
By orbajomadness

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Sometimes, you have to find love in the darkest places. More

Familiar Darkness
Fucked Up Teeth
Concrete Plans
Ideal Saturday Afternoon
My Name is Nothing
How Strange, Innocence
First with a Growl, Then With a Roar
Damsel in Distress
First Impressions
My Captor, My Savior, My Princess
Fight or Flight
This is Our Time


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By orbajomadness

My father just HAD to be rich and influential, didn't he? He just HAD to have a daughter who would grow up in his shadow, never seen as anything more than an avenue to get to him. I just HAD to be that daughter... 

I think about this often. Sometimes I think about it when I'm just out in public and people treat me like royalty in an attempt to get me to put in a good word to my dad. Sometimes I think about it when I'm going to sleep, or trying to go to sleep as five different bodyguards come in to check on me. 

And sometimes I think about it when I'm tied to a chair in a basement in who-knows-fucking-where, like right now. 

I woke up here.  

I vaguely remember the bodyguard who raised a 2×4 piece of wood over my head and brought it down with alarming force while I was laying down in bed. But that's the last thing I remember. 

I wonder if he thought he was killing me, or if he knew just the right amount of force to knock a nineteen year old girl out? 

I suppose I should be asking more important questions like WHY one of my own bodyguards hired by my father would do this to me. But the truth is, I didn't care. These are the types of things I had nightmares and paranoid ideas about all my life. This was gonna happen eventually. I'm not really sure why it was happening NOW, but I guess maybe I'd find that out. 

Maybe my dad fucked someone over like he explained to me he 'had to do sometimes'. At this point all I could do was speculate, because here alone in this musty room which I assumed was a basement because of the two sets of steps leading upwards, no one was gonna explain anything to me. 

My hands were bound with something I couldn't quite place, but it wasn't rope or something cliché like that that you see in the movies. They were tied with whatever it was behind me in between the supports of the chair. My legs were bound and tied as well to the bottom support.  

I was still wearing the small white shirt and pink satin pajama pants that I was wearing when I was in bed, back home. My butt was already cold; whatever this chair was made of, it was sturdy and freezing. 

After a few moments of the inevitable struggle coupled with the unrealistic instinct that one could escape, I discovered my range of movement was sparse. I could slightly move my hands as one unit behind me, couldn't move my legs at all, and I could- if I wanted- get a metallic burn on my ass from shifting back and forth on the seat of the chair. My feet were also cold, since they were bare and resting on the concrete floor. 

Oddly enough, my mouth wasn't gagged or anything like that that you'd expect in this type of scenario. I guess I almost anticipated it would be, because I had made no attempt in the last several minutes to talk. And why would I? No one was here to talk to.  

"HELLLLLLLP!" I shouted, by obligation. I didn't think any 'help' would come, but it seemed the right thing to do in a time like this. 

Wouldn't you know it - none did. 

I tried to turn my head to see what was binding my hands. In the scant lighting the room provided, all I could tell was that it had a shine to it. Was it metal of some kind? If only I were an owl, I could turn my head all the way around and see. Or that possessed girl from the Exorcist. 

I tried, but the laws of anatomy stayed the same, and I was unable to get a good look at what it was. So I looked back straight ahead and surveyed the room more. 

The lighting - provided by a single dim fluorescent bulb in the center of the ceiling - didn't reveal much. I could see what might be a bench or a table directly in front of me, the stairs were on my left side, and to the right... a toilet. 

Well, at least they were hospitable captors, whoever they were... 

The room other than those three things was fairly small and bare. I'd guess maybe fifteen by fifteen feet in general area. 

I heard a door open, presumably at the top of the steps, and a little more light leaked into the room. It was gone when the door closed and I heard footsteps start to descend. 

"Well, well, well... Selena Weiss, I presume?" It was a man's voice, with a British accent. Interesting choice for the villain type, I always assumed the British to be so polite... 

I couldn't see what he looked like. He had stopped climbing down the steps. 

I decided to be the action movie badass and say nothing. 

"Pity. If you're not ready to talk I can come back in an hour?" 

My action movie badass resolve broke. 

"Where am I?!" I shouted, pathetically. 

"You... appear to be in a basement." The voice said, sarcastically. 

"Who are you???" I tried a different question. 

I heard him click his tongue. "What is it with you captive types? YOU'RE the ones tied up and helpless, yet you seem to think you can just get any answers you want, hmm? Well that's not how it works." 

I groaned. "What the hell do you want from me, then?" 

He laughed. "Just a little of your time, that's all." 

I already wanted to knock this guy out - assuming I had the ability to do such a thing even IF I wasn't bound like I was. 

"What do you want to know? Something about my father I assume?! I'll tell you anything, I rarely see him anyway!" 

"I'm terribly sorry, Ms. Weiss, there's nothing you could tell us that would benefit us. It's very much up to your father's cooperation. How long do you think it will take him to notice you are missing, I wonder?" 

"He's not even in the country right now! Goddamnit, he won't be back for a few days!" 

"Adorable how you think this would be new to me. Of course I know he's gone. Why else do you think we picked today to bring you here?" 

"I don't fucking know. I don't know who you even are!" Now I was getting pissed at this asshole's snide comments. 

I heard steps begin again. Oh no, they were going up! He was leaving! 

"Now, now... yelling and cursing is not gonna help anyone. Shall I leave until you calm down?" 


"I'm flattered, however I see no other reason to be down here any longer. Frankly it's kind of depressing." I heard him chuckle. 

"What do you want me to do?! What do you mean you want a little of my time?" 


It surprised me, he seemed like a soft spoken smartass before. Now I heard his authority. 

"If there is something we want you to say, trust me, we will get you to say it when the time comes." His voice calmed down. 

I heard him begin to ascend the steps again. "You really should tell your father to pay the bodyguards more handsomely. It was far too easy to bribe one to knock out the very one they was supposed to protect." 

I couldn't help wonder what amount of money they'd bribed the guard with, to overrule the consequences they'd face once my father found out about it. But it must have been a lot. 

I didn't have a response to this. I mean, I did, but it was another question which I assumed I'd get yelled at for, so I chose not to respond. 

I heard the steps grow fainter, which must have meant he was near the top. 

"Wait!" I shouted at him, a combination of not wanting him to leave me alone again and the feeling in my lower body signaling I had to relieve myself. 

"For what?" He called back, unconcerned. 

"I have to pee! How am I supposed to do that when I'm tied up like this?!" 

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! I forgot that I was room service, Ms. Weiss! I solely exist to make your stay while CAPTURED as pleasant as possible!" His voice dripped with sarcasm. "Shall I come untie you so you can do that, is that what you'd like?" 

God, this guy was a fucking asshole... 

"Well I assumed that's what the toilet was for?"  

"It's brilliant, isn't it? You WOULD think that, seeing it there, wouldn't you? Unfortunately, it's not hooked up to any kind of plumbing, so it's quite pointless." 

"What... what do you mean...?" I stammered, beginning to realize what he meant, but not wanting to accept it. 

"You know, I'm glad you brought this up. Maybe I can see if I can have someone bring you a bucket or something. It probably won't be till tomorrow though. It's not exactly high on my priorities, you know?" He laughed. 

"So what the fuck am I suppose to do, piss myself?!" 

"No no, not at all! You can hold it for as long as you are able, then I suppose it won't really be a choice anymore and the problem will work itself out, yeah?" 

"FUCK YOU!" I screamed at him. 

"I already have a girlfriend, Ms. Weiss, as tempting as that offer is. Good day to you!" I heard the door close. 

This was starting to become real in my mind. I couldn't play any of it off anymore. I was really being held captive. 

My father wouldn't be back for a few days. I knew when he did come back he'd make every effort to find me. So I had to endure this for a few days at most. 

A few days... 

I didn't know how long I'd been down here since I'd been awake, it couldn't have been more than an hour. 

But what did that jackoff mean by all he wanted was a little of my time? Did that have any significance whatsoever? Or was he just being a dick? 

I rocked back and forth on the chair, futilely. I wasn't gonna get out of this. 

A few days was a long fucking time to spend like this. 

I already wanted to find that guard who'd betrayed me for money and cut his fucking balls off. He was probably smart and left the country. My father would be able to find him though. 

Ridiculous what some people would do for money, wasn't it? I wonder if they told him what I'd be subjected to after he conked me over the head with the 2×4? I'd like to think they didn't. 

The more I tried to think about NOT thinking about how I had to pee, the more I thought about it. It hadn't even been that long. But something about having nothing else to think about and being stuck in this small space made it infinitely harder. 

I wouldn't. I'd held it for a long time in the past when I had to. I'd do the same thing again.  

A few days though. 


I tried to close my eyes and sleep. It didn't work.  

I tried to move around. It didn't work. 

They could at least put a clock down here. I had no idea how much time had passed or what time of day it was. How long had I been knocked out? It had happened at night, so was it still night? There were no windows or openings of any kind that would have shown light down here, anyway. 

I began to hate my father for bringing this on me. If he wasn't so famous in his line of work, this would have never happened. I wouldn't need bodyguards. Bodyguard wouldn't betray me. I wouldn't be tied to a fucking chair somewhere desperately trying not to piss myself. 

If he didn't cheat on my mom she'd still be around and she'd notice me being gone too. Maybe if she stuck around they would have had another kid, so I had a sibling to notice my absence. But none of that happened. It was just me and him. 

Just then I realized there'd be a different bodyguard charged with my care the following day. They'd surely notice my absence and report it to him. Maybe he'd come home early. I liked to think he would. 

That would be tomorrow night then right? Or maybe TONIGHT, if it was day time now? But even then, he'd have to fly back overseas to get here which would take half a day by itself. It was starting to look like in an optimal scenario it'd be two days before I was rescued. 

God, I had to piss. Why couldn't it just go away? If I had something to distract my mind from it I could make it. But there was nothing. Just goddamn me, myself, and I in this small stupid room. 

This would be the point where the door opened and someone came down to help me with this situation, in a perfect world. Maybe that's what would happen in the movies. 

But this wasn't a perfect world or the movies. This was the REAL world. Terrible things happened everyday and people liked to remain ignorant to it.  

Hell, there was probably a happy family somewhere nearby completely oblivious that there was a girl who was being held prisoner in a basement a mere few doors down. They'd be eating dinner at the table, the father would tell the mother what a wonderful meal she'd cooked. The parents would ask their kids how their day at school was. One kid would give an elaborate account of how he gave his oral report flawlessly and received top marks. They'd smile. The other kid would try to up the ante as kids did, and say she won the science fair. 

Realistically, my father was probably bending over some bimbo in a hotel room in another country right now as he did so often, also completely oblivious that his daughter was in danger. If he did wonder about my current state, he'd reassure himself everything was fine because she had bodyguards. 

This whole thing when it ended would be a valuable lesson for him that you can't just solve everything with money. Sometimes your daughter actually needs to be kept safe by YOU, not someone you hired because it was easier. 

Father of the fuckin' year. 

Still throughout all these realizations, my body still needed to relieve itself. I shouldn't have drank that soda before I got in bed. Never again, in case I got abducted again. Who else has to worry about this shit? 

I waited for a while after, who knows how long it was. Why was I waiting? No one was coming. It's like the brit asshole said, eventually it won't be a choice anymore and the problem will work itself out. 

I loved these pajama pants though, they were my favorite. 

It didn't matter. There was no way I could last two days like this. 

I closed my eyes and thought of my situation: the futility of waiting for someone to come save me right now. It wasn't long before tears welled up in my eyes and began to leak down my face. 

I felt liquids run down my leg and I sobbed.

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