a minute or two...He may be a bit out there and a little over energetic, but he knows his stuff. I think I could learn a lot here. I'm not sure how my family will take it but I need to do something with my life in some way. It just....feels like the right thing for me to do."

Price: "Come on dude, roll with it! Ozpin said we can be our own team and everything! I mean, we'll have to go through the same old initiation as everyone else does but all four of us together? That's badass by itself!!!!"

(Y/N): "I don't know guys."

Price: "You've always told me that you wanted to help people! This is your ticket to doing that!"

Bruce walks up to me and places his hands on my shoulders while looking at me directly in the eyes.

Bruce: "Kid, a little piece of advice, if you see an opportunity presented to you on a silver platter like this one is; take it. You never know when or even if something like this will ever come around again."

Maybe he's right. After all, what's the worst that can happen by giving it a shot? It's school after all, just with more fighting and awesome deadly weapons included.

(Y/N): *sigh* "Alright, I know when I'm beat. Count me in."

Price: "NOW we are in business."

Callie: "So what do we do now?"

(Y/N): "I guess we go tell the wizard of Oz out there that he now has four new students."

We walk out of the room and Ozpin and Goodwitch turn to face us. Ozpin turns towards me.

Ozpin: "Well Mr. (L/N). Your friends here have all agreed to join us here. What about you?

(Y/N): "Alright, you can count me in."

Ozpin: "I had a feeling you would feel that way. Now before we get you four started and settled in. Could you please move your train off of our main avenue so we can get things cleaned up? I'll be sure to give you keys to the storage shed when you bring it around."

(Y/N): *awkwardly sweat drops* "Oh yeahh, ehehehehe....uhhh. Almost forgot. Price come with me and give me a hand will ya?"

Price: "How come I have to endure the social awkardness with you?"

(Y/N): "Because you have the most experience with operating triple 7 besides me and because I said so, now come on!"

I grab Price by the shoulder and proceed to drag him outside back to the main avenue where we crash landed. The crowds dispersed but there were still some people hanging around gawking.

(Y/N): "Alright people! Clear out now we've been asked to get this off of your courtyard! Or if you're gonna continue to gawk, at least get back a couple feet and let us work."

As I climb into the cab and man the drivers seat, Price gets up and stands on the step ladder next to his seat. A group of guys step up towards us and just happen to be right next the cylinder cocks. So to put it simply, if the southern cross has too much steam pressure built up in its boiler, I can open up the valves to the cylinder cocks to decrease steam pressure. Pretty handy when we wrap up for the day when we're done operating her. But I have also found other uses for it in the past, such as now. The brown haired burly guy with armor and a bird insignia on this chest decided to walk up and act tough.

Dumbass #1: "I'm sorry but you have to pay a fee to park here. A small fee of a 50 lien should suffice. However, if not, we can always make you pay....

The other three guys start getting cocky and cracking their knuckles. Too bad for them I have dealt with their kind before in the past.

(Y/N): "Well if that's how things are run around here, here's your payment."

Price looks at me like I'm nuts but sees me reach for the release valve. A smirk slowly grows on his face.

(Y/N): "All right boys, here ya go!"

I turn the valve half way and hot steam blasts out from the side of the engine. The steam covers the four of those idiots up fast and they start yelling and cussing up a storm. The other students around us were either on the ground laughing or trying to not look so surprised at my response to their demand. I turn off the valve and walk over pointing one of my guns at them. Steam stops blasting them and it begins to clear up. They open their eyes and look up to see me with Heart pointed directly at the face of who I could only guess would be their leader.

(Y/N): "All right douchbags, listen up. We're the new guys around here and if that dangerously hot shower I just blasted you all with didn't tell you that my team and I are not gonna take crap from you or anyone for that matter. I don't know what will. You just got blasted with about 100 pounds worth of hot steam and water boiling at a few hundred degrees. You're lucky your auras took the hit for ya otherwise you'd be in the emergency room right now. Don't let me catch you dumbasses trying to pull this kind of shit again. Have I made myself clear?"

They nod their heads.

(Y/N): "Good. I'm glad we've come to an understanding. Now get lost!"

They run off to who knows where right after I finish my statement. Price looks over and bumps me on the shoulder.

Price: "You sure know how to make a first impression don't ya?"

(Y/N): "I can already tell that they're the school assholes around here. I figured I may as well go for the throat on the matter of them hazing us newbies."

Price: "Do we even have enough boiler pressure to move Triple 7 to the back storage sheds?

(Y/N): "Just enough to get us going for a short while. I killed two birds with one stone on those guys, we'll have a quicker time dropping the fire and powering her down."

I give three short blasts on the whistle while Price rings the bell. We begin to back up for a minute or two and stop again. I adjust the off track steering lever and begin moving Triple 7 towards the back of campus. I take some time to look around the school from the outside. This place is honestly pretty nice. I think I might actually like it here after all.

After a few minutes of slowly moving The Southern Cross to the back of the school, we parked it inside the storage sheds and we barely got it to fit in here. I must say, they have a lot of stuff here, wonder how much they actually use? At least I'll have somewhere to make repairs to Triple 7 overtime in-between classes. I take a look at all the damage the grimm did to the train in the last two battles we had before arriving here.

(Y/N): "And I thought rebuilding her the first time was gonna be a chore. Now I have to do it almost all over again. Damn grimm really made a mess of things back there. I'm gonna be really busy outside of class for a while."

Price: "One thing at time buddy, you know I'll gladly give you a hand when I can."

(Y/N): "Fair enough." *closes the shed door* "So where do we have to go now?"

Price: "Bruce texted me and said to meet them in Ozpin's office. From there we'll have our initiation later and get settled into this place."

(Y/N): "So the fun starts here then."

Price: "You know it bro."

We fist bump each other and make our way through a side door and try to find the elevator to Ozpin's office. I can already tell that the fun is only about to begin; and I can't wait to see what Beacon has in store for us.


Sorry for the slow update. LOTS of stuff came up rather quick and then dragged out for a while to make a long story short. Until next time!

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