The Silver Paladin

By Rubyrose645

292K 5.9K 1.3K

I remember nothing of my past, but when I look up at the sky, I felt like I belonged somewhere other than her... More

The first meeting
The Beginning
The Blue Lion
Today, We Are Paladins
The Rise of Voltron
Some Assembly Required
Return of the Gladiator
First Battle
Fall of the Castle of Lions
Tears of Balmera
Taking Flight
Return to the Balmera
Crystal Venom
Collection and Extraction
The Black Paladin
This Can't Be.....
Shiro's Escape
Greening the Cube
Killer Cube
The Eye of the Storm
Escaping the Storm
Ark of Taujeer
Ark of Taujeer pt. 2
Space Mall
The Blade of Marmora
Escape from Beta Traz
Stayin' Alive
Best Laid Plans
Time to Fight
Changing of the Guard
Red Paladin
New Roles
The Hunted
Hole in the Sky
The Alternate Reality
Track a Comet
Tailing a Comet
Lellal's Tale
The Legend Begins
Code of Honor
The Light: A New Discovery
Black Site
The Clans
Hello Grandfather
The Light
Begin the Blitz
A New Defender
The Prisoner
Blood Duel
Kral Zera
The White Lion
White Lion Pt. 2
Omega Shield
The Colony
Black Paladins
All Good Things
Defender of All Universes
Past Memories
The Road Home
The Way Forward
The Ruins
Journey Within
The Last Stand pt. 1
The Last Stand pt. 2
The Last Stand Pt. 3
Know Your Enemy
Our First Step
Heart of the Lion
Trial By Fire
Lion's Pride pt. 1
Lion's Pride pt 2
Lion's Pride pt. 3
The Aftermath
Launch Date
Prisoner's Dilemma
Battle Scars
The Grudge
The Genesis
Day Forty-seven
Day Forty-seven Pt. 2
Clear Day
Knights of Light pt.1
Knights of Light Pt. 2
Knights of Light pt. 3
Uncharted Regions
The Zenith
The Last Time I Make You Cry
To Wait
Years Passed....
The Dawn of a New Beginning
Our Final Light

The Battle begins

2K 52 6
By Rubyrose645


I stood at the front of the hall, where I now saw my 'guests'. There were nine young men, and six young women, granting a total of 15 children. All of them were wearing Teshirian clothing, but six of them were not of Teshirian blood. A disgrace.

However, my focus remained mostly on the young girl with the blue hair and markings. For thirteen years I have never forgotten those eyes and markings. Her wings were folded behind her back, but I could still see the shine of her feathers.

She glared at me with a smirk, stepping closer to me.

"Hello.... Grandfather." She said, shocking me but I kept my face neutral.

I stared down at the girl, noticing the flash of determination in her eyes. I knew why she was here. To fulfill that stupid promise she made to that traitor.

"Who are you? And how dare you waste my time with your visit? I have better things to do than to waste my time with children." I said.

The girl in front frowned at me.

"Surely you can spare at least a few minutes to get to know your grandchildren." She said.

There it was again. That terrible word binding me to this chil--


She said grandchildren. As in more than one child of that traitor.


I glared at my grandfather after he asked my we dared to waste his time.

"Surely you can spare at least a few minutes to get to know your grandchildren." I said.

He didn't flinch or make any notion that he was shocked, but I could feel his energy waver just slightly. He was indeed surprised by what I had said.

He scoffed, smirking as if I had just told him a bad yet funny joke.

"What are you talking about? I have no grandchildren." He said.

I growled underneath my breath. He could just easily forget about what he did to me. If he hadn't taken me and my parents from our little home, I would have lived peacefully with my parents. I would've been there to see my younger siblings be born and grow.

He's the reason I went through so much.

I looked back at him, his eyes ice cold and heartless. I noticed something glinting off the right side of his belt. That golden hilt and the blue sheath. I remembered it clearly.

That was his sword. The sword he tried to kill me with.

I raised my hand and pointed to the sword on his belt.

"Sorry, sir. I just used that excuse to get theough faster. I apologize for lying, but I wanted to meet you in person. I was wondering, sir." I said, spitting that last word out as if it was poisonous but forcing myself to play nice, "What's that on your belt? Is that a sword?"

My grandfather looked surprised for a moment, before he smiled proudly and began to pull out his sword.

The shining white metal sparkled in the light of the room, the golden hilt had a white stone in the center shaped like a Cresent moon cradling a star. But there was something strange about the blade.

The blade had a streak of red staining the pure white color. Just by looking at it, I could tell what it was.

"I see, you've noticed the sword of the Teshiri clan." He said proudly displaying it and waving it around for all of us to see.

"Could you tell me more about it?" I asked, pretending to be oblivious to everything. It seemed that he even disregarded my previous statement of being his grandchild.

He smiled and stepped closer, the sword making me rile in disgust, but I kept my cool and kept up the facade.

"You seem to be not like all the others, always wanting something for themselves. Instead, you've come here to see me just to ask a question. I will gladly tell you about this sword."

He held the sword in both hands, the red streak facing us. I could feel everyone's energy spike in anger and disgust, just like I was feeling.

"This sword has been in the Teshiri clan, an ancient sword formed by the first Teshiri clan member. It is meant to be a symbol of power for Teshiria." He explained, making me hate him even more.

"Then, tell me... how did this sword gain a red streak in it?" I asked, my facade slowly fading.

He looked down at the red streak and his face scrunched up in anger.

"This was once a beautiful, stainless white blade, until it was sullied with a traitor's sins." He said.

I finally let my facade disappear.

"So.... how did it feel when you tried to kill me with that sword?" I asked.

He staggered back at my sudden question, so much so that he almost dropped the sword.

The Teshiri clan members that were in the room with him began to whisper.

"What do you mean? I haven't tried to kill anyone." He claimed.

I glared at him with all the anger I had in my body.

"You are nothing but a pathetic liar!" I shouted, surprising everyone in the room, even my grandfather.

I pointed accusingly at him, "You say haven't tried to kill anyone, and yet the scar around my neck and back is from that blade! You banished my mother from Teshiria all because she went against your way of rule! Then, when she was finally happy with her life, you took her, her husband and her daughter back here. And instead of treating them fairly in a peaceful trial, you determined that all of them were traitors and enemies of Teshiria! Not only that, uou defiled the golden hall with your fowl intentions, then with that very sword you tried to kill me, a five year old child with no reason to harm you or any of the people on this planet! That red streak in that sword.... it is a symbol of your treachery to the Teshirian race! That red streak is my blood, staining the blade just like you stainijg the honor of the pure hearted Teshirians!"

My grandfather stood there shocked at what I said. He didn't move at all and just stood there like a frozen sculpture depicting fear and anxiety.

I saw his eyes trail down to my neck, nothing to hide my scar from being seen.

"So... it is true. You actually came back to defeat me." He said before looking up to face my friends.

"And you've brought other traitors and outsiders with you."

"I've brought friends and allies. I don't side with traitors." I quickly replied.

He glared at me, "And? Have you decided to make due on your promise?"

I nodded, "I will not stop until you are brought down, and Teshiria is free from your grasp. The first Teshirians wanted to spread our culture and bring peace and light to the universe. And yet here you, going so far as to place a time spell on the planet and hide the entire solar system inside of a barrier! You are selfish and cruel, I'd even go so far as to say that you're just as sick and twisted as Zarkon! I will rid this world of your grip, and I won't allow you to keep terrorizing the people here! I will take back the Clan seat. I will free my family from the Dark moon and give them the life they deserved long ago. And I will free Teshiria just like I had promised all those years ago!"

Suddenly, my grandfather began to chuckle darkly, it escalated into a full blown evil laugh. He hunched over as his laugh shook us all to the core, but I would not give in to the fear.

"Well then, you wish to take the clan seat do you?" He asked amused by my statement, "Then, do you know what it takes to remove me from the clan seat?"

I nodded, "I understand the consequences of the fight, and I will gladly risk my life if it gives me the chance to save the home I never had. Make no mistake I will take you down."

He stopped laughing, wiping invisible tears as he stood back tall.

"Well then. I accept your challenge, little Teshirian traitor." He said with a sneer.

"I am no traitor to my people. My name is Saoirse, daughter of Cires and Siofra. Pilot of the Silver Lion of Voltron and proud member of the Voltron Coalition!" I stated.

He growled at me, attempting to hit me with his free fist, but someone stopped it.

In a flash of yellow and orange, I saw Soon stand in front of me, catching my grandfather's fist with his own hands. My grandfather, being startled by the sudden block, allowed Sion to push him back.

But Sion didn't let his guard down. All of my friends and my younger brother stood in front of me, the Voltron team and my uounger brother being closest to me.

"We won't let uou touch her!" Keith shouted.

"She was right! You really have no shame or sense of dignity to try and attack a member of your own clan, not to mention your own granddaughter!" Fraylin shouted.

"That disgrace is not of my blood! I would never have a grandchild that would defy me! Just like my pathetic excuse of a daughter!" My grandfather shouted.

"ENOUGH!" I shouted over everyone. They all turned to me, but I was slightly different. My eyes were glowing brighter than usual and my markings, both Teshirian and Alteam were pulsing in and out of color, becoming brighter and dimmer with every pulse.

"I don't care if you acknowledge me as blood or not. I don't care if you hate my mother and my family. BUT IF YOU AS MUCH AS THINK ABOUT HURTING MY FRIENDS OR THE REST OF THE PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET.... I WILL NOT HESITATE TO REMOVE YOU FROM THIS UNIVERSE PERMANENTLY!!!!!"

Once again the hall was quiet, nothing to be heard but the harsh breaths of my grandfather.

Finally, after a few minutes of silence, my grandfather spoke up.

"Very well then, if you are so serious about taking my clan title, then we shall set the battle for the time of the diamond star rise this evening. Be prepared by then." He stated then turned around to leave the room.

But I stopped him.

"Wait!" I said, stopping him in his tracks, "I want my family to be brought here from the Dark Moon to witness the battle."

He stayed silent for a second before replying, "Very well then. If only to see their daughter suffer a horrible defeat and become a lifeless doll."

Then he left, leaving us to stand in silence. A moment later, another Teshirian form the Teshiri came into the room, walking right in front of me to kneel on one knee respectively.

"I apologize for Lord Thanis's actions towards you, Lady Saoirse. Please, allow me to show me to the room where you shall prepare." He said. I nodded and I began to follow him.

I left the room, my younger brother and my friends behind. But I would see them again, once I had taken down my grandfather.


I can't believe what a jerk and power hungry man Saoirse's grandfather was. How can someone so sweet and selfless come from a family bloodline that had this bastard in it?

"Please, follow me. I shall escort you to the Dark Moon." Another Teshiri clan member said from the other side of the room.

We quickly followed the woman and she took us to a raised floor outside the Teshiri clan house.

"How are we supposed to get to the Dark Moon from here?" Pidge asked.

The woman turned around and gestured towards the pedestal.

"Please, take a step and you shall be instantly transported to the Dark Moon." The woman pulled out a crystal and handed it to Allura, "When you have acquired the prisoners, break this crystal on the ground and all of uou shall be transprted back. I should warn you to return quickly, the Diamond Star Rise will be approaching soon."

The woman turned around and left us to do whatever we wanted.

"What the heck is the Diamond Stare Rise anyway?" Lance asked.

"The Diamond Star Rise is the beginning to the Teshiria star alignment." Noelani said, "It only happens every three hundred years, a real treat for those born ever three centuries."

"And it so happens that the Teshiria star alignment will be happening this evening." Firore said.

"Wait a second," Pidge said, "The Light of Teshiria! Saoirse said that happened every three hundred years too. She said she was gonna take it and use it to defeat her grandfather."

All the Teshirian kids turned around and looked at us as if we were crazy.

"The Light of Teshiria? That's not possible. No Teshirian can handle that much power." Enlil said.

"Yeah, it's been growing for the past 10,000 years. One would be destroyed if they even attempted to take that much power." Airimes stated.

"You'd be surprised by what my sister is capable of accomplishing." Lellal said.

"If anyone can take that power, it's Saoirse." Shiro added.

The Teshirian kids didn't seem to convinced, but i could tell that they wanted to believe what we said Saoirse could do. And frankly, I've always known she would be able to do this. She was always like that.

And now, that light I've always seen in her, it will finally shine brightly.

One by one, we stepped onto the raised pedestal. Once all of us were on the pedestal, we felt a rush of wind and all of us closed our eyes from the shock.

The next thing we knew, we stood on black rock.

"What the heck just happened?" Hunk asked.

"We've arrived." Lellal said, "This is the Dark Moon. This is where I was born."

We looked around and I was completely shocked by what I had seen. There was nothing on this moon. Just pure black rocks and no sign of life.

"Lellal, how did you survive on this planet?" Airimes asked, still shocked by the lifeless moon.

"It was because of perseverance and determination to see my sister once again." Lellal asked, "Follow me, I recognize this area. I'll lead you to my home on this moon."

We did as he told us and followed him across the dark moon's surface. I kept looking around, but kept seeing nothing but dark rocks and the starry sky above.

After a few minutes of walking, Lellal suddenly stopped.

"Lellal, what's the matter?" Draywool asked.

Just then, he began to sprint. We were shocked, but we ran as well, trying to keep up with the kid. Then, we saw it. A large cave carved into a large boulder.

"Mother! Father! I've returned!" Lellal shouted running even faster towards the cave.

We stopped in front of the cave, waiting for whoever would come out.

"Lellal? Is that really you?" A man's voice asked from inside the cave.

Then, they came. A woman holding a young girl in her arms, and a man carrying a young boy on his shoulders.

They came out of the cave and we were able to see them clearly.

The woman had long blue hair, much like Saoirse when she was in her Teshirian form. Her skin was pale, but healthy and she had bright blue eyes. Not as bright as Saoirse's, but they were very close. Her clothes were slightly tattered and the color had faded, but still wearable.

The man had short solver hair and dark skin, matching Saoirse's. His blue eyes matched Lellal's and just like the woman, his clothes were slightly tattered and faded.

The two kids were in the same shape when it came their clothes, all tattered and faded. But the boy had silver hair that faded to blue at the tips with golden eyes. He also had yellow Altean marks on his cheeks.

The little girl had white hair tied into a short ponytail with bright blue eyes and pink Altean markings on her cheeks.

This was really Saoirse's family.

"Lellal, my son, what are you doing back here?" Cires asked before taking a look at us, "Who are these people, Lellal?"

Lellal turned his body around and gestured at us while still looking at his family.

"Some of these people are from Teshiria clans, and the others are pilots of the Voltorn Lions. They're the paladins! Saoirse has come back home and she's ready to fight Grandfather!" Lellal said.

It took a moment for everything to finally sink into their minds. Siofra collpased to her knees, silent tears running down her cheeks.

"Is it true?" She whispered, "Is my daughter really back?"

I stepped forward, and nodded, "She's back. Saoirse has come back to free your planet ma'am."

Cires gently set down his son and stared at us.

"She really has come back to filfill her promise." He said smiling before kneeling down to embrace his wife and younger children.

They soon all began crying silently.

"I finally get to meet my sister." The daughter cried.

"I never thought this day would come. I finally get to see older sister!" The younger son said crying.

Allura pulled out the white crystal and clutched it tightly.

"We have to go now, then you'll see uour daughter once again." She said. The father and mother looked up and gasped at the sight of their long ago princess.

"Allura?!" They gasped.

"I can't believe it." The father gasped, "You've grown very much."

Allura smiled, walked closer to the couple and hugged them tightly.

"I never thought I'd see friends from Altea again." Allura said, sounding like she was about to cry.

They pulled away and she held out the crystal.

"Once we crush this, we will all be transported back to Teshiria. Are you ready?" She asked.

The small family nodded eith leftover tears in their eyes and wet tear stains on their cheeks.

"Take us to our daughter." The parents said and with a final nod, Allura smashed the crystal on the black ground, and in the blink of an eye, we were transported back to Teshiria, right where we were before.

"Where's Saoirse? Where's my daughter?" Siofra asked.

Lellal frowned and thrned towards his parents and younger siblings.

"She's preparing for the battle." He said. His parents gasped and his mother almost collapsed again.

"Does she know what that battle entails? The consequences-"

"She understands consequences perfectly." Shiro said, "But she cares more about the planet and the fate of her family and friends than herself. She would do anything to save those she cares about."

Cires chuckled, "I guess she gets that from me. I was always stubborn and selfless."

"Yes, you were very stubborn, and you still are." Siofra said chuckling as well.

"Mama, does this mean we have to wait to see big sister Saoirse?" The daughter asked.

Siofra nodded sadly, "I'm afraid you're correct, Nalira. We'll have to wait a little while longer."

"When will the battle take place?" Cires asked.

"Just before the Teshiria star alignment. She's going to take the Light of Teshiria." Lellal explained. Surprisingly, his parents were calm. But I knew that deep down, they expected this to happen.

They knew how strong their daughter was, and they knew in their hearts that she would win this.

"If you have returned, I shall escort you to a waiting room, where you shall stay until the battle is ready to begin." A voice said behind us. We turned around and saw the same woman from before. She thrned around and led us to a large room up a large light of stairs. She left us there and told us to wait for the stars to rise.

I looked out the window, and saw a large marble cut stage with places for many people to sit and watch. I guessed that that place was where Saoirse would be fighting.

And I would make sure I was there to cheer her on. It's the least I could do for her. After all.... I would do anything for her.


I was taken to a solitary room, where the servant told me to concentrate and strengthening my mind, soul and spirit. I already knew that I wasn't going to lose. I was determined not to lose this battle.

If I did, I would not only break my promise and lose my family, I would lose myself and the universe would lose the Silver Lion.

I waited in that room for hours, from the window I could see that the white sun was setting, staining the coming night sky with jewel colored sun rays.

I sat in the middle of the room, my Teshirian form being hidden until the battle. I wanted to save as much energy as I could for the fight.

Suddenly, a light came from my chest. I opened my eyss and saw the crystal Anielisa and Castielis gave me in my dream along with my Teshirian stone hanging around my neck.

I watched the crystal float above me as I slowly stood up. The crystal suddenly shattered above me and the dust formed two figures.

I recognized them right away, though they were all blue and transparent.

"I see you have finally returned, young angel." Castielis said.

I nodded, "I have, and I'm going to fight for the clan seat. My grandfather will no longer have control over innocent people."

The two smiled and me, reaching their hands our towards me. I took it as a sign tk stretch out my own hands and take theirs. So I did.

I gently placed my hands in theirs and immediately felt even stronger than before. I didn't know if it was their power flowing through me, but I felt very strong and I didn't want to let go.

"The crystal that was placed inside of you not only led you to Teshiria, keep you safe as you went through the barrier, and protect you on the way through the planet's atmosphere, but it also held a small portion of the Light of Teshiria. This will allow the Light to find you more easily while in battle. It shall come when it is needed." Anielisa explained.

I was confused by what she said, but somehow I was able to understand at least a little bit of what she said. The Light of Teshiria will find when it's needed. And at this point, I needed it for the battle.

I watched them smile as they vanished along with the crystal. Finally, the sun had almost set completely, and a knock came to my door.

"Yes?" I answered. The door slowly opened snd revealed two women from the Teshiri clan, one of them holding a set of clothes.

"Please, Lady Saoirse, change into these." One of them said, then handed me the set of clothes, "The battle shall be taking place in ten doboshes. Please make haste to change."

Then they left me alone to change.

I unfolded the outfit. It was pure white with only hints of sapphire blue and gold as accent colors. It was a long dress with slits on the sides where my legs could have been exposed. Thankfully, there were a pair of white pants and a gold pendant. It had the Teshiri clan crest carved into it.

I quickly changed into this new outfit and wrapped the pendant around my wrist, refusing to take off my Teshirian stone.

Ten minutes passed, and the clansmen came to get me. I was led through the halls and outside the clan house.

Finally I saw the starry night sky above me, but I paid no attention to it. I was led up a large flight of white stone stairs.

I didn't hesitate in any step I took. I was determined to battle. To defeat my grandfather.

It took a couple minutes to finally reach the top and there, I saw what the battle would be on.

A large white stone floor was under my bare feet, my grandfather standing in similar clothing across the floor, waiting for the battle to commence.

All around us were the quiet stares of several other clans and their members.

I walked onto the floor and faced my grandfather, we only came a couple feet from each other, but I could see the anger and malice in his eyes clearly as if I was standing a few centimeters from his face.

"Are you prepared to lose?" He asked.

"I am prepared to win." I replied, making him growl in anger.

"As I agreed, your family and friends are over there." He said pointing to the left.

I turned to where he was pointing and almost burst into tears at the sight of my family.

They were already crying, my friends and the other clans children smiling at me.

"You can do this Saoirse!" Keith shouted.

"We believe in you!" Lance shouted.

"Kick his butt!" Pidge yelled.

"Be careful and don't get hurt!" Hunk shouted.

"Defeat him!" Allura yelled.

"I know you can win!" Shiro yelled.

"Beat him, Older sister!" Lellal shouted.

"I know you can do it, big sister!" Reilo shouted in tears.

"Beat that mean man sissy!" Nalira shouted.

"Do it, Saoirse!" Mom yelled.

"Don't ever give up, no matter what, Saoirse!" Dad shouted.

I smiled at them then looked back at my grandfather.

A member of the Teshiri clan came up and stood in between the two of us.

"This is a battle approved by the Teshiri clan head, Thanis Teshiri, for the title of Teshiri clan head seat. Please, state your names and titles." He said.

"I am Thanis Teshiri, son of Josiae and Mariane Teshiri of Teshiria. Current head of the Teshiri Clan." My grandfather said.

"And you, young miss?"

I let my disguise fall, my wings fluttered behind me and my markings began to softly glow.

"I am Saoirse of Earth. Daughter of Cires and Siofra of Altea and Teshiria. Silver Lion Paladin and member of the Voltron Coalition." I stated, receiving many gasps and whispers from the crowd around us.

"Before we begin, have either of you been forced into accepting this battle?"

My grandfather and I shook our heads no.

"Very well then. Then we shall begin. Please kneel and present the gold pendants."

We did as the man said and knelt down before presenting the gold pendants we had.

"By the grace of the stars and the Light of Teshiria, I declare this battle approved. This battle shall being taking place on the mental plane. You are able to create any weapon of your choosing, however, you are not able to kill on the mental plane. Violation of this will result in removal of the clan standing and banishment to the Dark Moon. You may begin when ready."

The man walked off the stage and immediately, the gold pendants began to shine brightly. I closed my eyes and felt my body become light.

Slowly, I opened my eyes again, seeing only a large space covered in stars. I looked down at my hands and saw them glowing white.

"Are you ready?" Grandfather asked. I looked up at him and saw him holding his sword in hand.

I reached out my hand and visualized my spear. It immediately formed in my hand and I was ready.

I was going to defeat my grandfather and I was going to save this planet. After all...


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