Secret Town

By Creator_Girllll

776 122 12

You know that one town where nothing bad ever happens? Well, after a tragedy hits it can only go downhill fro... More

Chapter 1... The Wake
Chapter 2... Sleeping with a Broken Heart
Chapter 3... Detective Russo
Chapter 4.... Charge
Chapter 5... The Breakdown
Chapter 6... Under the Influence
Chapter 7... A Secret for a Secret
Chapter 8... The Nutcase Driver
Chapter 9... The Aftermath
Chapter 10... Swing
Chapter 11... The Sleepover
Chapter 12... Leaked
Chapter 13... The Perfect Plan
Chapter 14... False Advertisement
Chapter 15... Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Chapter 16... Mocha and Murder
Chapter 17... The Fall Ball (Part 1)
Chapter 18... The Fall Ball (Part 2)
Chapter 19... Kisses
Chapter 20... Hide
Chapter 21... Raid
Chapter 22... Locked Up
Chapter 23... Cherry
Chapter 24... The Visit
Chapter 25... Truth
Chapter 26... The After Party
Chapter 27... Cristiano
Chapter 28... Twenty-four Hours
Chapter 29... Boss
Chapter 30... Release
Chapter 31... Date
Chapter 32... Surprise
Chapter 33... Prison
Chapter 34... Out
Chapter 36... Ghost
Chapter 37... Out
Chapter 38... Locked Up
Chapter 39... Forgiveness
Chapter 40... Defeat
Chapter 41... Don Leon

Chapter 35... William's Confession

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By Creator_Girllll

(Cristiano's POV)
"...You're a  member of the Italian Mafia."

Those words, I hadn't meant for Madison to hear them so soon. I had planned to ease her into it over time. I scanned her face to read her. She looked stunned, confused, but overall she seemed to be in utter and complete disbelief.

"Governor Banks ordered a hit on Detective... I mean Cristiano Leon's brother, Alessandro, after a business deal gone bad and Cristiano is here to avenge his brother's death by killing Mason!"

Madison's eyes popped out of her head like a cartoon character. "But Mason's already dead. I killed him, remember!"

"Except you didn't." Carter continued. "You beat him unconscious then Cristiano and his goons kidnapped him."

Madison shook her head. "No... no. You're wrong!"

"I'm right." Carter signaled at me. "Just ask him. Ask him who he really is and why he's really here."

Madison looked at me, a hurt look in her eyes. "Angelo..."

"Don't call me that!" She shouted, her breathing heavy. "Who are you and why are you here?"

I lowered my head. "I'm Cristiano Leon, son of Don Luca Leon, one of the most prominent mafia leaders in the world." Madison held her chest as though she were out of breath. "I came to coerce your father into letting my father in on his illegal organ trade business."

"And you're also here to kill Mason. Don't forget that part!" Carter inserted.

I rolled my eyes. "Look, I didn't hurt Mason and I didn't hurt him because I knew that meant I would be hurting you."

"But you hurt her anyway by letting her believe she killed him!" Carter added.

"Would you shut the fuck up!" I made a disgusted face.

"Why? Because I'm the one telling her the whole truth?"

"Because it's none of your damn business! How do you even know any of this?"

"Remember when I threatened to hire a private investigator? Well, as soon as I got out of prison- which by the way, I'm suing you for- I did exactly what I said I was going to do. I hired one and man, I could not believe the shit he reported back to me!" A smug laugh escaped Carter's mouth and I wanted to punch him in it. "So were you using Madison to get to her father? Did you pretend to like her so you could get some black pussy and get under his skin?"

"Don't be stupid," I seethed.

"Is he stupid though?" Madison asked. "Because after everything I just heard, I don't find it hard to believe that you would use me to get to my dad."

"Madison, you know I would never do that to you!"

"No, I don't know that. What I do know, is that you're a liar."

"Madison, Mason is alive because I love you."

She looked taken aback by my words. "Mason is alive?" She repeated, softly.

"Yes, he is."

"And you love... love me?"

"I do. More than I thought I could love anybody."

She shook her head. "Why are you lying? Your secret's out, you don't have to pretend anymore!"

"I'm not pretending, Madison!"

"How could you say you love me but lie to me the way you did? How could oh say you love me but allow me to believe that my twin brother was dead and that I killed him? How could you?" The tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"I was going to tell you eventually."

"Eventually? I deserved to know from the start! I went through hell thinking I was a murderer!" She sniffed. "So let me guess. You were the one that tried to run me over that day on the lacrosse field? And you were the one that broke in here and tried to strangle me in my sleep?"

"Those weren't me. I'd never hurt you!"

She flew over to me and slapped me. "But you did hurt me! You lied!" I held my face in the spot where she'd hit me. I guess I deserved that. "Did you plant the tire iron and the note?"

I shook my head. "Not me."

"So who the fuck was it?"

"I'm still trying to figure that out..."

"It was me," yet another voice chimed in. We all looked up and saw William hovering over the opening of the bunker.

"You?" I asked feeling, betrayed. Will was like a brother to me- la mia famiglia.

"Your father was concerned that you wouldn't successfully complete your mission because he'd gotten word that you fancied the Governor's daughter. So, he asked me to handle it. I didn't want to hurt the princess and betray you but I couldn't go against Don Leon's orders either."

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. I didn't know what to think of Will's explanation. On one hand, I understood not going against the Don but he should've told me. His loyalty should've been to me. He looked at me.

"I'm sorry, bro."

"You don't get to call me bro. You tried to kill the love of my life!"

"At the time, I thought it was just a crush and that you would've gotten over it. But the night I choked her, you invited her over to our place and you cared for her so lovingly, your feelings became abundantly clear. That's why I hadn't made any more attempts on her life after that. I didn't want to do that to you."

I didn't want to hear that bullshit story, I grabbed my gun from my side and shot at him three times. He dodged each bullet. His punk ass had the nerve to run.

"Come back here!" I shouted.

"You would really kill your own best friend?" Madison shouted.

"Hell yeah, I would. He put his hands on you, Madison!"

"Yeah. I was the victim and I don't even want him dead! How could you want to take another's life, so easily?"

I knitted my brows at her. "You think this is easy? I'm willing to take out the man who's been like a brother to me, for you!"

"Revenge doesn't solve shit, Cristiano!" She yelled.

Carter squeezed her arm. "Don't anger him. He may shoot you too."

"Once again, shut the fuck up!"

"Don't you dare talk to him that way!" Madison warned.

I was a bit shocked that she back talked me. She was standing up to me. I liked it. She was becoming stronger. I was proud of her. I put my gun back on my waist.

"Can we please just go somewhere and talk things out?" I asked.

"I'm not going anywhere with you!"

"Madison please!"

"No Cristiano!"

"Not even if I promise to take you to see Mason?" She paused.

Carter shook his head. "Don't let him manipulate you."

I swear I'm going to pump you full of holes if you don't shut your fucking mouth."

"Go ahead. Give Madison more reason to hate you!"

"Carter, stop it," Madison said, yanking her arm away from him. "I want you to take me straight to him."

She walked toward me and Carter grabbed her arm again. "Don't go with him. He's going to hurt you!"

Madison yanked her arm away again. I grabbed her and embraced her. She didn't push me away but she didn't hug me back either. I'd be lying if I said that didn't hurt.

"Just take me to my brother."

I nodded. "Right away Princess."

I helped her up and out of the bunker then I got out as well. When I was back above ground, I noticed my men were laid out on the floor coughing and moaning. There was something in the air, something that made my eyes tingle.

"It's tear gas," Carter said, exiting the bunker as well. "That's how I got in."

"How did you get it?" I asked.

"The Governor favors me. How do you think?"

I covered Madison's nose and mouth with my hand and ran with her out the front door. The minute we got out, I noticed Carter right behind us. I ignored him and put Madison in the front seat of my Lambo. That's when Carter proceeded to get into the back seat.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"I'm not letting you go anywhere alone with Madison. I'm going to."

"The hell you are..."

"Cristiano, let him come."

I rolled my eyes. If I weren't trying to get back in Madison's good graces I would've shot that kid by now. We both got into my car and I sped off. Mason, here we come.

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