Are You the One for Me ?

By dvlk2117

314K 12.8K 4.9K

*** COMPLETED *** 💕 "You are pregnant and you are coming from the clinic." Hunter stated in an emotionless t... More

A/N: Before You Read!!
A/N : AYTOFM Cast Set I
A/N : AYTOFM Songs!!
AYTOFM Prologue - Trust vs Insecurities!
Chapter 1: 'I do' - Promise!!
Chapter 2: Amelia & Evelyn
Chapter 3 : Elijah & Olivia
Chapter 4: Dress, Ring & Cake
Chapter 5: Skate With Me - Face Powder
Chapter 6: Meet My Sandal !!
Chapter 7 : Basic Needs of Life!!
Chapter 8: Momma's Little Warriors!!
Chapter 9: I Love You!!
Chapter 10: My Angel has a face now!!
Chapter 11: 100% Dramatic Daddy!! ;)
Chapter 12 : Our Picture Perfect Family !!
Chapter 13: Lucas and Zoey ;) !!
Chapter 14: What did 'I' do to deserve 'you'??
Chapter 15: Parents' love is always SELFLESS!!
Chapter 16: The Beauty and The Beast!!
Chapter 17: Playing your own 'Death Game'!!
Chapter 18: I want a normal - simple LIFE!!
Chapter 19: Pills or Condoms??
Chapter 20: All the best Momma!!
Chapter 21: 'Objection' My Lord!!
Chapter 22: Embossed Watermark!!
Chapter 23: Tampered or True?
Chapter 24: Web of Lies!!
Chapter 25: DNA TESTS??
Chapter 26: Who gave you the Right??
Chapter 27: Such an Erotic Lover!!
Chapter 28: Will You Marry Me??
Chapter 29: Who Framed 'MY' WIFE?
Chapter 30: You always have a choice!!
Chapter 31: Till 'I' found 'you'
Chapter 32: Wedding Night or Morning?
Chapter 34: My '3' Requests to you both!!
Chapter 35: True Soul Mates !!!
A/N : Fun Time with AYTOFM Characters!!
Cover Request
A/N : Thank you ;) !!
A/N: Thank You!
A / N : Thank You!!
A / N : Thank You!!

Chapter 33: From, the BUMP!!

5.3K 260 71
By dvlk2117

Hello All! 

Here is the next chapter!!



They had not been to any honeymoon after their wedding considering there were only 3 days left for the school to start. As decided, the couple had joined Elijah and Olivia in the elder ones school. Christopher would drop them and Aria would pick them up from school. Whenever he was busy she would take up that responsibility too. However, Enzo, their driver was always present for Aria and the kids. Yes, soon after their marriage, Christopher gifted Aria a car which of course she could ride on her own but even otherwise; Enzo was always there as the driver and also as their bodyguard.

** A few months later **

"Yeah, okay Mr. Solano! We can verify the terms and conditions again. I want the best quote for that." Christopher said while making his way out of their closet only in his black trousers and white shirt. He bent his head a little to support his phone between his ear and his shoulder while his hands were setting his belt into the belt loops of his trousers.

"Yeah, I can understand your concern but yes, I need this project to be done at the earliest." He said while pacing around their room and stopped when he saw her reflection in the mirror. She looked gorgeous as ever. She was standing at the door with his coffee in her hands and flashing him a wide good morning smile while he smiled back at her immediately and blew a kiss at her. With their eyes locked with each other, she made her way towards him.

"Yes! I will be there in an hour so we can discuss the intricate details of this project." He said while grabbing the coffee cup she had offered and mouthed 'thank you sweetheart' to which she replied back mouthing 'you're welcome!'

Looking at his attire, she understood he must have got this call while he was in their closet. So, while her husband was still busy talking to the person on phone, she made her way inside the closet to grab his waist coat. Christopher was a man who always preferred waist coat over a coat. As expected, his black waist coat was already resting on the chair. But understanding that he would be attending some business meeting, she simply pulled out his coat as well and grabbed a matching tie from the tie rack.

He was still busy on phone while sipping his coffee every now and then. She smiled to herself looking at how hardworking he was. She quietly made her way towards the bed and placed his clothes on it. She was just about to move away when he grabbed her wrist stunning her for a second. He was still talking on phone but his gaze was fixed on her pretty face. He gently pulled her towards him and dipped his head a little capturing her lips with his own while hearing the conversation from the other side of his phone. He released her lips when he had to talk and this little smooch did make her blush.

Even though they had been married for nearly four months now, she was still a little shy about their intimacy. Even though he almost made love to her every day and every night, she still felt a little shy around him. Leave it to her, and she won't even undress in front of him!!

When he tried to kiss her again she simply pushed him and made her way towards the bathroom leaving her husband who was busy shamelessly gawking at her.

** A few minutes later **

"Sweetheart! I need to make a move! Are you coming out? I am getting late and i am waiting for your goodbye kiss!" Christopher said in a louder tone while banging on the washroom door a little. Aria flinched a little hearing his voice and looked at the closed door. She has been standing in front of the mirror in their bathroom for a few minutes now. There was a brand new pregnancy test kit in her hands which she was yet to open and use but her impatient husband interrupted her. Thinking it would be best to check it once he leaves; she opened the bathroom drawer and put back the kit saying "Yeah, I'll be out in a minute!" She closed the drawer and looked back at her own reflection in the mirror whispering 'Everything will be fine Aria!!'

"You could have left. It's okay if you don't kiss me for a day. I can survive. You have a meeting scheduled." She said once she opened the bathroom door and saw him still standing near the edge of the door. To anyone it would appear as if he was trying to listen to what she was doing in there.

"But I can't survive without your kisses baby!" He said pulling her into his arms and kissing her cheeks making her blush at him while he said "Now, kiss me! I need all my energy out there to work!"

"You are something Christopher!" She said in a slow tone feeling totally shy while he nodded his head in 'yes' and raised her head a little cupping her chin with his thumb and index finger saying, "Yeah, I know! Now, kiss me and save me from the torture!!"

"Are you feeling okay darling?" He asked while cupping her cheeks when he had released her lips to breathe a little. She appeared a lot tired and drained out of energy for two days straight and since this morning she looked paler. He even cut down on their love making sessions when he started observing how tired she was. But it looked like nothing helped!

"Yes, I am!" She replied with a small smile on her face. She was not. Her head was spinning and she so wanted to hit the bed and sleep for a long – long time. Knowing what might be the reason she knew she had to get it confirmed at least. She didn't want to tell him yet. She wanted to be sure herself first and if things were as she thought, she wanted to give him the best surprise. Because she believed he deserved it.

"You clearly look unwell sweetheart!" He said while stroking her cheeks tenderly while she just nodded her head in 'no' saying, "No, I am absolutely fine. It's just that I am... I am a bit tired." Telling him that she was tired would be a better option. He would believe that and ask her to take lots and lots of rest like the last two days. At least then once he leaves, she can check her pregnancy status and probably visit a doctor too. He was already a very busy and a hardworking man, she didn't want to add more load on his shoulders.

"Aria I am not a kid. I know the difference between 'just tired' and 'being unwell'. Tell me what's wrong?" He asked in a firm tone and she felt really touched at his concern. Oh wow! What a lucky girl she was to get such a caring human as her husband!

"Christopher! Believe me, I am fine!" She said sounding a bit more firm so that he would buy it but no her husband was even more adamant than her.

He picked her up a little and made her sit on the bed totally ignoring her pleas and gasps. He pulled out his phone from his pant pocket and dialled a number.

"David, could you please cancel my meeting with Mr. Solano!" He said while looking at his wife who was now looking back at him with wide questioning eyes. He ignored it and listened to the person who was talking at the other end of the phone.

"What are you doing?" She asked in a soft whisper while throwing her hands in the air.

"Yeah, it's urgent! I have a medical emergency at my house. Thank you!" He said in a firm tone and cut the call while she gasped and cupped her pretty mouth with her palms. Her eyes were wide as saucers and said "Christopher! You can't do that!"

"I just did that honey!" He said while taking off his coat which was not needed anymore as he had cancelled the so-called business meeting. He bent on his knees and held her waist while she placed her palm over his cheek and said "I am fine!! Really!"


"Yeah! Now, please go and attend your meeting." She said but he interrupted her saying, "Nothing is important than you Aria!"

"You made a deal with him Christopher!" She said trying to make a point but he interrupted her saying, "That's right, I made a deal with him. But I made deal with you too! That I will be with you always. No matter what!! I am not going to leave you alone like this."

His little statement touched her heart and tears formed in her eyes. She didn't care about any surprises anymore. All she wanted was for him to be happy because he deserved to be happy.

"Christopher... Can I please go to the washroom?"

"Of course baby!"

** A few minutes later **

She tiptoed out of their bathroom into their closet not to gain his attention and for some good reason he was busy looking out of the window and she grabbed this little chance to slip into the closet like a little girl trying to hide.

She opened the closet drawer and pulled out a box that contained the special gift which she bought a month back in 'baby and momma' store. It was a small gift but it made her feel so happy and connected with it the instant her eyes landed on it.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror and thought while clutching them over her chest tightly, 'you can do this Aria!'

** A few minutes later **


"Yes sweetheart?"

"Are you okay? You took a lot of time in the washroom. Is everything okay?" He asked in a genuinely worried tone while cupping her cheeks in his large manly hands.

"Yes I am fine and I clearly know what happened to me." She said almost choking on her tears that started to form in her eyes thinking about her last pregnancy and this pregnancy. What a huge difference!

"What's wrong sweetheart? Why are you crying?" He asked in a hurried tone while his face etched worry and horror at the same time.

"I'm..." She couldn't even form a single word so; she chose to give him this little gift she bought a month back to use in future.

"What's this?"

"Read it you genius!" She rolled her eyes and said in a tearful chuckle while he kept looking at her totally confused.

He wrapped his one arm around her waist and started reading the little heart shaped card;

P.S.: Christopher is going to be a DAD!!

"I can't wait to meet you DADDY! I love you already. From... From the bump!" He read in one go because he genuinely wanted to know what was wrong with his wife and he had no interest in this little love card.

"Okay now that I have read it will you tell me what is going... Oh my god! Wait a second!" He said in a louder tone when the little realization hit him.

"I can't wait to meet you DADDY! I love you already. From the bump! The bump!" He read the card all over again but this time with full concentration and a wide smile on his face. For a moment she bound to think how she once expected Hunter to be happy on learning about her pregnancy. No matter how much ever she moved on, the way he insulted her that day was still fresh in her mind and heart. But one look at her husband, Christopher, she knew everything happens for a reason!!

"Are you serious Aria?" He asked in a highly ecstatic tone while shaking her vigorously and she broke into a tearful laughter and nodded her head in 'yes'.

"I AM GONNA BE A DAD? Really?" He asked and before she could reply she picked her up and whirled her around.

"Christopher, you can't do such acts now. We have to be a little careful." She said when he let her stand on her feet again.

He looked at her sheepishly and ran his fingers in his hair and said "I know and I so sorry that I couldn't control at all!"

"I know honey!" She said while softly smiling at him. "Come here!" He said while pulling her gently towards him and hugging her. He dropped a few kisses on her head and said how much he loved her while she tucked her face in her husband's chest.

He broke their hug suddenly and got on his one knee. He looked at her and kissed her belly with love and utmost care.

"Hi baby! I am your dad! You mother and I are so excited to meet you. Oh and not to forget, your siblings will be so happy when they will hear about you. Your mother is such a great human that anyone will love her. She is the loveliest person I have ever met. So promise me not to trouble her while you're in there. Be daddy's good little baby and take care of you momma. I will be talking to you a lot. But once you are out from there we both are going to spend so much time together sweetheart. Since you are cosily sleeping inside your mother's body, I will be sending all my love to you through her. Tell me if she doesn't deliver it properly. I am so eager to meet you my baby! We all love you and I, your dad, love you a bit more!!! I love you sweetheart!!"

P.S.: You gotta imagine that her bump is still not visible! I couldn't get any other picture. LOL!!

"Oh Christopher!" She said while chocking a little while he just stood up and said "I love you so much sweetheart! I am never going to let you or our kids down."

He hugged his wife protectively while she broke into a few more happy tears thanking god for sending Christopher as her soul mate!!


P.S.: Extremely Sorry For the Grammatical Errors!


I will thank everyone tomorrow. 

Much Love!

Manasa DVLK!!!

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