RWBY x Realistic Male Reader...

By Haiko__

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You're a normal 16 years old guy except for the fact that you like to think of yourself as a rationalist and... More

Chapter 1: Isekai-ed
Chapter 2: Bluff
Chapter 3: Allies
Chapter 4: New Location, New People
Chapter 5: Prove Yourself
Chapter 6: Weapon
Chapter 7: Training
Chapter 8: Soul
Chapter 9: Mind Game
Chapter 10: Revenge Taste Best Cold
Chapter 11: Speech 100
Chapter 12: The Power Of Kings
Chapter 13: Vale
Chapter 14: "Spy"
Chapter 15: Bacon Academy
Chapter 16: Initiation
Chapter 17: Classes
Chapter 18: Forever Fall
Chapter 19: Before The Dance
Chapter 20: The Dance
Chapter 21: The "Fall"
Chapter 22: Aftermath
Chapter 23: End Of An Arc
Chapter 24: A New Arc
Chapter 25: Transition
Chapter 26: A Cup Of Tea
Chapter 27: Haven
Chapter 28: Maidens
Chapter 29: Guess Who's Back?
Chapter 30: Trap Card
Chapter 31: Game Changer
Alternate Path
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 32: A Choice

4.1K 134 111
By Haiko__

Summer: Here's your tea, what do I do with the second cup?

y/n: Place it at the other end of the table and then get Oscar here please, oh and stay out when you make him enter

Summer: Right away

She do it and leave

Salem enter the room

Salem: It is done Master

y/n: Come near my seat and get on your knees

She obey

You get up, go to Oscar's soon to be place, and place your gun fully loaded near the cup of tea

You wait behind your seat, looking through a window

After some time, Summer comes back with Oscar

y/n: Come in!

He do, and the door close

y/n: Now, before we begin... ah... to whom am I speaking? Hm? The farm boy who got wrapped up in this mess, or the old fool who created all this mess?

You walk near your seat

"If I was speaking to the first guy, then I would say sit down, let's be civilized, enjoy some tea. But we tried that before didn't we? At our first meeting"

You point at his chair

"You should have sit right here. Summer was guarding the door. I... sat right there, and, I tried to tell you to stay. Now, if you had just listened, we would have find an arrangement and do the things correctly. So then you must be the second guy, who didn't listen, and decided to run away to do the same shit over again"

You get to your sit and he sees the gun

You sit

He look conflicted

y/n: But I'll tell you what, I call a do-over! Hm? I say you have... two choices. One, you could shoot me. Boring. Or you could sit down, enjoy some tea and you and I will go clean up this mess, together *sip*

He hesitate, pick it up and aim at you


He looks very conflited

Guess ol' Oz want me dead


He put it down

y/n: Hm. Gosh this chair is uncomfortable...

You get up


Salem comes to you and place herself to let you sit on her back

You sit on her

y/n: Ahhhhh... Much better

Oscar get to his place and sit down

His eye roll in

Ozpin: I suppose you used your power on her

y/n: I did. How ironic. Her last mistake was to trust someone. Tho I don't plan on making her suffer

Ozpin: So now what? You've got Salem under your control. Summer as your brainwashed servant. The power to enslave people. Will you impose your rule on this world and build yourself a harem? Is that it?

y/n: Excuse me... But... *sigh* Salem. What were your intentions toward me?

Salem: I planned to kill you from the very beginning. I especially planned to do it when you brought Ozma here, but I couldn't resolve myself to do it... But I am now your loyal slave, I won't ever harm you or even think about it

y/n: Yeah, that's pretty much what I expected... See? It was me or her. And considering she wants to call the gods so that they wipe humanity of this planet and her with us, I think I'm a better choice

Ozpin: That remain to be seen

"Okay. Now, about this "harem" thing you guys keep talking about. I have one thing to say. Do you think it's easy?! I mean, I'm a young man that never had any contact with the opposite sex, and I had Summer literally giving herself to me and now the most beautiful woman I've ever seen as my slave. So, do you think it's easy to restrain myself?! All those pulsion I have in me?! You already lost to them with her a long time ago, so you should know what I'm talking about. I'm trying to help EVERYONE here! I succeeded! I got rid of Salem for you!"

"A tyran replacing another one"

"Okay. You just don't understand. Salem! This is an absolute order. If I happen to die, you shall become the slave of Ozma and all his reincarnations. Is that clear?"

"Y-Yes Master"

Ozpin: How can I know you didn't tell her otherwise before?

y/n: You can't


"I am prepared to kill you. But, God is watching us. And He will judge us on what we choose in this moment. I'm telling you we are living in a world on the brink. Where every sligh... every injustice.... every choice reveal our sins. And where have those sins led us? Where have those sins led you? You can't trust anyone, and it's your fault. Countless people have been killed, and it is your fault. The world is on fire, and it's your fault. Was it worth it? Was it? When are you gonna realize that every problem cannot solved by righteousness? When I first came to you, I gave you the choice to walk with me. You chose not to. In the face of God I am making you that offer one last time. Put down your schemes. You take your new host. You leave me my job... and you go in peace"

You've got up and approached him while talking


You extend your arm

y/n: Remember. God is watching

You see Oscar come back


He get up


He nod

You nod slowly

y/n: Judge not, and you will not be judge. Condemn not, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Take your wizard and go, my friend

You show the door

He drop you weapon and go to the door

He open it and leave

Oscar look around and see Mantle

He just stand there for a time

He listen to Ozpin who is telling him what to do and how to get to Ironwood, when her hear an engine

He turns around and see you, at the edge of a bullhead, with Salem at your side

y/n: All choices have consequences Oscar! I'm giving you the world, but I'm keeping the Grimm Queen!

The bullhead take off and you leave the place

Summer: Who's piloting?

y/n: The auto-pilot

Arthur installed me this, it's useful

You leave Atlas and let Arthur take care of your interests here

Arthur should have told Ironwood I demand for him to be granted pardon for his past mistakes, but I'll get him his job when I finish this

Summer: So, where are we going?

y/n: Where it all began...


2 day later, on the east end of the Anima continent...

Here's a map of Anima if needed:

y/n: So it's here uh... That's more or less where I would have guessed

Salem: Yes Master. The topography changed since, and it may be hard to unlock it, but I still sense it... and the Grimm too

"Send them to dig until they find it. All of them"

"Yes Master"

She turns to a Seer and do her thing

Summer: You still didn't told me what we were searching for. Maybe I can help

y/n: No Summer you can't, sorry. But wait and you'll see...

Another day later

You're sitting on the bullhead and playing on your scroll

Salem: Master, I believe I found it

"Haha! Finally. Let's go"

You take off and go where Salem tell you to

You arrive at a desolate place, with only one big tree standing in the middle of a very weirdly grassy hill, it's like a paradise in the middle of a destroyed lands

Hum... I hope the moon doesn't fall on me

Salem: Just wait a second Master

You do so and you suddenly see the hill explosing and 3 King Taijitu did it

Summer and Salem protect you of any incoming boulder

Summer: What are you doing?! He could have been hurt?!

Salem: I am completely protecting my Master, you are uselessly interfering

Summar: Wha--

y/n: Now now girls, let's go

You go up what is left of the hill and see your objective is some meters down

At long last

y/n: Summer. Prepare a rope

Summer: Uh... I can fly

You look at her with a stern face

"Fair enough. Salem, you confirm this is it?"

Salem: Yes Master, look

You see an Ursa Major jumping into the hole

You then see a lot of black mist coming out of it

y/n: Very well then. Summer, I'll see you there

Summer: What are you plann--

You don't let her finish her sentence and let yourself fall into the hole


I... I can breath?

You sense a feeling of numbness and serenity gaining you


So... Comfortable...

You sense your lost eye feel weird, but not painful

You finally see yourself getting pulled up and getting out of the water

You're standing there, in 10 cm of water, with the sun light hitting you

You see in your reflection that you are glowing lightly

Summer: What were you thinking!? You could have hurt yourself!

She's descending on you

y/n: Stop! Don't touch the water!

Summer stop and look at you confused

"Take me up without touching the water"


She grab you and get you up, beside Salem

Salem: Congratulations Master

y/n: Why thank you

"Master, I think you don't need this anymore"

She's pointing at your head


Oh, right

You grab your eyepatch and get it off

Summer: It's like the Maiden power!

"It seems so. It's good to see normally again, I missed it"

"What is this water?!"

"In my world, we would call it the "Fountain of Youth". Here, you guys call it "The White Pool""

Summer: So... This water heal wounds? That's awesome!

"You don't understand Summer. Look"

You grab your gun and aim at your head

Summer: Wha--!


Your brain is spilled all over the place and your body fall on the ground

Summer: Wha--... WHY?!!

Salem: I must say I disapprove... It's reckless

Summer: YOU!!! YOU MADE HIM DO TH--My Semblance! Quic--

y/n: That won't be necessary

She turn around and you see her face full of rage turning into shock and joy

Summer: Wha--How?!

"Sorry Summer, it was just the best way to test it and show you. And I know your Semblance is backing me up anyway. So? You understand what this pool do now?"

"It... It made you Immortal... Incredible..."

"Yes it did. Another thing those stupid gods left here. I thought: "If they let the Grimm pool, why not the other one?" and turns out they are as stupid as it gets. Fool they are"

Summer: This is just stupid at this point... The source of immortality, just here, under our nose...

y/n: Well it's in an unexplored region of Anima but yeah, it's crazy. Anyway, now that time is out of the way, I can get to busi--Oh! I almost forgot. Summer, you are already the second strongest being on this planet, but if you jump in that pool, you will be first. It's a gift I give you. Take it or not is upon you

Summer: Me? I don't care about being the strongest. I don't wish for immortality either, I think it's because our lives are timed that we enjoy it. I understand you took this burden upon you to continue to protect humanity, and I thank you for that

y/n: Well, that's one way to see things. Anyway, let's go

You begin to walk away and Salem follow you

Summer just stay here dumbfounded

y/n: Salem, make sure to close this place and make it invisible. We wouldn't want the secret to get out for the next centuries, as the gods wouldn't like it

I truly wish to share it with my fellow humans, but I don't know how those two assholes would react, they talk about the "importance of life and death" after all. Ah! Such nonsense! Death is a plague, the last enemy of mankind! If I could, I would erase it, but Ozpin wouldn't want for us to live without the gods, I think his mission is engraved into him...

Summer: So... You won't try to convince me to join you into immortality?

y/n: Uh? No. You probably would regret it when you'll see all your descendants die one after another, so it's your choice. Anyway, Come


He eyes are blank and she come to you



y/n: Summer. Kill me

You see she seems conflicted and you sense your aura being drained

After 3 seconds, she take out her sword can behead you very quickly

You come back after 5 seconds of a weird point of view

Summer: Wha--Why did you made me do this?!

y/n: I... My power... It don't hurt me anymore... Ahahaha! Incredible!

Summer: Stop testing it on me!

"Sorry sorry, I had no one else and wanted to know now. Anyway, that very, very good. Guess immortality made my soul and body able to take on all the power"

I got Ozma to talk to, and I plan on repairing Salem too when the occasion will come...

y/n: By the way, it's over

Summer: What?

"Well, we've stopped Salem from trying to make the biggest collective suicide, so your daughter is safe"

"Oh. I didn't though about it. It's true..."

"Well, I'll depose you on Patch"


"Don't you wish to be with her again?"

"Yeah but... I don't know... I've lost all my love for Taiyang some time ago, but I wish to see my daughters more than anything. But at the same time, I don't want to leave you..."

"Well, I'll need an strong agent like you to scout places and such, so I could still give you a job"

"But I wouldn't be with you anymore"

"I know, but I am not your only reason to live Summer, you promised to take care of Yang after all"

"It's true... So be it then. Depose me on Patch, I will try to make things work with Taiyang, and if it doesn't, I will simply do your missions and still come to them from time to time"

"Alright, let's go then"

You get in the bullhead and leave

Summer: Wait, what about Hazel and Cinder's disciples?

y/n: Uh? Oh. Them. They were included in order 66. They were irredeemable anyway

"Oh, I see..."


You're just with Salem in her castle

y/n: Salem

Salem: Yes Master?

"I want you to have your normal personality back"

You see Salem seems surprised and then her face turn to anger

Salem: You fiend! I--... I loved you!

"I'm sorry. I had no choice. You wouldn't have listened to me. But now it is done. You can't kill me nor your love for me. I say you stop trying to kill yourself and try to enjoy your life"

"What?! As your eternal slave?! It's even worse now!"

"No, not as my slave, but as my partner. Partner in immortality"


"That's right. You know it. I love you. I didn't lie"

"How can I believe you, after what you've done?!"

"Because you know I'm not lying. I do love you. But I love your free self. I love it when we try to dominate each other by any means. I love your face and body. I love your personality. Everything. But you need to stop killing yourself. Everyone would benefit from it"

"I hate you"

She grab your head and pull you in a kiss

You enjoy it. Truly

y/n: Don't you think life is worth the try, if we are two?

Salem: Maybe... But I don't like the fact you have control over me!

"Well, you had the upper hand in strength before, ironic how the turntables..."

She grab you by the collar

"Hmmpf! You'll see! I'll make you love me so much you won't ever disobey me!"

"I'd love to see you try"

You just look at each other for a long, long time

This world ain't so bad after all

And I think it was entertaining, wasn't it?

Here's the "end" of this story, I'll do an epilogue tomorrow

If you have any question, feel free to ask, I'll answer

Hoped you liked it


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